cosmetic surgery

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In western countries, men are increasingly using cosmetic surgery. However, despite this trend, there remains a dearth of information on the prevalence, acceptance, and motivations behind men\'s use of cosmetic surgery. Furthermore, the potential association between men\'s use of cosmetic surgery and in particular male-specific cosmetic surgery procedures such as head hair transplant or penis enlargement and traditional masculinity ideologies (TMI) has not been investigated so far. For this purpose, a cross-sectional anonymous online survey was conducted among 241 self-identifying men aged 18 years or older from the German-speaking part of Europe. Participants responded to questions about cosmetic surgery use and experiences, and completed the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory-Short Form (CMNI-SF) and the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form (MRNI-SF) questionnaires to assess conformity with and endorsement of TMI. Of the 241 men investigated, 47 (19.5%) had undergone cosmetic surgery. The most common types of cosmetic surgeries reported were wrinkle treatment, eyelid correction, and head-hair transplant. Penis enlargement procedures were reported by three (6.4%) of the 47 men who had undergone cosmetic surgery. The main reasons for undergoing surgery were to feel better (72.3%) and look better (55.3%), while to increase sexual success (17.0%) and to increase manliness (14.9%) were also reported. Logistic regression models showed that higher conformity to TMI (CMNI-SF) was associated with higher odds of having undergone cosmetic surgery. The results highlight the overall increase in men\'s cosmetic surgery use and its specific characteristics. The significant positive association between conformity to TMI and men\'s use of cosmetic surgery suggests that men increasingly use cosmetic surgery as a means to assert power, success, dominance, and sexual success.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s44202-024-00230-6.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social media platforms like Instagram (Meta Platforms, Inc., Menlo Park, California, United States) and Snapchat (Snap Inc., California, United States) significantly influence motivations for aesthetic surgery by promoting idealized and digitally enhanced images. Understanding their impact on body image dissatisfaction and acceptance of cosmetic procedures is crucial. A systematic review following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines explored the link between social media, body image dissatisfaction, and cosmetic surgery. The review included 25 studies with 13,731 participants. Specific findings revealed that 70% of young adult women and 60% of young adult men report dissatisfaction with their bodies, leading to increased surgical considerations. The search process utilized databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar, employing keywords like \"cosmetic surgery,\" \"social media,\" and \"body image dissatisfaction\" for articles published between January 2013 and December 2023. Both men and women show increased dissatisfaction with body parts, leading to surgical considerations. Social media\'s emphasis on visual aesthetics fosters body dissatisfaction and social appearance anxiety, especially through selfies. Cultural norms and celebrity influence further shape beauty perceptions. While social media promotes cosmetic surgery acceptance, ethical concerns about misleading advertisements, unrealistic beauty standards, and patient privacy persist. This underscores the need for strategies to promote healthy body image and informed choices in the digital age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Iris nodules are frequently noted as clinical manifestations of neurofibromatosis type 1 but the other intraocular manifestations are rare. The purpose of this study is to present a patient with a phthisic eye who underwent enucleation for a cosmetic reason after 15-year follow-up and also to review 14 patients with enucleation described in the literature.
    METHODS: A 17-year-old man with neurofibromatosis type 1 from infancy underwent the enucleation of phthisic left eye and also had the resection of eyelid subcutaneous mass lesions on the left side for a cosmetic reason. He had undergone four-time preceding surgeries for eyelid and orbital mass reduction on the left side in childhood and had developed total retinal detachment 10 years previously. Pathologically, the enucleated eye showed massive retinal gliosis positive for both S-100 and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the area with involvement of the detached retinal neuronal layer, together with a more fibrotic lesion along the choroid which were, in contrast, negative for both S-100 and GFAP. The choroid, ciliary body, and iris did not show apparent neurofibroma while episcleral neurofibroma was present.
    METHODS: In review of enucleated eyes of 14 patients in the literature, buphthalmic eyes with early-onset glaucoma on the unilateral side was clinically diagnosed in 9 patients who frequently showed varying extent of hemifacial neurofibromatosis which involved the eyelid and orbit on the same side. Pathologically, neurofibromas in varying extent were found in the choroid of 12 patients. One patient showed choroidal malignant melanoma on the left side and fusiform enlargement of the optic nerve on the right side suspected of optic nerve glioma. The phthisic eye in another patient showed massive retinal gliosis similar to the present patient.
