Teaching Materials

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbiology education has a serious handicap - the lack of visibility of the players of the subject and their interactions - which engenders a disproportionate reliance upon multimedia teaching aids (MTAs). The International Microbiology Literacy Initiative (IMiLI) is creating educational resources in societally-relevant microbiology complemented by appropriate MTAs. However, proper guidance supporting microbiology educators in locating and selecting, or commissioning the creation of, adequate MTAs for different target audiences and learning objectives is lacking. The aims of this study were to (i) identify important considerations regarding educational/didactical standards and the design of educational multimedia and (ii) create an evidence-based guideline for selecting and appraising existing, and informing the creation of new, microbiology MTAs. This investigation is based on an exploratory, mixed-methods approach. The results of two literature reviews (covering educational and good practice multimedia design) informed the collation of a preliminary appraisal guideline for videos, animations, comics, and video games. A web-scraping approach was utilised to locate and retrieve existing exemplars of the four multimedia types and create four pertinent multimedia databases (including metadata). The preliminary guideline was piloted (and revised accordingly) by appraising quasi-random (or purposive) samples of each multimedia type. Educational multimedia experts were interviewed to discuss the findings. Finally, the guideline was updated to reflect the expert comments together with the results of the pilot appraisals. The final guideline has four components: (i) central considerations for selecting and appraising multimedia for specific audiences and educational purposes, (ii) multimedia selection tool, (iii) multimedia appraisal tools, and (iv) extensive background information as appendices linking all sections for further comprehension. Broad utilisation of the guideline has significant potential for simplifying and systematising multimedia selection/creation, leading to superior multimedia-based learning outcomes, establishing a rapid selection database (pre-appraised multimedia), reducing disparities in microbiology education and incentivising educational content creators.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The Masterplan Medicine 2020 adopted in 2017 entails many changes to the medical studies curriculum. The new structure affects the content of the coursework and its main focus. A major goal of this masterplan is to prepare young physicians by teaching the skills that are essential for the future profession. The National Competence-Based Learning Objectives Catalog for Medicine (NKLM) provides the basis for the teaching content.
    METHODS: The Working Group Teaching of the German Society of Ophthalmology (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre der DOG) actively supports this transformation. In cross-site collaboration, teaching materials for various teaching formats have been compiled by relying on the NKLM (e.g., recordings of operations, slides for small group instruction, image galleries, case studies). An online library named the DOG-EyeTeacher was then created.
    RESULTS: The aim of the DOG-EyeTeacher is to relieve the training clinics and to establish basic standards in teaching materials, thereby enabling the necessary focus on medical education. The provision of these teaching materials should deepen the interest in ophthalmology among future doctors.
    CONCLUSIONS: The DOG-EyeTeacher is our response to the challenges associated with the planned restructuring of the medical curriculum. Since October 2023, any DOG member involved in teaching can create an account free of charge to use our materials.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Der 2017 verabschiedete Masterplan Medizin 2020 sieht viele Veränderungen im Medizinstudium vor. Auch die Lehrinhalte und Unterrichtsschwerpunkte werden von den Neustrukturierungen betroffen sein. Ein Ziel ist es, die Studierenden kompetenzorientiert auf ihre zukünftige Aufgabe als Ärztinnen und Ärzte vorzubereiten. Der NKLM (Nationaler Kompetenzbasierter Lernzielkatalog Medizin) bildet hierbei die Basis der zukünftig zu unterrichtenden Lehrinhalte.
    METHODS: Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre der DOG hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, diese Umstrukturierungen aktiv zu begleiten. In einer standortübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit wurden zur Unterstützung der Lehrenden und auf der Grundlage des NKLM Lehrmaterialien für verschiedene Unterrichtsformate zusammengestellt (z. B. Folien für den Kleingruppenunterricht, Operationsmitschnitte, Bildergalerien, Fallbeispiele) und anschließend in einer Online-Bibliothek, DOG-EyeTeacher genannt, zusammengeführt.
