
2 - 萘胺
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The widely used Laurdan probe has two conformers, resulting in different optical properties when embedded in a lipid bilayer membrane, as demonstrated by our previous simulations. Up to now, the two conformers\' optical responses have, however, not been investigated when the temperature and the phase of the membrane change. Since Laurdan is known to be both a molecular rotor and a solvatochromic probe, it is subject to a profound interaction with both neighboring lipids and water molecules. In the current study, molecular dynamics simulations and hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics calculations are performed for a DPPC membrane at eight temperatures between 270K and 320K, while the position, orientation, fluorescence lifetime and fluorescence anisotropy of the embedded probes are monitored. The importance of both conformers is proven through a stringent comparison with experiments, which corroborates the theoretical findings. It is seen that for Conf-I, the excited state lifetime is longer than the relaxation of the environment, while for Conf-II, the surroundings are not yet adapted when the probe returns to the ground state. Throughout the temperature range, the lifetime and anisotropy decay curves can be used to identify the different membrane phases. The current work might, therefore, be of importance for biomedical studies on diseases, which are associated with cell membrane transformations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ConspectusLight is ubiquitously available to probe the structure and dynamics of biomolecules and biological tissues. Generally, this cannot be done directly with visible light, because of the absence of absorption by those biomolecules. This problem can be overcome by incorporating organic molecules (chromophores) that show an optical response in the vicinity of those biomolecules. Since those optical properties are strongly dependent on the chromophore\'s environment, time-resolved spectroscopic studies can provide a wealth of information on biosystems at the molecular scale in a nondestructive way. In this work, we give an overview on the multiscale computational strategy developed by us in the last eight years and prove that theoretical studies and simulations are needed to explain, guide, and predict observations in fluorescence experiments. As we challenge the accepted views on existing probes, we discover unexplored abilities that can discriminate surrounding lipid bilayers and their temperature-dependent as well as solvent-dependent properties. We focus on three archetypal chromophores: diphenylhexatriene (DPH), Laurdan, and azobenzene. Our method shows that conformational changes should not be neglected for the prototype rod-shaped molecule DPH. They determine its position and orientation in a liquid-ordered (Lo) sphingomyelin/cholesterol (SM/Chol) bilayer and are responsible for a strong differentiation of its absorption spectra and fluorescence decay times in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) membranes, which are at room temperature in liquid-disordered (Ld) and solid-gel (So) phases, respectively. Thanks to its pronounced first excited state dipole moment, Laurdan has long been known as a solvatochromic probe. Since this molecule has however two conformers, we prove that they exhibit different properties in different lipid membrane phases. We see that the two conformers are only blocked in one phase but not in another. Supported by fluorescence anisotropy decay simulations, Laurdan can therefore be regarded as a molecular rotor. Finally, the conformational versatility of azobenzene in saturated Ld lipid bilayers is simulated, along with its photoisomerization pathways. By means of nonadiabatic QM/MM surface hopping analyses (QM/MM-SH), a dual mechanism is found with a torsional mechanism and a slow conversion for trans-to-cis. For cis-to-trans, simulations show a much higher quantum yield and a so-called \"pedal-like\" mechanism. The differences are related to the different potential energy surfaces as well as the interactions with the surrounding alkyl chains. When tails of increased length are attached to this probe, cis is pushed toward the polar surface, while trans is pulled toward the center of the membrane.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    2-Hydroxyoleic acid (2-OHOA) has gained attention as a membrane lipid therapy (MLT) anti-cancer drug. However, in the viewpoint of anti-cancer drug, 2-OHOA shows poor water solubility and its effectiveness still has space for improvement. Thus, this study aimed to overcome the problems by formulating 2-OHOA into liposome dosage form. Furthermore, in the context of MLT reagents, the influence of 2-OHOA on the biophysical properties of the cytoplasmic membrane remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, our study specifically focused the alterations in cancer cell membrane fluidity and lipid packing characteristics before and after treatment. By using a two-photon microscope and the Laurdan fluorescence probe, we noted that liposomes incorporating 2-OHOA induced a more significant reduction in cancer cell membrane fluidity, accompanied by a heightened