transmembrane region

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Influenza viruses are a public health concern since they cause seasonal outbreaks and occasionally pandemics. Our study investigates the importance of a protein modification called \"palmitoylation\" in the replication of influenza B virus. Palmitoylation involves attaching fatty acids to the viral protein hemagglutinin and has previously been studied for influenza A virus. We found that this modification is important for the influenza B virus to replicate, as mutating the sites where palmitate is attached prevented the virus from generating viable particles. Our experiments also showed that this modification occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum. We identified the specific enzymes responsible for this modification, which are different from those involved in palmitoylation of HA of influenza A virus. Overall, our research illuminates the similarities and differences in fatty acid attachment to HA of influenza A and B viruses and identifies the responsible enzymes, which might be promising targets for anti-viral therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Class A G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the largest class of GPCRs. They are essential targets of drug discovery and thus various computational approaches have been applied to predict their ligands. However, there are a large number of orphan receptors in class A GPCRs and it is difficult to use a general protein-specific supervised prediction scheme. Therefore, the compound-protein interaction (CPI) prediction approach has been considered one of the most suitable for class A GPCRs. However, the accuracy of CPI prediction is still insufficient. The current CPI prediction model generally employs the whole protein sequence as the input because it is difficult to identify the important regions in general proteins. In contrast, it is well-known that only a few transmembrane helices of class A GPCRs play a critical role in ligand binding. Therefore, using such domain knowledge, the CPI prediction performance could be improved by developing an encoding method that is specifically designed for this family. In this study, we developed a protein sequence encoder called the Helix encoder, which takes only a protein sequence of transmembrane regions of class A GPCRs as input. The performance evaluation showed that the proposed model achieved a higher prediction accuracy compared to a prediction model using the entire protein sequence. Additionally, our analysis indicated that several extracellular loops are also important for the prediction as mentioned in several biological researches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the vertebrates, including fish, the tyrosinase enzyme plays an essential role in coloration. Modulation of tyrosinase activity is expected to alter the body pigmentation in fish and other vertebrate species. In the present study, physicochemical, functional, and structural properties of tyrosinase of three fish species viz., goldfish, Japanese medaka, and common carp were determined. The homology model was developed using the Chimera1.1.2, Swiss model, and Phyre2, and the best model was selected upon evaluation. Further, a virtual screening method was applied to identify the putative modulators using the PyRx- Virtual screening tool. The estimated physicochemical and functional properties of tyrosinase from the three species suggested that they all are hydrophobic, acidic, thermostable, with a high extinction coefficient (Cys, Trp, and Tyr) and have transmembrane-segment. Based on virtual screening against 13,000 compounds from the zinc database, five compounds were determined as potent modulators of fish tyrosinase with a binding energy of -7.0 to -8.8 Kcal/mol. Of these, Pilosine (ZINC13469966) was found to be the best putative modulator with low binding energy and properties of standardized drugs. This study showed that the tyrosinase function could be modulated to alter the pigment formation in fish species by using small compound.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    C-type lectins (CTLs) have received widespread attention in animal immune responses. In the present study, two CTLs (ToCTL1 and ToCTL2) were identified from obscure puffer Takifugu obscurus. The open reading frames of ToCTL1 and ToCTL2 were 687 and 1,380 bp, respectively. The predicted ToCTL1 and ToCTL2 proteins contained a single transmembrane region and one typical carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction detected ToCTL1 and ToCTL2 transcripts in all examined tissues, with high levels in the intestine and kidney, and their expression levels were remarkably altered upon Vibrio harveyi and Aeromonas hydrophila infection. The recombinant proteins ToCTL1-CRD and ToCTL2-CRD agglutinated the Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria in a Ca2+-dependent manner. rToCTL1-CRD and rToCTL2-CRD exhibited evident binding activities against seven kinds of bacteria and polysaccharides (lipopolysaccharide and peptidoglycan) in a Ca2+-independent manner. Moreover, rToCTL1-CRD and rToCTL2-CRD could inhibit the growth of four types of bacteria in vitro. These findings collectively demonstrated that ToCTL1 and ToCTL2 could be involved in host defense against bacterial infection in T. obscurus.