
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To present the expression of calsyntenin-1 (Clstn1) in the brain and investigate the potential mechanism of Clstn1 in lithium-pilocarpine rat seizure models. Thirty-five male SD adult rats were induced to have seizures by intraperitoneal injection of lithium chloride pilocarpine. Rats exhibiting spontaneous seizures were divided into the epilepsy (EP) group (n = 15), whereas those without seizures were divided into the control group (n = 14). Evaluate the expression of Clstn1 in the temporal lobe of two groups using Western blotting, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence. Additionally, 55 male SD rats were subjected to status epilepticus (SE) using the same induction method. Rats experiencing seizures exceeding Racine\'s level 4 (n = 48) were randomly divided into three groups: SE, SE + control lentivirus (lentiviral vector expressing green fluorescent protein [LV-GFP]), and SE + Clstn1-targeted RNA interference lentivirus (LV-Clstn1-RNAi). The LV-GFP group served as a control for the lentiviral vector, whereas the LV-Clstn1-RNAi group received a lentivirus designed to silence Clstn1 expression. These lentiviral treatments were administered via hippocampal stereotactic injection 2 days after SE induction. Seven days after SE, Western blot analysis was performed to evaluate the expression of Clstn1 in the hippocampus and temporal lobe. Meanwhile, we observed the latency of spontaneous seizures and the frequency of spontaneous seizures within 8 weeks among the three groups. The expression of Clstn1 in the cortex and hippocampus of the EP group was significantly increased compared to the control group (p < .05). Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence showed that Clstn1 was widely distributed in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats, and colocalization analysis revealed that it was mainly co expressed with neurons in the cytoplasm. Compared with the SE group (11.80 ± 2.17 days) and the SE + GFP group (12.40 ± 1.67 days), there was a statistically significant difference (p < .05) in the latency period of spontaneous seizures (15.14 ± 2.41 days) in the SE + Clstn1 + RNAi group rats. Compared with the SE group (4.60 ± 1.67 times) and the SE + GFP group (4.80 ± 2.05 times), the SE + Clstn1 + RNAi group (2.0 ± .89 times) showed a significant reduction in the frequency of spontaneous seizures within 2 weeks of chronic phase in rats (p < .05). Elevated Clstn1 expression in EP group suggests its role in EP onset. Targeting Clstn1 may be a potential therapeutic approach for EP management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deranged lipid homeostasis has been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. Cholesterol reducing compounds such as statins have received special attention for the possibility that they may be able to ameliorate or prevent cognitive loss associated with neurodegeneration. However, there is much dissension concerning the actual effect of statins on cognitive function. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of pitavastatin on hippocampal synaptogenesis because the hippocampus is crucial for memory formation. We also evaluated the effects of pitavastatin on local hippocampal estrogen synthesized in the hippocampus itself and its effect on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Using a hippocampal cell line, H19-7, we found that hippocampal neurons exposed to pitavastatin demonstrate a significant reduction in the synaptic marker postsynaptic density protein 95 (psd-95). The pitavastatin treated neurons also exhibited decreased production of local estrogen and their expression of BDNF mRNA was decreased. These results suggest that statins reduce the ability of hippocampal neurons to form synapses by restricting the production of local estrogen. Because neural connections in the hippocampus are crucial for memory formation, our findings implicate statins as medications that may compromise cognitive function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The morphology of dendritic spines, the postsynaptic compartment of most excitatory synapses, decisively modulates the function of neuronal circuits as also evident from human brain disorders associated with altered spine density or morphology. Actin filaments (F-actin) form the backbone of spines, and a number of actin-binding proteins (ABP) have been implicated in shaping the cytoskeleton in mature spines. Instead, only little is known about the mechanisms that control the reorganization from unbranched F-actin of immature spines to the complex, highly branched cytoskeleton of mature spines. Here, we demonstrate impaired spine maturation in hippocampal neurons upon genetic inactivation of cyclase-associated protein 1 (CAP1) and CAP2, but not of CAP1 or CAP2 alone. We found a similar spine maturation defect upon overactivation of inverted formin 2 (INF2), a nucleator of unbranched F-actin with hitherto unknown synaptic function. While INF2 overactivation failed in altering spine density or morphology in CAP-deficient neurons, INF2 inactivation largely rescued their spine defects. From our data we conclude that CAPs inhibit INF2 to induce spine maturation. Since we previously showed that CAPs promote cofilin1-mediated cytoskeletal remodeling in mature spines, we identified them as a molecular switch that control transition from filopodia-like to mature spines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs evolutionary conserved molecules. They regulate cellular processes, including RNA silencing, post-translational gene expression and