virus infection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic elongation factors (eEFs) are protein factors that mediate the extension of peptide chain, among which eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha (eEF1A) is one of the most abundant protein synthesis factors. Previously we showed that the P3 protein of Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), one of the most destructive and successful viral pathogens of soybean, targets a component of the soybean translation elongation complex to facilitate its pathogenesis. Here, we conducted a systematic analyses of the soybean eEF (GmeEF) gene family in soybean and examinedits role in virus resistance. In this study, GmeEF family members were identified and characterized based on sequence analysis. The 42 members, which were unevenly distributed across the 15 chromosomes, were renamed according to their chromosomal locations. The GmeEF members were further divided into 12 subgroups based on conserved motif, gene structure, and phylogenetic analyses. Analysis of the promoter regions showed conspicuous presence of myelocytomatosis (MYC) and ethylene-responsive (ERE) cis-acting elements, which are typically involved in drought and phytohormone response, respectively, and thereby in plant stress response signaling. Transcriptome data showed that the expression of 15 GmeEF gene family members changed significantly in response to SMV infection. To further examine EF1A function in pathogen response, three different Arabidopsis mutants carrying T-DNA insertions in orthologous genes were analyzed for their response to Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Results showed that there was no difference in viral response between the mutants and the wild type plants. This study provides a systematic analysis of the GmeEF gene family through analysis of expression patterns and predicted protein features. Our results lay a foundation for understanding the role of eEF gene in soybean anti-viral response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Glial fibrillary acidic protein astrocytopathy (GFAP-A) pathogenesis remains uncertain, with potential viral involvement. More clinical cases are needed to deepen our understanding of this disease, along with the exploration of more effective treatment options to provide clinicians with additional choices.
    METHODS: We report a severe case of GFAP-A secondary to EBV infection, characterized predominantly by central respiratory failure. Additionally, we conducted a literature review summarizing the characteristics of GFAP-IgG-positive patients associated with EBV infection.
    RESULTS: Among the 13 patients identified, fever (92.3%) and headache (84.6%) were the most common initial symptoms, while urinary dysfunction was universally present in all patients. Over half of the patients with altered consciousness required endotracheal intubation (7/11, 63.6%), with only one individual experiencing complete resolution without any residual sequela. Only two patients (16.7%) displayed the classic feature of periventricular enhancement on neuroimaging, whereas T2-FLAIR hyperintensities were more prevalent. All patients tested positive for GFAP-IgG in CSF, and 91.7% (11/12) had detectable serum GFAP-IgG antibodies. Three patients (23.1%) achieved full recovery solely through antiviral therapy. In patients receiving various immunotherapies, 60% (6/10) still had residual sequelae.
    CONCLUSIONS: EBV infection may contribute to the pathogenesis of GFAP-A. GFAP antibody testing is recommended for diagnostic evaluation in cases of central nervous system viral infections presenting with respiratory insufficiency. For severe GFAP-A patients, Protein A immunoadsorption (Protein A IA).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L. subsp. scolymus) is an important crop of the Mediterranean basin characterized by many properties, like hepatoprotective, anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antibacterial, and beneficial to human health. The high bioactive compounds (BACs) content, as polyphenols, has attracted the research interest in artichoke extracts. We analysed the changes in polyphenol transcriptome profile between sanitized (S) virus-free and non-sanitized (NS) artichoke plants, focusing on genes involved in phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway and flavonoid biosynthesis. A total of 2458 upregulated and 2154 downregulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were functionally characterized. Among them, 31 and 35 KEGG orthology entries characterized by upregulated and downregulated DEGs, respectively, were involved in the biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites. A downregulation of PAL, C4H, 4CL, HST/HQT, C3\'H, CCoAMT, CCR1, and F5H, was observed in S artichoke compared to NS one, whereas the CSE, CHS, and CHI genes were upregulated in S samples. Transcriptome results were compared to the polyphenols accumulation in S and NS artichoke leaves. A higher content of total polyphenols was observed in older leaves of NS samples, compared to extracts obtained from young leaves or from S plants, and this result was associated with the presence of viral infections in NS plants. In all the conditions tested, the most represented compound was chlorogenic acid, followed by luteolin-7-O-glucoside. The different composition of each extract was evaluated by a polyphenol dose-response treatment on the rodent hepatoma FaO cell line to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). A significant reduction in ROS content ranging between -40% and -48% was observed