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus is incorporated into cholesterol-enriched nanodomains of the plasma membrane. Phylogenetic group 2 HAs contain the conserved cholesterol consensus motif (CCM) YKLW in the transmembrane region. We previously reported that mutations in the CCM retarded intracellular transport of HA and decreased its nanodomain association. Here, we analyzed whether cholesterol interacts with the CCM. Incorporation of photocholesterol into HA was significantly reduced if the whole CCM is replaced by alanine, both using immunoprecipitated HA and when HA is embedded in the membrane. We next used reverse genetics to investigate the significance of the CCM for virus replication. No virus was rescued if the whole motif is exchanged (YKLW4A); singly (LA) or doubly (YK2A and LW2A) mutated virus showed decreased titers and a comparative fitness disadvantage. In polarized cells, transport of HA mutants to the apical membrane was not disturbed. Reduced amounts of HA and cholesterol were incorporated into the viral membrane. Mutant viruses exhibit a decrease in hemolysis, which is only partially corrected if the membrane is replenished with cholesterol. More specifically, viruses have a defect in hemifusion, as demonstrated by fluorescence dequenching. Cells expressing HA YKLW4A fuse with erythrocytes, but the number of events is reduced. Even after acidification unfused erythrocytes remain cell bound, a phenomenon not observed with wild-type HA. We conclude that cholesterol binding to a group 2 HA is essential for virus replication. It has pleiotropic effects on virus assembly and membrane fusion, mainly on lipid mixing and possibly a preceding step.IMPORTANCE The glycoprotein HA is a major pathogenicity factor of influenza viruses. Whereas the structure and function of HA\'s ectodomain is known in great detail, similar data for the membrane-anchoring part of the protein are missing. Here, we demonstrate that the transmembrane region of a group 2 HA interacts with cholesterol, the major lipid of the plasma membrane and the defining element of the viral budding site nanodomains of the plasma membrane. The cholesterol binding motif is essential for virus replication. Its partial removal affects various steps of the viral life cycle, such as assembly of new virus particles and their subsequent cell entry via membrane fusion. A cholesterol binding pocket in group 2 HAs might be a promising target for a small lipophilic drug that inactivates the virus.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) bears epitopes of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) from infected individuals; it is thus a potential vaccine target. We report an NMR structure of the MPER and its adjacent transmembrane domain in bicelles that mimic a lipid-bilayer membrane. The MPER lies largely outside the lipid bilayer. It folds into a threefold cluster, stabilized mainly by conserved hydrophobic residues and potentially by interaction with phospholipid headgroups. Antigenic analysis and comparison with published images from electron cryotomography of HIV-1 Env on the virion surface suggest that the structure may represent a prefusion conformation of the MPER, distinct from the fusion-intermediate state targeted by several well-studied bnAbs. Very slow bnAb binding indicates that infrequent fluctuations of the MPER structure give these antibodies occasional access to alternative conformations of MPER epitopes. Mutations in the MPER not only impede membrane fusion but also influence presentation of bnAb epitopes in other regions. These results suggest strategies for developing MPER-based vaccine candidates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transmembrane region (TR) is a conserved region of transmembrane (TM) subunit in envelope (env) glycoprotein of retrovirus. Evidences have shown that TR is responsible for anchoring the env glycoprotein on the lipid bilayer and substitution of the TR for a covalently linked lipid anchor abrogates fusion. However, universal software could not achieve sufficient accuracy as TM in env also has several motifs such as signal peptide, fusion peptide and immunosuppressive domain composed largely of hydrophobic residues. In this paper, a support vector machine-based (SVM) model is proposed to identify TRs in retroviruses. Firstly, physicochemical and evolutionary information properties were extracted as original features. And then, the feature importance was analyzed by minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR) feature selection criterion. Our model achieved an Sn of 0.955, Sp of 0.998, ACC of 0.995, MCC of 0.954 using 10-fold cross-validation on the training dataset. These results suggest that the proposed model can be used to predict TRs in non-annotation retroviruses and 11917, 3344, 2, 289 and 6 new putative TRs were found in HERV, HIV, HTLV, SIV, MLV, respectively.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The regulation of signaling pathways involved in the control of many physiological functions is carried out via the heterotrimeric G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). The search of effective and selective regulators of GPCR and intracellular signaling cascades coupled with them is one of the important problems of modern fundamental and clinical medicine. Recently data suggest that synthetic peptides and their derivatives, structurally corresponding to the intracellular and transmembrane regions of GPCR, can interact with high efficiency and selectivity with homologous receptors and influence, thus, the functional activity of intracellular signaling cascades and fundamental cellular processes controlled by them. GPCR-peptides are active in both in vitro and in vivo. They regulate hematopoiesis, angiogenesis and cell proliferation, inhibit tumor growth and metastasis, and prevent the inflammatory diseases and septic shock. These data show greatest prospects in the development of the new generations of drugs based on GPCR-derived peptides, capable of regulating the important functions of the organism.