neurodegeneration. MicroRNAs are involved with human diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) and others. Interestingly, cerebrospinal fluids (CSF) and the blood of AD patients have altered expressions of many RNAs, which may serve as potential peripheral biomarkers. The intensive investigation from our lab revealed that microRNA-455-3 P (miR-455-3p) is a strong candidate as a potential biomarker and therapeutic target for AD. Several genes implicated in the pathogenesis of AD are directly targeted by miR-455-3p. Several years of our lab research revealed that miR-455-3p regulates important physiological processes associated with AD, such as the processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), TGF-β signaling, the regulation of oxidative stress, mitochondrial biogenesis, and synaptic damages. The expression of miR-455-3p in mild cognitive impaired subjects and AD patients pointed out its involvement in AD progression. Recently, our lab generated both transgenic and knockout mice for miR-455-3p. Interestingly miR-455-3p transgenic mice showed superior cognitive learning, improved memory and extended lifespan compared to age matched wild-type mice, whereas miR-455-3-p knockout mice showed cognitive decline and reduced lifespan. Information derived from mouse models further demonstrated the advantageous impact of miR-455-3p on dendritic growth, synaptogenesis, and mitochondrial biogenesis in preventing the onset and progression of AD. The identification of miR-455-3p as a biomarker was suggested by its presence in postmortem AD brains, B-lymphocytes, and fibroblasts. Our hypothesis that miR-455-3p could be a peripheral biomarker and therapeutic target for AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In humans, a quantifiable number of cortical synapses appears early in fetal life. In this paper, we present a bridge across different scales of resolution and the distribution of synapses across the transient cytoarchitectonic compartments: marginal zone (MZ), cortical plate (CP), subplate (SP), and in vivo MR images. The tissue of somatosensory cortex (7-26 postconceptional weeks (PCW)) was prepared for electron microscopy, and classified synapses with a determined subpial depth were used for creating histograms matched to the histological sections immunoreacted for synaptic markers and aligned to in vivo MR images (1.5 T) of corresponding fetal ages (maternal indication). Two time periods and laminar patterns of synaptogenesis were identified: an early and midfetal two-compartmental distribution (MZ and SP) and a late fetal three-compartmental distribution (CP synaptogenesis). During both periods, a voluminous, synapse-rich SP was visualized on the in vivo MR. Another novel finding concerns the phase of secondary expansion of the SP (13 PCW), where a quantifiable number of synapses appears in the upper SP. This lamina shows a T2 intermediate signal intensity below the low signal CP. In conclusion, the early fetal appearance of synapses shows early differentiation of putative genetic mechanisms underlying the synthesis, transport and assembly of synaptic proteins. \"Pioneering\" synapses are likely to play a morphogenetic role in constructing of fundamental circuitry architecture due to interaction between neurons. They underlie spontaneous, evoked, and resting state activity prior to ex utero experience. Synapses can also mediate genetic and environmental triggers, adversely altering the development of cortical circuitry and leading to neurodevelopmental disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thyroid hormones are critical modulators in the physiological processes necessary to virtually all tissues, with exceptionally fundamental roles in brain development and maintenance. These hormones regulate essential neurodevelopment events, including neuronal migration, synaptogenesis, and myelination. Additionally, thyroid hormones are crucial for maintaining brain homeostasis and cognitive function in adulthood. This chapter aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of thyroid hormone biosynthesis and its intricate role in brain physiology. Here, we described the mechanisms underlying the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones, their influence on various aspects of brain development and ongoing maintenance, and the proteins in the brain that are responsive to these hormones. This chapter was geared towards broadening our understanding of thyroid hormone action in the brain, shedding light on potential therapeutic targets for neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although microglia are macrophages of the central nervous system, their involvement is not limited to immune functions. The roles of microglia during development in humans remain poorly understood due to limited access to fetal tissue. To understand how microglia can impact human neurodevelopment, the methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene was knocked out in human microglia-like cells (MGLs). Disruption of the MECP2 in MGLs led to transcriptional and functional perturbations, including impaired phagocytosis. The co-culture of healthy MGLs with MECP2-knockout (KO) neurons rescued synaptogenesis defects, suggesting a microglial role in synapse formation. A targeted drug screening identified ADH-503, a CD11b agonist, restored phagocytosis and synapse formation in spheroid-MGL co-cultures, significantly improved disease progression, and increased survival in MeCP2-null mice. These results unveil a MECP2-specific regulation of human microglial phagocytosis and identify a novel therapeutic treatment for