joint mobility

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the influence of the quality of the \"deep squat\" movement, adapted from the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) system, on the lower extremity movement pattern during baseball throwing, and its potential impact on throwing performance and propulsion efficiency. Twenty-two baseball players were recruited and categorized into two groups: 13 in the high-score squat group (HSS) and 9 in the low-score squat group (LSS), based on their deep squat screening results. This research explored disparities in ball velocity, propulsion efficiency, propulsion ground reaction force (GRF) characteristics, and throwing kinematics between these two groups. The findings revealed no significant difference in ball velocity between the groups. However, the LSS group demonstrated a lower propulsion GRF efficiency (p < 0.030, ES = 0.46), along with a higher vertical peak GRF (p < 0.002, ES = 0.66). In the pivot leg, the HSS group exhibited significantly lower impulse forces in the Impulse Fresultant (p < 0.035, ES = 0.45), throwing direction (p < 0.049, ES = 0.42), and vertical direction (p < 0.048, ES = 0.42). Additionally, the contribution to the ball velocity of the pivot leg was significantly greater in the HSS group, along with significantly better efficiency in Impulse Fresultant (p < 0.035, ES = 0.45), throwing direction (p < 0.053, ES = 0.41), and vertical direction (p < 0.032, ES = 0.46). In the leading leg, the HSS group demonstrated significantly lower impulse forces in the Impulse Fresultant (p < 0.001, ES = 0.69), throwing direction (p < 0.007, ES = 0.58), and vertical direction (p < 0.001, ES = 0.70). Moreover, the contribution to the ball velocity of the leading leg was significantly greater in the HSS group, accompanied by significantly better efficiency in Impulse Fresultant (p < 0.003, ES = 0.63), throwing direction (p < 0.005, ES = 0.60), and vertical direction (p < 0.021, ES = 0.49). In conclusion, this study suggests that squat screening is a valuable tool for assessing propulsion efficiency. Coaches and trainers should be mindful of players with low squat quality but high throwing performance, as they may face increased impact and injury risks in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Despite rising prevalence rates, no standard tool is available to identify individuals at risk of developing contractures. This study aimed to gain expert consensus on items for the development of the Observational Risk Assessment Tool for Contractures: Longitudinal Evaluation (ORACLE) for care home residents.
    METHODS: A two-round, online modified Delphi study.
    METHODS: Panellists were qualified healthcare professionals with a background in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, and rehabilitation medicine.
    METHODS: In the first round, the experts were asked to rate the predesigned list of items on a Likert scale while in the second round, consensus was sought in the areas of disagreement identified in the previous round.
    RESULTS: The two rounds of the Delphi survey included 30 and 25 panellists, respectively. The average clinical and academic experience of the panellists was 22.2 years and 10.5 years, respectively. The panel demonstrated a high level of consensus regarding the clinical factors (10 out of 15 items); preventive care approaches (9 out of 10 items), and contextual factors (12 out of 13 items) ranging from 70% to 100%.
    CONCLUSIONS: This Delphi study determined expert consensus on items to be included in a contracture risk assessment tool (ORACLE). The items were related to factors associated with joint contractures, appropriate preventive care interventions, and potentially relevant contextual factors associated with care home settings. The promise of a risk assessment tool that includes these items has the capacity to reduce the risk of contracture development or progression and to trigger timely and appropriate referrals to help prevent further loss of function and independence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantifying joint range of motion (RoM), the reachable poses at a joint, has many applications in research and clinical care. Joint RoM measurements can be used to investigate the link between form and function in extant and extinct animals, to diagnose musculoskeletal disorders and injuries or monitor rehabilitation progress. However, it is difficult to visually demonstrate how the rotations of the joint axes interact to produce joint positions. Here, we introduce the spherical frame projection (SFP), which is a novel 3D visualisation technique, paired with a complementary data collection approach. SFP visualisations are intuitive to interpret in relation to the joint anatomy because they \'trace\' the motion of the coordinate system of the distal bone at a joint relative to the proximal bone. Furthermore, SFP visualisations incorporate the interactions of degrees of freedom, which is imperative to capture the full joint RoM. For the collection of such joint RoM data, we designed a rig using conventional motion capture systems, including live audio-visual feedback on torques and sampled poses. Thus, we propose that our visualisation and data collection approach can be adapted for wide use in the study of joint function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The standardized geriatric assessment of the upper extremities is often limited to measurement of hand strength. The only other instrument mentioned in the S1 guidelines on level 2 geriatric assessment is the 20 cents test (20-C-T); however, in addition to strength and fine motor skills, successful hand placement is a prerequisite for self-care.
