health technology assessment

  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The major drivers of carbon dioxide (CO2eq) emissions of external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) are not well known and limit our ability to initiate mitigation strategies.
    UNASSIGNED: We describe the carbon footprint of four typical centers. We explore direct EBRT associated factors such as the impact of fractionation and use of MRI-LINAC, as well as indirect factors (e.g. patient rides). Treatment strategy related CO2eq emissions are included in a health technology assessment analysis that takes into account CO2eq emissions.
    UNASSIGNED: A typical EBRT treatment emits from 185 kgCO2eq to 2066 kgCO2eq. CO2eq emissions are mostly driven by (i) accelerator acquisition and maintenance (37.8 %), (ii) patients and workers rides (32.7 %), (iii) drugs and medical devices (7.3 %), (iv) direct energy consumption (6.1 %), and (v) building and bunker construction (5.6 %) with a substantial heterogeneity among centers. Hypofractionation has a strong impact to mitigate emissions. MRI-LINAC is associated with a substantial increase in CO2eq emissions per fraction and requires ultra hypofractionation in 5 fractions to achieve a similar carbon footprint compared to 20 fractions treatment schemes. The expected limited small increase in toxicities due to hypofractionation (when existing) are in the same range as avoided detrimental effects to future people\'s health thanks to CO2eq mitigation.
    UNASSIGNED: Carbon footprint of EBRT is not neglectable and could be mitigated. When safely feasible, hypofractionation is one of the main factors to decrease this impact. Taking into account CO2eq emissions has a substantial impact on the health technology assessment of EBRT, favoring hypofractionated regimens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vaccine-preventable diseases continue to generate a substantial burden on health, healthcare systems, and societies, which is projected to increase with population ageing. There is a need to better understand the full value of adult immunisation programmes corresponding to the broader value of vaccine frameworks that are recommended for evidence-based decision-making. This review aims to summarise and map evidence for the value of selected adult immunisation programmes (seasonal influenza, pneumococcal disease, RSV, and HZ) in ten diverse countries. We conducted a structured literature review of evidence published from 2017 to 2023. An existing framework was used to structure the assessment, developing matrices demonstrating the elements of value evidenced for each vaccine and country of focus. Our analysis showed substantial evidence base on the value of adult immunisation programmes, but the availability of evidence varied by value element and by vaccine. The impact on the quality of life of the vaccinated individual was the most evidenced value element. Mortality benefits for vaccinated individuals and cost-offsets to healthcare systems were also well-evidenced. The availability of evidence for \'broader\' societal value elements (such as transmission value, carer productivity and impact on social equity, and antimicrobial resistance prevention) varied. No evidence was identified relating to the broader value elements of macroeconomic effects, value to other interventions, or effects on the quality of life of caregivers. Robust evidence exists to show that adult immunisation programmes generate substantial value for population health and health systems, yet some elements of broader value remain underrepresented in the academic literature. Without such evidence, the full value of immunisation programmes is underestimated, risking suboptimal policy decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background The scarcity of resources restricts healthcare financing decisions, affecting the population\'s health. Health technology assessment (HTA) balances restricted budgets with the best possible health outcomes. We aim to characterize the current status of HTA in Algeria and describe the future directions for HTA implementation according to the priorities set by local stakeholders. Methods Stakeholders from the public and private sectors responded to a policy survey about the current and preferred future status of HTA implementation in Algeria. The survey was administered during an online workshop and used a widely accepted international scorecard covering eight domains: capacity building, HTA financing, process and organizational structure, scope of HTA implementation, decision criteria, standardization of methodology, use of local data, and international collaboration. After that, one-on-one interviews with another local expert were conducted to validate and modify the draft recommendations. The interviewees were representatives from government agencies, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies. Results Thirty-one experts filled out the HTA scorecard survey; most of them were from the public sector (74%). They highlighted that project-based HTA workshops or short courses were the most common form of HTA education in Algeria and recommended the establishment of postgraduate HTA training programs in the future to build sustainable capacities. They reported a lack of funding for HTA research and critical appraisal and recommended an increased public budget for HTA and the introduction of submission fees by manufacturers. There was consensus about the need for local HTA evidence generation in the future. Most of the experts advocated an explicit soft decision threshold. The interviewees further recommended using multi-criteria decision analysis in the short term. The application of quality indicators was believed to improve the reliability of the HTA process. Conclusion The results of our policy research delineate the gap between the current and preferred future status of HTA in Algeria based on insights from multiple stakeholders. The need to improve the educational HTA programs in Algeria, use local data in policy decisions, and increase funding for HTA were the most advocated recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) are important in healthcare decision-making and resource allocation; however, expanding the scope of CEAs beyond the traditional clinicoeconomic concepts to also include value elements such as health equity has attracted much interest in recent years. This umbrella review aimed to synthesize evidence on how equity concepts have been considered in modified types of CEAs. Publicly available articles in MEDLINE