Alcoholic intoxication

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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Topicality: Providing assistance to patients with polytrauma, in a state of alcohol intoxication, complicated by alcoholic delirium, is a serious problem when providing anesthesia care and, in particular, choosing drugs for sedation. Considering the severity of mechanical damage, complications associated with alcohol intoxication and serious biochemical disorders of the body, namely carbohydrate, lipid metabolism, electrolyte changes, on which the activity of all systems depends, it is necessary to study the influence on the course of these processes, depending on the choice of their medicinal corrections.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the work is to choose a sedation method to improve the results of treatment of patients with polytrauma and alcohol withdrawal, based on the study of changes in carbohydrate metabolism indicator.
    METHODS: The paper analyzes the results of a study of 80 patients with polytrauma and chronic alcohol intoxication with a state of alcohol withdrawal, complicated by alcoholic delirium, who received intensive therapy in the 12-bed department of anesthesiology and intensive therapy for patients with combined trauma of the KNP «Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care» named after Prof. O. I. Meschaninov» KhMR. All patients were diagnosed with polytrauma (thoracic and/or abdominal trauma: rib fractures, hemo-, pneumothorax, hematomas of the liver or spleen, fracture of the bones of the waist, and/or upper and/or lower limbs, fracture of the pelvis). In the course of the research, to achieve the goal, the main indicators of carbohydrate metabolism were determined, which were evaluated by the content of key metabolites: glucose, pyruvic acid, lactate. The study was conducted on the 1st, 3rd and 7th day of hospitalization of the patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: In all traumatized patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome and alcoholic delirium with the use of dexmedetomidine for sedation (group 1) and in patients who were used as sedatives, diazepam and haloperidol (group 2), changes in these parameters were observed in the blood, compared to healthy people of the control group. As for the glucose content in the blood of the patients of the 1st group, on the first day, persistent hyperglycemia was observed in them 1.7 times higher than this indicator in healthy people. Next, patients\' blood glucose levels were determined on the 3rd and 7th day after hospitalization. Glucose content on the 3rd day decreased by 9.4% compared to the level determined on the first day. On the 7th day, the content of glucose in the blood decreased to normal values, which is 26.5% lower compared to the content of glucose in the blood on the first day. In the 2nd group of patients, where diazepam and haloperidol were used on the first day, hyperglycemia was also observed - 1.9 times higher than this indicator in the control group of healthy individuals. On the third day, the level of glucose in the blood decreased by 6%. And on the 7th day, it decreased by 20.5%. Thus, hyperglycemia was observed in the blood of victims with alcohol withdrawal syndrome, complicated by delirium during hospitalization, on the 3rd day of hospitalization (first and second groups) and on the 7th day in patients of the second group, which indicates violation of carbohydrate metabolism and the development of hypoxia, with impaired liver and pancreas function. In accordance with the aim and objectives of the study, the blood content of the main metabolites of glucose metabolism - pyruvate and lactate - was also studied upon admission to the hospital and one week after treatment, which made it possible to comprehensively assess possible carbohydrate metabolism disorders and characterize the features of the body\'s energy supply in the combination of polytrauma and withdrawal alcohol, complicated by alcoholic delirium. According to the results of the research, there is an increase in the content of lactate and pyruvate in patients with polytrauma against the background of chronic alcoholism compared to healthy people. When analyzing the content of lactate in the blood of patients with polytrauma and alcohol withdrawal syndrome, complicated by alcoholic delirium upon admission to the intensive care unit, a significant increase of this indicator was observed by 97.1% and 113.0%, respectively, in patients of the first and second groups. One week after the intensive therapy, the patients of the 1st group had a significant decrease in the lactate content in the blood - by 13% (Р<0.0001) compared to the content of this indicator at the time of admission to the hospital. In the blood of the patients of the 2nd group, on the 7th day, the lactate content remained unchanged, and by 106.3% it exceeded this biochemical indicator in the blood of the control group. Hyperpyruvatemia was also observed - when entering the hospital in patients of the 2nd group, the content was 55.4% higher compared to healthy people, remained elevated after a week of treatment - by 30.1%, and did not return to normal values. In the patients of the first group, upon admission to the hospital, the pyruvate content in the blood was 53.0% higher compared to the control group, and on the 7th day it significantly decreased by 18.9%, but did not reach the values of the control group (remained at 24, 1% higher compared to the control). The cause of hyperpyruvatemia and hyperlactatemia in patients may also be a violation of their enzymatic transformation into decay products. Lactate is the final product of anaerobic oxidation of glucose, it is formed due to the transformation of pyruvate, under the conditions of action of the lactate dehydrogenase enzyme in conditions of hypoxia. An important indicator of the state of carbohydrate metabolism, namely the balance of anaerobic and aerobic processes in the body, is the lactate / pyruvate ratio, which in the control group was 14.33 [13.82; 14.49]. In the patients of the first group, an increase in this ratio was observed - and it was 18.46 [18.3; 20.59] and 19.81 [18.96; 21,17] upon admission to the intensive care unit and one week after treatment, respectively. Practically the same value of this ratio was observed in patients of the second group - 19.65 [18.97; 22.3] and 22.73 [21.32 23.91], respectively, according to the time of intensive therapy. The latest figures indicate the restructuring of the energy supply of body tissues during the stay of patients in the intensive care unit.
