nutrition care process

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For artificial intelligence (AI) to support nutrition care, high quality and accuracy of its features within smartphone applications (apps) are essential. This study evaluated popular apps\' features, quality, behaviour change potential, and comparative validity of dietary assessment via manual logging and AI. The top 200 free and paid nutrition-related apps from Australia\'s Apple App and Google Play stores were screened (n = 800). Apps were assessed using MARS (quality) and ABACUS (behaviour change potential). Nutritional outputs from manual food logging and AI-enabled food-image recognition apps were compared with food records for Western, Asian, and Recommended diets. Among 18 apps, Noom scored highest on MARS (mean = 4.44) and ABACUS (21/21). From 16 manual food-logging apps, energy was overestimated for Western (mean: 1040 kJ) but underestimated for Asian (mean: -1520 kJ) diets. MyFitnessPal and Fastic had the highest accuracy (97% and 92%, respectively) out of seven AI-enabled food image recognition apps. Apps with more AI integration demonstrated better functionality, but automatic energy estimations from AI-enabled food image recognition were inaccurate. To enhance the integration of apps into nutrition care, collaborating with dietitians is essential for improving their credibility and comparative validity by expanding food databases. Moreover, training AI models are needed to improve AI-enabled food recognition, especially for mixed dishes and culturally diverse foods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular diseases significantly increase with age, and it is well-known that nutritional status affects the prognosis and treatment of these diseases. Therefore, evaluating nutritional status is essential for maintaining/regaining health. It is crucial to identify nutritional risk early, prevent and/or treat protein-energy malnutrition, and promote the modification of inappropriate dietary habits.
    UNASSIGNED: Nutritional screening represents the first step of access to the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) adopted and managed by the dietitian; this tool must be simple, inexpensive, accessible, accurate, efficient, and validated. A globally accepted standardized definition of malnutrition is necessary, and for this reason, the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria have been recently introduced.The GLIM criteria, after confirming nutritional risk through screening, include both phenotypic and etiological criteria: to diagnose malnutrition, at least one of these must be present.A less commonly performed phenotypic criterion is the assessment of muscle mass, which should be studied as a significant component of sarcopenia.
    UNASSIGNED: Greater attention to the identification and treatment of malnutrition would bring benefits to patients and ensure a saving in healthcare expenditure, but for this purpose, an implementation of clinical nutrition services is necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Nutrition Care Process (NCP) is a systematic method used by dietitians to provide high-quality nutrition care resulting in good patient outcomes. This study aimed to assess the NCP implementation and use of NCP Terminologies (NCPT) among hospital dietitians in the Philippines. Specifically, the study aimed at assessing the knowledge, perception, and practices on NCP and use of NCPT and correlate them with the dietitians\' education, and professional and employment profile; and explain the barriers and facilitators of the practice of NCP and use of NCPT among hospital dietitians in the Philippines.
    UNASSIGNED: The knowledge, perception, and practices (KPP) on NCP and NCPT of the dietitians employed in the Philippine Department of Health\'s licensed level 3 hospitals were determined using a validated questionnaire. Significant factors associated with the KPP were also determined. The barriers and facilitators of the practice of NCP and NCPT were determined using focus group discussion and key informant interviews of chief clinical dietitians and hospital administrators, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: The study revealed that majority of the participants had a high level of knowledge on NCP and NCPT, positively perceived its implementation, and more than half of them implement NCP and NCPT in the hospitals. The participants\' knowledge on NCP and NCPT was significantly associated with research involvement and active membership in a professional organization. While the practice of NCP and NCPT was significantly associated with having NCP-related trainings, frequency of trainings, and active membership in a professional organization. The barriers to NCP implementation were insufficient resources; lack of orientation, trainings, and support; organizational and administrative constraints; pandemic constraints; insufficient time; and lack of confidence to conduct NCP. While the facilitators of implementation were collaboration, dedication, and commitment of the healthcare team; institutionalization of NCP laws and policies; budget allocation for NCP-related activities; monitoring and consistency of NCP implementation; and work schedule.
