Social Welfare

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study utilizes data from A-share listed companies between 2011 and 2020 to empirically investigate the impact and mechanism of public welfare donations on the internal income gap of enterprises. The research findings indicate that public welfare donations significantly increase the per capita salary of management, while their impact on the per capita salary of ordinary employees is not significant, thus leading to an expansion of the internal income gap within enterprises. The results from mechanism testing reveal that the income tax benefits resulting from charitable donations and the rise in corporate operating income have contributed to an increase in excess rent shared by enterprises and employees. Due to a stronger bargaining power, management shares more excess rents, thereby widening the income gap within the enterprise. Heterogeneity analysis demonstrates that public welfare donations have a greater impact on the internal income gap of non-state-owned enterprises; however, limiting executive compensation and enhancing employees\' bargaining power can mitigate this widening effect caused by public welfare donations on enterprise\'s internal income gap. The research value of this study is threefold. Firstly, there is a scarcity of studies on the impact of public welfare donations on the income gap within enterprises, and this study contributes to enriching the research in this area. Secondly, this paper examines the effect of tax incentives for public welfare donations on the internal income gap of enterprises, thereby deepening the research on the impact of tax reduction and fee reduction, as well as expanding our understanding of corporate income tax preferential policies. Thirdly, it offers insights into improving enterprise compensation systems and enhancing corporate governance. Senior executives can potentially allocate more excess rent through their strong bargaining power. If their compensation remains unrestricted, it may lead to a widening internal income gap and negatively affect company operational efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The socioeconomic factors influencing small-scale dairy producers in the border area between Ecuador and Colombia were meticulously identified. Employing a non-experimental design, the study leveraged multivariate statistical analysis to discern key determinants. Data processing was executed using the statistical software SPSS v27, facilitating comprehensive analysis. A random survey was administered to 532 small and medium-scale dairy producers in the Carchi province of Ecuador, employing a structured questionnaire supplemented with a Likert scale for nuanced insights. Based on 35 original variables, seven determining factors were identified in dairy farms: political representation, adequate housing, equipment, innovation, empathy, profitability, social welfare, which combined explain 60.95% of the system\'s variability. Such factors affect production, the level of household income, as well as their effect on the standard of living of households. Three groups were formed, the first with a low perception of economic development (Traditionalists 33.3%); the second with a better expectation of economic development (Modernizers 27.6%); and the third, identified with greater economic development (Innovators 10.3%). Each group presents cases with a low to high standard of living perspective. The groups have peculiarities in terms of their performance that can be applied to the entire population. A significant relation was established between socioeconomic factors and standard of living.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We make a novel investigation of welfare costs associated with various suboptimal decisions made by retirees, both analytically and numerically. We utilize a unique framework that incorporates recursive utility with housing, and also encompasses expected utility and recursive utility without housing as special cases. Our findings indicate that under-investment in stocks incurs lower welfare costs compared to an equivalent over-investment. Suboptimal allocations in bond holdings result in higher costs than similar misallocations in stocks. Choosing not to participate in the stock market is less detrimental than avoiding the bond market. Should retirees opt to simplify their decision-making by investing solely in one type of asset, it is less costly for them to invest exclusively in bonds. Overconsumption of housing is less costly than an equivalent underconsumption. Suboptimal consumption imposes the highest welfare cost. Decisions regarding consumption, housing, and savings are found to be more crucial than the choice of how to distribute liquid savings between stocks and bonds. Additionally, recursive utility model better captures retirees\' preference for bonds over stocks than expected utility model. Our results, which are consistent across various parameter settings, provide valuable insights for academics and policymakers aiming to enhance retiree welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Factors contributing to social inequalities are associated with negative mental health outcomes and disparities in mental well-being. We propose a Bayesian hierarchical controlled interrupted time series to evaluate the impact of policies on population well-being whilst accounting for spatial and temporal patterns. Using data from the UKs Household Longitudinal Study, we apply this framework to evaluate the impact of the UKs welfare reform implemented in the 2010s on the mental health of the participants, measured using the GHQ-12 index. Our findings indicate that the reform led to a 2.36% (95% CrI: 0.57%-4.37%) increase in the national GHQ-12 index in the exposed group, after adjustment for the control group. Moreover, the geographical areas that experienced the largest increase in the GHQ-12 index are from more disadvantage backgrounds than affluent backgrounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated sustainability and multimorbidity alongside barriers to employment including health and policy to demonstrate intersectional impact on return-to-work success within a UK welfare-to-work programme.