    OBJECTIVE: The 8‑point reaching range test (8P-GRT) was developed for standardized separate testing of sides in a seated person concerning hand positioning relevant to daily living. The purpose of the study was to determine quality criteria of the 8P-GRT in geriatric hospital patients.
    METHODS: Between 31 July 2019 and 23 September 2019, a total of 82 inpatients were examined at the Hospital Red Cross Lübeck Geriatrics Center using the 8P-GRT, shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI), a questionnaire on self-care activities corresponding to the hand positions of the 8P-GRT, hand strength measurement and the 20-C‑T.
    RESULTS: The interrater reliability was 0.99 and the retest reliability was 0.95 for the right side and 0.90 for the left side. On the individual level a ceiling effect (both sides score 8) occurred in 4.1% (n = 3) but no floor effect was observed. The internal consistency (Cronbach\'s alpha) of the two-factorial test according to factor analysis was 0.78 (right) and 0.76 (left). Each of the other tests correlated more closely with the 8P-GRT on the right side, whereby the correlation was highest with the abovenamed questionnaire (-0.72), followed by the SPADI (-0.60).
    CONCLUSIONS: A standardized survey of hand strength, fine motor skills and active positioning of the hand (e.g., 8P-GRT) synthesizes the main aspects of upper extremity functioning into an overall picture.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Das standardisierte geriatrische Assessment der oberen Extremitäten beschränkt sich häufig auf die Messung der Handkraft. Als einziges weiteres Instrument nennt die S1-Leitlinie zum geriatrischen Assessment der Stufe 2 den 20-Cents-Test (20-C-T). Neben Kraft und Feinmotorik ist jedoch das erfolgreiche Platzieren der Hand eine Voraussetzung für die Selbstversorgung.
    UNASSIGNED: Zur standardisierten seitengetrennten Überprüfung des alltagsrelevanten Positionierens der Hand im Sitzen wurde der 8‑Punkte-Greifraum-Test (8P-GRT) entwickelt. Die Studie diente der Ermittlung von Gütekriterien des 8P-GRT bei geriatrischen Krankenhauspatienten.
    METHODS: Zwischen dem 31.07.2019 und dem 23.09.2019 wurden im Krankenhaus Rotes Kreuz Lübeck – Geriatriezentrum 82 stationäre Patienten mithilfe des 8P-GRT, des Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), einem zu den Handpositionen des 8P-GRT korrespondierenden Fragebogen zu Aktivitäten der Selbstversorgung, der Handkraftmessung und dem 20-C‑T untersucht.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Interrater-Reliabilität betrug 0,99, die Retest-Reliabilität 0,95 für die rechte und 0,90 für die linke Seite. Auf die Person bezogen, trat ein Deckeneffekt (beidseits Score 8) bei 4,1 % (n = 3) auf; kein Bodeneffekt wurde beobachtet. Die interne Konsistenz (Cronbachs α) des gemäß Faktorenanalyse zweifaktoriellen Tests betrug 0,78 (rechts) bzw. 0,76 (links). Jeder der anderen Tests korrelierte enger mit dem 8P-GRT auf der rechten Seite, wobei die Korrelation mit dem oben genannten Fragebogen am höchsten war (−0,72), gefolgt vom SPADI (−0,60).
