occupational cancer

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although a significant body of evidence has attributed certain occupational exposures with leukemia, such as benzene, formaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene and ionizing radiation, more research is needed to identify work environments at increased risk for this disease. Our study aimed to identify occupational and industry groups associated with an elevated incidence of leukemia using a diverse cohort of workers\' compensation claimants from Ontario, Canada. A total of 2,363,818 workers in the Occupational Disease Surveillance System (ODSS) cohort, with claims between 1983-2019, were followed for malignant leukemia diagnoses up to 31 December 2019. We used a Cox proportional-hazards model to estimate the relative incidence of leukemia in specific occupation and industry groups. After adjusting for age and birth year, males in protective services (HR = 1.17, 95% CI = 1.02-1.35), metal machining (HR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.07-1.41), transport (HR = 1.15, 95% CI = 1.06-1.25), and mining occupations (HR = 1.28, 95% CI = 1.02-1.60) had elevated risks of leukemia compared to other workers in the ODSS, with comparable findings by industry. Among female workers, slight risk elevations were observed among product fabricating, assembling, and repairing occupations, with other increased risks seen in furniture and fixture manufacturing, storage, and retail industries. These findings underscore the need for exposure-based studies to better understand occupational hazards in these settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: High risk of degraded quality of life and psychological distress is observed in patients diagnosed with sinonasal, nasopharyngeal, and laryngeal cancers, which could be caused by exposure to carcinogens in workplaces. This review aimed to investigate the psychological impact of diagnosis associated with the possible occupational etiology of such neoplasms and to explore the instruments that evaluate the quality of life (QoL), anxiety, and depression in these patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Studies were considered for the review only if they described aspects of the psychological impact of the diagnosis of sinonasal, nasopharyngeal, and laryngeal cancers and reported results distinguished by the tumor site. The psychological impact was assessed in terms of health-related QoL, anxiety, and depression using reliable psychometric questionnaires administered at the time of diagnosis and 1 year later.
    UNASSIGNED: In more than 5,900 records identified, 442 studies fulfilled the eligibility criteria and 436 were excluded after full-text screening, resulting in six studies to be finally included in the review. The EORTC Core Quality of Life questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30), EORTC QLQ-H&N35, and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) were used to evaluate the QoL, whereas the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) questionnaires were employed to assess anxiety and depression. QoL scores were similar to those of the general population at the time of diagnosis and remained unchanged or slightly improved at 1 year since diagnosis. In contrast, a higher prevalence of anxiety and depression was observed compared with the general population, although the results were inconsistent across the very few studies identified. No study investigating the association between the potential occupational etiology and QoL or distress was found.
    UNASSIGNED: Exploring the existing scientific literature on emotional distress in sinonasal, nasopharyngeal, and laryngeal cancer patients was prompted by concerns over the disfiguring nature of treatment and the additional emotional burden resulting from their occupational etiology. Unfortunately, neither a crucial element nor other risk factors (lifestyle, smoking, drinking, etc.) were examined in any study. Patients\' employment history should be considered in order to assess the possible impact of believing they are affected by an occupational exposure disease in the evaluation of their psychological distress. This history would support evidence-based recommendations about dedicated psychological interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Psychological suffering in patients with Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) is different from the one experienced by patients with other cancers due to its occupational or environmental etiology and its peculiar symptomatology and prognosis (i.e., poor prognosis, reduced effectiveness of the therapies, poor quality of residual life, and advanced age at the time of diagnosis). Therefore, the Mesothelioma Psychological Distress Tool-Patients (MPDT-P) has been developed to evaluate the specific profile of psychological suffering in this population. This paper describes the item selection, factor analysis, and psychometric evaluation of the revised MPDT-P.
    METHODS: The analyses of the current work aimed to confirm the factorial structure found in the first version of the MPDT-P. In the case of nonfit, it aimed to find an alternative structure and causes of nonfit in the model. The search for the fit of the factorial model was conducted using a Bayesian approach.
    RESULTS: The two-factor model reported in the first version of the instrument did not fit the data. Confirmatory Bayesian analyses showed adequate fit for the three-factor solution. Based on the content of the items, we labeled the factors as dysfunctional emotions, claims for justice, and anxieties about the future.