MECP2-related conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived motor neurons (MNs) offers an unprecedented approach to modeling movement disorders such as dystonia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. However, achieving survival poses a significant challenge when culturing induced MNs, especially when aiming to reach late maturation stages. Utilizing hiPSC-derived motor neurons and primary mouse astrocytes, we assembled two types of coculture systems: direct coculturing of neurons with astrocytes and indirect coculture using culture inserts that physically separate neurons and astrocytes. Both systems significantly enhance neuron survival. Compared with these two systems, no significant differences in neurodevelopment, maturation, and survival within 3 weeks, allowing to prepare neurons at maturation stages. Using the indirect coculture system, we obtained highly pure MNs at the late mature stage from hiPSCs. Transcriptomic studies of hiPSC-derived MNs showed a typical neurodevelopmental switch in gene expression from the early immature stage to late maturation stages. Mature genes associated with neurodevelopment and synaptogenesis are highly enriched in MNs at late stages, demonstrating that these neurons achieve maturation. This study introduces a novel tool for the preparation of highly pure hiPSC-derived neurons, enabling the determination of neurological disease pathogenesis in neurons at late disease onset stages through biochemical approaches, which typically necessitate highly pure neurons. This advancement is particularly significant in modeling age-related neurodegeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the growing epidemiological evidence of an association between toxin exposure and developmental neurotoxicity (DNT), systematic testing of DNT is not mandatory in international regulations for admission of pharmaceuticals or industrial chemicals. However, to date around 200 compounds, ranging from pesticides, pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals, have been tested for DNT in the current OECD test guidelines (TG-443 or TG-426). There are calls for the development of new approach methodologies (NAMs) for DNT, which has resulted in a DNT testing battery using in vitro human cell-based assays. These assays provide a means to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of toxicity in humans which is lacking in animal-based toxicity tests. However, cell-based assays do not represent all steps of the complex process leading to DNT. Validated models with a multi-organ network of pathways that interact at the molecular, cellular and tissue level at very specific timepoints in a life cycle are currently missing. Consequently, whole model organisms are being developed to screen for, and causally link, new molecular targets of DNT compounds and how they affect whole brain development and neurobehavioral endpoints. Given the practical and ethical restraints associated with vertebrate testing, lower animal models that qualify as 3 R (reduce, refine and replace) models, including the nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans) and the zebrafish (Danio rerio) will prove particularly valuable for unravelling toxicity pathways leading to DNT. Although not as complex as the human brain, these 3 R-models develop a complete functioning brain with numerous neurodevelopmental processes overlapping with human brain development. Importantly, the main signalling pathways relating to (neuro)development, metabolism and growth are highly conserved in these models. We propose the use of whole model organisms specifically zebrafish and C. elegans for DNT relevant endpoints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Synthetic cathinones (SC) constitute the second most frequently abused class of new psychoactive substances. They serve as an alternative to classic psychostimulatory drugs of abuse, such as methamphetamine, cocaine, or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). Despite the worldwide prevalence of SC, little is known about their long-term impact on the central nervous system. Here, we examined the effects of repeated exposure of mice during infancy, to 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV), a SC potently enhancing dopaminergic neurotransmission, on learning and memory in young adult mice.
    METHODS: All experiments were performed on C57BL/6J male and female mice. Animals were injected with MDPV (10 or 20 mg/kg) and BrdU (bromodeoxyuridine, 25 mg/kg) during postnatal days 11-20, which is a crucial period for the development of their hippocampus. At the age of 12 weeks, mice underwent an assessment of various types of memory using a battery of behavioral tests. Afterward, their brains were removed for detection of BrdU-positive cells in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation with immunohistochemistry, and for measurement of the expression of synaptic proteins, such as synaptophysin and PSD95, in the hippocampus using Western blot.
    RESULTS: Exposure to MDPV resulted in impairment of spatial working memory assessed with Y-maze spontaneous alternation test, and of object recognition memory. However, no deficits in hippocampus-dependent spatial learning and memory were found using the Morris water maze paradigm. Consistently, hippocampal neurogenesis and synaptogenesis were not interrupted. All observed MDPV effects were sex-independent.
    CONCLUSIONS: MDPV administered repeatedly to mice during infancy causes learning and memory deficits that persist into adulthood but are not related to aberrant hippocampal development.