    Reguliatsiia signal\'nykh puteĭ, vovlechennykh v kontrol\' mnozhestva fiziologicheskikh funktsiĭ, osushchestvliaetsia cherez posredstvo sopriazhennykh s geterotrimernymi G-belkami retseptorov (GPCR). Poisk éffektivnykh i selektivnykh reguliatorov GPCR i sopriazhennykh s nimi vnutrikletochnykh signal\'nykh kaskadov iavliaetsia odnoĭ iz aktual\'nykh problem sovremennoĭ fundamental\'noĭ i klinicheskoĭ meditsiny. V poslednie gody polucheny dannye o tom, chto sinteticheskie peptidy i ikh proizvodnye, sootvetstvuiushchie po strukture tsitoplazmaticheskim i transmembrannym uchastkam GPCR, sposobny s vysokoĭ éffektivnost\'iu i selektivnost\'iu vzaimodeĭstvovat\' s gomologichnymi im retseptorami i vliiat\', takim obrazom, na funktsional\'nuiu aktivnost\' vnutrikletochnykh signal\'nykh kaskadov i na protekanie kontroliruemykh imi fundamental\'nykh kletochnykh protsessov. GPCR-peptidy aktivny ne tol\'ko v usloviiakh in vitro, no i in vivo. Oni reguliruiut protsessy krovetvoreniia, angiogenez, proliferativnuiu aktivnost\' kletok, podavliaiut opukholevyĭ rost i metastazirovanie, preduprezhdaiut razvitie vospalitel\'nykh zabolevaniĭ i septicheskogo shoka. Éti dannye svidetel\'stvuiut o bol\'shikh perspektivakh v oblasti razrabotki na osnove GPCR-peptidov novykh pokoleniĭ lekarstvennykh preparatov, sposobnykh regulirovat\' zhiznenno vazhnye funktsii organizma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    IgD has been found in almost all jawed vertebrates, including cartilaginous and teleost fish. However, IgD is missing in acipenseriformes, a branch that is evolutionarily positioned between elasmobranchs and teleost fish. Here, by analyzing transcriptome data, we identified a transcriptionally active IgD-encoding gene in the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that it is orthologous to mammalian IgD and closely related to the IgD of other fish. The lengths of sturgeon membrane-bound IgD transcripts ranged from 1.2kb to 6.2kb, encoding 3-19 CH domains. As in teleosts, the first CH domain of the sturgeon IgD transcript is also derived from μCH1 by RNA splicing. However, the variable region of the expressed sturgeon IgD shows limited V(D)J usage. In addition to IgD, three IgM variants were also identified in this species, whereas no IgT/Z-encoding genes were observed. This study bridges the gap in Ig evolution between elasmobranchs and teleosts and provides significant insight into the early evolution of immunoglobulins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peters plus syndrome is a rare recessive autosomal disorder comprising ocular anterior segment dysgenesis, short stature, hand abnormalities and distinctive facial features. It was related only to mutations in the B3GALTL gene in the 13q12.3 region. In this study, we undertook the first functional analysis of a novel c.597-2 A>G splicing mutation within the B3GALTL gene using an ex-vivo approach. The results showed a complete skipping of exon 8 in the B3GALTL cDNA, which altered the open reading frame of the mutant transcript and generated a PTC within exon 9. This finding potentially elicits the nonsense mRNA to degradation by NMD (nonsense-mediated mRNA decay). The theoretical consequences of splice site mutations, predicted with the bioinformatics tool Human Splice Finder, were investigated and evaluated in relation to ex-vivo results. The findings confirmed the key role played by the B3GALTL gene in typical Peters-plus syndromes and the utility of mRNA analysis to understand the primary impacts of this mutation and the phenotype of the disease.





