speech production

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Past studies have explored formant centering, a corrective behavior of convergence over the duration of an utterance toward the formants of a putative target vowel. In this study, we establish the existence of a similar centering phenomenon for pitch in healthy elderly controls and examine how such corrective behavior is altered in Alzheimer\'s Disease (AD). We found the pitch centering response in healthy elderly was similar when correcting pitch errors below and above the target (median) pitch. In contrast, patients with AD showed an asymmetry with a larger correction for the pitch errors below the target phonation than above the target phonation. These findings indicate that pitch centering is a robust compensation behavior in human speech. Our findings also explore the potential impacts on pitch centering from neurodegenerative processes impacting speech in AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we examined speech error monitoring in a cortico-cerebellar network for two contrasts: (a) correct trials with high versus low articulatory error probability and (b) overtly committed errors versus correct trials. Engagement of the cognitive cerebellar region Crus I in both contrasts suggests that this region is involved in overarching performance monitoring. The activation of cerebellar motor regions (superior medial cerebellum, lobules VI and VIII) indicates the additional presence of a sensorimotor driven implementation of control. The combined pattern of pre-supplementary motor area (active across contrasts) and anterior cingulate cortex (only active in the contrast involving overt errors) activations suggests sensorimotor driven feedback monitoring in the medial frontal cortex, making use of proprioception and auditory feedback through overt errors. Differential temporal and parietal cortex activation across contrasts indicates involvement beyond sensorimotor driven feedback in line with speech production models that link these regions to auditory target processing and internal modeling-like mechanisms. These results highlight the presence of multiple, possibly hierarchically interdependent, mechanisms that support the optimizing of speech production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluent speech production is a complex task that spans multiple processes, from conceptual framing and lexical access, through phonological encoding, to articulatory control. For the most part, imaging studies portraying the neural correlates of speech fluency tend to examine clinical populations sustaining speech impairments and focus on either lexical access or articulatory control, but not both. Here, we evaluated the contribution of the cerebellar peduncles to speech fluency by measuring the different components of the process in a sample of 45 neurotypical adults. Participants underwent an unstructured interview to assess their natural speaking rate and articulation rate, and completed timed semantic and phonemic fluency tasks to assess their verbal fluency. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging with probabilistic tractography was used to segment the bilateral cerebellar peduncles (CPs) and frontal aslant tract (FAT), previously associated with speech production in clinical populations. Our results demonstrate distinct patterns of white matter associations with different fluency components. Specifically, verbal fluency is associated with the right superior CP, whereas speaking rate is associated with the right middle CP and bilateral FAT. No association is found with articulation rate in these pathways, in contrast to previous findings in persons who stutter. Our findings support the contribution of the cerebellum to aspects of speech production that go beyond articulatory control, such as lexical access, pragmatic or syntactic generation. Further, we demonstrate that distinct cerebellar pathways dissociate different components of speech fluency in neurotypical speakers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated which parts of the cerebellum are involved in formulating and articulating sentences using (i) a sentence production task that involved describing simple events in pictures; (ii) an auditory sentence repetition task involving the same sentence articulation but not sentence formulation; and (iii) an auditory sentence-to-picture matching task that involved the same pictorial events and no overt articulation. Activation for each of these tasks was compared to the equivalent word processing tasks: noun production, verb production, auditory noun repetition, and auditory noun-to-picture matching. We associate activation in bilateral cerebellum lobule VIIb with sequencing words into sentences because it increased for sentence production compared to all other conditions and was also activated by word production compared to word matching. We associate a paravermal part of right cerebellar lobule VIIIb with overt motor execution of speech, because activation was higher during (i) production and repetition of sentences compared to the corresponding noun conditions and (ii) noun and verb production compared to all matching tasks, with no activation relative to fixation during any silent (nonspeaking) matching task. We associate activation within right cerebellar Crus II with covert articulatory activity because it activated for (i) all speech production more than matching tasks and (ii) sentences compared to nouns during silent (nonspeaking) matching as well as sentence production and sentence repetition. Our study serendipitously segregated, for the first time, three distinct functional roles for the cerebellum in generic speech production, and it demonstrated how sentence production enhanced the demands on these cerebellar regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can improve our understanding of neural processes subserving motor speech function. Yet its reproducibility remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the reproducibility of fMRI using a word repetition task across two time points.
    UNASSIGNED: Imaging data from 14 healthy controls were analysed using a multi-level general linear model.
    UNASSIGNED: Significant activation was observed during the task in the right hemispheric cerebellar lobules IV-V, right putamen, and bilateral sensorimotor cortices. Activation between timepoints was found to be moderately reproducible across time in the cerebellum but not in other brain regions.
    UNASSIGNED: Preliminary findings highlight the involvement of the cerebellum and connected cerebral regions during a motor speech task. More work is needed to determine the degree of reproducibility of speech fMRI before this could be used as a reliable marker of changes in brain activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Emerging studies in humans have established the modulatory effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over primary somatosensory cortex (S1) on somatosensory cortex activity and perception. However, to date, research in this area has primarily focused on the hand and fingers, leaving a gap in our understanding of the modulatory effects of rTMS on somatosensory perception of the orofacial system and speech articulators.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study aimed to examine the effects of different types of theta-burst stimulation-continuous TBS (cTBS), intermittent TBS (iTBS), or sham-over the tongue representation of left S1 on tactile acuity of the tongue.
    UNASSIGNED: In a repeated-measures design, fifteen volunteers participated in four separate sessions, where cTBS, iTBS, sham, or no stimulation was applied over the tongue representation of left S1. Effects of TBS were measured on both temporal and spatial perceptual acuity of tongue using a custom vibrotactile stimulator.
