
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this preliminary study, we explored the relationship between auditory imagery ability and the maintenance of tonal and temporal accuracy when singing and audiating with altered auditory feedback (AAF). Actively performing participants sang and audiated (sang mentally but not aloud) a self-selected piece in AAF conditions, including upward pitch-shifts and delayed auditory feedback (DAF), and with speech distraction. Participants with higher self-reported scores on the Bucknell Auditory Imagery Scale (BAIS) produced a tonal reference that was less disrupted by pitch shifts and speech distraction than musicians with lower scores. However, there was no observed effect of BAIS score on temporal deviation when singing with DAF. Auditory imagery ability was not related to the experience of having studied music theory formally, but was significantly related to the experience of performing. The significant effect of auditory imagery ability on tonal reference deviation remained even after partialling out the effect of experience of performing. The results indicate that auditory imagery ability plays a key role in maintaining an internal tonal center during singing but has at most a weak effect on temporal consistency. In this article, we outline future directions in understanding the multifaceted role of auditory imagery ability in singers\' accuracy and expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To verify possible complaints, voice and aerodigestive symptoms, singing voice handicap, and knowledge of vocal health and hygiene in Candomblé religious leaders in Brazil.
    METHODS: The study comprised 112 individuals who filled out a questionnaire with their identification and characterization, the stratified classification of their professional activities, and their self-perception of voice. Three self-assessment protocols - VoiSS, QSHV, and MSHI - were also used.
    RESULTS: The self-assessment of voice ranged from average to good. VoiSS mean total score was 23.04, which is above the cutoff. QSHV mean score was 23.54 points, which is near the cutoff. MSHI mean score (the perception of singing voice handicap) was 25.66 points. There was a substantially strong positive correlation between VoiSS and MSHI total scores (0.789; p<0.001). Women had higher limitation scores (p=0.012) and total scores (p=0.012) in VoiSS and higher handicap scores (p=0.038) in MSHI. Level I professionals - vocal elite (singers and actors) - had significantly higher QSHV scores than those in levels IV (p=0.010) and V (p=0.008). Most respondents had not visited an otorhinolaryngologist (89.29%) within the last year and had not been submitted to speech therapy (83.04%) for voice complaints.
    CONCLUSIONS: Candomblé leaders, particularly women, perceived voice symptoms and singing voice handicaps, with no relationship with their knowledge of vocal health and hygiene. Despite the complaints, most subjects reported not having visited health professionals responsible for voice care within the last year.
    OBJECTIVE: Verificar a autopercepção de sintomas vocais e aerodigestivos, desvantagem vocal no canto e o conhecimento em saúde e higiene vocal em líderes religiosos do Candomblé do Brasil.
    UNASSIGNED: Participaram deste estudo 112 indivíduos, que preencheram virtualmente um questionário de identificação, caracterização, classificação das atividades profissionais em níveis e autoavaliação vocal no momento atual, além de três protocolos de autoavaliação: Escala de Sinais e Sintomas (ESV), Questionário de Saúde e Higiene Vocal (QSHV) e Índice de Desvantagem para o Canto Moderno (IDCM). Foram utilizados os testes de correlação de Spearman, teste de Mann-Whitney e teste de Kruskal-Wallis.
    RESULTS: A autoavaliação vocal no momento atual variou de razoável a boa. A média do escore total na ESV foi de 23,04, acima da nota de corte. O QSHV apresentou valor médio de 23,54 pontos, próximo à nota de corte. O Índice de Desvantagem para o Canto Moderno (IDCM) mostrou média de 25,66 pontos. Houve correlação positiva de força substancial entre os escores totais da ESV e IDCM (0,789). Mulheres apresentaram maiores escores no ESV total e ESV limitação, além de maior escore no IDCM desvantagem. Profissionais do nível I - elite vocal (cantores e atores) apresentaram escores significativamente maiores para o QSHV que os profissionais do grupo IV (usuário não profissional não-vocal) e os do nível V (pessoas que estão fora do mercado de trabalho). A maioria dos respondentes não consultou Otorrinolaringologista (89,29%) no último ano e nem realizou fonoterapia (83,04%) por queixas vocais.