    CONCLUSIONS: Eine standardisierte Erhebung der Handkraft, Feinmotorik und aktiven Positionierung der Hand (z. B. 8P-GRT) fügt die Hauptaspekte der Funktionsfähigkeit der oberen Extremitäten zu einem Gesamtbild zusammen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We measured the passive mechanical properties of intact, living human gracilis muscles (n=11 individuals, 10 male and 1 female, age: 33±12 years, mass: 89±23 kg, height: 177±8 cm). Measurements were performed in patients undergoing surgery for free-functioning myocutaneous tissue transfer of the gracilis muscle to restore elbow flexion after brachial plexus injury. Whole-muscle force of the gracilis tendon was measured in four joint configurations (JC1-JC4) with a buckle force transducer placed at the distal tendon. Sarcomere length was also measured by biopsy from the proximal gracilis muscle. After the muscle was removed, a three-dimensional volumetric reconstruction of the muscle was created via photogrammetry. Muscle length from JC1 to JC4 increased by 3.3±1.0, 7.7±1.2, 10.5±1.3 and 13.4±1.2 cm, respectively, corresponding to 15%, 34%, 46% and 59% muscle fiber strain, respectively. Muscle volume and an average optimal fiber length of 23.1±0.7 cm yielded an average muscle physiological cross-sectional area of 6.8±0.7 cm2 which is approximately 3 times that measured previously from cadaveric specimens. Absolute passive tension increased from 0.90±0.21 N in JC1 to 16.50±2.64 N in JC4. As expected, sarcomere length also increased from 3.24±0.08 µm at JC1 to 3.63±0.07 µm at JC4, which are on the descending limb of the human sarcomere length-tension curve. Peak passive muscle stress was 27.8±5.5 kPa in JC4 and muscle modulus ranged from 44.8 MPa in JC1 to 125.7 MPa in JC4. Comparison with other mammalian species indicates that human muscle passive mechanical properties are more similar to rodent muscle than to rabbit muscle. These data provide direct measurements of whole-human muscle passive mechanical properties that can be used in modeling studies and for understanding comparative passive mechanical properties among mammalian muscles.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pain related to pregnancy can occur anytime between conception to the postpartum period. Pregnancy and the following months after birth are a time of physical change to the woman\'s body, with significant hormonal effects. We present a case of a young female with chronic pain several years after her second pregnancy that presented a diagnostic challenge. She was initially diagnosed with persistent pelvic girdle pain (PGP) type 2, responded somewhat to appropriately targeted pelvic floor therapy, with a plateau in her progress. The diagnosis was revised to PGP type 4, with some improvement in pain with customized therapy. Her treatment again changed with a focus on sacroiliac joint (SIJ) dysfunction and iliopsoas tendinopathy with excellent and complete resolution of her pain. The overlapping nature of these diagnoses caused a significant challenge in creating a tailored physical therapy approach to her pain that eventually led to her final diagnosis being one of exclusion. Treatment was focused on optimization of joint mobility and tissue lengthening, with the resolution of her pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paleobiologists typically exclude impossible joint poses from reconstructions of extinct animals by estimating the rotational range of motion (ROM) of fossil joints. However, this ubiquitous practice carries the assumption that osteological estimates of ROM consistently overestimate true joint mobility. Because studies founded on ROM-based exclusion have contributed substantially to our understanding of functional and locomotor evolution, it is critical that this assumption be tested. Here, we evaluate whether ROM-based exclusion is, as currently implemented, a reliable strategy. We measured the true mobilities of five intact cadaveric joints using marker-based X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology and compared them to virtual osteological estimates of ROM made allowing (a) only all three rotational, (b) all three rotational and one translational, and (c) all three rotational and all three translational degrees of freedom. We found that allowing combinations of motions in all six degrees of freedom is necessary to ensure that true mobility is always successfully captured. In other words, failing to include joint translations in ROM analyses results in the erroneous exclusion of many joint poses that are possible in life. We therefore suggest that the functional and evolutionary conclusions of existing paleobiological reconstructions may be weakened or even overturned when all six degrees of freedom are considered. We offer an expanded methodological framework for virtual ROM estimation including joint translations and outline recommendations for future ROM-based exclusion studies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Orthoses can stabilize the foot and restore the medial longitudinal arch for symptomatic flexible flatfoot. However, the effectiveness of orthoses remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate effectiveness of a customized soft inflatable orthosis on the medial longitudinal arch of flexible flatfoot patients under load.