    CONCLUSIONS: In summary of the 15 patients with neurofibromatosis type 1, including the present patient, buphthalmic or phthisic eyes with no vision were enucleated for cosmetic reasons and showed choroidal neurofibroma in most patients and massive retinal gliosis in two patients including the present patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the acceptance of cosmetic surgery among the Saudi population and examined its relationship with body dysmorphic disorder and the participants\' demographic characteristics.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted between June 2023 and February 2024. A sample of 1368 participants were recruited from hospitals, clinics, and public places such as malls, parks, and universities and were asked to complete a self-administered, pre-validated, and open-access questionnaire about the presence of body dysmorphic disorder using the BDD scale and the acceptance of cosmetic surgery using the ACSS scale, analyzed using IBM Corp. Released 2015. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 23.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
    RESULTS: More than half of the participants were female, single, and had a higher educational level. Only 3.0% of the participants had previously undergone cosmetic surgery (CS). Rhinoplasty was the most common cosmetic surgery performed by both genders. More than half of the participants indicated that they had concerns about their appearance, which caused them distress, torment, or pain. However, only one-third of the participants demonstrated acceptance toward CS. There was a significant positive correlation between body dysmorphic disorders (BDD) and acceptance of the cosmetic surgery scale (ACSS). Moreover, higher significant acceptance for CS (p-value is <0.001) was observed in females, south region, 32- to 40-year-olds, postgraduate degrees of education, married persons, and those undergoing previous cosmetic surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Concerns about appearance causing distress were prevalent among participants, yet acceptance of cosmetic surgery was moderate. Individuals with higher levels of BDD symptoms are more inclined to view cosmetic surgery as a viable solution to their perceived concerns about their appearance. Moreover, being female, from the southern region, aged 32 to 40 years, with postgraduate education, married individuals, and having prior cosmetic surgery experience are motives to accept CS. These findings underscore the complex interplay between psychological factors and demographic characteristics in shaping the acceptance of cosmetic surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to understand the perceptions of potential complications and motivations among patients willing to travel internationally for cosmetic surgery and to gain insight into public perceptions of cosmetic surgery tourism by surveying a large, cross-sectional sample of the general public. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was performed through Amazon Mechanical Turk regarding cosmetic surgery tourism in adults 18 years and older and currently residing in the United States (US). Results: A total of 484 responses were analyzed. Of those, 45.2% of participants would consider having plastic surgery. Among these participants, 67.1% would consider traveling outside of the US to receive cosmetic surgery. Participants who reported Hispanic or Latino ethnicity had increased odds of considering surgery abroad (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.1-8.7, P = .030). Participants reported that the top advantages of traveling outside of the US for surgery were the price of surgery internationally, a shorter waiting list for surgery, and privacy during recovery. The top disadvantages were the risk of complications, lack of follow-up or continuity care after surgery, and distance from home. Although the risk of complications was acknowledged as the top disadvantage, the perceived safety of receiving plastic surgery abroad was not related to willingness to consider having surgery abroad (P = .268). Conclusion: These findings support the need for continued awareness of patients considering international travel for cosmetic surgery and increased education of the general public regarding the safety of cosmetic surgery tourism and the importance of selecting board-certified plastic surgeons and accredited facilities.