    UNASSIGNED: The findings suggest that the implementation of NCP and NCPT in the Philippines needs further support from the institution, professional organizations, and policy makers by developing strategies to cope with the barriers, and strengthen the facilitators and factors associated with practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The level of NCP implementation varies across countries due to differences identified in major components of health systems such as infrastructures, legislation, training, and cultural diversities. Dietitians in Greece receive sufficient training in the implementation of the NCP as part of their main studies; however, the level of awareness and adoption of the NCP model is still quite low, with limited information on the potential barriers. The primary aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the perspectives of Greek dietitians on the NCP and the use of digital tools. An online survey was created and distributed through the platform \"SurveyMonkey version 4.1.1\". The overall structure of the questionnaire was modeled according to the validated NCP/NCPT INIS Tool. A total of 279 subjects were included in this study, and 192 were aware of the NCP tool. The most important challenges for the implementation of the NCP included communication with other healthcare professionals (68.2%), provision of appropriate care (33.9%), and insufficient access to continuous education (29.2%). Of the 192 participants who knew the NCP, 81.3% reported using digital applications for the collection and assessment of health data, while 18.8% indicated that they did not utilize such tools. No relationship was found between the use of digital applications by dietitians, NCP knowledge, and demographic characteristics. Our findings highlight the need for targeted educational interventions and appropriate application of standardized protocols by Greek dietitians in daily practice. National Dietetic Associations should provide sufficient guidance on digital tool utilization in facilitating patient data management and enhancing NCP implementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To describe nutrition care documentation patterns and investigate predictors of nutrition diagnosis resolution.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a secondary data analysis of a 2-year pragmatic, quasi-experimental study conducted in outpatient clinics where nutrition care was provided to adults with diabetes Type 1 or 2 from May 2017 to June 2019 (n = 564 patients). The main outcome measures were frequency of standardized Nutrition Care Process (NCP) terms, NCP links, nutrition diagnosis resolution and predictors of nutrition diagnosis resolution. Predictors of diagnosis resolution were identified using a multivariable logistic regression model.
    UNASSIGNED: The most prevalent resolved diagnoses were excessive carbohydrate intake (32%), undesirable food choices (21%) and excessive energy intake (13%). The top etiology was food and nutrition related knowledge deficit (57%) and interventions were drawn mainly from the Nutrition Education domain (64%). One hundred forty-six patient cases (26%) had at least one follow-up visit and 26% of those with a follow-up (n = 38) had a resolved diagnosis. The presence of the evidence-diagnosis NCP link in documentation predicted diagnosis resolution (OR = 2.80, 95% CI 1.30-6.02; p = 0.008).
    UNASSIGNED: Most diagnoses were caused by patients\' lack of knowledge and respective interventions focused on nutrition education. Odds of diagnosis resolution improved when the signs and symptoms of the diagnosis were documented during assessment (evidence-diagnosis NCP link). Training dietitians on NCP links may be important to resolve nutrition diagnoses. Presented findings are hypothesis generating.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Personalized diet counselling, as part of lifestyle change programs for cardiometabolic risk conditions (combinations of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and high waist circumference) has been shown to reduce progression to type 2 diabetes overall. To identify key process of care measures that could be linked to changes in diet, we undertook a secondary analysis of a Canadian pre-post study of lifestyle treatment of metabolic syndrome (MetS). Diet counselling process measures were documented and association with diet quality changes after 3 months were assessed. Results of the primary study showed 19% reversal of MetS after 1 year.
    METHODS: Registered dietitians (RDs) reported on contact time, specific food behaviour goals (FBG), behaviour change techniques (BCT; adapted from the Michie CALO-RE taxonomy) and teaching resources at each contact. Diet quality was measured by 2005 Canadian Healthy Eating Index (HEI-C) and assessed for possible associations with individual BCT and FBG.