    METHODS: We obtained CT scans of the feet of 14 healthy volunteers and 14 patients with flexible flatfoot under non- and simulated weight-bearing conditions. Then CT scans under the same conditions were taken for patients with flexible flatfoot equipped with soft inflatable orthosis. Three-dimensional models of the medial longitudinal arch and hindfoot were constructed from CT images. The three-dimensional mobility of the medial longitudinal arch joints under load was compared between patients with flexible flatfoot equipped with soft inflatable orthosis or not.
    RESULTS: From non- to simulated weight-bearing condition, the eversion and dorsiflexion of the talocalcaneal joint, the eversion of the talonavicular joint, the abduction and dorsiflexion of the cuneonavicular joint, and the dorsiflexion of the first tarsometatarsal joint were significantly larger in patients with flexible flatfoot than healthy volunteers. The customized soft inflatable orthosis could reduce the eversion of the talonavicular joint and the eversion and dorsiflexion of the talocalcaneal joint.
    CONCLUSIONS: The soft inflatable orthosis is effective to improve medial longitudinal arch height and reduce excessive mobility of joints for flexible flatfoot deformity. The results of this study could provide evidence for the optimal orthosis design to treat flexible flatfoot in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vertical jumps are of great importance as a performance predictor for many types of sports that require speed and agility. However, to date, it is not clear if flexibility and/or the strength of the different leg muscles are determinants for countermovement jump (CMJ) performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to relate isometric maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) torque and the flexibility of various muscle groups of the lower body with CMJ performance. Thirty-six healthy male volunteers participated in this study. The participants performed MVCs of the knee extensors, knee flexors, and plantar flexors on a dynamometer. Moreover, range of motion of the hip flexors and plantar flexors was assessed with 3D motion capture, and the range of motion of the knee flexors (hamstrings) was assessed with a Sit n\' Reach® box. CMJs were assessed with a force platform. The correlation analysis revealed a significant moderate correlation of CMJ height with the flexibility of the hip flexors (rP = -0.39) and plantar flexors (rP = 0.47), but not the knee flexors. Moreover, we found that absolute MVC values are not related to CMJ height. However, we did find that knee extensor MVC relative to body mass is significantly related to CMJ height (rP = 0.33) with a moderate magnitude. Although we found significant correlations, the magnitudes of correlations vary between trivial and large according to a 90% confidence interval. Thus, this indicates that range of motion or strength of the assessed leg muscles can explain CMJ performance only to a limited extent.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reconstructions of movement in extinct animals are critical to our understanding of major transformations in vertebrate locomotor evolution. Estimates of joint range of motion (ROM) have long been used to exclude anatomically impossible joint poses from hypothesized gait cycles. Here we demonstrate how comparative ROM data can be harnessed in a different way to better constrain locomotor reconstructions. As a case study, we measured nearly 600,000 poses from the hindlimb joints of the Helmeted Guineafowl and American alligator, which represent an extant phylogenetic bracket for the archosaurian ancestor and its pseudosuchian (crocodilian line) and ornithodiran (bird line) descendants. We then used joint mobility mapping to search for a consistent relationship between full potential joint mobility and the subset of joint poses used during locomotion. We found that walking and running poses are predictably located within full mobility, revealing additional constraints for reconstructions of extinct archosaurs. The inferential framework that we develop here can be expanded to identify ROM-based constraints for other animals and, in turn, will help to unravel the history of vertebrate locomotor evolution.