    CONCLUSIONS: Thus, in patients with polytrauma and alcohol withdrawal syndrome, complicated by alcoholic delirium, there is an intensification of the processes of anaerobic glycolysis, which is evidenced by an increase in the content of pyruvate, lactate, the lactate/pyruvate ratio, and is accompanied by a hypoxic state. When comparing the terms of stay in the intensive care unit, it was determined that the use of dexmedetomidine for the treatment of alcoholic delirium compared to benzodiazepines allows reducing the time of intensive care by 34 hours. Thus, in group 2, the duration of intensive therapy for alcoholic delirium was 89 [82-96.2] hours, while in group 1 it was reduced to 55 [52.2-59.8] (p=0.020427). In addition, it was found that the consumption of drugs by patients was different. During the first day, it was 20 [20-30] mg in group 1, and 40 [40-50] mg in group 2. The groups also differed significantly in terms of the total dose of the drug during intensive therapy, so in patients of group 1, the total consumption was 30 [30-40] mg, in group 2 - 80 [80-90] mg (p=0.033011).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Frequently mentioned anecdotally, hangovers are under-investigated within the scientific study of alcohol, as is the role of physical activity (PA) on hangovers. The well-established positive association between PA and AC (AC) suggests that PA may buffer negative physiological consequences of AC, including hangovers. The present study was therefore conducted in order to determine whether PA influences hangovers. Undergraduates (N=1676) from two large universities in the United States who experienced at least one hangover in the past three months and who engaged in at least 30 min of moderate PA per week were recruited to participate. Participants completed online questionnaires about their AC, PA, and frequency and severity of hangover symptoms. Both between- and within-person associations between AC and hangover were examined, factoring in the potential moderating effects of both moderate and vigorous PA. Small effects were observed for correlations between PA and outcomes assessing AC and hangovers (rs ranged from 0.09 to 0.15). Results also revealed that individuals who consumed more alcohol per month experienced hangovers more frequently and had more severe symptoms. These associations were attenuated among individuals who spent more hours engaging in vigorous but not moderate PA. The current study is the first to show PA influences the experience of hangovers, and we posit this may be a mechanism underlying the positive relationship between PA and AC. Our findings advance the growing literature on alcohol use and PA and may contribute to the development of interventions for alcohol-related problems and alcohol use disorders.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the contribution of alcohol and drug intoxication to fatal occupational injuries and sudden death at the workplace in Moscow.
    METHODS: A number of death cases of various organizations\' employees equal 357 in Moscow in 2023 were investigated. The mean age of the deceased was 48.29±13.9 years, 92.4% of them were men.
    RESULTS: Ethanol in blood has been determined in 15% of the deceased. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic medications have been found in 6.7% of cases. Signs of chronic intoxication have been established in 16.5% of the deceased. Chronic intoxication accompanied or aggravated the course of 70% of cardiomyopathies. The proportion of deceased in an accident at an industry or construction site equal 23.9%, as well as 1/2 of the deceased in an accident on the street and in a residential building were impaired by alcohol.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study of the contribution of alcohol and drug consumption to occupational mortality will allow to plan measures for reducing the mortality of working-age population.
    UNASSIGNED: Анализ вклада алкогольной и наркотической интоксикации в смертельный производственный травматизм и внезапную смерть на рабочем месте в Москве.
    UNASSIGNED: Исследованы 357 случаев смерти работников различных организаций на территории Москвы в 2023 г. Средний возраст погибших составил 48,29±13,9 года, 92,4% погибших — мужчины.
