Research translation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Organizational adoption is a key but understudied step in translating evidence-based interventions into practice. The purpose of this study was to report recruitment strategies and factors associated with church enrollment and intervention adoption in a national implementation study of the Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) program.
    METHODS: We worked with partners using multiple strategies to disseminate intervention availability. Interested churches completed an online form. To enroll, the church coordinator (FAN coordinator) and pastor completed baseline surveys and then received intervention online training access. We compared enrolled vs. non-enrolled churches on how they heard about the study and church characteristics. We compared intervention-adopting vs. non-adopting churches on Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) constructs using Fisher\'s exact tests, χ2, or independent sample t-tests and reported differences where p < 0.10, d≥|0.35|, or the difference in percentage points was ≥ 10.
    RESULTS: We received 226 interest forms; 107 churches enrolled, and 85 churches adopted the intervention. Faith-based sources were the most, and paid media the least, effective in reaching churches, which were largely from the southeast with a Methodist or Baptist tradition (no differences by enrollment status). Enrolled churches were less likely to have 500 + worshipers and more likely to have attended a study information session than non-enrolled churches. Church (CFIR inner setting) and FAN coordinator characteristics, but not intervention characteristics, were related to intervention adoption.
    CONCLUSIONS: Partnerships, relationships, and \"face time\" are important for enrolling churches in evidence-based interventions. Church and church coordinator characteristics are related to intervention adoption. Further work on adoption conceptualization and operationalization is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Translation of research is requisite for speech-language pathologists; however, barriers have been reported. This review aimed to identify the extant literature published on communication for autistic children, and examine the replicability and translatability of communication interventions for speech-language pathologists providing services to children with autism.
    UNASSIGNED: A scoping review was conducted using a six-stage protocol. Following initial database searching and screening, data were extracted from included studies for demographic characteristics and Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist elements. Stakeholder consultation interviews with 13 speech-language pathologists who work with autistic children were also undertaken.
    UNASSIGNED: The database search revealed 4719 studies on the topic of communication in autistic children, of which 762 were communication intervention studies. Of these included intervention studies, 30% were considered replicable according to the TIDieR checklist. Stakeholder consultation revealed that poorly described intervention studies hindered translation efforts.
    UNASSIGNED: The vast amount of autism communication intervention literature and the variable quality of intervention description reporting are barriers to accessing high quality literature for translation to practice. Improved reporting of intervention descriptions in autism communication intervention studies would support research translation into clinical settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical risk assessment still primarily relies on extrapolation of data from high-confidence in vivo studies. Emerging 21st Century Toxicology tools and approaches have potential to figure more prominently in chemical risk assessment, but many challenges in translating this research into assessments remain. One of these tools, the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) Wiki provides a framework to map and evaluate adverse chemical dynamics, that is the biochemical and physiological effects that occur after chemical exposure. The AOP-guided targeted review of relevant literature, described here, shares similarities with a doctoral thesis or literature review but forces critical evaluation of each step in a pathway including those of central dogma. Additionally, it provides valuable translational regulatory relevance. Data gaps identified through this process can be targeted areas of study in the thesis itself to increase translational relevance. One of the challenges with this tool is that many AOPs are under- or undeveloped. To help fill this need, a concerted effort by subject matter experts to speed the development of AOPs supported under the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) framework would benefit this translational problem. As a case study, we present our experience developing AOP 460: Antagonism of Smoothened receptor leading to orofacial clefting (OECD AOP workplan project 1.101) as part of a graduate literature review. AOP development offers clear benefits to the regulatory and academic communities and increased dissemination of AOPs replete with the most current state of scientific knowledge will promote research translation and increased risk assessment capabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients presenting to the ED after using illicit drugs, including novel psychoactive substances, are a unique source of information on substances that are directly causing acute harm in the community. Conventionally, illicit drug intoxications are assessed and managed in EDs based on self-report and presenting symptoms, with no objective data on the causative agent. The Emerging Drugs Network of Australia (EDNA) is a national toxico-surveillance system that provides analytic data on these drugs, from sentinel Emergency Departments. It is a collaborative national network of emergency physicians, toxicologists, forensic laboratories and public health authorities. The key benefit of EDNA is the capacity to provide timely laboratory-confirmed toxicology data on emerging drug-related threats in the community. This leads to improvements in clinical, forensic laboratory and public health harm reduction responses, reflecting rapid translation of the research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organizations that perform Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) need robust capacities, but it remains unclear what these organizations should look like in practice. We sought to define \'HPSRIs\' (pronounced as \'hip-srees\', i.e. \'Health Policy and Systems Research Institutions\') as organizational models and developed a conceptual framework for assessing their capacities based on a set of attributes. We implemented a multi-method study in the Philippines that comprised: a qualitative analysis of perspectives from 33 stakeholders in the HPSR ecosystem on the functions, strengths and challenges of HPSRIs; a workshop with 17 multi-sectoral representatives who collectively developed a conceptual framework for assessing organizational capacities for HPSRIs based on organizational attributes; and a survey instrument development process that determined indicators for assessing these attributes. We defined HPSRIs to be formally constituted organizations (or institutions) with the minimum essential function of research. Beyond the research function, our framework outlined eight organizational attributes of well-performing HPSRIs that were grouped into four domains, namely: \'research expertise\' (1) excellent research, (2) capacity-building driven; \'leadership and management\' (3) efficient administration, (4) financially sustainable; \'policy translation\' (5) policy orientation, (6) effective communication; and \'networking\' (7) participatory approach, (8) convening influence. We developed a self-assessment instrument around these attributes that HPSRIs could use to inform their respective organizational development and collectively discuss their shared challenges. In addition to developing the framework, the workshop also analysed the positionality of HPSRIs and their interactions with other institutional actors in the HPSR ecosystem, and recommends the importance of enhancing these interactions and assigning responsibility to a national/regional authority that will foster the community of HPSRIs. When tailored to their context, HPSRIs that function at the nexus of research, management, policy and networks help achieve the main purpose of HPSR, which is to \'achieve collective health goals and contribute to policy outcomes\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In highly urbanized and unequal Latin America, urban health and health equity research are essential to effective policymaking. To ensure the application of relevant and context-specific evidence to efforts to reduce urban health inequities, urban health research in Latin America must incorporate strategic research translation efforts. Beginning in 2017, the Urban Health in Latin America (SALURBAL) project implemented policy-relevant research and engaged policymakers and the public to support the translation of research findings. Over 6 years, more than 200 researchers across eight countries contributed to SALURBAL\'s interdisciplinary network. This network allowed SALURBAL to adapt research and engagement activities to local contexts and priorities, thereby maximizing the policy relevance of research findings and their application to promote policy action, inform urban interventions, and drive societal change. SALURBAL achieved significant visibility and credibility among academic and nonacademic urban health stakeholders, resulting in the development of evidence and tools to support urban policymakers, planners, and policy development processes across the region. These efforts and their outcomes reveal important lessons regarding maintaining flexibility and accounting for local context in research, ensuring that resources are dedicated to policy engagement and dissemination activities, and recognizing that assessing policy impact requires a nuanced understanding of complex policymaking processes. These reflections are relevant for promoting urban health and health equity research translation across the global south and worldwide. This paper presents SALURBAL\'s strategy for dissemination and policy translation, highlights innovative initiatives and their outcomes, discusses lessons learned, and shares recommendations for future efforts to promote effective translation of research findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Research evidence has demonstrably improved health care practices and patient outcomes. However, systemic translation of evidence into practice is far from optimal. The reasons are complex, but often because research is not well aligned with health service priorities. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences and perspectives of senior health service executives on two issues: (1) the alignment between local research activity and the needs and priorities of their health services, and (2) the extent to which research is or can be integrated as part of usual health care practice.
    METHODS: In this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with senior health leaders from four large health service organisations that are members of Sydney Health Partners (SHP), one of Australia\'s nationally accredited research translation centres committed to accelerating the translation of research findings into evidence-based health care. The interviews were conducted between November 2022 and January 2023, and were either audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim or recorded in the interviewer field notes. A thematic analysis of the interview data was conducted by two researchers, using the framework method to identify common themes.
