
2 - 萘胺
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The widely used Laurdan probe has two conformers, resulting in different optical properties when embedded in a lipid bilayer membrane, as demonstrated by our previous simulations. Up to now, the two conformers\' optical responses have, however, not been investigated when the temperature and the phase of the membrane change. Since Laurdan is known to be both a molecular rotor and a solvatochromic probe, it is subject to a profound interaction with both neighboring lipids and water molecules. In the current study, molecular dynamics simulations and hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics calculations are performed for a DPPC membrane at eight temperatures between 270K and 320K, while the position, orientation, fluorescence lifetime and fluorescence anisotropy of the embedded probes are monitored. The importance of both conformers is proven through a stringent comparison with experiments, which corroborates the theoretical findings. It is seen that for Conf-I, the excited state lifetime is longer than the relaxation of the environment, while for Conf-II, the surroundings are not yet adapted when the probe returns to the ground state. Throughout the temperature range, the lifetime and anisotropy decay curves can be used to identify the different membrane phases. The current work might, therefore, be of importance for biomedical studies on diseases, which are associated with cell membrane transformations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ConspectusLight is ubiquitously available to probe the structure and dynamics of biomolecules and biological tissues. Generally, this cannot be done directly with visible light, because of the absence of absorption by those biomolecules. This problem can be overcome by incorporating organic molecules (chromophores) that show an optical response in the vicinity of those biomolecules. Since those optical properties are strongly dependent on the chromophore\'s environment, time-resolved spectroscopic studies can provide a wealth of information on biosystems at the molecular scale in a nondestructive way. In this work, we give an overview on the multiscale computational strategy developed by us in the last eight years and prove that theoretical studies and simulations are needed to explain, guide, and predict observations in fluorescence experiments. As we challenge the accepted views on existing probes, we discover unexplored abilities that can discriminate surrounding lipid bilayers and their temperature-dependent as well as solvent-dependent properties. We focus on three archetypal chromophores: diphenylhexatriene (DPH), Laurdan, and azobenzene. Our method shows that conformational changes should not be neglected for the prototype rod-shaped molecule DPH. They determine its position and orientation in a liquid-ordered (Lo) sphingomyelin/cholesterol (SM/Chol) bilayer and are responsible for a strong differentiation of its absorption spectra and fluorescence decay times in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) membranes, which are at room temperature in liquid-disordered (Ld) and solid-gel (So) phases, respectively. Thanks to its pronounced first excited state dipole moment, Laurdan has long been known as a solvatochromic probe. Since this molecule has however two conformers, we prove that they exhibit different properties in different lipid membrane phases. We see that the two conformers are only blocked in one phase but not in another. Supported by fluorescence anisotropy decay simulations, Laurdan can therefore be regarded as a molecular rotor. Finally, the conformational versatility of azobenzene in saturated Ld lipid bilayers is simulated, along with its photoisomerization pathways. By means of nonadiabatic QM/MM surface hopping analyses (QM/MM-SH), a dual mechanism is found with a torsional mechanism and a slow conversion for trans-to-cis. For cis-to-trans, simulations show a much higher quantum yield and a so-called \"pedal-like\" mechanism. The differences are related to the different potential energy surfaces as well as the interactions with the surrounding alkyl chains. When tails of increased length are attached to this probe, cis is pushed toward the polar surface, while trans is pulled toward the center of the membrane.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organelles feature characteristic lipid compositions that lead to differences in membrane properties. In cells, membrane ordering and fluidity are commonly measured using the solvatochromic dye Laurdan, whose fluorescence is sensitive to lipid packing. As a general lipophilic dye, Laurdan stains all hydrophobic environments in cells; therefore, it is challenging to characterize membrane properties in specific organelles or assess their responses to pharmacological treatments in intact cells. Here, we describe the synthesis and application of Laurdan-derived probes that read out the membrane packing of individual cellular organelles. The set of organelle-targeted Laurdans (OTL) localizes to the ER, mitochondria, lysosomes, and Golgi compartments with high specificity while retaining the spectral resolution needed to detect biological changes in membrane ordering. We show that ratiometric imaging with OTLs can resolve membrane heterogeneity within organelles as well as changes in lipid packing resulting from inhibition of trafficking or bioenergetic processes. We apply these probes to characterize organelle-specific responses to saturated lipid stress. While the ER and lysosomal membrane fluidity is sensitive to exogenous saturated fatty acids, that of mitochondrial membranes is protected. We then use differences in ER membrane fluidity to sort populations of cells based on their fatty acid diet, highlighting the ability