rate of cellular apoptosis when compared to the non-formulated 2-OHOA. Importantly, the enhanced efficacy of 2-OHOA within the liposomal formulation demonstrated a correlation with its endocytic uptake mechanism. In conclusion, our findings underscore the significant influence of 2-OHOA on the biophysical properties of cancer plasma membranes, emphasizing the potential of liposomes as an optimized delivery system for 2-OHOA in anti-cancer therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While edible algae might seem low in fat, the lipids they contain are crucial for good health and preventing chronic diseases. This study introduces a binary matrix to analyze all the polar lipids in both macroalgae (Wakame-Undaria pinnatifida, Dulse-Palmaria palmata, and Nori-Porphyra spp.) and microalgae (Spirulina-Arthrospira platensis, and Chlorella-Chlorella vulgaris) using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The key lies in a new dual matrix made by combining equimolar amounts of 1,5-diaminonaphthalene (DAN) and 9-aminoacridine (9AA). This combination solves the limitations of single matrices: 9AA is suitable for sulfur-containing lipids and acidic phospholipids, while DAN excels as an electron-transfer secondary reaction matrix for intact chlorophylls and their derivatives. By employing the equimolar binary matrix, a wider range of algal lipids, including free fatty acids, phospholipids, glycolipids, pigments, and even rare arsenosugarphospholipids were successfully detected, overcoming drawbacks related to ion suppression from readily ionizable lipids. The resulting mass spectra exhibited a good signal-to-noise ratio at a lower laser fluence and minimized background noise. This improvement stems from the binary matrix\'s ability to mitigate in-source decay effects, a phenomenon often encountered for certain matrices. Consequently, the data obtained are more reliable, facilitating a faster and more comprehensive exploration of algal lipidomes using high-throughput MALDI-MS/MS analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    2-naphthylamine (NAP) was classified as a group I carcinogen associated with bladder cancer. The daily exposure is mostly from cigarette and E-cigarette smoke. NAP can lead to testicular atrophy and interstitial tissue hyperplasia; however, the outcomes of NAP treatment on spermatogenesis and the associated mechanisms have not been reported. The study aimed to investigate the effect of NAP on spermatogenesis and sperm physiologic functions after being persistently exposed to NAP at 5, 20, and 40 mg/kg for 35 days. We found that sperm motility, progressive motility, sperm average path velocity, and straight-line velocity declined remarkably in the NAP (40 mg/kg) treated group, and the sperm deformation rate rose upon NAP administration. The testis immunity- and lipid metabolism-associated processes were enriched from RNA-sequence profiling. Plvap, Ccr7, Foxn1, Trim29, Sirpb1c, Cfd, and Lpar4 involved in testis immunity and Pnliprp1 that inhibit triglyceride and cholesterol absorption were confirmed to rise dramatically in the NAP-exposed group. The increased total cholesterol and CD68 levels were observed in the testis from the NAP-exposed group. Gpx5, serving as an antioxidant in sperm plasma, and Semg1, which contributes to sperm progressive motility, were both down-regulated. We concluded that the short-term exposure to NAP caused reproductive toxicity, primarily due to the inflammatory abnormality in the testis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laurdan and Prodan were designed for the evaluation of the surrounding hydration state. When inserted into lipid bilayer systems, both probes are located at different positions and their fluorescence properties are drastically varied, depending on their surrounding environment. In this study, a novel method using the above fluorescence probes was proposed on the basis of fluorescence lifetime (τ) and emission peak (λ), called as τ vs. λ plot, determined by global analysis of their multiple fluorescence decays and deconvolution of these decay-associated spectra. According to the evaluation of τ vs. λ plot, the existence of multiple fluorescence components in the membrane was revealed. In addition, their fluorescence distribution properties, described on τ vs. λ plot, of each probe tended to correspond to the phase state and vertical direction of the lipid membrane. To assess the contribution of environmental effect to each distribution, we defined the region in the τ vs. λ plot, which was modeled from a series of solvent mixtures (hexane, acetone, ethanol and water) to emulate the complex environment in the 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine bilayer system. The distributions of fluorescence components of Laurdan and Prodan in lipid membranes were classified into each solvent species, and Prodan partition into bulk water was distinguished. The sensitivity of Prodan to the phase pretransition of the 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine bilayer system was also observed in increasing the temperature. Noticeably, most of the fluorescence components was assigned to the solvent model, except for a single component that has longer lifetime and shorter emission wavelength. This component was dominant in solid-ordered phase; hence, it is assumed to be a specific component in lipid membranes that cannot be represented by solvents. Although these are still qualitative analytical methods, the unique approach proposed in this study provides novel insights into the multi-focal property of the membrane.