    UNASSIGNED: Der DOG-EyeTeacher soll die Lehrenden an den Universitäten und ihren Ausbildungskliniken unterstützen, den Qualitätsstandard inhaltlicher Schwerpunkte angleichen, den allseitigen Dialog über die Lehre in der Augenheilkunde fördern und gleichzeitig der Lehre als wichtiger Säule des universitären Dreiklangs in der Medizin mehr Gewicht verleihen. Langfristig soll durch die Bereitstellung ansprechender und zeitgemäßer Lehrmaterialien das Interesse angehender Ärztinnen und Ärzte am Fach Ophthalmologie gesteigert werden.
    UNASSIGNED: Der DOG-EyeTeacher stellt eine Antwort der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre der DOG auf die mit der geplanten Neustrukturierung des Medizinstudiums einhergehenden Herausforderungen dar. Jedes lehrinteressierte DOG-Mitglied kann sich seit Oktober 2023 kostenfrei einen Account erstellen und die Lehrmaterialien nutzen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Worldwide, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a public health problem due to its high morbidity and mortality rates. For CKD patients, mobile health applications have functioned as a strategy that promotes patient care through valid and reliable educational materials. This is a prospective and descriptive three-stage study using content experts. Results created three visual and three audiovisual materials with acceptable evaluations. The design and validation of educational materials are a valid and reliable method for patient health education through mobile health applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    3D scanning and printing technologies are quickly evolving and offer great potential for use in gross anatomical education. The use of human body donors to create digital scans and 3D printed models raises ethical concerns about donor informed consent, potential commodification, and access to and storage of potentially identifiable anatomical reproductions. This paper reviews available literature describing ethical implications for the application of these emerging technologies, existing published best practices for managing and sharing 2D imaging, and current adherence to these best practices by academic body donation programs. We conclude that informed consent is paramount for all uses of human donor and human donor-derived materials and that currently there is considerable diversity in adherence to established best practices for the management and sharing of 3D digital content derived from human donors. We propose a new and simplified framework for categorizing donor-derived teaching materials and the corresponding level of consent required for digital sharing. This framework proposes an equivalent minimum level of specific consent for human donor and human donor-derived materials relative to generalized, nonidentical teaching materials (i.e., artificial plastic models). Likewise, we propose that the collective path forward should involve the creation of a centralized, secure repository for digital human donor 3D content as a mechanism for accumulating, regulating, and controlling the distribution of properly consented human donor-derived 3D digital content that will also increase the availability of ethically created human-derived teaching materials while discouraging commodification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to report on the development and validation of digital educational materials based on the dimensions of home cooking skills (HCS) assessed on a scale destined for PHC professionals, following the recommendations of The Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population and on The Food and Nutrition Education Framework (FNE) for Public Policies. Five videos and graphic materials were developed with proposals for activities to develop HCS and encourage its implementation in actions and guidelines in the community and in professional care. The content of the materials was evaluated by experts using the Two-Round Delphi-based technique and statistical analyses for evidence of consensus. Specialists presented comments to improve the products and their applicability. The materials presented decoded language and playful illustrations with characters representative of the target population. Evidence of satisfactory content validity was presented and can be used in permanent education actions, seeking the qualification of the workforce and in FNE actions within the scope of the law. The graphic materials make it possible to associate the content of the videos with practice in contexts consistent with the reality of the individuals.