    RESULTS: Food behaviour goals associated with improved HEI-C at 3 months were: poultry more than red meat, increased plant protein, increased fish, increased olive oil, increased fruits and vegetables, eating breakfast, increased milk and alternatives, healthier fats, healthier snacks and increased nuts, with an adverse association noted for more use (> 2 times/ 3 months) of the balanced meal concept (F test; p < 0.001). Of 16 BCT, goal setting accounted for 15% of all BCT recorded, yet more goal setting (> 3 times/3 months) was associated with poorer HEI-C at 3 months (F test; p = 0.007). Only self-monitoring, feedback on performance and focus on past success were associated with improved HEI-C.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results identify key aspects of process that impact diet quality. Documentation of both FBG and BCT is highly relevant in diet counselling and a summary diet quality score is a promising target for assessing short-term counselling success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Clinical nutrition training is an essential course for clinical nutrition and dietetics (CN&D) students. The training combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills. The goal is to prepare competent graduates for future practice. Case-based learning is an active learning method based on cases from the clinical setting. This study aimed to introduce an integrated case-based learning (ICBL) method to the clinical training of a cohort of CN&D students and to evaluate its impact on the students\' knowledge of nutrition care process.
    UNASSIGNED: This action research project employed an ICBL-method of teaching in the clinical training of senior students in the CN&D course at the University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Ten integrated case-based learning sessions were conducted with 29 students. The record of the nutrition care process was used to evaluate the learners\' performance through a pretest-posttest mechanism. Furthermore, a focus group interview was conducted to determine the impact of the ICBL-based training on the students\' learning experience.
    UNASSIGNED: All of the students (100%) showed improvement in their learning. There was a 55% improvement in their grades. There was also self-perceived improvement of their life-long learning skills after the ICBL sessions.
    UNASSIGNED: Integraed case-based learning positively influenced learning among CN&D students. Consequently, the students were able to describe appropriate and individualized nutritional care plans. The students were satisfied with the training and considered ICBL to be an effective method of clinical training.
    UNASSIGNED: إن تدريب التغذية العلاجية هو مقرر أساسي يجمع بين الدراسة النظرية والمهارات العملية في المجال السريري. الهدف من التدريب هو إعداد الخريجين ليكونوا أكفاء في مستقبلهم العملي. التعلم القائم على الحالات السريرية هو مناقشة تعليمية يشارك فيها الطالب لعلاج الحالات التي يتعاملون معها خلال فترة تدريبهم. والتعليم المدمج هو طريقة تدريس تتناول الجوانب المتعددة لحالة المريض وتأثيرها على حالته التغذوية بهدف تسهيل فهم الطالب لعلاقة العلوم ببعضها. يصف هذا البحث تجربة تدريس طلبة التغذية العلاجية بطريقة التعليم المدمج القائم على الحالة وتقييم تأثيرها على أداء طلاب التغذية خلال فترة تدربيهم السريري.
    UNASSIGNED: استهدف هذا المشروع التعليمي تدريب طلاب التغذية العلاجية في جامعة الشارقة. حيث تم عقد ١٠ جلسات تعليمية بطريقة التعليم المدمج القائم على الحالة لتسعة وعشرين طالبا في أماكن تدريبهم. واستخدم الباحثون نتائج تقريرعملية الرعاية التغذوية لتقييم الأداء التعليمي للمتدربين قبل الجلسة التعليمية وبعدها. علاوة على ذلك، أجريت مقابلة مع مجموعة من الطلاب لتوضيح تأثير هذه الطريقة في التدريس على تجربة الطلاب التعليمية.
    UNASSIGNED: شهد جميع الطلاب (١٠٠ ٪) تحسنا في أدائهم التعليمي خلال تدريب التغذية العلاجية. وارتفعت درجات تقارير الطلاب بنسبة ٥٥٪ وقد صرحوا بأنهم اكتسبوا مهارات تعليمية مفيدة لحياتهم العملية بعد هذه الجلسة التعليمية.
