facial artery

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 41-year-old female who underwent right-sided styloidectomy via tonsillectomy approach experienced refractory short-lasting severe secondary haemorrhage on the third, seventh and thirteen postoperative days. On examination under general anaesthesia, no major vessel injury was noticed. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography scan of the neck was done because no obvious bleeder was seen and refractory nature of bleeding. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography scan neck showed pseudoaneurysm of facial artery which was managed with endovascular embolization successfully.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The facial artery is a branch of the external carotid artery, one of the major arteries supplying blood to the head and neck. The normal route of the facial artery follows a well-defined path. It typically arises from the external carotid artery, above the superior border of the hyoid bone. During its route, the facial artery gives off branches in the neck, mandible, buccal region, and face. This case report explores a rare anatomical variation of the facial artery characterized by an unusual termination point above the upper lip as the superior labial artery, found during a routine cadaveric dissection. While variations in the course of the facial artery are documented, this particular deviation, with its termination anterior to the typical endpoint, presents a unique anatomical variation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    During routine dissection of the superficial face in an 81-year-old male cadaver, an unusually large caliber transverse facial artery (TFA) was observed bilaterally. Further dissection revealed the presence of a hypoplastic facial artery (FA) that passed deep to depressor anguli oris and gave off the inferior labial artery. Bilaterally, the TFA gave rise to the superior labial artery, lateral nasal artery, and ended as the angular artery. Anastomosis of the branches of the TFA, FA, and infraorbital artery was noticed at the buccal area. To our knowledge, there are no previous reports of this anatomical variation. Documentation of variations in the arterial supply of the face will be helpful in further minimizing complications during facial surgery and cosmetic procedures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background and Objectives: Vascular variations appear as morphologically distinct patterns of blood diverging from the most commonly observed vessel patterns. The facial artery is considered to be the main vessel for supplying blood to the anterior part of the face. An anatomical understanding of the facial artery, its course, its topography, and its branches is important in medical and dental practice (especially in neck and face surgery), and is also essential for radiologists to be able to interpret vascular imaging in the face following angiography of the region. A profound knowledge of the arteries in the region will aid in minimizing the risks to the patient. Materials and Methods: In our publication a narrative literature review and a case report are presented. Results: A rare case of a facial artery pattern has been described anatomically for the first time with respect to its course and branching. This variation was found on the left side of a 60-year-old male corpse during anatomical dissection. The anterior branch of the facial artery arched in the direction of the labial angle, and there divided into the inferior and superior labial arteries. At the same time, the posterior branch coursed vertically and superficially to the masseter muscle. It here gave off the premasseteric branch, and continued towards the nose, where it ran below the levator labii superioris and the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscles and terminated at the dorsum nasi. Conclusions: Our review of the literature and the case report add to knowledge on the facial artery with respect to its topographical anatomy and its branching and termination patterns, as well as the areas of supply. An exact knowledge of individual facial artery anatomy may play an important role in the planning of flaps or tumor excisions due to the differing vascularization and can also help to prevent artery injuries during aesthetic procedures such as filler and botulinum toxin injections.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Pseudoaneurysms of facial artery usually arise from the distal part of the vessel. Only 4 cases were described in the literature involving the proximal part of facial artery. We present a case of a traumatic pseudoaneurysm involving the proximal part of facial artery. A 50-year-old man was referred to our department for a progressively growing submandibular mass. He was injured by a sharp object during a car crash 30 days ago. After 3 weeks, the patient noted the appearance of a subcutaneous mass in the left submandibular area. Physical examination revealed a freely movable, painful, and pulsatile swelling. Ultrasound and computerized tomography scan showed a nodular lesion in the left submandibular area in continuity with the facial artery. The diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm of facial artery was suspected. The patient was treated by surgery. The pseudoaneurysm was resected with ligation of the proximal and distal ends of the facial artery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: The facial artery is known to show variations in its origin, course, termination, and branching pattern. This study aimed to present a case with trifurcation of the facial artery at the inferior border of the mandible accompanied by variable branches.
    METHODS: During our routine head dissection, it was observed that a 67-year-old male cadaver had a trifurcation of the facial artery at the level of the lower border of the mandible on the left. The skin was reflected, and the subcutaneous fatty tissue and subcutaneous layers were dissected to reveal the triple facial artery.
    RESULTS: The left facial artery arising from the external carotid artery entered the face with three branches as it crossed the lower border of the mandible. The three branches are the anterior, intermediate, and posterior branches. The posterior branch passed in front of the anterior border of the masseter muscle along with the facial vein and gave off muscular branches with a straight course, whereas the anterior thickest curved branch terminated by the inferior labial artery, and a tortuous intermediate branch initially gave off the superior labial artery and then terminated by the angular artery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Understanding these variational branches of the triple facial artery and their relationships is crucial for avoiding complications in reconstructive and reparative maxillofacial, craniofacial and plastic surgery in order to mitigate the risk of damage to the facial artery during flap surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Understanding anatomical variations of the facial artery and its branches is important for dental and medical practitioners.
    METHODS: Routine cadaveric dissection of the head and neck was performed to demonstrate the origin and branches of the facial artery.
    RESULTS: Facial artery emerged from a common linguofacial trunk off the external carotid artery. On the face, the facial artery first gave off a pre-masseteric branch. Immediately after, an aberrant artery emerged from the facial artery that coursed along the ramus of the mandible, which upon further dissection and examination was found to anastomose with inferior alveolar artery within the ramus of the mandible.
    CONCLUSIONS: We report a unique anastomosis between facial and inferior alveolar arteries, vessels that have not been previously shown to communicate. This case report may provide useful information for oral and maxillofacial surgeons as well as dentists performing inferior alveolar nerve blocks.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Reconstruction of intraoral soft tissue defects is important in restoring function and esthetic. In large defects, there will be demand for regional pedicle flaps or free flaps. Hard palate separates nasal and oral cavities. Due to the small surface area between flap and remaining palate after surgical resections, optimal blood supply of the flaps for hard palate reconstructions are needed.
    METHODS: This article demonstrates immediate reconstruction of two edentulous hemimaxillectomy patients with submental artery Island flap and brief review of this flap discussed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Submental Artery Island flap is an effective and reliable method for intraoral reconstruction of large soft tissue defects of oral cavity. Donor site morbidity is low and remaining scar is inconspicuous. Head and neck surgeons familiar with facial artery and its branching pattern make this flap an appropriate choice for clinical practice.