    METHODS: Cohort study design: The study calculated the proportion of time spent employed after experiencing a job start and the proportion retaining work over 6 months. Employment/unemployment periods were calculated, sequence-index plots were produced and visualisations were explored by benefit type and age.
    METHODS: This study used confidential access to deidentified data from unemployed Work Programme clients operated by Ingeus on behalf of the UK Government in Scotland between 1 April 2013 and 31 July 2014.
    METHODS: 13 318 unemployed clients aged 18-64 years were randomly allocated to a Work Programme provider and monitored over 2 years.
    RESULTS: This study has two distinct groupings. \'Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)\' corresponding to those with work-limiting disability in receipt of related state financial support, and \'Jobseeker\'s Allowance (JSA)\' corresponding to unemployment claimants. Despite fewer and later job starts for ESA clients, those that gained employment spend relatively more subsequent time in employment when compared with individuals without work-limiting conditions (ESA clients under 50, 0.73; ESA clients over 50, 0.79; JSA clients under 50, 0.67 and JSA clients over 50, 0.68). Proportion in permanent jobs was higher among ESA than JSA clients (JSA under 50, 92%; JSA over 50, 92%; ESA under 50, 95% and ESA over 50, 97%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The research demonstrated that returning to paid employment after a reliance on welfare benefits is challenging for people aged over 50 and those with disability. The study found that although fewer older ESA claimants entered employment, they typically remained in employment more than JSA clients who did not leave the Work Programme early. This indicates the importance of identifying risk factors for job loss in ageing workers and the development of interventions for extension of working lives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent changes in labour markets have increased employment instability. Under these conditions, in male breadwinner families women might increase their labour supply when their male partners become unemployed. Previous studies have extensively investigated the role played by household and individual characteristics in explaining such increases in the labour supply of women. However, studies which examine the moderating role of specific welfare policies are missing. Our study contributes to the literature by investigating the moderating effect of childcare and tax-benefit policies for the labour supply response of women following the unemployment of their partner. We focus on a sample of 24 EU member states and the UK, during the period 2009-2019, combining longitudinal microdata from EU-SILC with country-period specific policy indicators generated with the use of the tax-benefit simulation model EUROMOD, UKMOD and country-period specific indicators of childcare use. We find that women indeed respond to men\'s unemployment by increasing their labour supply though the response is fairly weak. We also find the response is not restricted by having children at home or availability of public childcare and does not depend on the generosity of unemployment benefits. It is, however, negatively affected by marginal tax rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Chagas disease is a neglected tropical disease with a chronic clinical course and high rates of morbidity and mortality. Despite a drastic reduction in the disease\'s incidence in Brazil in recent decades, older cases still impact the national social welfare system.
    UNASSIGNED: To analyze the sociodemographic characteristics of Brazilian social welfare beneficiaries affected by the cardiac and digestive forms of chronic Chagas disease between 2004 and 2016.
    UNASSIGNED: This cross-sectional study was based on data from the Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Crude and adjusted odds ratios were estimated using logistic regression.
    UNASSIGNED: Benefits were granted to 25,085 affected individuals, mostly men (15,812; 63%) with the cardiac form (20,424; 81.4%) who resided in urban areas (16,051; 64%). The highest relative frequency of benefits were granted in the Midwest macroregion (31.1/100,000 inhabitants). Male sex (odds ratios = 1.2; 95% CI 1.1-1.2), age 30-49 years (odds ratios = 1.8; 95% CI 1.4-2.1), residence in rural areas (odds ratios = 1.6; 95% CI 1.5-1.7) or the Southeast macroregion (odds ratios = 2.9; 95% CI 2.4-3.4) had the highest association with the cardiac form. Individuals with the cardiac form had a higher median age at disease onset (45 years; p < 0.001) but a lower age at work disability onset (50 years; p = 0.01).
