Social Welfare

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In Singapore, where drug use is a highly stigmatized and criminalized issue, there is limited understanding of the challenges faced by individuals, particularly sexual minority men, in their journey towards recovery from substance dependence or addiction. This qualitative study aimed to investigate the driving forces behind drug use, the factors contributing to drug cessation, and the elements influencing the recovery process.
    METHODS: Data were extracted from clinical records provided by  The Greenhouse Community Services Limited between January 2020 to May 2022. These records encompassed information from four distinct forms: the intake assessment, progress notes, case closing summary, and the care plan review. Thematic analysis was employed to identify and categorize recurring themes within the data.
    RESULTS: Data from beneficiaries (n = 125) were analyzed and yielded a series of themes related to facilitators of drug use, motivations to cease drug use, and managing one\'s ongoing recovery. Within the facilitators of drug use, two sub-themes were identified: (a) addressing trauma and triggers and (b) managing emotions. Additionally, managing one\'s recovery was marked by four significant sub-themes: (a) uncovering personal identities, (b) losing motivation and drive, (c) overcoming obstacles, and (d) preparing for aftercare.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study contributes valuable insights into the dynamics of ongoing recovery management, offering potential avenues for interventions that could enhance support for individuals in their journey to overcome substance dependence. Enhancing psychoeducation and fostering peer support have the potential to facilitate the recovery process. Clearly, a holistic approach is needed to address these complex issues that cuts across our societies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Aligning delivery and financing systems across sectors to create broader systems of care can improve the health and well-being of families experiencing adversities. We aimed to identify structural and relational factors for best practices to achieve successful cross-sector collaboration among home visiting programs in the United States.
    METHODS: We used a multiple case study approach to identify best practices for successful cross-sector collaboration between home visitors and other community service providers. We selected five diverse exemplary cases with cross-sector collaboration with variation in implementing agency type and geographic location. Cases were selected using a positive deviance approach based on strong coordination and integration with different community service provider types identified from previous survey data. We conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with home visiting staff, community providers, and clients with a total of 76 interviews conducted from 2021 to 2022. We wrote memos to synthesize themes within each case through data triangulation using interview data, documents, and site visit observations. We compared themes across the five cases to create a cross-case synthesis of best practices for successful cross-sector collaboration.
    RESULTS: Across the five cases, relational factors including leadership from all levels, champions across sectors, and shared goals between community providers were key factors for successful collaboration. Interpersonal relationships, coupled with the desire and capacity to engage, facilitated effective coordination to address families\' needs. At the structural level, shared data systems, written agreements, and co-location enabled care coordination activities. Community Advisory Boards provided a venue for developing partnerships, relationship-building, resource-sharing, and increasing awareness of home visiting.
    CONCLUSIONS: We identified key elements of successful cross-sector collaboration across five case studies where home visitors coordinate care frequently and/or are structurally integrated with a range of providers. These learnings will inform future interventions to improve home visiting collaboration with other community providers to create a system of care to enhance family well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to explore the experiences and needs of (ex-)welfare benefit recipients from a large urban municipality in the Netherlands regarding their welfare-to-work services and their case workers.