were searched on January 25, 2024, to identify systematic reviews (SLRs) published in English since 2013 that incorporate health equity considerations in CEAs. Title/abstract, full-text article screening and data extraction were conducted by a single reviewer and validated by a second reviewer. Results were qualitatively synthesized to identify common themes. Eight SLRs were included. Distributional CEAs (DCEA), equity-based weighting, extended CEA (ECEA), mathematical programming and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) were the most discussed approaches. A lack of consensus on the best approach for incorporating health equity into CEAs was highlighted, as these approaches are not currently consistently used in decision-making. Important limitations included scarcity of robust data to inform health equity indices, bias associated with commonly used health outcome metrics and the challenge of accounting for additional contextual factors such as fairness and opportunity costs. Proposals to expand CEAs to address equity issues come with challenges due to data unavailability, methods complexity, and decision-makers unfamiliarity with these approaches. Our review indicates that extended and distributional CEAs can support decision-making by capturing the impact of inequity on the clinical and cost-effectiveness assessment of treatments, although future modeling should account for additional contextual factors such as fairness and opportunity costs. Recommendations for actions moving forward include standardization of data collection for outcomes related to equity and familiarity with methodologies to account for the complexities of integrating health equity considerations in CEAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Estimates of minimally important differences (MID) can assist interpretation of data collected using patient-reported outcomes (PRO), but variability exists in the emphasis placed on MIDs in health technology assessment (HTA) guidelines. This study aimed to identify to what extent information on the MID of a commonly used PRO, the EQ-5D, is required and utilised by selected HTA agencies.
    METHODS: Technology appraisal (TA) documents from HTA agencies in England, France, Germany, and the US between 2019 and 2021 were reviewed to identify documents which discussed MID of EQ-5D data as a clinical outcome assessment (COA) endpoint.
    RESULTS: Of 151 TAs utilising EQ-5D as a COA endpoint, 58 (38%) discussed MID of EQ-5D data. Discussion of MID was most frequent in Germany, in 75% (n = 12/16) of Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA) and 44% (n = 34/78) of Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, (IQWiG) TAs. MID was predominantly applied to the EQ-VAS (n = 50), most frequently using a threshold of > 7 or > 10 points (n = 13). G-BA and IQWiG frequently criticised MID analyses, particularly the sources of MID thresholds for the EQ-VAS, as they were perceived as being unsuitable for assessing the validity of MID.
    CONCLUSIONS: MID of the EQ-5D was not frequently discussed outside of Germany, and this did not appear to negatively impact decision-making of these HTA agencies. While MID thresholds were often applied to EQ-VAS data in German TAs, analyses were frequently rejected in benefit assessments due to concerns with their validity. Companies should pre-specify analyses of continuous data in statistical analysis plans to be considered for treatment benefit assessment in Germany.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim: Regulatory and health technology assessment (HTA) agencies have increasingly published frameworks, guidelines, and recommendations for the use of real-world evidence (RWE) in healthcare decision-making. Variations in the scope and content of these documents, with updates running in parallel, may create challenges for their implementation especially during the market authorization and reimbursement phases of a medicine\'s life cycle. This environmental scan aimed to comprehensively identify and summarize the guidance documents for RWE developed by most well-established regulatory and reimbursement agencies, as well as other organizations focused on healthcare decision-making, and present their similarities and differences. Methods: RWE guidance documents, including white papers from regulatory and HTA agencies, were reviewed in March 2024. Data on scope and recommendations from each body were extracted by two reviewers and similarities and differences were summarized across four topics: study planning, choosing fit-for-purpose data, study conduct, and reporting. Post-authorization or non-pharmacological guidance was excluded. Results: Forty-six documents were identified across multiple agencies; US FDA produced the most RWE-related guidance. All agencies addressed specific and often similar methodological issues related to study design, data fitness-for-purpose, reliability, and reproducibility, although inconsistency in terminologies on these topics was noted. Two HTA bodies (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE] and Canada\'s Drug Agency) each centralized all related RWE guidance under a unified framework. RWE quality tools and checklists were not consistently named and some differences in preferences were noted. European Medicines Agency, NICE, Haute Autorité de Santé, and the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care included specific recommendations on the use of analytical approaches to address RWE complexities and increase trust in its findings. Conclusion: Similarities in agencies\' expectations on RWE studies design, quality elements, and reporting will facilitate evidence generation strategy and activities for manufacturers facing multiple, including global, regulatory and reimbursement submissions and re-submissions. A strong preference by decision-making bodies for local real-world data generation may hinder opportunities for data sharing and outputs from international federated data networks. Closer collaboration between decision-making agencies towards a harmonized RWE roadmap, which can be centrally preserved in a living mode, will provide manufacturers and researchers clarity on minimum acceptance requirements and expectations, especially as novel methodologies for RWE generation are rapidly emerging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Identify, through a systematic review, the main domains and methods to support health technology assessment of Medical Devices (MD) from the perspective of technological incorporation into healthcare systems.
