developmental stability

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum switches between solitary growth and social fruitification depending on nutrient availability. Under starvation, cells aggregate and form fruiting bodies consisting of spores and altruistic stalk cells. Once cells socially committed, they complete fruitification, even if a new source of nutrients becomes available. This social commitment is puzzling because it hinders individual cells from resuming solitary growth quickly. One idea posits that traits that facilitate premature de-commitment are hindered from being selected. We studied outcomes of the premature de-commitment through forced refeeding. Our results show that when refed cells interacted with non-refed cells, some of them became solitary, whereas a fraction was redirected to the altruistic stalk, regardless of their original fate. The refed cells exhibited reduced cohesiveness and were sorted out during morphogenesis. Our findings provide an insight into a division of labor of the social amoeba, in which less cohesive individuals become altruists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The BBAA subgenomes of hexaploid common wheat can be \'extracted\' to constitute a viable and self-reproducing novel tetraploid wheat, termed extracted tetraploid wheat (ETW). Prior studies have shown ETW manifesting phenotypic abnormalities and alteration in gene expression and epigenetic modifications. No population level investigation has been conducted, leaving the issue unclear regarding whether developmental stability, an essential property evolved in all natural organisms, might have been undermined in ETW. Here, we measured variations in five morphological traits and somatic chromosomal stability in populations of ETW and of its hexaploid donor, a resynthesized hexaploid and a natural tetraploid wheat. We observed phenotypic defects in ETW. Meanwhile, we documented much greater within-population variations in ETW than in the other wheat genotypes, most probably due to disrupted developmental stability in ETW. Also, somatic structural chromosome variations were detected only in ETW. Comparative transcriptome analyses indicated that the disrupted developmental stability of ETW is likely linked to massive dysregulation of genome-wide gene expression rather than to genetic mutations. Population network analysis of gene expression implicated intrinsic connectivity among the variable traits, while gene set enrichment analysis provided possible links between dysregulated gene expression and interlaced trait variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the morphological diversity of animals, their basic anatomical patterns-the body plans in each animal phylum-have remained highly conserved over hundreds of millions of evolutionary years. This is attributed to conservation of the body plan-establishing developmental period (the phylotypic period) in each lineage. However, the evolutionary mechanism behind this phylotypic period conservation remains under debate. A variety of hypotheses based on the concept of modern synthesis have been proposed, such as negative selection in the phylotypic period through its vulnerability to embryonic lethality. Here we tested a new hypothesis that the phylotypic period is developmentally stable; it has less potential to produce phenotypic variations than the other stages, and this has most likely led to the evolutionary conservation of body plans.
    By analyzing the embryos of inbred Japanese medaka embryos raised under the same laboratory conditions and measuring the whole embryonic transcriptome as a phenotype, we found that the phylotypic period has greater developmental stability than other stages. Comparison of phenotypic differences between two wild medaka populations indicated that the phylotypic period and its genes in this period remained less variational, even after environmental and mutational modifications accumulated during intraspecies evolution. Genes with stable expression levels were enriched with those involved in cell-cell signalling and morphological specification such as Wnt and Hox, implying possible involvement in body plan development of these genes.
    This study demonstrated the correspondence between the developmental stage with low potential to produce phenotypic variations and that with low diversity in micro- and macroevolution, namely the phylotypic period. Whereas modern synthesis explains evolution as a process of shaping of phenotypic variations caused by mutations, our results highlight the possibility that phenotypic variations are readily limited by the intrinsic nature of organisms, namely developmental stability, thus biasing evolutionary outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The degree of developmental stability of individuals and populations is most often estimated by their level of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) - the random deviations from perfect symmetry. In our previous work, we recorded high levels of FA (FAMI index: frequency of asymmetric manifestation of an individual) in Pelophylax ridibundus populations that inhabit biotopes at Sazliyka River, south Bulgaria with high levels of anthropogenic pollution (domestic sewage pollution). At the same time, in the biotopes located in the upper reaches of the river (less disrupted habitats), the populations showed low levels of FA. Currently, we present the results of the study of the values of several morphological parameters: snout-vent length (SVL), body weight (BW), and body condition factor (CF) in the same populations of P. ridibundus. In addition, we evaluate the correlation between the values of these morphological parameters and the values of fluctuating asymmetry (the FAMI index), using the Kendall rank correlation analysis. The analysis of the relationships between the parameters characterizing the physical fitness of frogs and the indicator of developmental stability - the FAMI index - did not establish statistically significant correlations in the analyses in the whole groups of P. ridibundus from each site and in the correlations between sexes. We believe that the approaches to the study of developmental stability (analysis of fluctuating asymmetry levels) and those related to the assessment of physical fitness (health status) of frogs should be applied independently of each other.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We compared skull shape and variation among genetically modified mice that exhibit different levels of connexin43 (Cx43) channel function, to determine whether Cx43 contributes to craniofacial phenotypic robustness. Specifically, we used two heterozygous mutant mouse models (G60S/+ and I130T/+) that, when compared to their wildtype counterparts, have an ~80% and ~50% reduction in Cx43 function, respectively.
