Carbon dioxide

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is widely used for the technical assessment of standard and complex endovascular aortic interventions. Use of iodinated contrast in CBCT imaging might provide useful additional information; however, this also increases the procedural contrast dose, which may cause renal function deterioration, and the radiation exposure. We describe the technique and feasibility of carbon-dioxide (CO2)-enhanced CBCT for the technical assessment of standard and complex endovascular aortic repair. In our experience CO2-CBCT had no related adverse events and provided satisfactory imaging quality to assess endograft integrity, vessels patency, and was safely performed in case of severe chronic renal insufficiency.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent decades, unfavorable solubility of novel therapeutic agents is considered as an important challenge in pharmaceutical industry. Supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) is known as a green, cost-effective, high-performance, and promising solvent to develop the low solubility of drugs with the aim of enhancing their therapeutic effects. The prominent objective of this study is to improve and modify disparate predictive models through artificial intelligence (AI) to estimate the optimized value of the Oxaprozin solubility in SCCO2 system. In this paper, three different models were selected to develop models on a solubility dataset. Pressure (bar) and temperature (K) are the two inputs for each vector, and each vector has one output (solubility). Selected models include NU-SVM, Linear-SVM, and Decision Tree (DT). Models were optimized through hyper-parameters and assessed applying standard metrics. Considering R-squared metric, NU-SVM, Linear-SVM, and DT have scores of 0.994, 0.854, and 0.950, respectively. Also, they have RMSE error rates of 3.0982E-05, 1.5024E-04, and 1.1680E-04, respectively. Based on the evaluations made, NU-SVM was considered as the most precise method, and optimal values can be summarized as (T = 336.05 K, P = 400.0 bar, solubility = 0.00127) employing this model. Fig 4.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human activities led to elevation in carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in atmosphere. While such increase per se may be beneficial for the growth of some crops, it comes with a caveat of affecting crop nutritional status. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of changes in concentration of essential (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Mo, Ni) and non-essential (Ba, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, and Sr) heavy metals in response to elevated CO2, drawing on a meta-analysis of 1216 paired observations. The major findings are as follows: (1) Elevated CO2 leads to reduced concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in crops; (2) the extent of above reduction varies among plants species and is most pronounced in cereals and then in legumes and vegetables; (3) reduction in accumulation of non-essential (toxic) metals is less pronounced, potentially leading to an unfavorable essential/non-essential metal ratio in plants; (4) the above effects will come with significant implication to human health, exacerbating effects of the \"hidden hunger\" caused by the lack of Fe and Zn in the human diets. The paper also analyses the mechanistic basis of nutrient acquisition (both at physiological and molecular levels) and calls for the changes in the governmental policies to increase efforts of plant breeders to create genotypes with improved nutrient use efficiency for essential micronutrients while uncoupling their transport from non-essential (toxic) heavy metals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In East Asia, where several countries are among the top emitters of carbon dioxide globally, the need to address the dual challenges of reducing carbon footprints and ensuring health security is paramount. Against this backdrop, this study used a descriptive analysis to provide a comparative assessment of the carbon footprints and the level of health security in East Asia using secondary data, sourced from the World Development Indicators. The findings from the study show that it is only North Korea that its average carbon footprint of every person is less than 2.3 tons. However, China, Japan, Mongolia and South Korea are currently lagging behind in meeting the SDG 13 target. Meanwhile, North Korea recorded the highest incidence of tuberculosis in the region. Despite the fact that South Korea and Japan were the highest emitter of CO2, the duo had the lowest under five mortality, infant mortality, incidence of TB alongside the highest life expectancies which surpassed the regional performance. In view of the above, the policymakers in Asia and the rest of the countries with health insecurity should emulate the policymakers in Japan and South Korea by making adequate investment in health, education, and standard of living of their citizens.
