
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous clinical trials involving natural products have been conducted to observe cognitive performances and biomarkers in Alzheimer\'s Disease (AD) patients. However, to date, no natural-based drugs have been approved by the FDA as treatments for AD. In this review, natural product-based compounds that were tested in clinical trials from 2011 to 2023, registered at were reviewed. Thirteen compounds, encompassing 7 different mechanisms of action were covered. Several observations were deduced, which are: i) several compounds showed cognitive improvement, but these improvements may not extend to AD, ii) compounds that are endogenous to the human body showed better outcomes, and iii) Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and cerebrolysin had the most potential as AD drugs among the 13 compounds. Based on the current findings, natural products may be more suitable as a supplement than AD drugs in most cases. However, the studies covered here were conducted in a relatively short amount of time, where compounds acting on AD pathways may take time to show any effect. Given the diverse pathways that these natural products are involved in, they may potentially produce synergistic effects that would be beneficial in treating AD. Additionally, natural products benefit from both physicochemical properties being in more favorable ranges and active transport playing a more significant role than it does for synthetic compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Concurrent with recent insights into the neuroprogressive nature of depression, ketamine shows promise in interfering with several neuroprogressive factors, and has been suggested to reverse neuropathological patterns seen in depression. These insights come at a time of great need for novel approaches, as prevalence is rising and current treatment options remain inadequate for a large number of people. The rapidly growing literature on ketamine\'s antidepressant potential has yielded multiple proposed mechanisms of action, many of which have implications for recently elucidated aspects of depressive pathology. This review aims to provide the reader with an understanding of neuroprogressive aspects of depressive pathology and how ketamine is suggested to act on it. Literature was identified through PubMed and Google Scholar, and the reference lists of retrieved articles. When reviewing the evidence of depressive pathology, a picture emerges of four elements interacting with each other to facilitate progressive worsening, namely stress, inflammation, neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration. Ketamine acts on all of these levels of pathology, with rapid and potent reductions of depressive symptoms. Converging evidence suggests that ketamine works to increase stress resilience and reverse stress-induced dysfunction, modulate systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation, attenuate neurotoxic processes and glial dysfunction, and facilitate synaptogenesis rather than neurodegeneration. Still, much remains to be revealed about ketamine\'s antidepressant mechanisms of action, and research is lacking on the durability of effect. The findings discussed herein calls for more longitudinal approaches when determining efficacy and its relation to neuroprogressive factors, and could provide relevant considerations for clinical implementation.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    In this review we systematically summarize the effects of progesterone and synthetic progestins on neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, myelination and six neurotransmitter systems. Several parallels between progesterone and older generation progestin actions emerged, suggesting actions via progesterone receptors. However, existing results suggest a general lack of knowledge regarding the effects of currently used progestins in hormonal contraception regarding these cellular and molecular brain parameters. Human neuroimaging studies were reviewed with a focus on randomized placebo-controlled trials and cross-sectional studies controlling for progestin type. The prefrontal cortex, amygdala, salience network and hippocampus were identified as regions of interest for future preclinical studies. This review proposes a series of experiments to elucidate the cellular and molecular actions of contraceptive progestins in these areas and link these actions to behavioral markers of emotional and cognitive functioning. Emotional effects of contraceptive progestins appear to be related to 1) alterations in the serotonergic system, 2) direct/indirect modulations of inhibitory GABA-ergic signalling via effects on the allopregnanolone content of the brain, which differ between androgenic and anti-androgenic progestins. Cognitive effects of combined oral contraceptives appear to depend on the ethinylestradiol dose.