model system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Critical to our understanding of infections and their treatment is the role the innate immune system plays in controlling bacterial pathogens. Nevertheless, many in vivo systems are made or modified such that they do not have an innate immune response. Use of these systems denies the opportunity to examine the synergy between the immune system and antimicrobial agents. In this study we demonstrate that the larva of Galleria mellonella is an effective in vivo model for the study of the population and evolutionary biology of bacterial infections and their treatment. To do this we test three hypotheses concerning the role of the innate immune system during infection. We show: i) sufficiently high densities of bacteria are capable of saturating the innate immune system, ii) bacteriostatic drugs and bacteriophages are as effective as bactericidal antibiotics in preventing mortality and controlling bacterial densities, and iii) minority populations of bacteria resistant to a treating antibiotic will not ascend. Using a highly virulent strain of Staphylococcus aureus and a mathematical computer-simulation model, we further explore how the dynamics of the infection within the short term determine the ultimate infection outcome. We find that excess immune activation in response to high densities of bacteria leads to a strong but short-lived immune response which ultimately results in a high degree of mortality. Overall, our findings illustrate the utility of the G. mellonella model system in conjunction with established in vivo models in studying infectious disease progression and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The complex zygomorphic flowers of the early-diverging eudicot Delphinium provide an opportunity to explore intriguing evolutionary, developmental, and genetic questions. The dorsal perianth organs, consisting of a spurred sepal and the nectar-bearing spurred petal(s) in Delphinium, contribute to the dorso-ventralization and zygomorphic flower morphology. The seamless integration of the two or three dorsal petaloid spurred organs is considered a synorganization, and the resulting organ complex is referred to as a hyperorgan. The hyperorgan shows variability within the tribe due to variation in the number, size, and shape of the spurs. Research in recent decades within this tribe has enhanced our understanding of morphological evolution of flowers. More recently, functional studies using the RNAi approach of Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) have unraveled interesting results highlighting the role of gene duplication in the functional diversification of organ identity and symmetry genes. Research in this early-diverging eudicot genus bridges the gaps in understanding the morphological innovations that are mostly studied in model grass and core eudicot clades. This first comprehensive review synthesizes eco-evo-devo research on Delphinium, developing a holistic understanding of recent advancements and establishing the genus as an exceptional model for addressing fundamental questions in developmental genetics, particularly in the evolution of complex flowers. This progress highlights Delphinium\'s significant potential for future studies in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identification of drug targets and biochemical investigations on mechanisms of action are major issues in modern drug development. The present article is a critical review of the classical \"one drug\"-\"one target\" paradigm. In fact, novel methods for target deconvolution and for investigation of resistant strains based on protein mass spectrometry have shown that multiple gene products and adaptation mechanisms are involved in the responses of pathogens to xenobiotics rather than one single gene or gene product. Resistance to drugs may be linked to differential expression of other proteins than those interacting with the drug in protein binding studies and result in complex cell physiological adaptation. Consequently, the unraveling of mechanisms of action needs approaches beyond proteomics. This review is focused on protozoan pathogens. The conclusions can, however, be extended to chemotherapies against other pathogens or cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazole [4,5-b] pyridine (PhIP), a heterocyclic amine (HAA), is found in meat products heated at high temperatures. However, PhIP is a mutagenic and potential carcinogenic compound. Cassiae semen, a type of medicine and food homology plant, is abundant in China and has been less applied for inhibiting heterocyclic amines.
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate the inhibitory effect of cassiae semen extract on PhIP formation within a model system and elucidate the inhibitory mechanism, an ultrasonic-assisted method with 70% ethanol was used to obtain cassiae semen extract, which was added to a model system (0.6 mmol of phenylalanine: creatinine, 1:1). PhIP was analyzed by LC-MS to determine inhibitory effect. The byproducts of the system and the mechanism of PhIP inhibition were verified by adding the extract to a model mixture of phenylacetaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde and creatinine.
    UNASSIGNED: The results indicated that PhIP production decreased as the concentration of cassiae semen extract increased, and the highest inhibition rate was 91.9%. Byproduct (E), with a mass-charge ratio of m/z 199.9, was detected in the phenylalanine and creatinine model system but was not detected in the other systems. The cassiae semen extract may have reacted with phenylalanine to produce byproduct (E), which prevented the degradation of phenylalanine by the Strecker reaction to produce phenylacetaldehyde.