    UNASSIGNED: Líderes do Candomblé apresentaram percepção de sintomas vocais e desvantagem vocal no canto, mais evidente nas mulheres, não havendo relação com o conhecimento de saúde e higiene vocal. Apesar da identificação de sintomas vocais, a maior parte dos sujeitos relatou não ter acessado profissionais de saúde responsáveis por esses cuidados com a voz no último ano.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The impact of singing on cardiovascular health has not been extensively studied. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of singing on cardiovascular biomarkers in an aging population with coronary artery disease.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants had three study visits separated by 2-7 days, according to a randomized, single-blind, cross-over, controlled design: (1) a 30-minute period of coached singing from an in-person music therapist, (2) a 30-minute period of singing along to an instructional video and (3) a 30-minute rest (control). Primary outcomes included macrovascular endothelial function assessed by brachial artery flow-mediated dilation and microvascular function assessed by peripheral arterial tonometry (Framingham reactive hyperemia index; fRHI). Heart rate variability was a secondary outcome.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixty-five subjects (mean age 67.7± 0.8, 40% women) completed the study. Compared to control, there was an increase in fRHI for the singing video intervention (estimate 0.54, SE 0.25, p=0.005) but not for the coaching intervention (estimate 0.11, SE 0.18, p=0.570). There was no change in macrovascular function with either intervention. The low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) ratio increased by 2.80 (SE 1.03, p=0.008), and the LnHF power decreased by -0.90 ms2 (SE 0.29, p=0.003) with the video (during to pre-change). When assessing post- to pre- change, the coaching intervention showed a significant change of -0.62 ms2 (SE 0.29, p=0.036) in LnHF power.
    UNASSIGNED: Singing along to an instructional video for 30 minutes improved microvascular, but not macrovascular, endothelial function, in older patients with CAD. HRV changes with singing are similar to that of exercise.
    UNASSIGNED:, identifier: NCT04121741.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The perception of a talker\'s head orientation is an ecologically relevant task. Humans are able to discriminate changes in talker head orientation using acoustic cues. Factors that may influence measures of this ability have not been well characterized. Here, we examined the minimum audible change in head orientation cues (MACHO) using diotic stimuli. The effects of several factors were tested: talker and gender, stimulus bandwidth (full-band vs low-pass filtered at 8 or 10 kHz), transducer (loudspeaker vs headphone), stimulus uncertainty (interleaved vs blocked presentation of four talkers), and vocal production mode (speech vs singing). The best performance of ∼41° was achieved for full-band, blocked presentation of speech over a loudspeaker. Greater stimulus uncertainty (interleaved presentation) worsened the MACHO by 26%. Bandlimiting at 8 and 10 kHz worsened performance by an additional 22% and 14%, respectively. At equivalent overall sound levels, performance was better for speech than for singing. There was some limited evidence for the transducer influencing the MACHO. These findings suggest the MACHO relies on multiple factors manipulated here. One of the largest, consistent effects was that of talker, suggesting head orientation cues are highly dependent on individual talker characteristics. This may be due to individual variability in speech directivity patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the enhancement of MMR vaccination rates in the deep south of Thailand through a culturally tailored intervention that incorporates storytelling and singing, aligning with local cultural and religious values. The \"Anees has Measles\" intervention, developed with input from community stakeholders including health workers, religious leaders, and parents, featured traditional melodies in its singing activities. The intervention comprised two main components: storytelling sessions and singing activities, both utilizing culturally resonant content and formats to effectively engage the community. Conducted from December 2019 to March 2020 across eight districts in five provinces, the study targeted children aged 18 months to 5 years in government child care centers. Results indicated a substantial increase in MMR vaccination coverage from 44.3% to 72.0% twelve months post-intervention, and further to 77.0% at 48 months post-intervention, representing a significant and sustained improvement (p < 0.001). This marked and continuous increase demonstrates the effectiveness of culturally adapted health education in areas with significant vaccine hesitancy. The findings highlight the importance of integrating culturally and religiously sensitive methods into public health strategies, significantly enhancing vaccine acceptance and coverage in diverse and conservative settings. This approach suggests a broader applicability for similar interventions in comparable contexts globally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Children and adolescents living with mental health problems often experience stress and poor mood states, which may influence their quality of life and well-being. Arts interventions may improve mood and well-being and reduce physiological stress in this vulnerable population.
    METHODS: A cohort of patients in child and adolescent psychiatry (N = 42; age range: 12-18 years) participated in one of four arts activities including choir singing (n = 11), textile design (n = 9), drama (n = 16), and clownery (n = 6). They were led by professional artists and delivered through five consecutive 90-min daily afternoon sessions over the course of 1 week. Questionnaires of mood and saliva samples before and after each session served to assess short-term psychobiological changes. In addition, patients reported their quality of life and well-being at the beginning and at the end of the 1‑week program.
