
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Within the realm of optical neural interfaces, the exploration of plasmonic resonances to interact with neural cells has captured increasing attention among the neuroscience community. The interplay of light with conduction electrons in nanometer-sized metallic nanostructures can induce plasmonic resonances, showcasing a versatile capability to both sense and trigger cellular events. We describe the perspective of generating propagating or localized surface plasmon polaritons on the tip of an optical neural implant, widening the possibility for neuroscience labs to explore the potential of plasmonic neural interfaces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this brief report, we present laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) evidence of deuterium (D) production in a 3:1 urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA) and triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) polymer doped with resonant gold nanorods, induced by intense, 40 fs laser pulses. The in situ recorded LIBS spectra revealed that the D/(2D + H) increased to 4-8% in the polymer samples in selected events. The extent of transmutation was found to linearly increase with the laser pulse energy (intensity) between 2 and 25 mJ (up to 3 × 1017W/cm2). The observed effect is attributed only to the field enhancing effects due to excited localized surface plasmons on the gold nanoparticles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scanning microscopy methods are crucial for the advancement of nanoelectronics. However, the vertical nanoprobes in such techniques suffer limitations such as the fragility at the tip-sample interface, complex instrumentation, and the lack of in operando functionality in several cases. Here, we introduce scanning plasmon-enhanced microscopy (SPEM) and demonstrate its capabilities on MoS2 and WSe2 nanosheets. SPEM combines a nanoparticle-on-mirror (NPoM) configuration with a portable conductive cantilever, enabling simultaneous optical and electrical characterization. This distinguishes it from other current techniques that cannot provide both characterizations simultaneously. It offers a competitive optical resolution of 600 nm with local enhancement of optical signal up to 20,000 times. A single gold nanoparticle with a 15 nm radius forms pristine, nondamaging van der Waals contact, which allows observation of unexpected p-type behavior of MoS2 at the nanoscale. SPEM reconstructs the NPoM method by eliminating the need for extensive statistical analysis and offering excellent nanoscale mapping resolution of any selected region. It surpasses other scanning techniques in combining precise optical and electrical characterization, interactive simplicity, tip durability, and reproducibility, positioning it as the optimal tool for advancing nanoelectronics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Large-scale diffraction gratings were fabricated in surface relief on azobenzene thin films and transferred to flexible PDMS substrates using soft lift-off lithography. The PDMS gratings were strained along the grating vector axis and the resulting surface topography was analyzed using diffraction angle measurements, AFM imagery and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectra. All measurement methods exhibited a linear response in strain indicating the useability of these sensors in real-world applications. For SPR-based strain sensing, an increasing pitch and a decreasing modulation depth were observed with increasing strain. The SPR peak shifted by ~1.0 nm wavelength and the SPR intensity decreased by ~0.3 a.u. per percentage of applied strain. The tested PDMS samples retained their integrity even after multiple cycles of stretching and relaxation, making them a suitable strain sensor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanophotonic biosensors offer exceptional sensitivity in the presence of strong background signals by enhancing and confining light in subwavelength volumes. In the field of nanophotonic biosensors, antenna-in-box (AiB) designs consisting of a nanoantenna within a nanoaperture have demonstrated remarkable single-molecule fluorescence detection sensitivities under physiologically relevant conditions. However, their full potential has not yet been exploited as current designs prohibit insightful correlative multicolor single-molecule studies and are limited in terms of throughput. Here, we overcome these constraints by introducing aluminum-based hexagonal close-packed AiB (HCP-AiB) arrays. Our approach enables the parallel readout of over 1000 HCP-AiBs with multicolor single-molecule sensitivity up to micromolar concentrations using an alternating three-color excitation scheme and epi-fluorescence detection. Notably, the high-density HCP-AiB arrays not only enable high-throughput studies at micromolar concentrations but also offer high single-molecule detection probabilities in the nanomolar range. We demonstrate that robust and alignment-free correlative multicolor studies are possible using optical fiducial markers even when imaging in the low millisecond range. These advancements pave the way for the use of HCP-AiB arrays as biosensor architectures for high-throughput multicolor studies on single-molecule dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the intricate landscape of the tumor microenvironment, both cancer and stromal cells undergo rapid metabolic adaptations to support their growth. Given the relevant role of the metabolic secretome in fueling tumor progression, its unique metabolic characteristics have gained prominence as potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets. As a result, rapid and accurate tools have been developed to track metabolic changes in the tumor microenvironment with high sensitivity and resolution. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a highly sensitive analytical technique and has been proven efficient toward the detection of metabolites in biological media. However, profiling secreted metabolites in complex cellular environments such as those in tumor-stroma 3D in vitro models remains challenging. To address this limitation, we employed a SERS-based strategy to investigate the metabolic secretome of pancreatic tumor models within 3D cultures. We aimed to monitor the immunosuppressive potential of stratified pancreatic cancer-stroma spheroids as compared to 3D cultures of either pancreatic cancer cells or cancer-associated fibroblasts, focusing on the metabolic conversion of tryptophan into kynurenine by the IDO-1 enzyme. We additionally sought to elucidate the dynamics of tryptophan consumption in correlation with the size, temporal evolution, and composition of the spheroids, as well as assessing the effects of different drugs targeting the IDO-1 machinery. As a result, we confirm that SERS can be a valuable tool toward the optimization of cancer spheroids, in connection with their tryptophan metabolizing capacity, potentially allowing high-throughput spheroid analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interpretation of mechanisms governing hot carrier reactivity on metallic nanostructures is critical, yet elusive, for advancing plasmonic photocatalysis. In this work, we explored the influence of the diffusion of molecules on the hot carrier extraction rate at the solid-liquid interface, which is of fundamental interest for increasing the efficiency of photodevices. Through a spatially defined scanning photoelectrochemical microscopy investigation, we identified a diffusion-controlled regime hindering the plasmon-driven photochemical activity of metallic nanostructures. Using low-power monochromatic illumination (<2 W cm-2), we unveiled the hidden influence of mass transport on the quantum efficiency of plasmonic photocatalysts. The availability of molecules at the solid-liquid interface directly limits the extraction of hot holes, according to their nature and energy, at the reactive spots in Au nanoislands on an ultrathin TiO2 substrate. An intriguing question arises: does the mass transport enhancement caused by thermal effects unlock the reactivity of nonthermal carriers under steady state?






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmonic metal nanostructures can simultaneously scatter and absorb light, with resonance wavelength and strength depending on their morphology and composition. This work demonstrates that unique dichroic effects and high-contrast colour-switching can be achieved by leveraging the resonant scattering and absorption of light by plasmonic nanostructures and the specular reflection of the resulting transmitted light. Using core/shell nanostructures comprising a metal core and a dielectric shell, we show that their spray coating on reflective substrates produces dichroic films that can display colour switching at different viewing angles. The high-contrast colour switching, high flexibility in designing multicolour patterns, and convenience for large-scale production promise their wide range of applications, including anticounterfeiting, mechanochromic sensing, colour display, and printing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aesthetic and historical significance of art is well recognized; art can stoke emotions, invite close inquiry, and connect us to the past. However, works of art are also complex material objects that present unique challenges and opportunities for the scientific community. Identifying \"fugitive\" organic pigments in traditional oil paintings, for example, presents a particularly complex analytical challenge that is critical to address for their conservation and long-term preservation. In this Perspective, we discuss the benefits and technical challenges of applying surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy to the ultrasensitive identification of fugitive pigments in paintings as well as future developments in SERS we envision that are inspired by the past.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surface plasmon (SP) excitation in metal-coated tilted fiber Bragg gratings (TFBGs) has been a focal point for highly sensitive surface biosensing. Previous efforts focused on uniform metal layer deposition around the TFBG cross section and temperature self-compensation with the Bragg mode, requiring both careful control of the core-guided light polarization and interrogation over most of the C + L bands. To circumvent these two important practical limitations, we studied and developed an original platform based on partially coated TFBGs. The partial metal layer enables the generation of dual-comb resonances, encompassing highly sensitive (TM/EH mode families) and highly insensitive (TE/HE mode families) components in unpolarized transmission spectra. The interleaved comb of insensitive modes acts as wavelength and power references within the same spectral region as the SP-active modes. Despite reduced fabrication and measurement complexity, refractometric accuracy is not compromised through statistical averaging over seven individual resonances within a narrowband window of 10 nm. Consequently, measuring spectra over 60 nm is no longer needed to compensate for small temperature or power fluctuations. This sensing platform brings the following important practical assets: (1) a simpler fabrication process, (2) no need for polarization control, (3) limited bandwidth interrogation, and (4) maintained refractometric accuracy, which makes it a true game changer in the ever-growing plasmonic sensing domain.