of organelle-localized solvatochromic probes to distinguish between cells based on their metabolic state. These results expand the repertoire of targeted membrane probes and demonstrate their application in interrogating lipid dysregulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    2-Hydroxyoleic acid (2-OHOA) has gained attention as a membrane lipid therapy (MLT) anti-cancer drug. However, in the viewpoint of anti-cancer drug, 2-OHOA shows poor water solubility and its effectiveness still has space for improvement. Thus, this study aimed to overcome the problems by formulating 2-OHOA into liposome dosage form. Furthermore, in the context of MLT reagents, the influence of 2-OHOA on the biophysical properties of the cytoplasmic membrane remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, our study specifically focused the alterations in cancer cell membrane fluidity and lipid packing characteristics before and after treatment. By using a two-photon microscope and the Laurdan fluorescence probe, we noted that liposomes incorporating 2-OHOA induced a more significant reduction in cancer cell membrane fluidity, accompanied by a heightened rate of cellular apoptosis when compared to the non-formulated 2-OHOA. Importantly, the enhanced efficacy of 2-OHOA within the liposomal formulation demonstrated a correlation with its endocytic uptake mechanism. In conclusion, our findings underscore the significant influence of 2-OHOA on the biophysical properties of cancer plasma membranes, emphasizing the potential of liposomes as an optimized delivery system for 2-OHOA in anti-cancer therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperspectral imaging is a technique that captures a three-dimensional array of spectral information at each spatial location within a sample, enabling precise characterization and discrimination of biological structures, materials, and chemicals, based on their unique spectral features. Nowadays most commercially available confocal microscopes allow hyperspectral imaging measurements, providing a valuable source of spatially resolved spectroscopic data. Spectral phasor analysis quantitatively and graphically transforms the fluorescence spectra at each pixel of a hyperspectral image into points in a polar plot, offering a visual representation of the spectral characteristics of fluorophores within the sample. Combining the use of environmentally sensitive dyes with phasor analysis of hyperspectral images provides a powerful tool for measuring small changes in lateral membrane heterogeneity. Here, we focus on applications of spectral phasor analysis for the probe LAURDAN on model membranes to resolve packing and hydration. The method is broadly applicable to other dyes and to complex systems such as cell membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While edible algae might seem low in fat, the lipids they contain are crucial for good health and preventing chronic diseases. This study introduces a binary matrix to analyze all the polar lipids in both macroalgae (Wakame-Undaria pinnatifida, Dulse-Palmaria palmata, and Nori-Porphyra spp.) and microalgae (Spirulina-Arthrospira platensis, and Chlorella-Chlorella vulgaris) using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The key lies in a new dual matrix made by combining equimolar amounts of 1,5-diaminonaphthalene (DAN) and 9-aminoacridine (9AA). This combination solves the limitations of single matrices: 9AA is suitable for sulfur-containing lipids and acidic phospholipids, while DAN excels as an electron-transfer secondary reaction matrix for intact chlorophylls and their derivatives. By employing the equimolar binary matrix, a wider range of algal lipids, including free fatty acids, phospholipids, glycolipids, pigments, and even rare arsenosugarphospholipids were successfully detected, overcoming drawbacks related to ion suppression from readily ionizable lipids. The resulting mass spectra exhibited a good signal-to-noise ratio at a lower laser fluence and minimized background noise. This improvement stems from the binary matrix\'s ability to mitigate in-source decay effects, a phenomenon often encountered for certain matrices. Consequently, the data obtained are more reliable, facilitating a faster and more comprehensive exploration of algal lipidomes using high-throughput MALDI-MS/MS analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exposure to tobacco smoke is highly correlated to the incidence of different types of cancer due to various carcinogenic compounds present in such smoke. Aromatic amines, such as 1-naphthylamine (1-NA) and 2-naphthylamine (2-NA), are produced in tobacco burning and are linked to bladder cancer. Miniaturized solid phase extraction techniques, such as microporous membrane solid phase extraction (MMSPE), have shown potential for the extraction of aromatic compounds. In this study, a bioanalytical method for the determination of 1-NA and 2-NA in human urine was developed using polypropylene microporous membranes as a sorptive phase for MMSPE. Urine samples were hydrolyzed with HCl for 1 h at 80 °C, after which pH was adjusted to 10. Ultrasound-assisted MMSPE procedure was optimized by factorial design as follows. To each sample, 750 µL of methanol was added, and ultrasound-assisted MMSPE was conducted for 1 h with four devices containing seven 2 mm polypropylene membrane segments. After extraction, the segments were transferred to 400 µL of hexane, and desorption was conducted for 30 min. Extracts were submitted to a simple and fast microwave-assisted derivatization procedure, by the addition of 10 µL of PFPA and heating at 480 W for 3 min, followed by clean-up with phosphate buffer pH 8.0 and GC-MS/MS analysis. Adequate linearity was obtained for both analytes in a range from 25 to 500 µg L-1, while the multiple reaction monitoring approach provided satisfactory selectivity and specificity. Intra-day (n = 6) and inter-day (n = 5) precision and accuracy were satisfactory, below 15 % and between 85 and 115 %, respectively. Recovery rates found were 91.9 and 58.4 % for 1-NA and 2-NA, respectively, with adequate precision. 