Teaching Materials

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate student perception of integrating biomedical and clinical sciences based on survey of dental students on the concurrent teaching of a didactic systems-based course and a case-based course.
    METHODS: First-year to fourth-year students (DS1-DS4) students were surveyed for their experiences in concurrent teaching. Student response rate for the survey was 55% (229/420). Pearson\'s Chi-squared tests and Kruskal-Wallis rank sum tests were used to assess statistical significance (p < 0.05).
    RESULTS: Of the students surveyed, 83% strongly agreed or agreed that concurrent teaching of the didactic and case-based courses helped them better understand the biomedical science background and the clinical ramifications (p < 0.001). On average, 75% percent strongly agreed or agreed that concurrent teaching kept them engaged, motivated, think critically, apply the course content and prepare for clinical practice (p < 0.001). Of the students surveyed, 69% support expanding concurrent teaching to all four years (p < 0.001). Mean responses from DS1 and DS4 students differed for questions relating to understanding of biomedical sciences, critical thinking and application to clinic (p < 0.01). Qualitative data showed that students enjoyed the reinforcement of concepts and application to clinical scenarios.
    CONCLUSIONS: Concurrent teaching of didactic and case-based learning courses, thus showing clinical relevance of biomedical sciences in the first year of dental curriculum, is perceived by students as an effective method of educating dental students. Such integrative learning process with horizontal and vertical integration and concurrent curriculum is even more relevant with the implementation of the integrated national board dental examination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Digital and virtual support in the hermeneutic case-based learning in health professional education: A systematic review Abstract. Background: Nowadays, the digitization dominates almost all aspects of our lives, especially in the nursing field. The medial-supported teaching design program helps learners to be prepared for the digital challenges of their professional field. In addition, the concept of hermeneutic casework provides nurses with an expertise that can be applied individually and case-related. Virtual simulations can represent a realistic case scenario and extend the conventional concept of casework with modern technology. Aim: The aim of the review is, to identify national and international used types of virtual and digital medias in connection with the method of hermeneutic casework and describe its usefulness in health education. Methods: A literature review according to the design of a systematic review in the databases CINAHL, MEDLINE via PubMed, Cochrane and Springer Link has been conducted and complemented by the snowball principle. Results: Eleven publications were analysed. The results show predominantly positive effects, which can be divide into eleven areas. Conclusion: The use of virtual patients is considered in both empirical and media-didactic research as an effective and an efficient learning arrangement. In a positive and a negative sense, the results depend from the didactic and methodological preparation, the design of the learning modules and the quality of the medium as well as the teaching.
    Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund: Die Digitalisierung durchdringt mittlerweile alle Bereiche unseres Lebens und zunehmend auch das Handlungsfeld der Pflege. Mithilfe medial gestützter Lehrgestaltung können Lernende auf digitale Herausforderungen ihres Berufsalltags vorbereitet werden. Zudem müssen Pflegende über ein individuell und fallbezogen anwendbares Fachwissen verfügen, welches mittels des Konzeptes der hermeneutischen Fallarbeit vermittelt wird. Virtuelle Simulationen können authentische Fallszenarien darstellen und das konventionelle Konzept der Fallarbeit mit moderner Technik erweitern. Ziel: Ziel der Recherche ist, national und international verwendete Arten digitaler und virtueller Medien in Verbindung mit der Methode der hermeneutischen Fallarbeit im Kontext der Gesundheitsbildung zu identifizieren und dessen Nutzen zu beschreiben. Methoden: Es ist eine Literaturrecherche im Design eines systematischen Reviews in den Datenbanken CINAHL, MEDLINE via PubMed, Cochrane und Springer Link durchgeführt und mit dem Schneeballprinzip ergänzt worden. Ergebnisse: Es wurden elf Publikationen eingeschlossen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen überwiegend positive Auswirkungen, die sich in elf Kategorien unterteilen lassen. Schlussfolgerung: Der Einsatz von virtuellen Patient_innen wird auch in der empirischen und mediendidaktischen Forschung als ein effektives und effizientes Lernarrangement angesehen. Sowohl im positiven wie auch negativen Sinne, sind die Ergebnisse abhängig von der didaktisch-methodischen Aufarbeitung, dem Design der Lernmodule und der Qualität des Mediums wie auch der Lehre.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Case-Based Learning (CBL) has seen widespread implementation in undergraduate education since the early 1920s. Ample data has shown CBL to be an enjoyable and motivational didactic tool, and effective in assisting the expansion of declarative and procedural knowledge in academia. Although a plethora of studies apply multiple choice questions (MCQs) in their investigation, few studies measure CBL or case-based blended learning (CBBL)-mediated changes in students\' procedural knowledge in practice or employ comparison or control groups in isolating causal relationships.
