facial artery

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: This paper reports a rare anatomical variant of the facial artery (FA) - namely, a double FA pattern - which has significant implications in a wide range of surgical and aesthetic medicine disciplines.
    UNASSIGNED: The study involves a case report and literature review of the FA and its variants. The case is that of a 61-year-old female cadaver with a unilateral FA variant branching pattern discovered during a cadaveric dissection for an anatomy course.
    UNASSIGNED: The dissection revealed an unusual supply of the typical FA distribution by two separate branches from either side of the maxillary artery. The first branch, termed FA1, followed a typical FA course arising from the external carotid to supply the lower portion of the face via lingual, inferior labial, and mental arterial branches. The second branch, termed FA2, arose superior to the maxillary artery near the origin of a typical transverse facial artery, to supply the upper portion of the face via superior labial, lateral nasal, and angular arterial branches. No direct communication between the two branches was observed grossly via dissection. The observed branching pattern has not previously been reported in literature and has critical implications for surgical planning and intervention.
    UNASSIGNED: This study emphasizes the importance of understanding variant FA anatomy in procedures requiring precise anatomical knowledge of arterial supply to the face. Duplicate and/or secondary facial arteries necessitate careful consideration for their potential consequences on the success of surgery of the head and neck, dermal fillers, and embolization for epistaxis procedures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 41-year-old female who underwent right-sided styloidectomy via tonsillectomy approach experienced refractory short-lasting severe secondary haemorrhage on the third, seventh and thirteen postoperative days. On examination under general anaesthesia, no major vessel injury was noticed. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography scan of the neck was done because no obvious bleeder was seen and refractory nature of bleeding. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography scan neck showed pseudoaneurysm of facial artery which was managed with endovascular embolization successfully.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and Objectives: Facial vascular anatomy plays a pivotal role in both physiological context and in surgical intervention. While data exist on the individual course of the facial artery and vein, to date, the spatial relationship of the vasculature has been ill studied. The aim of this study was to assess the course of facial arteries, veins and branches one relative to another. Materials and Methods: In a total of 90 halved viscerocrania, the facial vessels were injected with colored latex. Dissection was carried out, the relation of the facial vessels was studied, and the distance at the lower margin of the mandible was measured. Furthermore, branches including the labial and angular vessels were assessed. Results: At the base of the mandible, the facial artery was located anterior to the facial vein in all cases at a mean distance of 6.2 mm (range 0-15 mm), with three cases of both vessels adjacent. An angular vein was present in all cases, while an angular artery was only present in 34.4% of cases. Conclusions: The main trunk of the facial artery and vein yields a rather independent course, with the facial artery always located anterior to the vein, while their branches, especially the labial vessels, demonstrate a closer relationship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and Objectives: Typically, the external carotid artery (ECA) sends off separate anterior branches: the superior thyroid, lingual, and facial arteries. These could, however, form common trunks: thyrolinguofacial, linguofacial (LFT), or thyrolingual. Although known, the LFT variant was poorly detailed previously, and most authors just counted the variant. We aimed to demonstrate the individual anatomical possibilities of the LFT on a case-by-case basis. Materials and Methods: 150 archived angioCT files were used. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 147 files of 86 males and 61 females were kept for this study. Results: In 34/147 cases, LFTs were found (23.12%). Bilateral LFTs were found in 13/34 cases (38.24%) and unilateral LFTs in 21/34 (61.76%) cases. Forty-seven LFTs were thus identified and further studied for different variables. Regarding the vertical topography of LFT origin, type 1a (suprahyoid and infragonial) was found in 28 LFTs (59.57%), type 1b (suprahyoid and gonial) was found in eight LFTs (17.02%), type 3 (suprahyoid and supragonial) was found in two LFTs (4.25%), type 2 (hyoid level of origin) in eight LFTs (17.02%), and type 3 (infrahyoid origin) in just one LFT (2.12%). Types of the initial course of the LFT were determined: type I, ascending, was found in 22/47 LFTs; type II, descending, in 12/47 LFTs; and type III, transverse, in 13/47 LFTs. Regarding the orientation of the first loop of the LFT, 23/47 LFTs had no loop, 4/47 had anterior loops, 1/47 had a posterior loop, 5/47 had superior loops, 5/47 had inferior loops, and 9/47 had medial loops. The position of the LFT relative to the ECA was classified as medial, anterior, or antero-medial. An amount of 12/47 LFTs were anterior to the ECA, 22/47 were antero-medial, 10/47 were medial, 2/47 were inferior, and 1/47 was lateral. Regarding their general morphology, 23/47 LFTs had a rectilinear course, 22/47 had loops, and 2/47 were coiled. A case-by-case presentation of results further demonstrated the diversity of the LFT. Conclusions: In conclusion, the morphology and topography of the LFT are individually specific and unpredictable. It can be anticipated case-by-case by surgeons on CT or MR angiograms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The facial artery is a branch of the external carotid artery, one of the major arteries supplying blood to the head and neck. The normal route of the facial artery follows a well-defined path. It typically arises from the external carotid artery, above the superior border of the hyoid bone. During its route, the facial artery gives off branches in the neck, mandible, buccal region, and face. This case report explores a rare anatomical variation of the facial artery characterized by an unusual termination point above the upper lip as the superior labial artery, found during a routine cadaveric dissection. While variations in the course of the facial artery are documented, this particular deviation, with its termination anterior to the typical endpoint, presents a unique anatomical variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the difference in average operating time and intraoperative blood loss in transcervical submandibular gland excision for isolated benign submandibular diseases, while preserving the facial artery and ligating the facial artery. A prospective study was conducted in our institute for a duration of 6 months from January 2022 to June 2022. 