
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resolving the genomic basis underlying phenotypic variations is a question of great importance in evolutionary biology. However, understanding how genotypes determine the phenotypes is still challenging. Centuries of artificial selective breeding for beauty and aggression resulted in a plethora of colors, long-fin varieties, and hyper-aggressive behavior in the air-breathing Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens), supplying an excellent system for studying the genomic basis of phenotypic variations. Combining whole-genome sequencing, quantitative trait loci mapping, genome-wide association studies, and genome editing, we investigated the genomic basis of huge morphological variation in fins and striking differences in coloration in the fighting fish. Results revealed that the double tail, elephant ear, albino, and fin spot mutants each were determined by single major-effect loci. The elephant ear phenotype was likely related to differential expression of a potassium ion channel gene, kcnh8. The albinotic phenotype was likely linked to a cis-regulatory element acting on the mitfa gene and the double-tail mutant was suggested to be caused by a deletion in a zic1/zic4 coenhancer. Our data highlight that major loci and cis-regulatory elements play important roles in bringing about phenotypic innovations and establish Bettas as new powerful model to study the genomic basis of evolved changes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In zebrafish (Danio rerio), iridophores are specified from neural crest cells and represent a tractable system for examining mechanisms of cell fate and differentiation. Using this system, we have investigated the role of cAMP protein kinase A (PKA) signaling in pigment cell differentiation. Activation of PKA with the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin reduces the number of differentiated iridophores in wildtype larvae, with insignificant changes to melanophore number. Inhibition of PKA with H89 significantly increases iridophore number, supporting a specific role for PKA during iridophore development. To determine the effects of altering PKA activity on iridophore and melanophore gene expression, we examined expression of iridophore marker pnp4a, melanophore marker mitfa, and the mitfa repressor foxd3. Consistent with our cell counts, forskolin significantly decreased pnp4a expression as detected by in situ hybridization and quantification of pnp4a+ cells. Forskolin had the opposite effect on mitfa and foxd3 gene activity, increasing the area of expression. As mitfa/nacre mutants have extra iridophores as compared to wildtype larvae, we examined the function of mitfa during PKA-sensitive iridophore development. Forskolin treatment of mitfa/nacre mutants did significantly reduce the number of iridophores but to a lesser extent than that observed in treated wildtype larvae. Taken together, our data suggests that PKA inhibits iridophore development in a subset of iridophore precursors, potentially via a foxd3-independent pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Silver_nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been reported to inhibit specification of erythroid cells and to induce spinal cord deformities and cardiac arrhythmia in vertebrates, but have not been implicated in development of neural crest (NC) and pigment cells in an in vivo model yet. In current study, down-regulated expressions of NC genes pax7 and foxd3, melanophore genes mitfa and dct, and xanthophore gene gch2 in AgNPs-exposed embryos were revealed by microarray, qRT-PCR and whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH). Then, the down-regulated expressions of melanophore genes mitfa and dct but not xanthophore gene gch2 in AgNPs-exposed embryos were found to be recovered by melanogenesis agonists palmitic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP). Finally, Ag+ chelating and AgNPs coating compound l-cysteine was found to neutralize AgNPs-induced hypopigmentation in AgNPs-exposed embryos, and to recover the down-regulated expressions of both dct and gch2 to nearly normal level in embryos, suggesting that AgNPs-releasing Ag+ might mediate their biological effects on zebrafish pigmentation mostly. This study was firstly to unveil that AgNPs might specifically act up-stream of mitfa and pax7 genes to suppress specification and differentiation of melanophore and xanthophore lineages respectively by their releasing Ag+ during vertebrate embryogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Melanocyte stem cells are a population of immature cells which sustain the self-renewal and replenish the differentiated melanocytes. In this research, a light-colored region (LCR) is observed at the heel of caudal fin in juvenile crucian carp. By cutting off the caudal fin, the operated caudal fin can regenerate in accordance with the original pigment pattern from the retained LCR. As markers of stem cells, Oct4 and Sox2 have been found to be highly expressed in the LCR as well as Mitfa, a label of the melanoblasts. In vitro, Mitfa+ melanoblasts are observed in the cells which are derived from the LCR and transfected with Mitfa-EGFP reporter by using Tol2 transposon system. Furthermore, by real-time qPCR, it is shown that the level of sox2 mRNA is gradually decreased from the LCR to proximal and distal caudal fin, and that of mitfa mRNA in the proximal caudal fin (PCF) is higher than that in the LCR, while it is the lowest in the distal caudal fin. Hence, we propose that the LCR is a pigment progenitor niche, sending melanocytes to the distal of caudal fin, which gradually emerges as caudal fin grow. We reveal that the LCR of caudal fin might be a niche of pigment progenitors, and contribute to pigment-producing stem cells in crucian carp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dorso-ventral pigment pattern differences are the most widespread pigmentary adaptations in vertebrates. In mammals, this pattern is controlled by regulating melanin chemistry in melanocytes using a protein, agouti-signalling peptide (ASIP). In fish, studies of pigment patterning have focused on stripe formation, identifying a core striping mechanism dependent upon interactions between different pigment cell types. In contrast, mechanisms driving the dorso-ventral countershading pattern have been overlooked. Here, we demonstrate that, in fact, zebrafish utilize two distinct adult pigment patterning mechanisms - an ancient dorso-ventral patterning mechanism, and a more recent striping mechanism based on cell-cell interactions; remarkably, the dorso-ventral patterning mechanism also utilizes ASIP. These two mechanisms function largely independently, with resultant patterns superimposed to give the full pattern.