    UNASSIGNED: У 15% погибших в крови обнаружен этанол. В 6,7% случаев были выявлены наркотические вещества и психотропные лекарственные препараты. У 16,5% погибших установлены признаки хронической интоксикации. Хроническая интоксикация сопутствовала или отягощала течение 70% кардиомиопатий. В состоянии опьянения находились 23,9% погибших в результате происшествия на производстве и стройке, 1/2 погибших в результате происшествия на улице и в жилом здании.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучение вклада употребления алкоголя и наркотиков в смертность на производстве позволит планировать меры по снижению смертности трудоспособного населения.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In 1996, a multicomponent community-based alcohol prevention program in Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) targeting licensed premises was developed by STAD (Stockholm Prevents Alcohol and Drug Problems) and implemented in Stockholm, Sweden. The program consists of community mobilization and collaboration, training, and enforcement. Early evaluations have shown a significant increase in the refusal rates of alcohol service to intoxicated patrons, from 5% in 1996 to 70% in 2001, and a 29% decrease in the frequency of police-reported violence. A cost-effectiveness analysis showed a cost-saving ratio of 1:39. The program was institutionalized by a collaborative steering group consisting of community stakeholders. This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effects over 20 years of the RBS program. The indicator chosen was the rate of alcohol overserving to obviously intoxicated patrons at licensed premises in Stockholm.
    UNASSIGNED: A 20-year follow-up study was conducted using the same procedure as the baseline and previous follow-ups. Professional male actors (pseudopatrons) were trained by an expert panel to enact a standardized scene of obvious alcohol-intoxication. In 2016, 146 licensed premises located in the central part of Stockholm were randomly selected and visited. A review of program implementation from its initiation 1996 was conducted, examining critical events, including commitment from key actors in the community, training of bar staff, and enforcement.
    UNASSIGNED: At the 20-year follow-up, pseudopatrons were refused alcohol service in 76.7% of the attempts, which was at the same level (70%) as in the follow-up in 2001, thus indicating sustained effects of the RBS program. Compared with previous follow-ups, serving staff used more active intervention techniques in 2016 toward intoxicated patrons, such as refusing to take the order (56.9% in 2016 vs. 42.0% in 2001), and fewer passive techniques, such as ignoring patrons (6.5% in 2016 vs. 15.5% in 1999) or contacting a colleague (4.1% in 2016 vs. 25% in 2001).
    UNASSIGNED: The sustained long-term effects of the RBS program are unique and can be explained by the high level of institutionalization of the multicomponent program, which is still ongoing in Stockholm. These findings can inform the dissemination of the program to other countries and settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alcohol ingestion is a widespread habituation that evolved along with a growing population, altering physiological conditions through immunomodulatory function. There is much research that has reported that consumption of alcohol at low and heavy levels causes different biological impacts, including cellular injury, leading to systemic dysfunction and increased inflammatory markers. In the fate of professional phagocytic cells, efferocytosis is an inevitable mechanism activated by the apoptotic cells, thus eliminating them and preventing the accumulation of cell corpses/debris in the microenvironment. Subsequently, it promotes the tissue repair mechanism and maintains cellular homeostasis. Unfortunately, defective efferocytosis is widely found in several inflammatory and age-related diseases such as atherosclerosis, autoimmune diseases, lung injury, fatty liver disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. Alcohol abuse is one of the factors that provoke an immune response that increases the rate of morbidity and mortality in parallel in systemic disease patients. Information regarding the emergence of immunomodulation during alcoholic pathogenesis and its association with efferocytosis impairment remain elusive. Hence, here in this review, we discussed the mechanism of efferocytosis, the role of defective efferocytosis in inflammatory diseases, and the role of alcohol on efferocytosis impairment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A considerable portion of acutely intoxicated patients is presented with impaired consciousness. Early identification of those patients who require advanced medical care, such as mechanical ventilation (MV), can improve their prognosis.
    METHODS: This study included 330 acutely intoxicated patients who were presented with impaired consciousness and admitted to Tanta University Poison Control Center, Egypt, in the period from January 2021 to December 2023. Patients were enrolled in derivation (257 patients) and validation (73 patients) cohorts. Patients\' data were analyzed to develop and validate a predictive nomogram to determine the probability of MV need in acutely intoxicated patients.