    UNASSIGNED: The impact of Chagas disease on Brazilian social welfare is mainly due to chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy, which was mainly associated with men in their productive years who live in rural areas in Southeastern Brazil.
    UNASSIGNED: A doença de Chagas é uma doença tropical negligenciada, de evolução crônica e com elevada morbimortalidade. Apesar da drástica redução na incidência da doença nas últimas décadas no Brasil, casos infectados no passado ainda impactam o sistema de seguridade social brasileiro.
    UNASSIGNED: Analisar as características sociodemográficas de beneficiários da seguridade social brasileira acometidos pela doença de Chagas crônica nas formas clínicas cardíaca e digestiva no período de 2004 a 2016.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudo transversal com dados do Ministério do Trabalho e Previdência Social brasileiro. Empregou-se regressão logística para estimar odds ratio brutas e ajustadas.
    UNASSIGNED: Houve concessão de 25.085 benefícios, a maioria relacionada à forma cardíaca da doença de Chagas (20.424; 81,4%), ao sexo masculino (15.812; 63%) e residentes em áreas urbanas (16.051; 64%). A macrorregião Centro-Oeste apresentou maior frequência relativa de benefícios (31,1/100.000 habitantes). Sexo masculino (odds ratio = 1,2; IC95% 1,1-1,2), faixa etária entre 30 e 49 anos (odds ratio = 1,8; IC95% 1,4-2,1), residência em áreas rurais (odds ratio = 1,6; IC95% 1,5-1,7) ou na macrorregião Sudeste (odds ratio = 2,9; IC95% 2,4-3,4) foram as categorias das variáveis mais associadas à forma cardíaca. Indivíduos com a forma cardíaca apresentaram idade mediana maior no início da doença (45 anos; p < 0,001), porém menor no início da incapacidade laboral (50 anos; p = 0,01).
    UNASSIGNED: O impacto da doença de Chagas na seguridade social brasileira decorre principalmente por causa da cardiomiopatia chagásica crônica. Essa forma clínica esteve associada principalmente a pessoas do sexo masculino, em idade produtiva importante, residentes em áreas rurais e da macrorregião Sudeste do Brasil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Economic welfare is essential in the modern economy since it directly reflects the standard of living, distribution of resources, and general social satisfaction, which influences individual and social well-being. This study aims to explore the relationship between national income accounting different attributes and the economic welfare in Pakistan. However, this study used data from 1950 to 2022, and data was downloaded from the World Bank data portal. Regression analysis is used to investigate the relationship between them and is very effective in measuring the relationship between endogenous and exogenous variables. Moreover, generalized methods of movement (GMM) are used as the robustness of the regression. Our results show that foreign direct investment outflow, Gross domestic product growth rate, GDP per capita, higher Interest, market capitalization, and population growth have a significant negative on the unemployment rate, indicating the rise in these factors leads to a decrease in the employment rate in Pakistan. Trade and savings have a significant positive impact on the unemployment rate, indicating the rise in these factors leads to an increase in the unemployment rate for various reasons. Moreover, all the factors of national income accounting have a significant positive relationship with life expectancy, indicating that an increase in these factors leads to an increase in economic welfare and life expectancy due to better health facilities, many resources, and correct economic policies. However, foreign direct investment, inflation rate, lending interest rate, and population growth have significant positive effects on age dependency, indicating these factors increase the age dependency. Moreover, GDP growth and GDP per capita negatively impact age dependency. Similarly, all the national income accounting factors have a significant negative relationship with legal rights that leads to decreased legal rights. Moreover, due to better health facilities and health planning, there is a negative significant relationship between national income accounting attributes and motility rate among children. Our study advocated the implications for the policymakers and the government to make policies for the welfare and increase the social factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased concern was raised globally at the outbreak of COVID-19 that victims of domestic violence would be even more at risk when isolated with a violent partner and out of reach of support due to restrictions. Swedish staff in violence against women services prepared for increased calls for help. Instead, a worrying silence arose in a time and place of high uncertainty. This article analyzes the narratology of risk, when staff members in violence against women services, reflect upon their accounts, responses, and experiences, during the pandemic. The analysis is based on three themes, accounting for expected increased influx, making sense of silence and accounting for mobilization. The findings are discussed by applying the relational theory of risk.