    CONCLUSIONS: Integrating the MPDT-P into clinical practice could help clinicians gain insight into the specific suffering related to MM and investigate potential differences related to different occupational and environmental exposure contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimates of occupational disease burden provide important information on which effective policy and regulations can be developed. However, there is no direct way that these data can be obtained, and most burden estimates are derived by merging different data from diverse sources to synthesize estimates of the number of people made ill or who have died from workplace exposures. In recent years, several research groups have published estimates of occupational health burden at national or global scales; these are not always consistent. The World Health Organisation and the International Labour Organisation have taken on the task of producing occupational disease burden estimates for several workplace agents, which we assume are to be seen as the definitive global, regional, and national data. In this commentary, we critique the WHO/ILO approach for their estimates of the non-melanoma skin cancer burden from solar ultraviolet radiation and some of their results for hazardous particulates. We provide recommendations for researchers undertaking occupational burden estimates that they should report along with their data.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: to develop an occupational health risk index that can help to introduce the occupational risk component into epidemiological studies and assess the level of occupational risk in Italian municipalities useful for supporting prevention measures.
    METHODS: defi nition of a municipal index as a combination of occupational and territorial indicators derived from national registers of occupational data and environmental archives.
    METHODS: the index composition is based on data on work injuries, occupational diseases and workers exposed to carcinogens in the years 2015-2019 available at the municipal level, as well as data on municipalities hosting sites of national interest for environmental remediation (SIN) and those in which big industrial facilities (GIE), registered as pollutant emitters, are located.
    METHODS: standardized rates of occupational injuries and occupational diseases occurred in Italian municipalities were calculated from data collected by the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (Inail) in relation to the working-age population (15-69 and 15+ for injuries and occupational diseases, respectively), estimated by the Italian National Statistical Institute (Istat) in 2018. In addition, data from the National Information System on Occupational Exposure to carcinogens (SIREP) were included, from which raw rates were calculated at municipal level. Finally, two other indicators were included, describing the presence/absence of a SIN and the number of GIEs industrial facilities in each municipality. The index of occupational health risk (INDORS) is calculated by summing standardised values of the above fi ve indicators as a continuous variable and it was also classifi ed by quintiles of population as a categorical variable. The association between cause-specific mortality and INDORS levels was evaluated using data on mortality occurring in 2015.
    RESULTS: during the observation period 2,011,457, 131,353 and 140,183 events were recorded for injuries, occupational diseases and workers exposed to carcinogens, mainly among male workers. A municipal map of INDORS levels (1-5) shows a strong South-North gradient, in line with the Italian industrial geographical context. The contributions of the SIN and GIE indicators are higher in the hot spot municipalities located in the Southern regions and islands. Among the municipalities analysed 1,099 were classifi ed in the lowest risk level, 1,331 in the low-medium level, 1,619 in the medium level, 2,621 in the medium-high level and 1,284 in the highest risk level. The index shows a direct correlation with accidental mortality and an inverse correlation with all-cause and malignant neoplasm mortality.
    CONCLUSIONS: the proposed index can be useful to introduce the occupational risk dimension in ecological studies and results as a flexible tool to rank Italian municipalities in terms of occupational risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aimed to investigate data from the scientific literature on patterns of illness due to occupational cancer in Brazil. An integrative literature review was conducted in July 2020 and reviewed in June 2021, with no time restriction, using the Health Science Descriptors \"Neoplasms,\" \"Occupational Risks,\" \"Occupational Cancer,\" and keywords related, which were searched on the following databases: Latin American Literature in Health Sciences, SciELO, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. The search and selection flow followed that recommended by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement - 2020. Six manuscripts were selected, published from 1995 to 2019, which described occupational cancer affecting lung, oral cavity, pharynx and larynx, central nervous system, and skin. There was a time gap between the studies, and only the one involving lung cancer results on the most prevalent pattern of illness in the industrial sector, compared to the non-industrial. A shortage of scientific articles on patterns of illness was found. There was a predominance of scientific publications referring to occupational cancer illness related to the industrial sector compared to the number of publications directed to the primary and tertiary productive sectors. It is worth noting the constant need for research and epidemiological surveys to promote surveillance and protective actions aimed at occupational health.