    En Asie de l’Est, où plusieurs pays comptent parmi les plus grands émetteurs de dioxyde de carbone au monde, la nécessité de relever le double défi de réduire l’empreinte carbone et d’assurer la sécurité sanitaire est primordiale. Dans ce contexte, cette étude a utilisé une analyse descriptive pour fournir une évaluation comparative des empreintes carbone et du niveau de sécurité sanitaire en Asie de l’Est à l’aide de données secondaires provenant des indicateurs de développement mondial. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que seule la Corée du Nord a une empreinte carbone moyenne par personne inférieure à 2,3 tonnes. Cependant, la Chine, le Japon, la Mongolie et la Corée du Sud sont actuellement à la traîne dans la réalisation de l’ODD 13. Pendant ce temps, la Corée du Nord a enregistré la plus forte incidence de tuberculose dans la région. Bien que la Corée du Sud et le Japon soient les plus grands émetteurs de CO2, ces deux pays ont les taux de mortalité des moins de cinq ans, de mortalité infantile et d\'incidence de tuberculose les plus faibles, ainsi que les espérances de vie les plus élevées, dépassant les performances régionales. Compte tenu de ce qui précède, les décideurs politiques d’Asie et du reste des pays souffrant d’insécurité sanitaire devraient imiter les décideurs politiques du Japon et de la Corée du Sud en investissant de manière adéquate dans la santé, l’éducation et le niveau de vie de leurs citoyens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study characterized the temporal and spatial variability in greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes (CO2, CH4, and N2O) between December 2020 and November 2021 and their regulating drivers in the subtropical wetland of the Indian Himalayan foothill. Five distinct habitats (M1-sloppy surface at swamp forest, M2-plain surface at swamp forest, M3-swamp surface with small grasses, M4-marshy land with dense macrophytes, and M5-marshy land with sparse macrophytes) were studied. We conducted in situ measurements of GHG fluxes, microclimate (AT, ST, and SMC(v/v)), and soil properties (pH, EC, N, P, K, and SOC) in triplicates in all the habitat types. Across the habitats, CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes ranged from 125 to 536 mg m-2 h-1, 0.32 to 28.4 mg m-2 h-1, and 0.16 to 3.14 mg m-2 h-1, respectively. The habitats (M3 and M5) exhibited higher GHG fluxes than the others. The CH4 flux followed the summer > autumn > spring > winter hierarchy. However, CO2 and N2O fluxes followed the summer > spring > autumn > winter. CO2 fluxes were primarily governed by ST and SOC. However, CH4 and N2O fluxes were mainly regulated by ST and SMC(v/v) across the habitats. In the case of N2O fluxes, soil P and EC also played a crucial role across the habitats. AT was a universal driver controlling all GHG fluxes across the habitats. The results emphasize that long-term GHG flux monitoring in sub-tropical Himalayan Wetlands has become imperative to accurately predict the near-future GHG fluxes and their changing nature with the ongoing climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maintaining patients\' temperature during surgery is beneficial since hypothermia has been linked with perioperative complications. Laparoscopic surgery involves the insufflation of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the peritoneal cavity and has become the standard in many surgical indications since it is associated with better and faster recovery. However, the use of cold and dry CO2 insufflation can lead to perioperative hypothermia. We aimed to assess the difference between intraperitoneal and core temperatures during laparoscopic surgery and evaluate the influence of duration and CO2 insufflation volume by fitting a mixed generalized additive model. In this prospective observational single-center cohort trial, we included patients aged over 17 with American Society of Anesthesiology risk scores I to III undergoing laparoscopic surgery. Anesthesia, ventilation, and analgesia followed standard protocols, while patients received active warming using blankets and warmed fluids. Temperature data, CO2 ventilation parameters, and intraabdominal pressure were collected. We recruited 51 patients. The core temperature was maintained above 36 °C and progressively raised toward 37 °C as pneumoperitoneum time passed. In contrast, the intraperitoneal temperature decreased, thus creating a widening difference from 0.4 [25th-75th percentile: 0.2-0.8] °C at the beginning to 2.3 [2.1-2.3] °C after 240 min. Pneumoperitoneum duration and CO2 insufflation volume significantly increased this temperature difference (P < 0.001 for both parameters). Core vs. intraperitoneal temperature difference increased linearly by 0.01 T °C per minute of pneumoperitoneum time up to 120 min and then 0.05 T °C per minute. Each insufflated liter per unit of time, i.e. every 10 min, increased the temperature difference by approximately 0.009 T °C. Our findings highlight the impact of pneumoperitoneum duration and CO2 insufflation volume on the difference between core and intraperitoneal temperatures. Implementing adequate external warming during laparoscopic surgery effectively maintains core temperature despite the use of dry and unwarmed CO2 gases, but peritoneal hypothermia remains a concern, suggesting the importance of further research into regional effects.Trial registration: NCT04294758.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurovascular coupling (NVC), which mediates rapid increases in cerebral blood flow in response to neuronal activation, is commonly used to map brain activation or dysfunction. Here we tested the reemerging hypothesis that CO2 generated by neuronal metabolism contributes to NVC. We combined functional ultrasound and two-photon imaging in the mouse barrel cortex to specifically examine the onsets of local changes in vessel diameter, blood flow dynamics, vascular/perivascular/intracellular pH, and intracellular calcium signals along the vascular arbor in response to a short and strong CO2 challenge (10 s, 20%) and whisker stimulation. We report that the brief hypercapnia reversibly acidifies all cells of the arteriole wall and the periarteriolar space 3-4 s prior to the arteriole dilation. During this prolonged lag period, NVC triggered by whisker stimulation is not affected by the acidification of the entire neurovascular unit. As it also persists under condition of continuous inflow of CO2, we conclude that CO2 is not involved in NVC.