    METHODS: Utilizing the flexibilities of an e-learning platform, a CBBL framework consisting of a) anonymized patient cases, b) case-related textbook material and online e-CBL modules, and c) simulated patient (SP) contact seminars, was developed and implemented in multiple medical fields for undergraduate medical education. Additionally, other fields saw a solo implementation of e-CBL in the same format. E- cases were constructed according to the criteria of Bloom\'s taxonomy. In this study, Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) results from 1886 medical students were analyzed in total, stratified into the following groups: medical students in 2013 (n = 619) before CBBL implementation, and after CBBL implementation in 2015 (n = 624) and 2016 (n = 643).
    RESULTS: A significant improvement (adjusted p = .002) of the mean OSCE score by 1.02 points was seen between 2013 and 2015 (min = 0, max = 25).
    CONCLUSIONS: E-Case-Based Learning is an effective tool in improving performance outcomes and may provide a sustainable learning platform for many fields of medicine in future.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Librarians and medical educators analyzed the quality of information resources used by first- and second-year medical students in their case-based small group learning summaries. Librarians provided instruction on using library resources and gave formal feedback to students about appropriate resources for basic science and clinical questions. The team found that students used a high number of clinical and basic science journal articles and textbooks with a number of factors influencing their resource choices. The study demonstrates numerous areas where librarians can play a key role in assisting students to find and assess information to answer clinical questions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We developed and disseminated an educational DVD to introduce U.S. Veterans to independently-practiced complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) techniques and encourage CAM experimentation. The project\'s goal was to determine optimal dissemination methods to facilitate implementation within the Veteran\'s Health Administration.
    METHODS: In the first phase, the DVD was disseminated using four methods: passive, provider-mediated, active, and peer-mediated. In the second, implementation phase, \"champion\" providers who supported CAM integrated dissemination into clinical practice. Qualitative data came from Veteran focus groups and semi-structured provider interviews. Data from both phases was triangulated to identify common themes.
    RESULTS: Effective dissemination requires engaging patients. Providers who most successfully integrated the DVD into practice already had CAM knowledge, and worked in settings where CAM was accepted clinical practice, or with leadership or infrastructure that supported a culture of CAM use. Institutional buy-in allowed for provider networking and effective implementation of the tool. Providers were given autonomy to determine the most appropriate dissemination strategies, which increased enthusiasm and use.
    CONCLUSIONS: Many of the lessons learned from this project can be applied to dissemination of any new educational tool within a healthcare setting. Results reiterate the importance of utilizing best practices for introducing educational tools within the healthcare context and the need for thoughtful, multi-faceted dissemination strategies.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    There is an increasing social pressure to train medical students with a level of competency sufficient to face clinical practice already at the end of their curriculum. The case-based learning (CBL) is an efficient teaching method to prepare students for clinical practice through the use of real or realistic clinical cases. In this regard, the Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) could be a good source of real patient stories that can be transformed into educative cases. In this paper a formal approach to generate Health Case Studies from EHR is defined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Teaching children with intellectual disabilities is a big challenge for most parents and educators. Special education teachers use learning strategies to develop and enhance motivation for complex learning tasks. Literacy acquisition is an essential and life-long skill for a child with intellectual disabilities. In this context, technology can support specific strategies that will help children learn to read. This paper introduces a Tangible User Interface (TUI) system based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to support literacy for children with Down syndrome. Our proposed system focuses on the integration of RFID tags in 3D printed objects and low cost toys. The paper describes the experience of using some materials covering the tags and the different problems related to the material and distance of radio wave propagation. The results of a preliminary evaluation in a special education institution showed that the system helps to improve the interaction between teachers and children. The use of a TUI seems to give a physical sensory experience to develop literacy skills in children with Down syndrome.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: In 2007, a Clinical-Case-Portfolio (CCP) was introduced as a new assessment instrument for fourth grade undergraduate medical students. Since then, several changes have been implemented such as reduction on the number of clinical cases, peer review and the introduction of virtual patient to the portfolio.
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the virtual patient model incorporated to the CCP and assess the perception of this change and its effects on the performance of undergraduate students.
    METHODS: Virtual patients were implemented based on prototype clinical cases with specific syndromes. Students’ perceptions about CCP before and after the introduction of virtual patients were evaluated using a validated questionnaire that was answered voluntarily and anonymously.
    RESULTS: Overall perception of CCP significantly improved after the incorporation of virtual patients (97.1 ± 24.9 and 111.3 ± 25.7 points; 57.8 and 66.2% respectively). The same improvements were observed for the domains “Student Learning”, “Organization and Evaluation”, “Teaching Methodology” and “Integration”. In both years, students obtained high grades in CCP evaluations. However CCP grades were not significantly correlated with integrated final grades.
    CONCLUSIONS: The incorporation of virtual patients improved undergraduate students’ perception of CCP.






  • 文章类型: Letter