    RESULTS: Significant predictors for MV need were mean arterial blood pressure (OR = 0.96, p = .014), PaO2 (OR = 0.96, p = .001), pH (OR = 0.00, p < . 001), and glucose/potassium ratio (OR = 1.59, p = .030). These four parameters were used to formulate a bedside nomogram. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for the proposed nomogram shows that area under the curve (AUC) = 95.7%, accuracy = 93.4%, sensitivity = 88.9%, and specificity = 95.1%. The internal validation for the developed nomogram was assessed using a bootstrapping method and calibration curve. Regarding external validation, AUCs for the developed nomogram probability was 96.5%, and for predicted probability using the developed nomogram was 97.8%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides a validated nomogram that could be used as a reliable tool for the accurate prediction of MV need among acutely intoxicated patients with impaired consciousness. It could assist in the early identification of patients who will require MV, especially in low-income countries with limited resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, the alcohol hangover has been accepted by the International Classification of Diseases - 11th revision as a separate \'child entity\' to alcohol intoxication, a disease. Currently there are no marketed hangover treatments with support for clinical efficacy. Furthermore, diverse perspectives exist among healthcare professionals, policymakers, and alcohol consumers regarding the necessity and desirability of developing such treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We examined alcohol use and consequences across five categories of same-day drinking intentions and willingness and tested whether same-day motives and protective strategies predicted differences in outcomes across categories of intentions and willingness.
    METHODS: In a 14-week ecological momentary assessment design, undergraduate student participants (N = 196) reported drinking intentions and behaviors over 13 surveys weekly (four morning surveys [Thursday through Sunday]; three midday, early, and late evening surveys [Thursday through Saturday]). On average, participants were 20.61 years old (SD = 1.50; range 17-25), 63% identified as female (n = 124), 29% as male (n = 57), and 8% identified as neither male nor female (n = 15; i.e., nonbinary; transgender; genderqueer; agender). Participants reported numbers of drinks consumed on the evening (past 2 hr) and morning (previous day) surveys. Multilevel generalized linear models tested effects of drinking intentions/willingness categories, motives, protective strategies, and interactions between key variables on alcohol use and consequences in several models.
    RESULTS: Rates and quantities of drinking were highest on planned drinking days, and especially high when students planned to get drunk. When enhancement and social motives were elevated, students were more likely to drink and consumed more drinks even on unplanned drinking days, and especially when socializing with others. Effects of coping motives were weaker and sparse. Harm reduction protective strategies were associated with more positive and negative consequences with little variation across planned and unplanned drinking days.
    CONCLUSIONS: Jointly considering drinking intentions and willingness narrows the intention-behavior gap in student drinking and suggests potential areas of focus for messaging around responsible drinking. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 41-year-old Black male with a history of hypertension was involved in a car accident, after which he exhibited symptoms such as slow and incoherent speech, unstable gait, dizziness, drowsiness, slow thinking, and loss of strength in his limbs. Despite multiple negative alcohol tests, his symptoms mimicked those of acute alcohol intoxication. Upon presentation to the emergency room, physical examination and brain imaging revealed a right anterior thalamic ischemic infarction. He was discharged completely recovered after two days without sequelae. This case underscores the importance of considering stroke as a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with symptoms similar to alcohol intoxication, particularly in hypertensive individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The liver is the main organ responsible for the metabolism of ethanol, which suffers significantly as a result of tissue damage due to oxidative stress. It is known that C60 fullerenes are able to efficiently capture and inactivate reactive oxygen species in in vivo and in vitro systems. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine whether water-soluble C60 fullerene reduces the level of pathological process development in the liver of rats induced by chronic alcohol intoxication for 3, 6, and 9 months, depending on the daily dose (oral administration; 0.5, 1, and 2 mg/kg) of C60 fullerene throughout the experiment. In this context, the morphology of the C60 fullerene nanoparticles in aqueous solution was studied using atomic force microscopy. Such biochemical parameters of experimental animal blood as ALT (alanine aminotransferase), AST (aspartate aminotransferase), GGT (gamma-glutamyl transferase) and ALP (alkaline phosphatase) enzyme activities, CDT (carbohydrate-deficient transferrin) level, values of pro-antioxidant balance indicators (concentrations of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) and GSH (reduced glutathione), activities of CAT (catalase), SOD (superoxide dismutase) and GPx (selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase)), and pathohistological and morphometric features of liver damage were analyzed. The most significant positive change in the studied biochemical parameters (up to 29 ± 2% relative to the control), as markers of liver damage, was recorded at the combined administration of alcohol (40% ethanol in drinking water) and water-soluble C60 fullerenes in the optimal dose of 1 mg/kg, which was confirmed by small histopathological changes in the liver of rats. The obtained results prove the prospective use of C60 fullerenes as powerful antioxidants for the mitigation of pathological conditions of the liver arising under prolonged alcohol intoxication.