    RESULTS: Results showed that alertness was significantly enhanced after textile design (∆post-pre = 4.08, 95% CI [0.77, 7.39]) and after singing (∆post-pre = 2.20, 95% CI [-0.55, 4.94]). Moreover, mood tended to be positively affected by textile design (∆post-pre = 2.89, 95% CI [-0.39, 6.18]). Quality of life increased significantly after singing (∆post-pre = 5.49, 95% CI [1.05, 9.92]). Arts participation except singing was associated with significant reductions in salivary cortisol (sCort) (textile design ∆post-pre = -0.81 ng/mL, 95% CI [-1.48, -0.14]; drama ∆post-pre = -0.76 ng/mL, 95% CI [-1.28, -0.24]; clownery ∆post-pre = -0.74 ng/mL, 95% CI [-1.47, -0.01]). No significant changes were observed for well-being over the whole program and salivary immunoglobulin A (sIgA) after any of the arts activities.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that arts participation can improve mood state and reduce stress in young people with mental disorders, but there is a need for further studies.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Kinder und Jugendliche mit psychischen Problemen leiden häufig unter Stress und negativer Stimmung, was ihre Lebensqualität und ihr Wohlbefinden beeinträchtigen kann. Künstlerische Interventionen können die Stimmung und das Wohlbefinden verbessern und den physiologischen Stress in dieser gefährdeten Bevölkerungsgruppe reduzieren.
    METHODS: Eine Kohorte von Patienten der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie (N = 42; Altersspanne: 12–18 Jahre) nahm an einer von 4 künstlerischen Aktivitäten teil, darunter Chorgesang (n = 11), Textildesign (n = 9), Schauspiel (n = 16) und Clownerie (n = 6). Diese wurden von professionellen Künstler*innen geleitet und über einen Zeitraum von einer Woche in fünf 90-minütigen, täglichen Nachmittagssitzungen durchgeführt. Fragebögen von Stimmungs- und Speichelproben vor und nach jeder Sitzung dienten dazu, kurzfristige psychobiologische Veränderungen zu erfassen. Darüber hinaus berichteten die Patienten zu Beginn und am Ende des einwöchigen Programms über ihre Lebensqualität und ihr Wohlbefinden.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Wachsamkeit nach Textildesign (∆post-prä = 4,08, 95%-KI [0,77, 7,39] und Singen (∆post-prä = 2,20, 95%-KI [−0,55, 4,94] signifikant erhöht war. Darüber hinaus wurde die Stimmung tendenziell durch Textildesign positiv beeinflusst (∆post-prä = 2,89, 95%-KI [−0,39, 6,18]). Die Lebensqualität stieg nach dem Singen signifikant an (∆post-prä = 5,49, 95%-KI [1,05, 9,92]). Die Teilnahme an den künstlerischen Aktivitäten mit Ausnahme des Singens war mit einer signifikanten Reduktion des Kortisolspiegels verbunden (Textildesign ∆post-prä = −0,81 ng/ml, 95%-KI [−1,48, −0,14]; Schauspiel ∆post-prä = −0,76 ng/ml, 95%-KI [−1,28, −0,24]; Clownerie ∆post-prä = −0,74 ng/ml, 95%-KI [−1,47, −0,01]). Es wurden keine signifikanten Veränderungen des Wohlbefindens während des gesamten Programms und des Immunglobulins A nach einer der künstlerischen Aktivitäten beobachtet.