    Este estudo visa reportar desenvolvimento e validação de materiais educativos digitais baseados nas dimensões de habilidades culinárias domésticas (HCD) avaliadas por escala destinada aos profissionais da APS, nas recomendações do Guia Alimentar Para a População Brasileira e no Marco de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional (EAN) para Políticas Públicas. Foram desenvolvidos 5 vídeos e materiais gráficos com propostas de atividades para desenvolvimento de HCD e estímulo à sua implementação em ações e orientações junto à comunidade e em atendimentos profissionais. O conteúdo dos materiais foi avaliado por especialistas utilizando técnica Delphi de 2 rounds e análises estatísticas para evidência de consenso. Especialistas proferiram comentários para aprimoramento dos produtos e sua aplicabilidade. Os materiais apresentaram linguagem decodificada, ilustrações lúdicas, com personagens representativos da população-alvo. Apresentaram evidência de validade de conteúdo satisfatória e podem ser utilizados em ações de educação permanente, visando a qualificação da força de trabalho, e em ações de EAN junto aos sujeitos de direito. Os materiais gráficos possibilitam associar o conteúdo dos vídeos à prática, em contextos condizentes com a realidade dos sujeitos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dermatologic patient education materials (PEMs) are often written above the national average seventh- to eighth-grade reading level. ChatGPT-3.5, GPT-4, DermGPT, and DocsGPT are large language models (LLMs) that are responsive to user prompts. Our project assesses their use in generating dermatologic PEMs at specified reading levels.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the ability of select LLMs to generate PEMs for common and rare dermatologic conditions at unspecified and specified reading levels. Further, the study aims to assess the preservation of meaning across such LLM-generated PEMs, as assessed by dermatology resident trainees.
    METHODS: The Flesch-Kincaid reading level (FKRL) of current American Academy of Dermatology PEMs was evaluated for 4 common (atopic dermatitis, acne vulgaris, psoriasis, and herpes zoster) and 4 rare (epidermolysis bullosa, bullous pemphigoid, lamellar ichthyosis, and lichen planus) dermatologic conditions. We prompted ChatGPT-3.5, GPT-4, DermGPT, and DocsGPT to \"Create a patient education handout about [condition] at a [FKRL]\" to iteratively generate 10 PEMs per condition at unspecified fifth- and seventh-grade FKRLs, evaluated with Microsoft Word readability statistics. The preservation of meaning across LLMs was assessed by 2 dermatology resident trainees.
    RESULTS: The current American Academy of Dermatology PEMs had an average (SD) FKRL of 9.35 (1.26) and 9.50 (2.3) for common and rare diseases, respectively. For common diseases, the FKRLs of LLM-produced PEMs ranged between 9.8 and 11.21 (unspecified prompt), between 4.22 and 7.43 (fifth-grade prompt), and between 5.98 and 7.28 (seventh-grade prompt). For rare diseases, the FKRLs of LLM-produced PEMs ranged between 9.85 and 11.45 (unspecified prompt), between 4.22 and 7.43 (fifth-grade prompt), and between 5.98 and 7.28 (seventh-grade prompt). At the fifth-grade reading level, GPT-4 was better at producing PEMs for both common and rare conditions than ChatGPT-3.5 (P=.001 and P=.01, respectively), DermGPT (P<.001 and P=.03, respectively), and DocsGPT (P<.001 and P=.02, respectively). At the seventh-grade reading level, no significant difference was found between ChatGPT-3.5, GPT-4, DocsGPT, or DermGPT in producing PEMs for common conditions (all P>.05); however, for rare conditions, ChatGPT-3.5 and DocsGPT outperformed GPT-4 (P=.003 and P<.001, respectively). The preservation of meaning analysis revealed that for common conditions, DermGPT ranked the highest for overall ease of reading, patient understandability, and accuracy (14.75/15, 98%); for rare conditions, handouts generated by GPT-4 ranked the highest (14.5/15, 97%).