when 10-20 mg/L of polyphenols from NS or S plants were used, characterized by a specific profile of compounds. To reduce MetOH residues in polyphenol extracts, a supercritical fluid CO2 extraction was evaluated to propose a sustainable green extraction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-human primates, due to their similarities in immune response to humans, are the preferred model for studying infectious processes and any associated cognitive impairments. Behavioral tests are indispensable for investigating pathogenesis in neuroinfections, especially those that do not manifest with noticeable clinical symptoms, as well as in the transition to a chronic form of the disease. Modeling viral infection requires specialized experimental conditions. Our work describes techniques for investigating mnemonic functions, tiredness, attentional focus, quick-wittedness, and basic behavioral responses in primates under the assumed conditions for infections with viruses that do not have an airborne route of transmission. It also outlines approaches to the training and selection of primates for virological research, as well as analyzing gender differences in learning abilities, the impact of housing conditions on the results, and the correlation between training success and behavioral test scores. These methods will allow a more detailed study of non-human primates as a model for researching cognitive and behavioral impairments under infectious and immune stress, as well as the design of less energy-intensive experiments for evaluating the efficacy and safety of therapeutic and prophylactic strategies at early stages of infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many newly emerging and re-emerging viruses have neuroinvasive potential, underscoring viral encephalitis as a global research priority. Upon entry of the virus into the CNS, severe neurological life-threatening conditions may manifest that are associated with high morbidity and mortality. The currently available therapeutic arsenal against viral encephalitis is rather limited, emphasizing the need to better understand the conditions of local antiviral immunity within the infected CNS. In this review, we discuss new insights into the pathophysiology of viral encephalitis, with a focus on myeloid cells and CD8+ T cells, which critically contribute to protection against viral CNS infection. By illuminating the prerequisites of myeloid and T cell activation, discussing new discoveries regarding their transcriptional signatures, and dissecting the mechanisms of their recruitment to sites of viral replication within the CNS, we aim to further delineate the complexity of antiviral responses within the infected CNS. Moreover, we summarize the current knowledge in the field of virus infection and neurodegeneration and discuss the potential links of some neurotropic viruses with certain pathological hallmarks observed in neurodegeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exosomes are extracelluar vesicles that facilitate intercellular communication and are pivotal in post-transcriptional regulation within cellular gene regulatory networks, impacting pathogen dynamics. These vesicles serve as crucial regulators of immune responses, mediating cellular interactions and enabling the introduction of viral pathogenic regions into host cells. Exosomes released from virus-infected cells harbor diverse microRNAs (miRNAs), which can be transferred to recipient cells, thereby modulating virus infection. This transfer is a critical element in the molecular interplay mediated by exosomes. Additionally, the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) within exosomes plays a vital role in virus infection, with ESCRT components binding to viral proteins to facilitate virus budding. This review elucidates the roles of exosomes and their constituents in the invasion of host cells by viruses, aiming to shed new light on the regulation of viral transmission via exosomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies from our laboratory and others have established the dendritic cell (DC) as a key target of RSV that drives infection-induced pathology. Analysis of RSV-induced transcriptomic changes in RSV-infected DC revealed metabolic gene signatures suggestive of altered cellular metabolism. Reverse phase protein array (RPPA) data showed significantly increased PARP1 phosphorylation in RSV-infected DC. Real-time cell metabolic analysis demonstrated increased glycolysis in PARP1-/- DC after RSV infection, confirming a role for PARP1 in regulating DC metabolism. Our data show that enzymatic inhibition or genomic ablation of PARP1 resulted in increased ifnb1, il12, and il27 in RSV-infected DC which, together, promote a more appropriate anti-viral environment. PARP1-/- mice and PARP1-inhibitor-treated mice were protected against RSV-induced immunopathology including airway inflammation, Th2 cytokine production, and mucus hypersecretion. However, delayed treatment with PARP1 inhibitor in RSV-infected mice provided only partial protection, suggesting that PARP1 is most important during the earlier innate immune stage of RSV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interstitial fluids in tissues are constantly drained into the lymph nodes (LNs) as lymph through afferent lymphatic vessels and from LNs into the blood through efferent lymphatics. LNs are strategically positioned and have the appropriate cellular composition to serve as sites of adaptive immune initiation against invading pathogens. However, for lymph-borne viruses, which disseminate from the entry site to