    UNASSIGNED: Cassiae semen extract consumed phenylalanine, which is the precursor for PhIP, thus inhibiting the formation of phenylacetaldehyde and ultimately inhibiting PhIP formation. The main objective of this study was to elucidate the mechanism by which cassiae semen inhibit PhIP formation and establish a theoretical and scientific foundation for practical control measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human retina is a highly structured and complex neurosensory tissue central to perceiving and processing visual signals. In a healthy individual, the close interplay between the neuronal retina, the adjacent retinal pigment epithelium and the underlying blood supply, the choriocapillaris, is critical for maintaining eyesight over a lifetime. An impairment of this delicate and metabolically highly active system, caused by genetic alteration, environmental impact or both, results in a multitude of pathological phenotypes of the retina. Understanding and treating these disease processes are motivated by a marked medical need in young as well as in older patients. While naturally occurring or gene-manipulated animal models have been used successfully in ophthalmological research for many years, recent advances in induced pluripotent stem cell technology have opened up new avenues to generate patient-derived retinal model systems. Here, we explore to what extent these cellular models can be useful to mirror human pathologies in vitro ultimately allowing to analyze disease mechanisms and testing treatment options in the cell type of interest on an individual patient-specific genetic background.
    Die menschliche Netzhaut ist ein hochstrukturiertes und komplexes neurosensorisches Gewebe, das eine zentrale Rolle in der Wahrnehmung und visuellen Verarbeitung optischer Signale spielt. Im gesunden Individuum ist das enge Zusammenspiel zwischen der neuronalen Netzhaut, dem eng benachbarten retinalen Pigmentepithel und der unmittelbaren Blutversorgung, der Choriokapillaris, kritisch für ein lebenslang intaktes Sehvermögen. Eine Beeinträchtigung dieses empfindlichen und metabolisch hochaktiven Systems, sei es durch genetische Veränderung, individuelle äußere Einflüsse oder beides, führt zu einer Vielfalt von pathologischen Phänotypen der Netzhaut. Verstehen und Behandeln dieser Krankheitsprozesse werden durch einen hohen medizinischen Bedarf an Therapieoptionen bei jungen, aber auch älteren Patienten, motiviert. Während natürlich vorkommende oder Gen-manipulierte Tiermodelle viele Jahre erfolgreich in der Gesundheitsforschung eingesetzt wurden, haben jüngere Entwicklungen im Bereich der induzierten pluripotenten Stammzell-Technologie neue, bisher nicht bekannte Möglichkeiten geschaffen, Patienten-abgeleitete Zellmodelle der Netzhaut zu generieren. In diesem Review möchten wir explorieren, in welchem Maße solche zellulären Modelle hilfreich sein können die menschlichen Pathologien in vitro abzubilden und somit deren Krankheitsmechanismen zu verstehen, was wiederum zu Behandlungsoptionen in einem definierten Zelltyp auf einem individuellen Patienten-spezifischen genetischen Hintergrund erlauben würde.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) is a muco-cutaneous autoimmune disease characterized and caused by autoantibodies targeting type VII collagen (COL7). The treatment of EBA is notoriously difficult, with a median time to remission of 9 months. In preclinical EBA models, we previously discovered that depletion of regulatory T cells (Treg) enhances autoantibody-induced, neutrophil-mediated inflammation and blistering. Increased EBA severity in Treg-depleted mice was accompanied by an increased cutaneous expression of interferon gamma (IFN-γ). The functional relevance of IFN-γ in EBA pathogenesis had been unknown. Given that emapalumab, an anti-IFN-γ antibody, is approved for primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis patients, we sought to assess the therapeutic potential of IFN-γ inhibition in EBA. Specifically, we evaluated if IFN-γ inhibition has modulatory effects on skin inflammation in a pre-clinical EBA model, based on the transfer of COL7 antibodies into mice. Compared to isotype control antibody, anti-IFN-γ treatment significantly reduced clinical disease manifestation in experimental EBA. Clinical improvement was associated with a reduced dermal infiltrate, especially Ly6G+ neutrophils. On the molecular level, we noted few changes. Apart from reduced CXCL1 serum concentrations, which has been demonstrated to promote skin inflammation in EBA, the expression of cytokines was unaltered in the serum and skin following IFN-γ blockade. This validates IFN-γ as a potential therapeutic target in EBA, and possibly other diseases with a similar pathogenesis, such as bullous pemphigoid and mucous membrane pemphigoid.