    METHODS: Quantitative data from a client satisfaction survey that was filled out by 213 people (response rate 11%) who received welfare-to-work services was combined with results from four group interviews with a total of 15 people receiving welfare-to-work services. Verbatim transcripts from the interviews were analysed using inductive thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: The survey results showed that most clients were reasonably satisfied with the welfare-to-work services they received. Four main themes emerged from the interviews: (1) experiences and needs related to the interactions between case workers and benefit recipients; (2) the need for tailored services; (3) the complicating role of the system the case workers operate within; and (4) the existence of differences between case workers regarding how strict they followed the rules and to what extent they connected with their clients on a personal level.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that clients were reasonably satisfied with the welfare-to-work services provided by their municipality but that there is still room for improvement. Case workers should have good social skills to build a trusting relationship with the client, welfare-to-work services should be tailored to the individual, and clear concise information should be given to welfare benefit recipients, especially with regard to what benefit recipients can expect of the municipality and the case workers, given their dual role in supporting (re-)integration to work and monitoring benefit eligibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Smart community enables a sustainable and livable community future, in which residents\' demands play an important role in its success. Though great efforts have been made to encourage residents\' participation in the implementation of smart communities, inefficient service supply still exists. Thus, this study aimed to classify residents\' demands for community services in smart communities and to explore relevant influencing factors based on the developed conceptual framework. Data from 221 respondents in Xuzhou city of China were analyzed by using binary logistic regression. The results indicated that more than 70% of respondents had demands for all community services in smart communities. Moreover, the demands were influenced by distinct factors, including sociodemographic characteristics, living characteristics, economic characteristics, and individual attitude characteristics. The types of community services in smart communities are clarified and fresh insights are provided into associated factors related to residents\' demands for these services in this study, through which enhanced provision of community services and effective implementation of smart communities can be achieved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Unmet social risks such as housing, food insecurity and safety concerns are associated with adverse health outcomes in adults and children. Experimentation with social needs screening in primary care is currently underway throughout the United States. Pediatric primary care practices are well-positioned to amplify the effects of social needs screening and referral programs because all members of the household have the potential to benefit from connection to needed social services; however, more research is needed to determine effective implementation strategies.
    METHODS: To describe common implementation barriers and facilitators, we conducted 48 in-depth qualitative interviews with leadership, providers and staff between November 2018 and June 2019 as part of a multiple case study of social needs screening and referral programs based out of four pediatric ambulatory care clinics in New York City. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and coded using a protocol-driven, template-based rapid analysis approach designed for pragmatic health services research. In addition to analyzing content for our study, we delivered timely findings to each site individually in order to facilitate quality improvement changes in close-to-real time.
    RESULTS: Effective implementation strategies included tailoring screening tools to meet the needs of families seen at the clinic and reflect the resources available in the community, hiring dedicated staff to manage the program, building strong and lasting partnerships with community-based organizations, establishing shared communication methods between partners, and utilizing technology for efficient tracking of screening data. Respondents were enthusiastic about the value of their programs and the impact on families, but remained concerned about long-term sustainability after the grant period.
    CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of social needs screening and referral interventions is dependent on contextual factors including the nature of family needs and the availability of intraorganizational and community resources to address those needs. Additional research is needed to prospectively test promising implementation strategies that were found to be effective across sites in this study. Sustainability of programs is challenging, and future research should also explore measurable outcomes and payment structures to support such interventions in pediatric settings, as well as aim to better understand caregiver perspectives to improve engagement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age-friendly communities (AFCs) are an important measure for fostering active aging. The key to achieving an age-friendly living environment is to construct or renovate it according to the residents\' demands. To date, very few studies have attempted to delve into the AFCs\' environmental demand from different groups\' perspectives. Based on the theory of place attachment, the aim of this paper is to explore the demand diversity of different groups for the AFC environment. This study employs the nonparametric test and the Ordinal Priority Approach (OPA) to investigate the demands from the residents\' perspectives, and is enhanced by incorporating experts\' opinions. The empirical analysis shows that residents have a high level of demand for the physical environment (indoor and outdoor) and social environment (community services and social participation). At the same time, experts advocate the importance of using digital technologies to support people aged 45-65 who have higher requirements for a community environment than older adults. The findings also show that other backgrounds, such as gender, living arrangements, and year of the community establishment, lead to different demands. However, the impact of residents\' education level, occupation, income, and self-care ability on the environmental demands is low. Based on the research findings, the paper provides some practical suggestions for the future design and development of AFCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whose values matter when considering which environment is healthier for a child whose guardianship is contested? The biological mother from a remote Australian Aboriginal community, who voluntarily relinquished her but has now requested her return? The foster mother who has cared for her in a metropolitan centre in another State of Australia, thousands of kilometres away? The welfare professionals who also live in that city? Or the child herself, who left her birth home and community five years earlier at the age of two? Drawing on a case study of a seven-year old Aboriginal girl, the authors argue that non-Indigenous values trumped Indigenous values without the realisation of key players who were empowered to make such determinations. The article uses Manuel DeLanda\'s neo-assemblage theory to consider the range of processes that exert themselves to shape place-values and social identity in colonised nations. It will also draw on Erik Erikson\'s and Lev Vygotsky\'s theories of psychosocial development to consider competing sets of values that raised feelings of dissonance within the child. Beliefs about what makes a place health-giving are revealed to be complex in colonised nations. Despite policy and legislative changes to better support Aboriginal people and their right to difference, non-Indigenous professionals can continue to be driven by an unrecognised systemic racism. While place-values are not, of course, the only (or perhaps even the most significant) consideration in guardianship determinations, this article will argue they can play a significant and covert role.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A guiding principle of a successful integrated health and social care delivery network is to establish a governance approach based on learning, grounded in a data and knowledge infrastructure. The \'Krijtmolen Alliantie\' is a network of health and social care providers with the ambition to realize such a performance intelligence driven governance model in line with the Triple Aim. This study seeks to identify what performance intelligence is available and how it can be improved.