    UNASSIGNED: Performed structured searches in MEDLINE, Embase, BVS, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science for full studies published between 2017 and May 2023. Selection, extraction, and quality assessment were performed by two blinded reviewers, and discrepancies were resolved by a third reviewer.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 5,790 studies were retrieved, of which 41 were included. We grouped the identified criteria into eight domains for the evaluations.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, studies discuss the need to establish specific methods for conducting HTA in MD. Due to the wide diversity of MD types, a single methodological guideline may not encompass all the specificities and intrinsic characteristics of the plurality of MD. Studies suggest using clustering criteria through technological characterization as a strategy to make the process as standardized as possible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This work aimed to determine the role and action points for the involvement of medical societies in the European Health Technology Assessment (EU HTA) Methods: An online pre-convention survey was developed addressing four areas related to the EU HTA: (i) medical societies\' role; (ii) role of clinical guidelines; (iii) interface with the European Society for Medical Oncology Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS); and (iv) approaching \'best-available evidence\' (BAE). A descriptive analysis of questionnaire outcomes was conducted to inform the European Access Academy (EAA) Fall Convention 2023. Within the working groups (WGs), action points were identified and prioritised.
    RESULTS: A total of 57 experts from 15 countries responded to the survey. The WGs were attended by (i) 11, (ii) 10, (iii) 12, and (iv) 12 experts, respectively, representing a variety of national backgrounds and stakeholder profiles. The most relevant action points identified were as follows: (i) incorporation of clinical context into population, intervention, comparator, outcomes (PICO) schemes, (ii) timely provision of up-to-date therapeutic guidelines, (iii) ensuring the inclusion of MCBS insights into the EU HTA process, and (iv) considering randomized controlled trials (RCTs) as the gold standard and leveraging regulatory insights if development programs only include single-arm trials.
    CONCLUSIONS: The involvement of medical societies is a critical success factor for the EU HTA. The identified key action points foster the involvement of patient associations and medical societies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    National pricing and reimbursement agencies face growing challenges with complex health technologies, prompting European policy advancements. Beneluxa is a cross-country collaboration involving Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Austria, and Ireland that aims to address sustainable access to medicines. In view of the soon-to-be-implemented EU HTA Regulation, insights and experiences from stakeholders with Beneluxa cross-country collaboration could provide possible transferable learnings. Therefore, this research aims to (i) identify the opportunities and challenges faced by Beneluxa, (ii) gather insights from stakeholders, namely (possible) applicants and policymakers, within and beyond Beneluxa on the initiative and broader cross-country collaboration principles, and (iii) transfer these insights into learnings and recommendations in anticipation of the full implementation of the new HTA Regulation. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with industry and European HTA/policy stakeholders. The principal challenges discussed by stakeholders encompass hesitancy from the industry toward Beneluxa assessments, which were attributed to procedural and timeline uncertainties, legislative framework ambiguity, and challenges in terms of industry\'s internal organization. Another challenge highlighted is the resource-intensive nature of the procedure due to diverse approaches among member states. In addition, industry stakeholders mentioned limited communication and procedural complexity. Despite challenges, both stakeholder groups recognized important opportunities for cross-country collaboration. Transferable insights for future cross-country collaboration include transparent communication, clear legislative embedding, internal industry restructuring to facilitate joint HTAs, and member state support for conducting collaborative assessments. The study underscores diverging views among stakeholders on cross-country collaboration\'s potential to support HTA and the market access of complex health technologies. While acknowledging benefits, there still are challenges, including industry hesitancy, emphasizing the need for transparent communication and clear guidance in the evolving EU HTA landscape.





