
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The efficiency of motor skill acquisition is age-dependent, making it increasingly challenging to learn complex manoeuvres later in life. Zebra finches, for instance, acquire a complex vocal motor programme during a developmental critical period after which the learned song is essentially impervious to modification. Although inhibitory interneurons are implicated in critical period closure, it is unclear whether manipulating them can reopen heightened motor plasticity windows. Using pharmacology and a cell-type specific optogenetic approach, we manipulated inhibitory neuron activity in a premotor area of adult zebra finches beyond their critical period. When exposed to auditory stimulation in the form of novel songs, manipulated birds added new vocal syllables to their stable song sequence. By lifting inhibition in a premotor area during sensory experience, we reintroduced vocal plasticity, promoting an expansion of the syllable repertoire without compromising pre-existing song production. Our findings provide insights into motor skill learning capacities, offer potential for motor recovery after injury, and suggest avenues for treating neurodevelopmental disorders involving inhibitory dysfunctions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During animal development, the spatiotemporal properties of molecular events largely determine the biological outcomes. Conventional gene analysis methods lack the spatiotemporal resolution for precise dissection of developmental mechanisms. Although optogenetic tools exist for manipulating designer proteins in cultured cells, few have been successfully applied to endogenous proteins in live animals. Here, we report OptoTrap, a light-inducible clustering system for manipulating endogenous proteins of diverse sizes, subcellular locations, and functions in Drosophila. This system turns on fast, is reversible in minutes or hours, and contains variants optimized for neurons and epithelial cells. By using OptoTrap to disrupt microtubules and inhibit kinesin-1 in neurons, we show that microtubules support the growth of highly dynamic dendrites and that kinesin-1 is required for patterning of low- and high-order dendritic branches in differential spatiotemporal domains. OptoTrap allows for precise manipulation of endogenous proteins in a spatiotemporal manner and thus holds promise for studying developmental mechanisms in a wide range of cell types and developmental stages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurotensin (Nts) is a neuropeptide acting as a neuromodulator in the brain. Pharmacological studies have identified Nts as a potent hypothermic agent. The medial preoptic area, a region that plays an important role in the control of thermoregulation, contains a high density of neurotensinergic neurons and Nts receptors. The conditions in which neurotensinergic neurons play a role in thermoregulation are not known. In this study, optogenetic stimulation of preoptic Nts neurons induced a small hyperthermia. In vitro, optogenetic stimulation of preoptic Nts neurons resulted in synaptic release of GABA and net inhibition of the preoptic pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (Adcyap1) neurons firing activity. GABA-A receptor antagonist or genetic deletion of Slc32a1 (VGAT) in Nts neurons unmasked also an excitatory effect that was blocked by a Nts receptor 1 antagonist. Stimulation of preoptic Nts neurons lacking Slc32a1 resulted in excitation of Adcyap1 neurons and hypothermia. Mice lacking Slc32a1 expression in Nts neurons presented changes in the fever response and in the responses to heat or cold exposure as well as an altered circadian rhythm of body temperature. Chemogenetic activation of all Nts neurons in the brain induced a 4-5°C hypothermia, which could be blocked by Nts receptor antagonists in the preoptic area. Chemogenetic activation of preoptic neurotensinergic projections resulted in robust excitation of preoptic Adcyap1 neurons. Taken together, our data demonstrate that endogenously released Nts can induce potent hypothermia and that excitation of preoptic Adcyap1 neurons is the cellular mechanism that triggers this response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intracerebral spread of tau is a critical mechanism associated with functional decline in Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) and other tauopathies. Recently, a hypothesis has emerged suggesting that tau propagation is linked to functional neuronal connections, specifically driven by neuronal hyperactivity. However, experimental validation of this hypothesis remains limited. In this study, we investigated how tau propagation from the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampus, the neuronal circuit most susceptible to tau pathology in AD, is affected by the selective stimulation of neuronal activity along this circuit. Using a mouse model of seed-induced propagation combined with optogenetics, we found that the chronic stimulation of this neuronal connection over a 4-week period resulted in a significant increase in insoluble tau accumulation in both the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. Importantly, the ratio of tau accumulation in the hippocampus relative to that in the entorhinal cortex, serving as an indicator of transcellular spreading, was significantly higher in mice subjected to chronic stimulation. These results support the notion that abnormal neuronal activity promotes tau propagation, thereby implicating it in the progression of tauopathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Widespread neuropathic pain usually affects a wide range of body areas and inflicts huge suffering on patients. However, little is known about how it happens and effective therapeutic interventions are lacking.
    METHODS: Widespread neuropathic pain was induced by partial infraorbital nerve transection (p-IONX) and evaluated by measuring nociceptive thresholds. In vivo/vitro electrophysiology were used to evaluate neuronal activity. Virus tracing strategies, combined with optogenetics and chemogenetics, were used to clarify the role of remodeling circuit in widespread neuropathic pain.