other tissues through the lymphatic system, immune cells in the draining LN (dLN) also play critical roles in curbing systemic viral dissemination during primary and secondary infections. Lymph-borne viruses in tissues can be transported to dLNs as free virions in the lymph or within infected cells. Regardless of the entry mechanism, infected myeloid antigen-presenting cells, including various subtypes of dendritic cells, inflammatory monocytes, and macrophages, play a critical role in initiating the innate immune response within the dLN. This innate immune response involves cellular crosstalk between infected and bystander innate immune cells that ultimately produce type I interferons (IFN-Is) and other cytokines and recruit inflammatory monocytes and natural killer (NK) cells. IFN-I and NK cell cytotoxicity can restrict systemic viral spread during primary infections and prevent serious disease. Additionally, the memory CD8+ T-cells that reside or rapidly migrate to the dLN can contribute to disease prevention during secondary viral infections. This review explores the intricate innate immune responses orchestrated within dLNs that contain primary viral infections and the role of memory CD8+ T-cells following secondary infection or CD8+ T-cell vaccination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As \"non-cellular organisms\", viruses need to infect living cells to survive themselves. The virus infection must alter host\'s metabolisms. However, the influence of the metabolites from the altered metabolisms of virus-infected host cells on virus-host interactions remains largely unclear. To address this issue, shrimp, a representative species of crustaceans, is challenged with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in this study. The in vivo results presented that the WSSV infection enhanced shrimp glycolysis, leading to the accumulation of lactate. The lactate accumulation in turn promoted the site-specific histone lactylation (H3K18la and H4K12la) in a p300/HDAC1/HDAC3-dependent manner. H3K18la and H4K12la are enriched in the promoters of 75 target genes, of which the H3K18la and H4K12la modification upregulated the expression of ribosomal protein S6 kinases 2 (S6K2) in the virus-infected hosts to promote the virus infection. Further data revealed that the virus-encoded miR-N20 targeted hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) to inhibit the host glycolysis, leading to the suppression of H3K18la and H4K12la. Therefore, the findings contributed novel insights into the effects and the underlying mechanism of the virus-induced histone lactylation on the virus-host interactions, providing new targets for the control of virus infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is necessary to harmonize and standardize data variables used in case report forms (CRFs) of clinical studies to facilitate the merging and sharing of the collected patient data across several clinical studies. This is particularly true for clinical studies that focus on infectious diseases. Public health may be highly dependent on the findings of such studies. Hence, there is an elevated urgency to generate meaningful, reliable insights, ideally based on a high sample number and quality data. The implementation of core data elements and the incorporation of interoperability standards can facilitate the creation of harmonized clinical data sets.
    This study\'s objective was to compare, harmonize, and standardize variables focused on diagnostic tests used as part of CRFs in 6 international clinical studies of infectious diseases in order to, ultimately, then make available the panstudy common data elements (CDEs) for ongoing and future studies to foster interoperability and comparability of collected data across trials.
    We reviewed and compared the metadata that comprised the CRFs used for data collection in and across all 6 infectious disease studies under consideration in order to identify CDEs. We examined the availability of international semantic standard codes within the Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms, the National Cancer Institute Thesaurus, and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes system for the unambiguous representation of diagnostic testing information that makes up the CDEs. We then proposed 2 data models that incorporate semantic and syntactic standards for the identified CDEs.
    Of 216 variables that were considered in the scope of the analysis, we identified 11 CDEs to describe diagnostic tests (in particular, serology and sequencing) for infectious diseases: viral lineage/clade; test date, type, performer, and manufacturer; target gene; quantitative and qualitative results; and specimen identifier, type, and collection date.
    The identification of CDEs for infectious diseases is the first step in facilitating the exchange and possible merging of a subset of data across clinical studies (and with that, large research projects) for possible shared analysis to increase the power of findings. The path to harmonization and standardization of clinical study data in the interest of interoperability can be paved in 2 ways. First, a map to standard terminologies ensures that each data element\'s (variable\'s) definition is unambiguous and that it has a single, unique interpretation across studies. Second, the exchange of these data is assisted by \"wrapping\" them in a standard exchange format, such as Fast Health care Interoperability Resources or the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium\'s Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization Model.