    Introduction: La présente étude visait à comprendre les perceptions des complications potentielles et les motivations chez les patients désireux de se rendre à l’étranger pour subir des chirurgies esthétiques et à connaître les perceptions du public à l’égard du tourisme esthétique au moyen d’un sondage auprès d’un vaste échantillon représentatif du grand public. Méthodologie: Les chercheurs ont procédé à un sondage transversal par l’entremise de la plateforme Amazon Mechanical Turk au sujet du tourisme esthétique chez des adultes de 18 ans et plus qui habitent actuellement aux États-Unis. Résultats: Les chercheurs ont analysé 484 réponses. Au total, 45,2% des participants envisageraient la chirurgie plastique et, de cette proportion, 67,1% envisageraient de sortir des États-Unis pour ce faire. Les participants qui se disaient Hispaniques ou Latinos étaient plus susceptibles d’envisager de se rendre à l’étranger (rapport de cotes 3,1, IC à 95%, 1,1 à 8,7, P = 0030). Les participants indiquaient que le tourisme esthétique hors des États-Unis avait comme principaux avantages le prix des opérations, une liste d’attente plus courte et le respect de la vie privée pendant la convalescence. Le risque de complications, l’absence de suivi ou de continuité des soins après l’opération et la distance de la maison en étaient les principaux désavantages. Même si le risque de complications était reconnu comme le principal désavantage, la perception de sécurité liée à la chirurgie esthétique à l’étranger n’était pas associée à la volonté d’envisager une opération à l’étranger (P = 0268). Conclusion: Ces observations appuient la nécessité de sensibiliser constamment les patients qui envisagent le tourisme esthétique et de mieux informer le grand public de la sécurité du tourisme esthétique et de l’importance de privilégier des plasticiens agréés par l’Ordre et des établissements agréés.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Trichoblastic carcinoma (TBC) is a rare adnexal neoplasm of follicular germ cell differentiation with the potential for local invasion and metastasis. Histologic features of trichoblastic carcinoma have significant overlap with trichoblastoma and basal cell carcinoma (BCC), making diagnosis difficult in some cases. Treatment strategies are not well defined and include surgical excision for localized tumors and systemic therapies for metastatic disease. We present a case of trichoblastic carcinoma clinically resembling a benign cyst that was ultimately treated with Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Facial plastic surgery addresses various facial imperfections, offering a range of procedures like rhinoplasty and facelifts. Social media promotes unrealistic beauty standards, leading to increased demand for such surgeries. Studies highlight its influence, emphasizing the need for research in this area. Our study aimed to evaluate the effect of social media advertisements and selfies on facial cosmetic surgery decisions and plans among females in Saudi Arabia. Methodology This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that targeted females aged 18-80 years old. An electronic questionnaire in Arabic was used for data collection. Data was analyzed in IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 29 (Released 2023; IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, United States). Results Our study assessed 568 Saudi females regarding social media\'s impact on facial cosmetic surgery. Most of them were aged 21-30 years (39.4%) and Saudi nationals (94.2%). The majority, 87.9% (n=499), had not undergone cosmetic surgeries, and 12.1% (n=69) had; 68.1% (n=387) did not plan future surgeries. Notably, 42.6% (n=242) cited surgeon self-advertising and 38.0% (n=216) better selfies as an influencing factor in their cosmetic surgery decision. Logistic regression revealed several significant predictors of cosmetic surgery decisions including surgeon\'s advertisement (Exp(B) = 2.812, p < 0.001), cosmetic show viewing (Exp(B) = 2.327, p = 0.004), and social media photos (Exp(B) = 2.762, p = 0.001). Education (Exp(B) = 1.533, p = 0.035) and previous surgery (Exp(B) = 4.523, p < 0.001) correlated positively with considering surgery. Conclusion Our study highlights social media\'s influence on facial cosmetic surgery decisions among Saudi females. Surgeon advertisements, social media exposure, education, and previous surgery history emerged as significant predictors, warranting further research and targeted interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The contour of the thigh is increasingly being recognized as crucial component of the ideal human physique, giving rise to heightened interest in attaining the perfect thigh profile. Notwithstanding, the contemporary landscape of cosmetic surgery appears to be bereft of efficient and precise objective methodologies to evaluate the outcomes of thigh contouring treatments. The present study is aimed to investigate the aesthetic appeal of varying thigh contours, employing specialized software as an indispensable instrument for quantitative and qualitative analysis.
    METHODS: Standardized photographs of the lower body were obtained from a sample of 200 healthy volunteers. A linear analysis was conducted, examining aspects such as the vertical length and transvers width of the thigh, as well as angular measurements including the posterior gluteal angle (PGA) and lateral angle thigh (LAT). Variables relating to thigh measurements and body mass index (BMI) were documented, with the relationships between them ascertained through Pearson\'s correlation and regression analysis.