    RESULTS: Seventeen health executives were interviewed, including chief executives, directors of medical services, nursing, allied health, research, and others in executive leadership roles. Responses to issue (1) included themes on re-balancing curiosity- and priority-driven research; providing more support for research activity within health organisations; and helping health professionals and researchers discuss researchable priorities. Responses to issue (2) included identification of elements considered essential for embedding research in health care; and the need to break down silos between research and health care, as well as within health organisations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Health service leaders value research but want more research that aligns with their needs and priorities. Discussions with researchers about those priorities may need some facilitation. Making research a more integrated part of health care will require strong and broad executive leadership, resources and infrastructure, and investing in capacity- and capability-building across health clinicians, managers and executive staff.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The scale-up of evidence-based interventions is necessary to reverse high rates of obesity. However, scale-up doesn\'t occur frequently nor in a timely manner. While it has been estimated that takes 14-17 years for research translation to occur, the time taken to scale-up prevention interventions is largely unknown. This study examined the time taken to scale-up obesity prevention interventions across four scale-up pathways.
    METHODS: A sample of obesity prevention interventions that had been scaled-up or implemented at scale were found using a structured search strategy. Included interventions were mapped against four scale-up pathways and timeframes associated with each stage of the scale-up pathway were identified to determine the time taken to scale-up.
    RESULTS: Of the 90 interventions found that were scaled-up to at least a city-wide level, less than half reported a comprehensive research pathway to scale-up and a third did not report any evidence of efficacy or effectiveness prior to scale-up. The time taken to scale-up ranged from 0 to 5 years depending on the pathway taken. Those following a comprehensive pathway took approximately 5 years to scale-up, while interventions that had only one evidence generating step took between 1 and 1.5 years to scale-up. For the remaining interventions, scale-up occurred immediately post-development without evidence generation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that the scale-up of obesity prevention interventions can occur more quickly than previous estimates of 14-17 years. Our findings support previous research that scale-up of interventions occurs through a variety of pathways and often scale-up occurs in absence of prior evidence of effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Dietary guidelines worldwide emphasize the importance of consuming vegetables as part of a healthy diet. Despite this, translating this information into messages for consumers that change behavior has been difficult. There have been population-level social marketing campaigns as well as several smaller campaigns directed specifically toward children, which have demonstrated small increases in consumption. However, achieving meaningful and sustained increases in children\'s vegetable consumption remains a challenge. This article describes the process of synthesizing the published literature and translating these findings to inform the development of 7 best practice guidelines to increase children\'s vegetable intake.
    UNASSIGNED: The first step in this process was a systematic review of scientific literature to identify the components of interventions that were associated with successfully increasing vegetable intake. The synthesis of effective intervention components was guided by the Behavior Change Wheel. These scientific findings were translated to guidelines for best practice. This process involved a team of nutrition and behavioral researchers and nutrition practitioners translating the science into actionable advice that could be adopted by a range of stakeholders. The 6 selected stakeholders included long daycare centers, after-hours school care providers, primary schools, industry groups and growers, researchers, and government policy makers. Stakeholders were involved in the development process through surveys and interviews to understand their requirements for resources to support adoption of the best practice guidelines within each setting and within the context of existing practice.
    UNASSIGNED: The guidelines center on coordination of effort, with a focus on components such as planning, environmental restructuring, barrier reduction, feedback, and monitoring. In consultation with key stakeholders, a range of resources were developed for each setting to support the implementation of best practice, with the aim of achieving meaningful increases in intake. The resources and tools have been made available at
    UNASSIGNED: The translation of knowledge into practice is not traditionally included as part of the research process. Therefore, combining the process of reviewing the science and translating the evidence to stakeholder resources to influence practice in 1 research study is novel, and the study could be used to guide future research translation activities within and beyond the field of public health nutrition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Science diplomacy is coming to the fore as a formidable dimension of interstate power relations. As the challenges of the world increasingly transcend borders, so too have researchers and innovators forged international coalitions to resolve global pathologies. In doing so, new channels of influence and opportunity have opened up for states alongside the \'traditional\' modes of foreign diplomacy. Understanding how these channels influence global socio-economic outcomes is thereby crucial for scholars interested in the still-ambiguous structure and processes of global governance. This article advances understanding of the domains of science diplomacy by drawing attention to the \'political intercostalities\' of state actors, scientific communities and other transnational actors within the new architectures of global governance. Here we trace the growing array of informal international associations alongside transgovernmental policy networks and \'global public-policy partnerships\' that deal with highly specialised and technical matters of international policy and how they are drawn into science diplomacy. This article thus presents a research agenda for a particular mode of \'impact\' in politics and international studies.