    METHODS: This case study was conducted in the district of Amsterdam Noord, the Netherlands, and employed 23 semi-structured interviews with stakeholders in health and social care, a feasibility analysis of available administrative data, and a reflection meeting with board members of the \'Krijtmolen Alliantie\'. Information needs for performance intelligence by the stakeholders were mapped and a data landscape of the district covered by the network was drafted. Finally, in the reflection meeting with board members of the \'Krijtmolen Alliantie\' the information needs and data landscape were aligned with governing needs, resulting in priority domains around which to strengthen the data infrastructure for governance of the integrated health and social care delivery network.
    RESULTS: The \'Krijtmolen Alliantie\' encompasses a network of providers with a diverse range of catchment areas. There are indicators on population health and welfare, however they have limited actionability for providers due to a misalignment with their respective catchment areas. There is a barrier in data exchange between health and social care providers. It is difficult to construct one indicator for per capita cost in the Dutch health data infrastructure as health and social care are subdivided in financing siloes. Priority domains for improvement of performance intelligence for the \'Krijtmolen Alliantie\' are: 1) Per capita and per patient cost data integration that would allow combined accountability through aligning financial incentives to facilitate integrated care, and 2) combined patient experience and outcome measures to reflect network quality of care and patient experience performance.
    CONCLUSIONS: Available performance intelligence lacks actionability for the governance of integrated care networks. Our recommendation is to align performance intelligence with the regional governance responsibilities of stakeholders for health and social care delivery.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cost-sharing is regarded as an important tool to reduce moral hazard in health insurance. Contrary to standard prediction, however, such requirements are found to decrease utilization both of efficient and of inefficient care. I employ a simple model that incorporates two possible explanations-consumer mistakes and limited access-to assess the welfare implications of different insurance designs. I find cost-sharing never to be an optimal solution as it produces two novel inefficiencies by limiting access. An alternative design, relying on bonuses, has no such side effects and achieves the same incentivization. I show how the optimal design can be deduced empirically and discuss possible impediments to its implementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Students of the politics of aging have mainly focused their research on the following: (1) elders\' voting patterns and other forms of political participation, (2) the power and influence of older people as perceived, most notably, by politicians, and (3) the effectiveness of pressure/interest groups and lobbyists for older people. The context of their research has been large and growing national fiscal deficits and the projected growth in health care, long-term care, and age pension costs arising from population aging and the consequent calls for welfare state reform. However, an aspect of the relationship between aging and politics in which there has been little investment is that of the engagement of elders with issues and that do not bear narrowly on their own well-being or self-interest. This paper focuses upon the politics of aging in relation to the highly controversial issue of greater democratization in Hong Kong SAR, China. It seeks to provide some insight into the role played by Hong Kong\'s elders in shaping politics and policy under a quasi-democratic regime in order to move beyond, on the one hand, the focus by students of the politics of aging on liberal democracies and, on the other, their hitherto exclusive focus on the politics of aging in relation to old-age welfare state reform.