    UNASSIGNED: أظهر تدريس طلاب التغذية العلاجية بطريقة التعليم المدمج القائم على الحالة السريرية خلال فترة تدريبهم أثرا على نتائجهم العلمية وأسهم في تحسين مهاراتهم العملية، مما أدى إلى تطور قدرتهم على وصف العلاجات التغذوية. وأوصى الطلاب باعتماد هذه الطريقة التعليمية لمقرر تدريب التغذية العلاجية لما اختبروه من تطور في قدرتهم على ربط مواد التغذية العلاجية ببعضها.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nutrition care plays a significant role in the prevention and treatment of malnutrition, although the challenge to establish the precise impact of a nutrition intervention on patient outcomes remains. Malnutrition can be associated with diverse underlying diseases and an increased risk of complications, which increases the difficulty of monitoring and evaluating the nutrition intervention. The aim is to gain an understanding of dietitians\' reflections concerning nutrition care outcomes of interventions in patients at risk of malnutrition.
    METHODS: Six semi-structured audio-recorded focus group discussions with registered dietitians from primary healthcare and hospitals (n = 29) in Sweden were held at the dietitians\' place of work or at the University. Focus group transcripts were analysed thematically to reveal patterns in the data and identify themes and subthemes.
    RESULTS: The dietitians described an approach to nutrition monitoring and evaluation of patients at risk of malnutrition that was categorised into three themes: (i) quantitative explicit outcomes, based on objective measures and described as rigorous; (ii) quantitative estimated outcomes, based on estimates and described as less rigorous and (iii) qualitative implicit outcomes, based on patients\' subjective perceptions and experiences of their health and described as difficult to measure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings indicate the need for new strategies to promote systematic and comprehensive nutrition monitoring and evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated the Nutrition Care Process documentation used by dietitians for obese pediatric patients diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and/or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its impact on the achievement of nutritional goals. This retrospective cohort study utilized data retrieved from three tertiary care hospitals in Riyadh. A total of 142 obese pediatric patients aged 8-18 years diagnosed with NAFLD and/or MetS were evaluated. Data on weight, height, blood pressure (BP), lipid profile, and liver enzymes were collected. A validated audit was used to assess the documentation quality. Twenty-seven (46.6%) dietitian notes received a high score, 21 (36.2%) received a medium score, and 10 (17.2%) received a low score. There was no significant effect of dietitian audit scores on nutritional outcomes, however, the change in body mass index from 6 to 12 months follow-up period was inversely correlated with the audit score (r = -0.761, p = 0.007), and alkaline phosphatase was inversely correlated with the audit score (r = -0.819, p = 0.013). In conclusion, there was a clear variation in the quality of dietitians\' documentation and the impact of documentation scores on nutritional outcomes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Digital health is transforming the delivery of health care around the world to meet the growing challenges presented by ageing populations with multiple chronic conditions. Digital health technologies can support the delivery of personalised nutrition care through the standardised Nutrition Care Process (NCP) by using personal data and technology-supported delivery modalities. The digital disruption of traditional dietetic services is occurring worldwide, supporting responsive and high-quality nutrition care. These disruptive technologies include integrated electronic and personal health records, mobile apps, wearables, artificial intelligence and machine learning, conversation agents, chatbots, and social robots. Here, we outline how digital health is disrupting the traditional model of nutrition care delivery and outline the potential for dietitians to not only embrace digital disruption, but also take ownership in shaping it, aiming to enhance patient care. An overview is provided of digital health concepts and disruptive technologies according to the four steps in the NCP: nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring and evaluation. It is imperative that dietitians stay abreast of these technological developments and be the leaders of the disruption, not simply subject to it. By doing so, dietitians now, as well as in the future, will maximise their impact and continue to champion evidence-based nutrition practice.





