Environmental Policy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite growing scientific alarm about anthropogenic climate change, the world is not on track to solve the crisis. Inaction may be partially explained by skepticism about climate change and resistance to proenvironmental policies from people who are motivated to maintain the status quo (i.e., conservative-rightists). Therefore, practical interventions are needed. In the present research program, we tested an experimental manipulation derived from system justification theory in which proenvironmental initiatives were framed as patriotic and necessary to maintain the American \"way of life.\" In a large, nationally representative U.S. sample, we found that the system-sanctioned change intervention successfully increased liberal-leftists\' as well as conservative-rightists\' belief in climate change; support for proenvironmental policies; and willingness to share climate information on social media. Similar messages were effective in an aggregated analysis involving 63 countries, although the overall effect sizes were small. More granular exploratory analyses at the country level revealed that while the intervention was moderately successful in some countries (e.g., Brazil, France, Israel), it backfired in others (Germany, Belgium, Russia). Across the three outcome variables, the effects of the intervention were consistent and pronounced in the United States, in support of the hypothesis that system justification motivation can be harnessed on behalf of social change. Potential explanations for divergent country-level effects are discussed. The system-sanctioned change intervention holds considerable promise for policymakers and communicators seeking to increase climate awareness and action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most environmental policy studies focus on the technical pathway effect but ignore the non-technical pathway. This paper analyzes the synergistic governance effects of three types of environmental policies on the technical and non-technical pathways. The super-efficient slacks-based measure-data envelopment analysis (SBM-DEA) assesses the green total factor productivity, while the Malmquist index decomposes into pure technical efficiency. The findings indicate that: (1) command-and-control policy has the \'too-little-of-a-good-thing\' effect, but the policy intensity in most Chinese provinces is strong enough to reduce air pollution, while market-based incentive policy may be \'too-much-of-a-good-thing\', but Chinese provinces have not reached the inflection point; (2) there are considerable differences in the environmental effects of different policies through technical and non-technical pathways; (3) different policies have various focuses. Command-and-control policy focuses on the non-technical pathway, whereas market-based incentive policy can induce technological progress.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biodiversity is confronted globally by multiple stressors. Environmental policies must regulate these stressors to achieve targets, but how should that be done when the outcomes of limits on one stressor are contingent on other stressors, about which there is imperfect knowledge? Deriving regulatory frameworks that incorporate these contingencies is an emerging challenge at the science-policy interface. To be fit for implementation, these frameworks need to facilitate the inherently sociopolitical process of policy implementation and account transparently for uncertainty, such that practitioners and other stakeholders can more realistically anticipate the range of potential outcomes to policy. We developed an approach to quantify stressor limits that explicitly accounts for multistressor contingencies. Using an invertebrate data set collected over 30 years throughout New Zealand, we combined ecological and ecotoxicological models to predict biodiversity loss as a function of one stressor, treating multistressor contingencies as a form of uncertainty about the outcomes of limits on that stressor. We transparently accounted for that uncertainty by presenting regulatory limits as bands bounded between optimistic and pessimistic views that practitioners may have about the local context within which limits are applied. In addition to transparently accounting for uncertainties, our framework also leaves room for practitioners to build stakeholder consensus when refining limits to suit different local contexts. A criticism of this open, transparent approach is that it creates too much scope for choosing limits that are lenient on polluters, paralyzing on-the-ground management of multiple stressors, but we demonstrate that this is not necessarily the case.
    Cuantificación abierta y transparente de los límites regulatorios para varios estresantes Resumen La biodiversidad enfrenta a múltiples estresantes en todo el mundo. Las políticas ambientales deben regularlos para alcanzar los objetivos fijados, pero ¿cómo hacerlo cuando los resultados de la limitación de un estresante dependen de otros factores, de los que se conoce muy poco? La elaboración de marcos reguladores que incorporen estas contingencias es un reto emergente en la interfaz ciencia‐política. Para aplicar estos marcos, se debe facilitar el proceso sociopolítico inherente a la aplicación de políticas y tener en cuenta de forma transparente la incertidumbre, de modo que los profesionales y otras partes interesadas puedan anticipar de forma más realista la variedad de posibles resultados de las políticas. Desarrollamos un método para cuantificar los límites de los estresantes que considera explícitamente las contingencias de múltiples factores. Usamos un conjunto de datos sobre invertebrados recolectados durante 30 años en toda Nueva Zelanda. Después combinamos modelos ecológicos y eco‐toxicológicos para predecir la pérdida de biodiversidad en función de un estresante y tratamos las contingencias de múltiples estresantes como una forma de incertidumbre sobre los resultados de los límites de ese mismo estresante. Explicamos esa incertidumbre de forma transparente con los límites normativos como bandas delimitadas entre las opiniones optimistas y pesimistas que los profesionales pueden tener sobre el contexto local en el que se aplican los límites. Además de hacer lo anterior, nuestro marco también deja margen para que los profesionales lleguen a un consenso con las partes interesadas a la hora de perfeccionar los límites para adaptarlos a los distintos contextos locales. Una crítica a este enfoque abierto y transparente crea demasiado margen para elegir límites indulgentes con los contaminadores, paralizando la gestión sobre el terreno de múltiples estresantes, pero demostramos que no es necesariamente así.