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the potential use of fish paste from two pelagic species (Cetengraulis mysticetus or carduma in Colombia and Opisthonema sp. or plumuda in Colombia), either separately or combined, as a substitute for external fat sources in a Leberkäse product. Three stages were analyzed, evaluating biometric proportions, body performance, and meat batters containing different concentrations of fish pastes. Physicochemical and instrumental characterization analyses were performed to determine the effect of the type of fish paste and the level of its inclusion in the final product. Results showed that plumuda fish paste had higher protein and ash content than carduma fish paste, and the inclusion of carduma fish paste in meat batters led to a greater loss of liquid and lower emulsion and gel stability values. The study also established selection criteria for the two pelagic fish species that could be useful for the fishing industry. Overall, the study demonstrated that Leberkäse can be produced using these pelagic species with a relatively simple processing technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on mycorrhizal symbiosis has been slowed by a lack of established study systems. To address this challenge, we have been developing Suillus, a widespread ecologically and economically relevant fungal genus primarily associated with the plant family Pinaceae, into a model system for studying ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associations. Over the last decade, we have compiled extensive genomic resources, culture libraries, a phenotype database, and protocols for manipulating Suillus fungi with and without their tree partners. Our efforts have already resulted in a large number of publicly available genomes, transcriptomes, and respective annotations, as well as advances in our understanding of mycorrhizal partner specificity and host communication, fungal and plant nutrition, environmental adaptation, soil nutrient cycling, interspecific competition, and biological invasions. Here, we highlight the most significant recent findings enabled by Suillus, present a suite of protocols for working with the genus, and discuss how Suillus is emerging as an important model to elucidate the ecology and evolution of ECM interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital hearing loss is a common chronic condition affecting children in both developed and developing nations. Viruses correlated with congenital hearing loss include human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Zika virus (ZIKV), which causes congenital Zika syndrome. The mechanisms by which HCMV and ZIKV infections cause hearing loss are poorly understood. It is challenging to study human inner ear cells because they are encased in bone and also scarce as autopsy samples. Recent advances in culturing human stem cell-derived otic progenitor cells (OPCs) have allowed us herein to describe successful in vitro infection of OPCs with HCMV and ZIKV, and also to propose potential mechanisms by which each viral infection could affect hearing. We find that ZIKV infection rapidly and significantly induces the expression of type I interferon and interferon-stimulated genes, while OPC viability declines, at least in part, from apoptosis. In contrast, HCMV infection did not appear to upregulate interferons or cause a reduction in cell viability, and instead disrupted expression of key genes and pathways associated with inner ear development and function, including Cochlin, nerve growth factor receptor, SRY-box transcription factor 11, and transforming growth factor-beta signaling. These findings suggest that ZIKV and HCMV infections cause congenital hearing loss through distinct pathways, that is, by inducing progenitor cell death in the case of ZIKV infection, and by disruption of critical developmental pathways in the case of HCMV infection.
    OBJECTIVE: Congenital virus infections inflict substantial morbidity and devastating disease in neonates worldwide, and hearing loss is a common outcome. It has been difficult to study viral infections of the human hearing apparatus because it is embedded in the temporal bone of the skull. Recent technological advances permit the differentiation of otic progenitor cells (OPCs) from human-induced pluripotent stem cells. This paper is important for demonstrating that inner ear virus infections can be modeled in vitro using OPCs. We infected OPCs with two viruses associated with congenital hearing loss: human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a DNA virus, or Zika virus (ZIKV), an RNA virus. An important result is that the gene expression and cytokine production profiles of HCMV/ZIKV-infected OPCs are markedly dissimilar, suggesting that mechanisms of hearing loss are also distinct. The specific molecular regulatory pathways identified in this work could suggest important targets for therapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