1-NA was found in first-hand smokers\' urine samples in a concentration range from 20.98 to 89.09 µg in 24 h, while it could be detected in second-hand smoker\'s urine samples, and 2-NA detected in all first and second-hand smokers\' urine samples. The proposed method expands the applicability of low cost MMSPE devices to aromatic amines and biological fluids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    2-naphthylamine (NAP) was classified as a group I carcinogen associated with bladder cancer. The daily exposure is mostly from cigarette and E-cigarette smoke. NAP can lead to testicular atrophy and interstitial tissue hyperplasia; however, the outcomes of NAP treatment on spermatogenesis and the associated mechanisms have not been reported. The study aimed to investigate the effect of NAP on spermatogenesis and sperm physiologic functions after being persistently exposed to NAP at 5, 20, and 40 mg/kg for 35 days. We found that sperm motility, progressive motility, sperm average path velocity, and straight-line velocity declined remarkably in the NAP (40 mg/kg) treated group, and the sperm deformation rate rose upon NAP administration. The testis immunity- and lipid metabolism-associated processes were enriched from RNA-sequence profiling. Plvap, Ccr7, Foxn1, Trim29, Sirpb1c, Cfd, and Lpar4 involved in testis immunity and Pnliprp1 that inhibit triglyceride and cholesterol absorption were confirmed to rise dramatically in the NAP-exposed group. The increased total cholesterol and CD68 levels were observed in the testis from the NAP-exposed group. Gpx5, serving as an antioxidant in sperm plasma, and Semg1, which contributes to sperm progressive motility, were both down-regulated. We concluded that the short-term exposure to NAP caused reproductive toxicity, primarily due to the inflammatory abnormality in the testis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several aromatic amines (AA) are classified as human carcinogens, and tobacco smoke is one of the main sources of exposure. Once in the human body, they undergo different metabolic pathways which lead to either their excretion or ultimately to the formation of DNA and protein adducts. The aim of this study was to investigate AA in 68 urine samples (aged 29-79, 47% female), including 10 smokers (S), 28 past-smokers (PS) and 30 never-smokers (NS), and to study if there was a relation between the smoking status and the amount of the AA present. GCxGC-MS was used to analyze AA in complex urine samples due to its high peak capacity and the fact that it provides two sets of retention times and structural information, which facilitates the separation and identification of the target analytes. First, a qualitative comparison of an example set of a NS, PS and S sample was carried out, in which 38, 45 and 46 AA, respectively, could be tentatively identified. Afterwards, seven AA were successfully quantified in the samples. Of these, 4-ethylaniline (4EA, p = 0.015), 2,4,6-trimethylaniline (2,4,6TMA, p = 0.030), 2-naphthylamine (2NA, p = 0.014) and the sum of 2,4- and 2,6-dimethylaniline (DMA, p = 0.017) were found in significantly different (α = 0.05) concentrations for the S, 29 ± 14, 87 ± 49, 41 ± 26, and 105 ± 57 ng/L respectively, compared to the NS, 15 ± 6, 42 ± 30, 16 ± 6, and 48 ± 28 ng/L. And 2,4,6TMA (39 ± 26, p = 0.022), 2NA (18 ± 9, p = 0.025) and DMA (53 ± 46, p = 0.030), were also found at significantly higher concentrations in samples from S when compared to PS. However, some samples had AA concentrations outside the calibration curve and could not be taken into account, especially for 2-methylaniline (2MA). Therefore, all the samples were evaluated using a quantitative screening approach, by which the intensities of 4EA (p = 0.019), 2,4,6TMA (p = 0.048), 2NA (p = 0.016), DMA (p = 0.019) and 2MA (p = 0.006) in S were found to be significantly (α = 0.05) higher than in the NS, and 2MA (p = 0.019) and 4EA (p = 0.023) in S were found to be significantly higher than in the PS. An association between the smoking status and the amount of certain AA present could therefore be found. This information could be used to study the relation between the smoking status, the amount of AA present, and smoking related diseases like bladder cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monitoring active membrane cholesterol and lipid raft cholesterol in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane is significant for understanding the membrane function and cellular physiopathological processes. Limited by existing methods, it is difficult to differentiate active membrane cholesterol and lipid raft cholesterol. A novel dual-monomer solvatochromic probe system (DSPS) that targets two types of cholesterol was developed. Acrylodan-BG/SNAP-D4 composed of SNAP-D4 cholesterol-recognizing monomers and solvatochromic acrylodan-BG-sensing monomers exhibits excellent cholesterol detecting properties in terms of selectivity, accuracy, convenience and economic benefits. Cell imaging revealed that lipid raft cholesterol emitted blue fluorescence, whereas active membrane cholesterol (which partially bobbed in aqueous cytosol) displayed green fluorescence; both the fluorescence emissions increased or decreased in a cholesterol-dependent manner. This system provides a new technology for the determination of two types of cholesterol, which is beneficial for the further study of membrane function, intracellular cholesterol trafficking, and cell signaling.