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ayeyarwady River Basin in Myanmar is grappling with severe environmental challenges, including soil erosion and water pollution, primarily driven by unsustainable agricultural practices. This study aims to evaluate farmers\' awareness of environmental policies and identify barriers to their effective implementation. In-depth interviews were conducted with 45 stakeholders, encompassing farmers, government officials, and researchers. The findings highlight a significant lack of policy awareness among farmers, exacerbated by socio-cultural, economic, and institutional obstacles. These barriers impede the successful application of environmental policies, perpetuating environmental degradation. The study advocates for integrative strategies that encompass education, community engagement, and adaptive policy frameworks to address these complex issues. Detailed policy implications are provided, offering insights into potential solutions for enhancing the region\'s environmental governance and sustainable development. This research contributes to understanding the critical interplay between policy awareness and ecological management, underscoring the importance of targeted interventions to mitigate environmental threats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optimizing water allocation is a crucial strategy for water planning in large basins, such as the Yellow River basin. The transforming water supply pattern, triggered by inter-basin water transfer, urges the optimization and refinement of water allocation. Here, we predict the future water demand for different sectors at the provincial level and carry out future water allocation based on a multi-objective allocation model. The results imply that \"demand increases in midstream and water deficits in downstream\" would persist by 2050, and the demand structure highlights potential sectoral rivalry for water resources in each province. Water transfer will be the \"antidote\" to water disputes and will account for 19.8% and 34.5% of the water demand in 2030 and 2050, respectively. This study provides a basis for the policymaking of water management and establishes the future allocation pattern from water resources to sectors in each province in the Yellow River basin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sport participation has huge benefits to individuals and communities including both physical health and wellbeing, prevention of non-communicable diseases, promoting equity and reducing inequalities. Sport participation can disadvantage oral health with a life-long shadow of treatment need and potential psycho-social consequences, despite these problems being preventable. It is therefore a priority to collaborate with partners in community sport to embed oral health promotion as one of the foundations of overall health in order to gain the most equitable and sustainable benefits from sport participation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Well-designed environmental regulatory tools are essential for environmental, economic, and social sustainability. This paper explores the effects of different types of environmental supervision policies on green economic efficiency in China from 2003 to 2021. In the first stage, the environmental supervision policies are divided into four types based on the governmental behavioral patterns and the composite index of environmental supervision policies is constructed based on multiple criteria, and the super-efficiency DEA-SBM model is used to measure green economic efficiency. In the second stage, the Tobit model is used to explore the effects of four different types of environmental supervision policies on green economic efficiency. The results show that: (1) Command policies inhibit green economic efficiency in the short term, while the long-term effect increases green economic efficiency. (2) Collaboration policies increase green economy efficiency from the second to the fifth year of implementation, but the subsequent long-term effects show a dampening effect. (3) Planning policies inhibit green economy efficiency in the short term, while they increase green economy efficiency after two years of implementation. (4) Guidance policies inhibit green economic efficiency in the short term but can enhance green economic efficiency after three years of implementation. The result provides theoretical guidance for the rational formulation and implementation of environmental supervision policies by environmental administrations in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The frequent trade within and beyond the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has prospered the economy but has also expanded carbon emissions. Here, through a multi-regional environmental input-output analysis framework, we explore the patterns and inter-sectoral linkage of trade-embodied carbon emissions among BRI countries during 2015-2019. Then, a dynamic data envelopment analysis model considering carbon inequality as a non-discretionary input is constructed to assess the carbon emission efficiency of the identified key sector. We find that trade-embodied carbon emissions in the BRI steadily increased during 2015-2019. The manufacturing sector was identified as the key sector, exhibiting an overall efficiency of 0.6268 on average, with significant efficiency disparities. Moreover, we validate the positive role of efficiency enhancement in carbon emission mitigation, as well as the negative moderating effect of carbon inequality. Overall, this study provides optimal collaboration and initiatives to mitigate trade-embodied carbon emissions among BRI countries deeply.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Economic sectors are pivotal in achieving China\'s dual carbon goals; nevertheless, the combined impact of industrial and energy consumption structures on sectors\' peak pathways remains unresolved. We extend the optimization of separate industrial and energy structures to a multi-objective dynamic input-output optimization model. Findings indicate the following. (1) China\'s energy-related CO2 emissions are projected to peak in 2028, reaching a volume of 10.06-10.25 Gt. The contribution of industrial structure upgrading to this peak is three times greater than that of energy structure transformation. (2) Approximately 40% of sectors can delay their peaks until after 2030 without impeding China\'s overall peaking before 2030. (3) Compared with the single objective of minimizing CO2 emissions, China can not only achieve its carbon peak earlier but also enhance its average annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates by more than 0.26 percentage points and increase the non-fossil energy use\'s share by at least 2.78%.