    CONCLUSIONS: GPT-4 appeared to outperform ChatGPT-3.5, DocsGPT, and DermGPT at the fifth-grade FKRL for both common and rare conditions, although both ChatGPT-3.5 and DocsGPT performed better than GPT-4 at the seventh-grade FKRL for rare conditions. LLM-produced PEMs may reliably meet seventh-grade FKRLs for select common and rare dermatologic conditions and are easy to read, understandable for patients, and mostly accurate. LLMs may play a role in enhancing health literacy and disseminating accessible, understandable PEMs in dermatology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The recommended readability of health education materials is at the sixth-grade level. Artificial intelligence (AI) large language models such as the newly released ChatGPT4 might facilitate the conversion of patient-education materials at scale. We sought to ascertain whether online otolaryngology education materials meet recommended reading levels and whether ChatGPT4 could rewrite these materials to the sixth-grade level. We also wished to ensure that converted materials were accurate and retained sufficient content.
    METHODS: Seventy-one articles from patient educational materials published online by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery were selected. Articles were entered into ChatGPT4 with the prompt \"translate this text to a sixth-grade reading level.\" Flesch Reading Ease Score (FRES) and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (FKGL) were determined for each article before and after AI conversion. Each article and conversion were reviewed for factual inaccuracies, and each conversion was reviewed for content retention.
    RESULTS: The 71 articles had an initial average FKGL of 11.03 and FRES of 46.79. After conversion by ChatGPT4, the average FKGL across all articles was 5.80 and FRES was 77.27. Converted materials provided enough detail for patient education with no factual errors.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found that ChatGPT4 improved the reading accessibility of otolaryngology online patient education materials to recommended levels quickly and effectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Physicians can determine whether their patient education materials exceed current recommended reading levels by using widely available measurement tools, and then apply AI dialogue platforms to modify materials to more accessible levels as needed.
    METHODS: Level 5.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SaNuRN is a five-year project by the University of Rouen Normandy (URN) and the Côte d’Azur University (CAU) consortium to optimize digital health education for medical and paramedical students, professionals, and administrators. The project includes a skills framework, training modules, and teaching resources. In 2027, SaNuRN is expected to train a significant portion of the 400,000 health and paramedical professions students at the French national level. Our purpose is to give a synopsis of the SaNuRN initiative, emphasizing its novel educational methods and how they will enhance the delivery of digital health education. Our goals include showcasing SaNuRN as a comprehensive program consisting of a proficiency framework, instructional modules, and educational materials and explaining how SaNuRN is implemented in the participating academic institutions. SaNuRN is a project aimed at educating and training health-related and paramedics students in digital health. The project results from a cooperative effort between URN and CAU, covering four French departments. The project is based on the French National Referential on Digital Health (FNRDH), which defines the skills and competencies to be acquired and validated by every student in the health, paramedical, and social professions curricula. The SaNuRN team is currently adapting the existing URN and CAU syllabi to FNRDH and developing short-duration video capsules of 20 to 30 minutes to teach all the relevant material. The project aims to ensure that the largest student population earns the necessary skills, and it has developed a two-tier system involving facilitators who will enable the efficient expansion of the project’s educational outreach and support the students in learning the needed material efficiently. With a focus on real-world scenarios and innovative teaching activities integrating telemedicine devices and virtual professionals, SaNuRN is committed to enabling continuous learning for healthcare professionals in clinical practice. The SaNuRN team introduced new ways of evaluating healthcare professionals by shifting from a knowledge-based to a competencies-based evaluation, aligning with the Miller teaching pyramid and using the Objective Structured Clinical Examination and Script Concordance Test in digital health education. Drawing on the expertise of URN, CAU, and their public health and digital research laboratories and partners, the SaNuRN project represents a platform for continuous innovation, including telemedicine training and living labs with virtual and interactive professional activities. The SaNuRN project provides a comprehensive, personalized 30-hour training package for health and paramedical students, addressing all 70 FNRDH competencies. The program is enhanced using AI and NLP to create virtual patients and professionals for digital healthcare simulation. SaNuRN teaching materials are open-access. The project collaborates with academic institutions worldwide to develop educational material in digital health in English and multilingual formats. SaNuRN offers a practical and persuasive training approach to meet the current digital health education requirements.