    UNASSIGNED: Diese Ergebnisse weisen deutlich daraufhin, dass die Teilnahme der psychisch kranken Kinder und Jugendlichen an künstlerischen Aktivitäten deren Stimmung verbessern und den Stress senken kann. Gleichzeitig zeigt sich auch die Notwendigkeit weiterer Studien.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Darwin proposed that blushing-the reddening of the face owing to heightened self-awareness-is \'the most human of all expressions\'. Yet, relatively little is known about the underlying mechanisms of blushing. Theories diverge on whether it is a rapid, spontaneous emotional response that does not involve reflection upon the self or whether it results from higher-order socio-cognitive processes. Investigating the neural substrates of blushing can shed light on the mental processes underlying blushing and the mechanisms involved in self-awareness. To reveal neural activity associated with blushing, 16-20 year-old participants (n = 40) watched pre-recorded videos of themselves (versus other people as a control condition) singing karaoke in a magnetic resonance imaging scanner. We measured participants\' cheek temperature increase-an indicator of blushing-and their brain activity. The results showed that blushing is higher when watching oneself versus others sing. Those who blushed more while watching themselves sing had, on average, higher activation in the cerebellum (lobule V) and the left paracentral lobe and exhibited more time-locked processing of the videos in early visual cortices. These findings show that blushing is associated with the activation of brain areas involved in emotional arousal, suggesting that it may occur independently of higher-order socio-cognitive processes. Our results provide new avenues for future research on self-awareness in infants and non-human animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Music is ubiquitous, both in its instrumental and vocal forms. While speech perception at birth has been at the core of an extensive corpus of research, the origins of the ability to discriminate instrumental or vocal melodies is still not well investigated. In previous studies comparing vocal and musical perception, the vocal stimuli were mainly related to speaking, including language, and not to the non-language singing voice. In the present study, to better compare a melodic instrumental line with the voice, we used singing as a comparison stimulus, to reduce the dissimilarities between the two stimuli as much as possible, separating language perception from vocal musical perception. In the present study, 45 newborns were scanned, 10 full-term born infants and 35 preterm infants at term-equivalent age (mean gestational age at test = 40.17 weeks, SD = 0.44) using functional magnetic resonance imaging while listening to five melodies played by a musical instrument (flute) or sung by a female voice. To examine the dynamic task-based effective connectivity, we employed a psychophysiological interaction of co-activation patterns (PPI-CAPs) analysis, using the auditory cortices as seed region, to investigate moment-to-moment changes in task-driven modulation of cortical activity during an fMRI task. Our findings reveal condition-specific, dynamically occurring patterns of co-activation (PPI-CAPs). During the vocal condition, the auditory cortex co-activates with the sensorimotor and salience networks, while during the instrumental condition, it co-activates with the visual cortex and the superior frontal cortex. Our results show that the vocal stimulus elicits sensorimotor aspects of the auditory perception and is processed as a more salient stimulus while the instrumental condition activated higher-order cognitive and visuo-spatial networks. Common neural signatures for both auditory stimuli were found in the precuneus and posterior cingulate gyrus. Finally, this study adds knowledge on the dynamic brain connectivity underlying the newborns capability of early and specialized auditory processing, highlighting the relevance of dynamic approaches to study brain function in newborn populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate the association of musical activity with mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 3,666 participants reported their musical activity before and mental health indicators before and during the pandemic. Depression was assessed with the Patient Health Questionnaire, anxiety with the Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale. The association between mental health scores and musical activities was investigated using linear regression.
    UNASSIGNED: Within the last 12 months, 22.1% of the participants reported musical activity (15.1% singing, 14.5% playing an instrument). Individuals with frequent singing as their main musical activity had higher scores before the pandemic than non-musicians and the worsening during the pandemic was more pronounced compared to non-musicians. Instrumentalists tended to have slightly lower scores than non-musicians indicating a possible beneficial effect of playing an instrument on mental health.
    UNASSIGNED: The pandemic led to a worsening of mental health, with singers being particularly affected. Singers showed poorer mental health before the pandemic. The tendency for instrumentalists to report lower depression scores compared to non-musicians may support the hypothesis that music-making has a beneficial effect on health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People with spinal cord injury (SCI) experience respiratory dysfunctions which include hypersecretions, bronchospasm, and respiratory muscles weakness. Singing therapy has been implemented as part of respiratory muscle training (RMT) to improve their muscle strength. Singing different types and genres of songs may elicit specific recruitment of respiratory muscles, attributed to the variation of the songs\' characteristics including tempo, pitch, and rhythmic complexity. This study aims to determine the effect of singing songs with different characteristics on the accessory respiratory muscle performance among people with SCI. Thirteen male SCI participants of ASIA A and B (C4 -T11) were recruited. Respiratory muscle signals were retrieved by placing two mechanomyography (MMG) sensors on the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and rectus abdominis (RA) muscles. Eight music experts categorized several songs into four categories based on their pitch, tempo, and rhythmic complexity. Each participant sang one song from each category. Findings showed statistically significant difference in RA and SCM responses among all categories (P < 0.01). The SCM muscle is most active while singing high pitch songs. While the RA is most active during slow tempo and easy rhythmic complexity. This shows that different accessory respiratory muscle is activated by people with SCI while singing songs with different characteristics. Clinicians could benefit from this knowledge while prescribing singing therapy or exercise among people with SCI in the future.