    UNASSIGNED: CTBS significantly impaired spatial amplitude threshold at the time window of 16-30 minutes after stimulation, while iTBS improved it at the same time window. The effect of iTBS, however, was smaller than cTBS. In contrast, neither cTBS nor iTBS had any effect on the temporal discrimination threshold.
    UNASSIGNED: The current study establishes the validity of using TBS to modulate somatosensory perception of the orofacial system. Directly modifying somatosensation in the orofacial system has the potential to benefit clinical populations with abnormal tactile acuity, improve our understanding of the role of sensory systems in speech production, and enhance speech motor learning and rehabilitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Frequency distributions are known to widely affect psycholinguistic processes. The effects of word frequency in turns-at-talk, the nucleus of social action in conversation, have, by contrast, been largely neglected. This study probes into this gap by applying corpus-linguistic methods on the conversational component of the British National Corpus (BNC) and the Freiburg Multimodal Interaction Corpus (FreMIC). The latter includes continuous pupil size measures of participants of the recorded conversations, allowing for a systematic investigation of patterns in the contained speech and language on the one hand and their relation to concurrent processing costs they may incur in speakers and recipients on the other hand. We test a first hypothesis in this vein, analyzing whether word frequency distributions within turns-at-talk are correlated with interlocutors\' processing effort during the production and reception of these turns. Turns are found to generally show a regular distribution pattern of word frequency, with highly frequent words in turn-initial positions, mid-range frequency words in turn-medial positions, and low-frequency words in turn-final positions. Speakers\' pupil size is found to tend to increase during the course of a turn at talk, reaching a climax toward the turn end. Notably, the observed decrease in word frequency within turns is inversely correlated with the observed increase in pupil size in speakers, but not in recipients, with steeper decreases in word frequency going along with steeper increases in pupil size in speakers. We discuss the implications of these findings for theories of speech processing, turn structure, and information packaging. Crucially, we propose that the intensification of processing effort in speakers during a turn at talk is owed to an informational climax, which entails a progression from high-frequency, low-information words through intermediate levels to low-frequency, high-information words. At least in English conversation, interlocutors seem to make use of this pattern as one way to achieve efficiency in conversational interaction, creating a regularly recurring distribution of processing load across speaking turns, which aids smooth turn transitions, content prediction, and effective information transfer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When bilingual speakers switch back to speaking in their native language (L1) after having used their second language (L2), they often experience difficulty in retrieving words in their L1. This phenomenon is referred to as the L2 after-effect. We used the L2 after-effect as a lens to explore the neural bases of bilingual language control mechanisms. Our goal was twofold: first, to explore whether bilingual language control draws on domain-general or language-specific mechanisms; second, to investigate the precise mechanism(s) that drive the L2 after-effect. We used a precision fMRI approach based on functional localizers to measure the extent to which the brain activity that reflects the L2 after-effect overlaps with the language network (Fedorenko et al., 2010) and the domain-general multiple demand network (Duncan, 2010), as well as three task-specific networks that tap into interference resolution, lexical retrieval, and articulation. Forty-two Polish-English bilinguals participated in the study. Our results show that the L2 after-effect reflects increased engagement of domain-general but not language-specific resources. Furthermore, contrary to previously proposed interpretations, we did not find evidence that the effect reflects increased difficulty related to lexical access, articulation, and the resolution of lexical interference. We propose that difficulty of speech production in the picture naming paradigm-manifested as the L2 after-effect-reflects interference at a nonlinguistic level of task schemas or a general increase of cognitive control engagement during speech production in L1 after L2.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    When we speak, we not only make movements with our mouth, lips, and tongue, but we also hear the sound of our own voice. Thus, speech production in the brain involves not only controlling the movements we make, but also auditory and sensory feedback. Auditory responses are typically suppressed during speech production compared to perception, but how this manifests across space and time is unclear. Here we recorded intracranial EEG in seventeen pediatric, adolescent, and adult patients with medication-resistant epilepsy who performed a reading/listening task to investigate how other auditory responses are modulated during speech production. We identified onset and sustained responses to speech in bilateral auditory cortex, with a selective suppression of onset responses during speech production. Onset responses provide a temporal landmark during speech perception that is redundant with forward prediction during speech production. Phonological feature tuning in these \"onset suppression\" electrodes remained stable between perception and production. Notably, the posterior insula responded at sentence onset for both perception and production, suggesting a role in multisensory integration during feedback control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of the left temporoparietal cortex in speech production has been extensively studied during native language processing, proving crucial in controlled lexico-semantic retrieval under varying cognitive demands. Yet, its role in bilinguals, fluent in both native and second languages, remains poorly understood. Here, we employed continuous theta burst stimulation to disrupt neural activity in the left posterior middle-temporal gyrus (pMTG) and angular gyrus (AG) while Italian-Friulian bilinguals performed a cued picture-naming task. The task involved between-language (naming objects in Italian or Friulian) and within-language blocks (naming objects [\"knife\"] or associated actions [\"cut\"] in a single language) in which participants could either maintain (non-switch) or change (switch) instructions based on cues. During within-language blocks, cTBS over the pMTG entailed faster naming for high-demanding switch trials, while cTBS to the AG elicited slower latencies in low-demanding non-switch trials. No cTBS effects were observed in the between-language block. Our findings suggest a causal involvement of the left pMTG and AG in lexico-semantic processing across languages, with distinct contributions to controlled vs. \"automatic\" retrieval, respectively. However, they do not support the existence of shared control mechanisms within and between language(s) production. Altogether, these results inform neurobiological models of semantic control in bilinguals.





