facial artery

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background and Objectives: Vascular variations appear as morphologically distinct patterns of blood diverging from the most commonly observed vessel patterns. The facial artery is considered to be the main vessel for supplying blood to the anterior part of the face. An anatomical understanding of the facial artery, its course, its topography, and its branches is important in medical and dental practice (especially in neck and face surgery), and is also essential for radiologists to be able to interpret vascular imaging in the face following angiography of the region. A profound knowledge of the arteries in the region will aid in minimizing the risks to the patient. Materials and Methods: In our publication a narrative literature review and a case report are presented. Results: A rare case of a facial artery pattern has been described anatomically for the first time with respect to its course and branching. This variation was found on the left side of a 60-year-old male corpse during anatomical dissection. The anterior branch of the facial artery arched in the direction of the labial angle, and there divided into the inferior and superior labial arteries. At the same time, the posterior branch coursed vertically and superficially to the masseter muscle. It here gave off the premasseteric branch, and continued towards the nose, where it ran below the levator labii superioris and the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscles and terminated at the dorsum nasi. Conclusions: Our review of the literature and the case report add to knowledge on the facial artery with respect to its topographical anatomy and its branching and termination patterns, as well as the areas of supply. An exact knowledge of individual facial artery anatomy may play an important role in the planning of flaps or tumor excisions due to the differing vascularization and can also help to prevent artery injuries during aesthetic procedures such as filler and botulinum toxin injections.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Pseudoaneurysms of facial artery usually arise from the distal part of the vessel. Only 4 cases were described in the literature involving the proximal part of facial artery. We present a case of a traumatic pseudoaneurysm involving the proximal part of facial artery. A 50-year-old man was referred to our department for a progressively growing submandibular mass. He was injured by a sharp object during a car crash 30 days ago. After 3 weeks, the patient noted the appearance of a subcutaneous mass in the left submandibular area. Physical examination revealed a freely movable, painful, and pulsatile swelling. Ultrasound and computerized tomography scan showed a nodular lesion in the left submandibular area in continuity with the facial artery. The diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm of facial artery was suspected. The patient was treated by surgery. The pseudoaneurysm was resected with ligation of the proximal and distal ends of the facial artery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pseudoaneurysm is a rare vascular complication of trauma, causing an incomplete tear of the vessel wall. We present a clinical case report arising from the distal branch of facial artery in an infant. Facial artery pseudoaneurysm is a rare complication of facial trauma and can easily be misdiagnosed especially in the paediatric age group. Prompt investigation and diagnosis with timely and apt intervention is the key to the successful management of facial artery pseudoaneurysm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The premasseteric branch of the facial artery is a variable posterior branch that is closely associated with the anterior border of the masseter muscle. Since its first description, the premasseteric branch has been described using different terms such as the masseteric or posterior branch of the facial artery. While the artery\'s anatomy is known, it is infrequently discussed in the literature. This manuscript reviews the artery\'s origin, course, and importance during maxillofacial procedures, especially those involving manipulation of the masseter. We also provide a translation of Adachi\'s 1928 German text describing the branch.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The facial artery is the major vessel supplying blood to the face so its location and course are very important for the safe manipulation of both surgical and non-surgical interventions. This study documents current anatomical information about the facial artery and its tributaries. The terminology of the facial artery tributaries was revisited with reference to the Terminologica Anatomica and novel nomenclature was suggested with anatomical features. The tributaries to the lower lip (inferior labial artery), labiomental region (horizontal and vertical labiomental artery), upper lip (superior labial artery), nose (inferior and lateral alar artery and nasal septal artery), angular and ocular region (angular artery and detoured branch) and the course, layers and location of the facial artery main trunk were revisited with contemporary anatomical studies. The facial artery and its tributaries have close topographical connections to the facial expression muscles, nasolabial groove, and vermilion border, and these also distinguish facial landmarks comprising the cheilion, stomion, and gonion. Interestingly, in contrast to previous descriptions, some terminal branches did not take a straight course but a detoured course. The angular artery was connected to the ophthalmic artery branches and in some cases did not originate from the facial artery. Vascular complications of the facial artery tributaries are frequently seen in the angular, dorsum of the nose, tip of the nose, and glabellar region. This detailed review focusing on facial arterial topography in the various areas of the face would help to enhance quality of treatment. Clin. Anat. 31:99-108, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pseudoaneurysms of the branches of the external carotid artery as a result of trauma are rare in oral and maxillofacial surgery practice. The most affected branches are the superficial temporal artery, internal maxillary artery and distal part of facial artery, usually where they pass over the bone. Very few cases of facial artery pseudoaneurysms of proximal parts (from external carotid artery up to the lower border of the mandible) are reported in the literature. We present a review of literature for management of late post-traumatic pseudoaneurysmal cyst and a case report involving proximal part of facial artery in the submandibular region following open reduction and rigid fixation of the condylar fracture in a 25-year-old male. To our knowledge this is the fourth reported case of proximal facial artery pseudoaneurysm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Various surgical interventions including esthetic surgery, salivary gland excision, and open reduction of fracture have been performed in the area around the mandibular angle and condyle. This study aimed to comprehensively review the anatomy of the neurovascular structures on the angle and condyle with recent anatomic and clinical research.
    RESULTS: We provide detailed information about the branching and distributing patterns of the neurovascular structures at the mandibular angle and condyle, with reported data of measurements and proportions from previous anatomical and clinical research. Our report should serve to help practitioners gain a better understanding of the area in order or reduce potential complications during local procedures. Reckless manipulation during mandibular angle reduction could mutilate arterial branches, not only from the facial artery, but also from the external carotid artery. The transverse facial artery and superficial temporal artery could be damaged during approach and incision in the condylar area. The marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve can be easily damaged during submandibular gland excision or facial rejuvenation treatment. The main trunk of the facial nerve and its upper and lower distinct divisions have been damaged during parotidectomy, rhytidectomy, and open reductions of condylar fractures.
    CONCLUSIONS: By revisiting the information in the present study, surgeons will be able to more accurately prevent procedure-related complications, such as iatrogenic vascular accidents on the mandibular angle and condyle, complete and partial facial palsy, gustatory sweating (Frey syndrome), and traumatic neuroma after parotidectomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The facial artery musculomucosal (FAMM) flap has emerged as a popular option in head and neck reconstruction in the last decade. The purpose of this study was to conduct a literature review of the FAMM flap.
    METHODS: We have conducted a search on PubMed using specific key words to identify all articles related to the FAMM flap. We reviewed the modifications of the FAMM flap, its indications, contraindications, complications, and outcomes.
    RESULTS: Thirty-eight articles published from 1992 to 2013 were included for review. A total of 441 FAMM flaps were reported in the literature and the most commonly reconstructed site was the floor of the mouth. Functional and aesthetic outcomes were judged to be excellent.
    CONCLUSIONS: The FAMM flap is a versatile reconstructive option for small and medium size defects in the head and neck. Recent studies have explored new applications for this flap, such as in skull base reconstruction.