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP) increases the sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging by more than 10,000 times, enabling in vivo metabolic imaging to be performed noninvasively in real time. Here, we are developing a group of dDNP polarized tracers based on nicotinamide (NAM). We synthesized 1-15N-NAM and 1-15N nicotinic acid and hyperpolarized them with dDNP, reaching (13.0 ± 1.9)% 15N polarization. We found that the lifetime of hyperpolarized 1-15N-NAM is strongly field- and pH-dependent, with T1 being as long as 41 s at a pH of 12 and 1 T while as short as a few seconds at neutral pH and fields below 1 T. The remarkably short 1-15N lifetime at low magnetic fields and neutral pH drove us to establish a unique pH neutralization procedure. Using 15N dDNP and an inexpensive rodent imaging probe designed in-house, we acquired a 15N MRI of 1-15N-NAM (previously hyperpolarized for more than an hour) in less than 1 s.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperpolarization of 13C by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP) boosts the sensitivity of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), making possible the monitoring in vivo and in real time of the biochemical reactions of exogenously infused 13C-labeled metabolic tracers. The preparation of a hyperpolarized substrate requires the use of free radicals as polarizing agents. Although added at very low doses, these radicals are not biologically inert. Here, we demonstrate that the presence of the nitroxyl radical TEMPOL influences significantly the cerebral metabolic readouts of a hyperpolarized [1-13C] lactate bolus injection in a mouse model of ischemic stroke with reperfusion. Thus, the choice of the polarizing agent in the design of dDNP hyperpolarized MRS experiments is of great importance and should be taken into account to prevent or to consider significant effects that could act as confounding factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies of biological membrane heterogeneity particularly benefit from the use of the environment-sensitive fluorescent probe Laurdan, for which shifts in the emission, produced by any stimulus (e.g., fluidity variations), are ascribed to alterations in hydration near the fluorophore. Ironically, no direct measure of the influence of the membrane hydration level on Laurdan spectra has been available. To address this, we investigated the fluorescence spectrum of Laurdan embedded in solid-supported lipid bilayers as a function of hydration and compared it with the effect of cholesterol─a major membrane fluidity regulator. The effects are illusively similar, and hence the results obtained with this probe should be interpreted with caution. The dominant phenomenon governing the changes in the spectrum is the hindrance of the lipid internal dynamics. Furthermore, we unveiled the intriguing mechanism of dehydration-induced redistribution of cholesterol between domains in the phase-separated membrane, which reflects yet another regulatory function of cholesterol.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several aromatic amines (AAs) are established by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as carcinogenic (group 1) or probable/possible carcinogens to humans (group 2A/2B). AAs can be found in mainstream and sidestream smoke from combustible tobacco products, as well as in certain environmental pollution and occupational exposure from several chemical industry sectors. Exposure to AAs can be estimated by measuring their concentrations in urine; however, information about the short-term and long-term stabilities of AAs in urine need to be characterized before conducting large-scale population studies on AA exposure and the potentially harmful effects of AA exposure. In this report, the storage stability of o-toluidine, 2,6-dimethylaniline, o-anisidine, 1-aminonaphthalene, 2-aminonaphthalene, and 4-aminobiphenyl fortified in pooled, filtered, non-smokers\' urine is analyzed by isotope dilution gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (ID GC-MS/MS). The six AAs were measured in urine samples stored at ~20 °C (collection temperature), 4 °C and 10 °C (short-term transit temperatures), and -20 °C and -70 °C (long-term storage temperatures) over a 10-day period. All six analytes were stable for 10 days at transit and long-term storage temperatures but showed reduced recovery at 20 °C. The instability of the target AAs at 20 °C suggests that immediate storage of freshly voided urine at low temperatures is needed to attenuate degradation. A subset of the urine samples was analyzed following a longer storage duration at -70 °C: all AAs were stable for up to 14 months at this temperature. The stability of the six AAs in urine samples can be maintained at the various temperature levels and storage times expected in a typical study set.