    O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar os dados da literatura científica sobre os padrões de adoecimento por câncer ocupacional no Brasil. Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa de literatura, em julho de 2020 e revisada em junho de 2021, sem delimitação temporal, utilizando os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde “Neoplasias”, “Riscos Ocupacionais” e “Câncer Ocupacional”, e correlatos, com busca nas bases Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde, SciELO, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science e Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. O fluxo de busca e seleção obedeceu ao preconizado pelo Principais Itens para Relatar Revisões Sistemáticas e Meta-Análises – 2020. Foram selecionados seis manuscritos, publicados entre 1995 e 2019, que descrevem o câncer ocupacional relacionado a pulmão, cavidade oral, faringe e laringe, sistema nervoso central e pele. Há um hiato temporal entre os estudos e apenas aquele envolvendo câncer de pulmão considera resultados sobre o padrão de adoecimento mais prevalente no setor industrial, quando comparado ao não-industrial. Foi constatada a uma escassez de artigos científicos sobre padrões de adoecimento. Há predomínio de publicações científicas referentes ao adoecimento por câncer ocupacional relacionado ao ramo industrial quando comparado ao quantitativo de publicações direcionadas aos setores produtivos primário e terciário. Ressalta-se que pesquisas e inquéritos epidemiológicos são necessidades constantes para promoção de ações vigilância e proteção da saúde no trabalho.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Asbestos is considered one of the major global work-related carcinogens. Some studies suggest a potential causal relationship between asbestos exposure and colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the role of asbestos in CRC carcinogenesis is still controversial.
    METHODS: 35 claims of occupational CRC among asbestos-exposed workers were reviewed. All claims were rejected by the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents (INAIL) due to the \"lack of scientific evidence in the causality\" between asbestos exposure and CRC; causality was finally assessed in civil trials. All cases were categorized by age, gender, industry type, task, exposure and latency periods, anatomical location, and histopathological characteristics of CRC and concomitant respiratory diseases.
    RESULTS: Most workers were males aged 60 years or more and employed in occupational activities with extensive use of asbestos for over 20 years. In 31 out of 35 cases, CRC was diagnosed over 39 years after employment. Right-sided colic adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in nine cases; rectum was involved in eight cases. Respiratory comorbidities were observed in 22 workers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides some interesting points in the assessment of the causal relationship between asbestos exposure and CRC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) is classified as a human carcinogen. Occupational Cr(VI) exposure can occur during different work processes, but the current exposure to Cr(VI) at Swedish workplaces is unknown.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study (SafeChrom) recruited non-smoking men and women from 14 companies with potential Cr(VI) exposure (n = 113) and controls from 6 companies without Cr(VI) exposure (n = 72). Inhalable Cr(VI) was measured by personal air sampling (outside of respiratory protection) in exposed workers. Total Cr was measured in urine (pre- and post-shift, density-adjusted) and red blood cells (RBC) (reflecting Cr(VI)) in exposed workers and controls. The Bayesian tool Expostats was used to assess risk and evaluate occupational exposure limit (OEL) compliance.
    RESULTS: The exposed workers performed processing of metal products, steel production, welding, plating, and various chemical processes. The geometric mean concentration of inhalable Cr(VI) in exposed workers was 0.15 μg/m3 (95% confidence interval: 0.11-0.21). Eight of the 113 exposed workers (7%) exceeded the Swedish OEL of 5 μg/m3, and the Bayesian analysis estimated the share of OEL exceedances up to 19.6% for stainless steel welders. Median post-shift urinary (0.60 μg/L, 5th-95th percentile 0.10-3.20) and RBC concentrations (0.73 μg/L, 0.51-2.33) of Cr were significantly higher in the exposed group compared with the controls (urinary 0.10 μg/L, 0.06-0.56 and RBC 0.53 μg/L, 0.42-0.72). Inhalable Cr(VI) correlated with urinary Cr (rS = 0.64) and RBC-Cr (rS = 0.53). Workers within steel production showed the highest concentrations of inhalable, urinary and RBC Cr. Workers with inferred non-acceptable local exhaustion ventilation showed significantly higher inhalable Cr(VI), urinary and RBC Cr concentrations compared with those with inferred acceptable ventilation. Furthermore, workers with inferred correct use of respiratory protection were exposed to significantly higher concentrations of Cr(VI) in air and had higher levels of Cr in urine and RBC than those assessed with incorrect or no use. Based on the Swedish job-exposure-matrix, approximately 17 900 workers were estimated to be occupationally exposed to Cr(VI) today.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that some workers in Sweden are exposed to high levels of the non-threshold carcinogen Cr(VI). Employers and workers seem aware of Cr(VI) exposure, but more efficient exposure control strategies are required. National strategies aligned with the European strategies are needed in order to eliminate this cause of occupational cancer.