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microglia are immune cells found in the central nervous system (CNS) involved in infection combat and cellular debris clean. These glial cells are involved in synaptogenesis during brain development by their interactions with neurons and other glial cells. These relations are associated with the secretion of signaling molecules, such as chemokines and neurotrophic factors. Microglia cells influence synapsis and neuron morphology during different phases of development. Also, other systems, for example, gut microbiota indirectly affect microglial functions and morphology. Several factors that can occur in different development periods, including intrauterine through adult life, could impact microglia. Impairment in these cells could be associated with the development of some psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), and depression. This review is focusing on describing microglia functions in the maintenance of CNS and how they are associated with other systems, as the gut-microbiota brain axis and environmental stressors, such as stress, maternal deprivation, sleep deprivation, immune activation, and ethanol exposure, that can influence the function of the microglia during neurodevelopment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brain has traditionally been considered to be a target site of peripheral steroid hormones. On the other hand, extensive studies over the past thirty years have demonstrated that the brain is a site of biosynthesis of several steroids. Such steroids synthesized de novo from cholesterol in the brain are called neurosteroids. To investigate the biosynthesis and biological actions of neurosteroids in the brain, data on the regio- and temporal-specific synthesis of neurosteroids are needed. In the mid 1990s, the Purkinje cell, an important cerebellar neuron, was discovered as a major cell producing neurosteroids in the brain of vertebrates. It was the first demonstration of de novo neuronal biosynthesis of neurosteroids in the brain. Subsequently, neuronal biosynthesis of neurosteroids and biological actions of neurosteroids have become clear by the follow-up studies using the Purkinje cell as an excellent cellular model. Progesterone and estradiol, which are known as sex steroid hormones, are actively synthesized de novo from cholesterol in the Purkinje cell during development, when cerebellar neuronal circuit formation occurs. Importantly, progesterone and estradiol synthesized in the Purkinje cell promote dendritic growth, spinogenesis and synaptogenesis via their cognate nuclear receptors in the Purkinje cell. Neurotrophic factors may mediate these neurosteroid actions. Futhermore, allopregnanolone (3α,5α-tetrahydroprogesterone), a progesterone metabolite, is also synthesized in the cerebellum and acts on the survival of Purkinje cells. On the other hand, at the beginning of 2010s, the pineal gland, an endocrine organ located close to the cerebellum, was discovered as an important site of the biosynthesis of neurosteroids. Allopregnanolone, a major pineal neurosteroid, acts on the Purkinje cell for the survival of Purkinje cells by suppressing the expression of caspase-3, a crucial mediator of apoptosis. I as a recipient of Kobayashi Award from the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology in 2016 summarize the discovery of cerebellar and pineal neurosteroids and their biological actions on the growth and survival of Purkinje cells during development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recent research has produced an explosion of experimental data on the complex neurobiological mechanisms of developmental disorders including autism. Animal models are one approach to studying the phenotypic features and molecular basis of autism. In this review, we describe progress in understanding synaptogenesis and alterations to this process with special emphasis on the cell adhesion molecules and scaffolding proteins implicated in autism. Genetic mouse model experiments are discussed in relation to alterations to selected synaptic proteins and consequent behavioral deficits measured in animal experiments.
    METHODS: Pubmed databases were used to search for original and review articles on animal and human clinical studies on autism.
    RESULTS: The cell adhesion molecules, neurexin, neurolignin and the Shank family of proteins are important molecular targets associated with autism.
    CONCLUSIONS: The heterogeneity of the autism spectrum of disorders limits interpretation of information acquired from any single animal model or animal test. We showed synapse-specific/ model-specific defects associated with a given genotype in these models. Characterization of mouse models with genetic variations may help study the mechanisms of autism in humans. However, it will be necessary to apply new analytic paradigms in using genetically modified mice for understanding autism etiology in humans. Further studies are needed to create animal models with mutations that match the molecular and neural bases of autism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolution of anaesthesia has been largely helped by progress of evidence-based medicine. In spite of many advancements in anaesthesia techniques and availability of newer and safer drugs, much more needs to be explored scientifically for the development of anaesthesia. Over the last few years, the notion that the actions of the anaesthesiologist have only immediate or short-term consequences has largely been challenged. Evidences accumulated in the recent years have shown that anaesthesia exposure may have long-term consequences particularly in the extremes of ages. However, most of the studies conducted so far are in vitro or animal studies, the results of which have been extrapolated to humans. There have been confounding evidences linking anaesthesia exposure in the developing brain with poor neurocognitive outcome. The results of animal studies and human retrospective studies have raised concern over the potential detrimental effects of general anaesthetics on the developing brain. The purpose of this review is to highlight the long-term perils of anaesthesia in the very young and the potential of improving anaesthesia delivery with the novel molecular approaches.