    RESULTS: We found that in mice receiving p-IONX, along with pain sensitization spreading from the orofacial area to distal body parts, glutamatergic neurons in the ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus (VPMGlu) were hyperactive and more responsive to stimulations applied to the hind paw or tail. Tracing experiments revealed that a remodeling was induced by p-IONX in the afferent circuitry of VPMGlu, notably evidenced by more projections from glutamatergic neurons in the dorsal column nuclei (DCNGlu). Moreover, VPMGlu receiving afferents from the DCN extended projections further to glutamatergic neurons in the posterior insular cortex (pIC). Selective inhibition of the terminals of DCNGlu in the VPM, the soma of VPMGlu or the terminals of VPMGlu in the pIC all alleviated trigeminal and widespread neuropathic pain.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that hyperactive VPMGlu recruit new afferents from the DCN and relay the extra-cephalic input to the pIC after p-IONX, thus hold a key position in trigeminal neuropathic pain and its spreading. This study provides novel insights into the circuit mechanism and preclinical evidence for potential therapeutic targets of widespread neuropathic pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to facilitate cardiovascular research to develop non-invasive optical heart pacing methods, we have generated a double-transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) model suitable for optogenetic pacing. We created a fly stock with both excitatory H134R-ChR2 and inhibitory eNpHR2.0 opsin transgenes. Opsins were expressed in the fly heart using the Hand-GAL4 driver. Here we describe Hand > H134R-ChR2; eNpHR2.0 model characterization including bi-directional heart control (activation and inhibition) upon illumination of light with distinct wavelengths. Optical control and real-time visualization of the heart function were achieved non-invasively using an integrated light stimulation and optical coherence microscopy (OCM) system. OCM produced high-speed and high-resolution imaging; simultaneously, the heart function was modulated by blue (470 nm) or red (617 nm) light pulses causing tachycardia, bradycardia and restorable cardiac arrest episodes in the same animal. The irradiance power levels and illumination schedules were optimized to achieve successful non-invasive bi-directional heart pacing in Drosophila larvae and pupae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optogenetics is a cutting-edge technology that merges light control and genetics to achieve targeted control of tissue cells. Compared to traditional methods, optogenetics offers several advantages in terms of time and space precision, accuracy, and reduced damage to the research object. Currently, optogenetics is primarily used in pathway research, drug screening, gene expression regulation, and the stimulation of molecule release to treat various diseases. The selection of light-sensitive proteins is the most crucial aspect of optogenetic technology; structural changes occur or downstream channels are activated to achieve signal transmission or factor release, allowing efficient and controllable disease treatment. In this review, we examine the extensive research conducted in the field of biomedicine concerning optogenetics, including the selection of light-sensitive proteins, the study of carriers and delivery devices, and the application of disease treatment. Additionally, we offer critical insights and future implications of optogenetics in the realm of clinical medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Channelrhodopsins are popular optogenetic tools in neuroscience, but remain poorly understood mechanistically. Here we report the cryo-EM structures of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and H. catenoides kalium channelrhodopsin (KCR1). We show that ChR2 recruits an endogenous N-retinylidene-PE-like molecule to a previously unidentified lateral retinal binding pocket, exhibiting a reduced light response in HEK293 cells. In contrast, H. catenoides kalium channelrhodopsin (KCR1) binds an endogenous retinal in its canonical retinal binding pocket under identical condition. However, exogenous ATR reduces the photocurrent magnitude of wild type KCR1 and also inhibits its leaky mutant C110T. Our results uncover diverse retinal chromophores with distinct binding patterns for channelrhodopsins in mammalian cells, which may further inspire next generation optogenetics for complex tasks such as cell fate control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual perception of X-radiation is a well-documented, but poorly understood phenomenon. Scotopic rod cells and rhodopsin have been implicated in visual responses to X-rays, however, some evidence suggests that X-rays excite the retina via a different mechanism than visible light. While rhodopsin\'s role in X-ray perception is unclear, the possibility that it could function as an X-ray receptor has led to speculation that it could act as a transgenically expressed X-ray receptor. If so, it could be used to transduce transcranial X-ray signals and control the activity of genetically targeted populations of neurons in a less invasive version of optogenetics, X-genetics. Here we investigate whether human rhodopsin (hRho) is capable of transducing X-ray signals when expressed outside of the retinal environment. We use a live-cell cAMP GloSensor luminescence assay to measure cAMP decreases in hRho-expressing HEK293 cells in response to visible light and X-ray stimulation. We show that cAMP GloSensor luminescence decreases are not observed in hRho-expressing HEK293 cells in response to X-ray stimulation, despite the presence of robust responses to visible light. Additionally, irradiation had no significant effect on cAMP GloSensor responses to subsequent visible light stimulation. These results suggest that ectopically expressed rhodopsin does not function as an X-ray receptor and is not capable of transducing transcranial X-ray signals into neural activity for X-ray mediated, genetically targeted neuromodulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oscillations are a recurrent phenomenon in biological systems across scales, but deciphering their fundamental principles is very challenging. Here, we tackle this challenge by redesigning the wellcharacterised synthetic oscillator known as \"repressilator\" in Escherichia coli and controlling it using optogenetics, creating the \"optoscillator\". Bacterial colonies manifest oscillations as spatial ring patterns. When we apply periodic light pulses, the optoscillator behaves as a forced oscillator and we systematically investigate the properties of the rings under various light conditions. Combining experiments with mathematical modeling, we demonstrate that this simple oscillatory circuit can generate complex dynamics that are transformed into distinct spatial patterns. We report the observation of synchronisation, resonance, subharmonic resonance and period doubling. Furthermore, we present evidence of a chaotic regime. This work highlights the intricate spatiotemporal patterns accessible by synthetic oscillators and underscores the potential of our approach in revealing fundamental principles of biological oscillations.