    RESULTS: Both mutant strains showed significant differences in skull shape compared to wildtype littermates and while these differences were more severe in the G60S/+ mouse, shape differences were localized to similar regions of the skull in both mutants. However, increased skull shape variation was observed in G60S/+ mutants only. Additionally, covariation of skull structures was disrupted in the G60S/+ mutants only, indicating that while a 50% reduction in Cx43 function is sufficient to cause a shift in mean skull shape, the threshold for Cx43 function for disrupting craniofacial phenotypic robustness is lower.
    CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, our results indicate Cx43 can contribute to phenotypic robustness of the skull through a nonlinear relationship between Cx43 gap junctional function and phenotypic outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gynandromorphs, i.e., individuals with a mix of male and female traits, are common in the wild bees of the genus Megachile (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). We described new transverse gynandromorphs in Megachile pilidens Alfkeen, 1924 and analyze the spatial distribution of body parts with male vs. female phenotype hitherto recorded in the transverse gynandromorphs of the genus Megachile. We identified 10 different arrangements, nine of which are minor variants of a very general pattern, with a combination of male and female traits largely shared by the gynandromorphs recorded in 20 out of 21 Megachile species in our dataset. Based on the recurrence of the same gynandromorph pattern, the current knowledge on sex determination and sex differentiation in the honey bee, and the results of recent gene-knockdown experiments in these insects, we suggest that these composite phenotypes are possibly epigenetic, rather than genetic, mosaics, with individual body parts of either male or female phenotype according to the locally expressed product of the alternative splicing of sex-determining gene transcripts.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pathways through which phenotypic variation among individuals arise can be complex. One assumption often made in relation to intraspecific diversity is that the stability or predictability of the environment will interact with expression of the underlying phenotypic variation. To address biological complexity below the species level, we investigated variability across years in morphology and annual growth increments between and within two sympatric lake charr Salvelinus namaycush ecotypes in Rush Lake, USA. A rapid phenotypic shift in body and head shape was found within a decade. The magnitude and direction of the observed phenotypic change were consistent in both ecotypes, which suggests similar pathways caused the variation over time. Over the same time period, annual growth increments declined for both lake charr ecotypes and corresponded with a consistent phenotypic shift of each ecotype. Despite ecotype-specific annual growth changes in response to winter conditions, the observed annual growth shift for both ecotypes was linked, to some degree, with variation in the environment. Particularly, a declining trend in regional cloud cover was associated with an increase of early-stage (ages 1-3) annual growth for lake charr of Rush Lake. Underlying mechanisms causing changes in growth rates and constrained morphological modulation are not fully understood. An improved knowledge of the biology hidden within the expression of phenotypic variation promises to clarify our understanding of temporal morphological diversity and instability.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    • Translational and bilateral asymmetry have been proposed as sensitive measures of stress in plants, but few studies have addressed the asymmetry-stress association for individuals grown under strictly defined conditions. Here, we assess the impact of cadmium (Cd) stress on various asymmetry measures in a wild-type and mutant strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. • Fitness measures (fresh weight, pod count and shoot length) and developmental stability (DS) measures (bilateral asymmetry and translational asymmetry (TA)) were compared between plants grown under different cadmium concentrations. • Cadmium stress sharply increased TA in both strains but had inconsistent effects on bilateral asymmetry. The TA effects were detected at a Cd concentration when effects on growth and reproduction were not yet evident. • Translational asymmetry, but not bilateral asymmetry, may therefore act as a sensitive indicator of cadmium stress and could be used to assess soil contamination in transplanted A. thaliana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization is a source of phenotypic novelty and variation because of increased additive genetic variation. Yet, the roles of nonadditive allelic interactions in shaping phenotypic mean and variance of hybrids have been underappreciated. Here, we examine the distributions of male-mating traits in F1 hybrids via a meta-analysis of 3208 effect sizes from 39 animal species pairs. Although additivity sets phenotypic distributions of F1s to be intermediate, F1s also showed recessivity and resemblance to maternal species. F1s expressed novel phenotypes (beyond the range of both parents) in 65% of species pairs, often associated with increased phenotypic variability. Overall, however, F1s expressed smaller variation than parents in 51% of traits. Although genetic divergence between parents did not impact phenotypic novelty, it increased phenotypic variability of F1s. By creating novel phenotypes with increased variability, nonadditivity of heterozygotic genome may play key roles in determining mating success of F1s, and their subsequent extinction or speciation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Hippo signaling pathway is a major regulator of organ growth, which controls the activity of the transcription coactivator Yorkie (Yki) in Drosophila and its homolog YAP in mammals. Both Yki and YAP proteins exist as alternatively spliced isoforms containing either one or two WW domains. The biological importance of this conserved alternative splicing event is unknown. Here, we identify the splicing factor B52 as a regulator of yki alternative splicing in Drosophila and show that B52 modulates growth in part through modulation of yki alternative splicing. Yki isoforms differ by their transcriptional activity as well as their ability to bind and bridge PPxY motifs-containing partners, and can compete in vivo. Strikingly, flies in which yki alternative splicing has been abrogated, thus expressing only Yki2 isoform, exhibit fluctuating wing asymmetry, a signal of developmental instability. Our results identify yki alternative splicing as a new level of modulation of the Hippo pathway, that is required for growth equilibration during development. This study provides the first demonstration that the process of alternative splicing contributes to developmental robustness.