30 patients undergoing excision of the submandibular gland as an isolated procedure were included. They were randomly divided into 2 groups of 15, Group \"A\" where the facial artery was preserved, and \"B\" where the artery was ligated. The operating time in minutes and intra operative blood loss was compared. The mean operating time was 48.26 min in Group A, and 46.2 min in Group B. The p value between the two groups was 0.189586, which was not significant. The mean blood loss in group A was 44.6 ml, and 45.8 ml in group B. The p value was not significant at 0.331254. Preserving the facial artery in benign tumours while excising the gland neither increases operating time nor intraoperative bleeding. This will not only retain the anatomy, but provide a second option for flap reconstruction in case needed later.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The external carotid artery (ECA) anterior branches, including the superior thyroid, the lingual, and the facial artery (STA, LA, and FA) present variability among cadaveric studies. These arteries may usually originate as isolated branches from the ECA anterior surface and atypically migrate proximally or distally and/or fused into trunks with the most common fusion that of the LA with the FA, into the linguofacial trunk (LFT), and the rarer ones those of the thyrolingual and thyrolinguofacial trunks. The current report describes a case of a bilateral fusion of the LA with the FA into an LFT and another case of a unilateral origin of the FA from the LA (aberrant FA).  In a 75-year-old donated male cadaver, a bilateral symmetrical LFT coexisted with a right-sided STA origin from the ECA proximal origin, at the level of the common carotid artery (CCA) bifurcation. In an 82-year-old donated female cadaver, at the left side, the atypical origin of the FA from the LA proximal origin coexisted with a common trunk of the left CCA with the brachiocephalic artery, and an atypical origin of the STA from the CCA, 3.65 mm inferior to the CCA bifurcation. This report provides a detailed description of the abnormal origin of the ECA anterior branches, the potential fusion of these branches, their exact location, and the existence of an unusual origin proximal or distal to the CCA bifurcation. Aberrant origin and course remain important in surgical and interventional approaches. A thorough understanding of the typical and variable anatomy of the ECA anterior branches ensures safe and successful intervention. Careful preoperative staging and precise dissection are essential components of this process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bony notch on the inferior border of the mandible, anterior to the attachment of the masseter muscle, where the facial vessels commonly pass, has been called different names in the literature, e.g., premasseteric notch, antegonial notch, and notch for the facial vessels. Interestingly, various disciplines have leaned toward different names for this notch. Therefore, to aid in consistent communication among professionals, the present study aimed to analyze usage of these varied terms and make recommendations for the best terminology. Based on the adjacent anatomical structures used to name this notch, three groups were analyzed in this study, a group using masseter in the term, a group using gonion in the term, and a group using facial vessels in the term. A literature search found that the group using gonion in the term was found most in the literature. The orthodontics field used gonion in the term the most (29.0%: 31/107) followed by the oral and maxillofacial surgery field (14.0%: 15/107), the plastic surgery field (4.7%: 5/107), and the anatomy field (3.7%: 4/107). The dental field used gonion in this term the most (43.9%: 47/107) and the medical field used facial vessels in the term the most (33.3%: 6/18). Based on these results, the use of gonial terms for this notch seems to be preferred.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Identifying underlying bleeding diathesis that is amenable to medical therapy must be determined to provide timely treatment and minimize morbidity. Nasal bleeding is viewed as an annoyance by most who suffer from its episodes. However, it can at times be a baleful ailment that can compromise a patient\'s airway, breathing, and circulation, which can result in death. A 75-year-old Hispanic man presented with life-threatening epistaxis and was ultimately diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM). The patient suffered profuse bleeding and hemodynamic compromise, requiring endoscopic nasal packing, red cell transfusions, platelet transfusions, and right external carotid artery angiogram with maxillary arteries embolization prior to chemotherapy. Embolization of maxillary arteries helped to stabilize the patient to diagnose MM and start definitive management with chemotherapy. On data review, we could not find another case with severe epistaxis secondary to MM, which was controlled with endovascular embolization. This case highlights the difficulties in managing a rare condition and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in patients who present with life-threatening epistaxis secondary to plasma cell dyscrasia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    During routine dissection of the superficial face in an 81-year-old male cadaver, an unusually large caliber transverse facial artery (TFA) was observed bilaterally. Further dissection revealed the presence of a hypoplastic facial artery (FA) that passed deep to depressor anguli oris and gave off the inferior labial artery. Bilaterally, the TFA gave rise to the superior labial artery, lateral nasal artery, and ended as the angular artery. Anastomosis of the branches of the TFA, FA, and infraorbital artery was noticed at the buccal area. To our knowledge, there are no previous reports of this anatomical variation. Documentation of variations in the arterial supply of the face will be helpful in further minimizing complications during facial surgery and cosmetic procedures.