    RESULTS: In males, the LAT was measured at 168 ± 3.9, and the PGA at 170 ± 3.4, while in females, these measurements were 166 ± 2.8 ve 166 ± 2.8, respectively. Linear analyses, including the vertical length of thigh (VLT), transverse width of thigh (TWT), lateral width (LW), and posterior width (PW), were conducted. Based on the LW inferior/LW superior ratio values, the most commonly observed thigh types were Type III (0.90) at 45% and Type II (0.85) at 24.75% while the least common was Type V at 4% (0.99). PW inferior/PW superior was 84.7%. The PWI/PWS ratio was highest for Type V, at 0.99, accounting for 84.70% of the total. Furthermore, an increase in the LWI/LWS ratio leads to an increase in the PWI/PWS ratio.  The frequency of the VLT/TW1 ratio 0.31-0.35 (Type 3) was found to be on the left side and Type 4 on the right side. A strong correlation was found between BMI and all thigh indexes, with a significant positive correlation between the index and factors tied to the buttocks and upper thigh.
    CONCLUSIONS: The concept of an ideal thigh may vary based on an individual\'s gender, race, country of residence, and self-esteem, aiming to achieve a more natural silhouette. Focusing on the different ratios of hip and thigh varieties in the study is quite intriguing. Further inquiry and rigorous exploration are warranted to delineate the optimal techniques and methodologies for attaining ideal thigh proportions.
    METHODS: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) causes distress due to one\'s negative appraisal of their body image. The development of BDD has been linked to the passive use of social media and photo-editing apps. People with BDD typically pursue cosmetic surgeries to remedy their perceived flaws. The dramatic increase in the use of photo-editing apps and their well-established effects on mental health is a public health concern.
    To study the association between use of social media and the development of BDD and acceptance toward cosmetic surgeries (ACSS) among Saudis.
    An online, cross-sectional, validated survey conducted among Saudis 18 and older. Descriptive analyses were utilized for demographics and prevalence rates of main study variables. ANOVA was used to compare mean scores in BDD and ACSS among different demographic groups. Tukeys post-hoc test was done to identify the categories that were different when the ANOVA test showed a statistically significance. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
    A total of 1,483 Saudi adults completed the questionnaire. Key results showed that BDD was found in 24.4 % of the sample. The percentage of participants with BDD who spent 4-7 h per day on Instagram and Snapchat (29%) was significantly higher than those who spent only less than an hour per day on these platforms (19%) (p < 0.001). Individuals with BDD had a significantly higher risk of accepting cosmetic surgery compared to those without BDD (p < 0.001).
    A growing body of evidence suggests that social media may impact mental health in different ways. This study reveals that heavy use of these platforms is associated with negative appraisals about one\'s physical appearance, and it fosters one\'s tendency toward cosmetic surgery, especially among females.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cosmetic surgery is ever more affordable and accessible, but carries physical and psychological risks. Yet, no study to date has directly examined risk-taking behaviour under controlled conditions, beyond self-report and in relation to cosmetic surgery attitudes. We used the Balloon Analogue Risk Task and advanced computational modelling to measure decision-making behaviour and identify the latent parameters driving behaviour associated with cosmetic surgery attitudes in women with no cosmetic surgery history (N = 265) and a subsample of women with a cosmetic surgery history (N = 24). Risk taking was higher in women with greater acceptance and history of cosmetic surgery. Computational modelling revealed increased risk taking in women with greater acceptance of cosmetic surgery when decisions were made with greater knowledge of loss (risk) and not when the likelihood of loss was unknown (uncertainty). When women with greater acceptance of cosmetic surgery made decisions, they also placed less emphasis on possible losses (reduced loss aversion). Our findings suggest that women seeking cosmetic procedures may be less sensitive to losses and thus make more risky decisions. Greater emphasis should be placed on communicating potential losses rather than just the associated risks to women considering cosmetic procedures.No Level Assigned This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each submission to which Evidence-Based Medicine rankings are applicable. This excludes Review Articles, Book Reviews, and manuscripts that concern Basic Science, Animal Studies, Cadaver Studies, and Experimental Studies. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .





