
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Formation of the gluten network depends on glutenin crosslinking via disulfide bonds, and wheat protein disulfide isomerase (wPDI) plays an important role in this process. Here, we identify a substrate gluten protein of wPDI and the mechanism underlying wPDI-promoted glutenin crosslinking. Farinographic, rheologic, and alveographic analysis unambiguously proves that wPDI improves gluten network formation, which is directly observed by 3D reconstruction of the gluten network. Protein analysis and LC-MS/MS reveal that glutenin subunit 1Dx5 is primarily recruited by wPDI to participate in gluten network formation, and its cysteine-containing N-terminal domain (1Dx5-NTD), which harbors three cysteine residues for crosslinking, is purified. 1Dx5-NTD interacts with wPDI in both redox states, possibly folded by reduced wPDI and then catalyzed by oxidized wPDI, as further evidenced by wPDI-promoted self-crosslinking. Consistent with macroscopic observations, our results suggest that wPDI folds 1Dx5-NTD into β-strand structure that favors disulfide bond formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The L. fermentum U-21 strain, known for secreting chaperones into the extracellular milieu, emerges as a promising candidate for the development of novel therapeutics termed disaggregases for Parkinson\'s disease. Our study focuses on characterizing the secreted protein encoded by the C0965_000195 locus in the genome of this strain. Through sequence analysis and structural predictions, the protein encoded by C0965_000195 is identified as ClpL, homologs of which are known for their chaperone functions. The chaperone activity of ClpL from L. fermentum U-21 is investigated in vivo by assessing the refolding of luciferases with varying thermostabilities from Aliivibrio fischeri and Photorhabdus luminescens within Escherichia coli cells. The results indicate that the clpL gene from L. fermentum U-21 can compensate for the absence of the clpB gene, enhancing the refolding capacity of thermodenatured proteins in clpB-deficient cells. In vitro experiments demonstrate that both spent culture medium containing proteins secreted by L. fermentum U-21 cells, including ClpL, and purified heterologically expressed ClpL partially prevent the thermodenaturation of luciferases. The findings suggest that the ClpL protein from L. fermentum U-21, exhibiting disaggregase properties against aggregating proteins, may represent a key component contributing to the pharmabiotic attributes of this strain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vesicular transport relies on multimeric trafficking complexes to capture cargo and drive vesicle budding and fusion. Faithful assembly of the trafficking complexes is essential to their functions but remains largely unexplored. Assembly of AP2 adaptor, a heterotetrameric protein complex regulating clathrin-mediated endocytosis, is assisted by the chaperone AAGAB. Here, we found that AAGAB initiates AP2 assembly by stabilizing its α and σ2 subunits, but the AAGAB:α:σ2 complex cannot recruit additional AP2 subunits. We identified CCDC32 as another chaperone regulating AP2 assembly. CCDC32 recognizes the AAGAB:α:σ2 complex, and its binding leads to the formation of an α:σ2:CCDC32 ternary complex. The α:σ2:CCDC32 complex serves as a template that sequentially recruits the µ2 and β2 subunits of AP2 to complete AP2 assembly, accompanied by CCDC32 release. The AP2-regulating function of CCDC32 is disrupted by a disease-causing mutation. These findings demonstrate that AP2 is assembled by a handover mechanism switching from AAGAB-based initiation complexes to CCDC32-based template complexes. A similar mechanism may govern the assembly of other trafficking complexes exhibiting the same configuration as AP2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prion variants are self-perpetuating conformers of a single protein that assemble into amyloid fibers and confer unique phenotypic states. Multiple prion variants can arise, particularly in response to changing environments, and interact within an organism. These interactions are often competitive, with one variant establishing phenotypic dominance over the others. This dominance has been linked to the competition for non-prion state protein, which must be converted to the prion state via a nucleated polymerization mechanism. However, the intrinsic rates of conversion, determined by the conformation of the variant, cannot explain prion variant dominance, suggesting a more complex interaction. Using the yeast prion system [PSI+ ], we have determined the mechanism of dominance of the [PSI+ ]Strong variant over the [PSI+ ]Weak variant in vivo. When mixed by mating, phenotypic dominance is established in zygotes, but the two variants persist and co-exist in the lineage descended from this cell. [PSI+ ]Strong propagons, the heritable unit, are amplified at the expense of [PSI+ ]Weak propagons, through the efficient conversion of soluble Sup35 protein, as revealed by fluorescence photobleaching experiments employing variant-specific mutants of Sup35. This competition, however, is highly sensitive to the fragmentation of [PSI+ ]Strong amyloid fibers, with even transient inhibition of the fragmentation catalyst Hsp104 promoting amplification of [PSI+ ]Weak propagons. Reducing the number of [PSI+ ]Strong propagons prior to mating, similarly promotes [PSI+ ]Weak amplification and conversion of soluble Sup35, indicating that template number and conversion efficiency combine to determine dominance. Thus, prion variant dominance is not an absolute hierarchy but rather an outcome arising from the dynamic interplay between unique protein conformations and their interactions with distinct cellular proteostatic niches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prions replicate via the autocatalytic conversion of cellular prion protein (PrPC) into fibrillar assemblies of misfolded PrP. While this process has been extensively studied in vivo and in vitro, non-physiological reaction conditions of fibril formation in vitro have precluded the identification and mechanistic analysis of cellular proteins, which may alter PrP self-assembly and prion replication. Here, we have developed a fibril formation assay for recombinant murine and human PrP (23-231) under near-native conditions (NAA) to study the effect of cellular proteins, which may be risk factors or potential therapeutic targets in prion disease. Genetic screening suggests that variants that increase syntaxin-6 expression in the brain (gene: STX6) are risk factors for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Analysis of the protein in NAA revealed, counterintuitively, that syntaxin-6 is a potent inhibitor of PrP fibril formation. It significantly delayed the lag phase of fibril formation at highly sub-stoichiometric molar ratios. However, when assessing toxicity of different aggregation time points to primary neurons, syntaxin-6 prolonged the presence of neurotoxic PrP species. Electron microscopy and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy revealed that, instead of highly ordered fibrils, in the presence of syntaxin-6 PrP formed less-ordered aggregates containing syntaxin-6. These data strongly suggest that the protein can directly alter the initial phase of PrP self-assembly and, uniquely, can act as an \'anti-chaperone\', which promotes toxic aggregation intermediates by inhibiting fibril formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Medical associations and medicolegal bodies are urging for increased chaperone use by physicians during intimate physical examinations in clinical practice (such as breast or pelvic examinations). However, widespread chaperone use is limited by factors such as staff availability and financial considerations. Presently, there is a scarcity of information available regarding the cost of hiring a dedicated chaperone. This study investigates the cost of hiring a chaperone and its financial implications for a physician\'s clinical practice. Materials and Methods: Using data from the Government of Canada website, the range of salary rates for clinic staff who can act as a chaperone in Canada was analyzed. The cost of hiring a chaperone was estimated to be in the range between the cost of hiring a minimum-wage worker and a nurse (the highest-paid hired medical office staff). Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Plastic Surgery urban community practices were consulted regarding the costs of operating a clinic. Results: The approximate annual income for a minimum-wage worker in Canada is $29,250 CAD. Registered nurses earn on average $72,783.75 CAD per year. The cost of operating a private clinic practice with one staff member in Canada is on average $102,500 CAD per year. Thus, hiring an additional full-time chaperone could increase clinic expenses by approximately 49% per year, bringing the clinic cost to approximately $153,517 CAD per year. For part-time employment, the annual cost of hiring a chaperone is approximately $10,203 CAD for each day/week of employment. Conclusion: In terms of financial considerations, hiring a chaperone can increase clinic expenses by approximately one-and-a-half times. The findings of this study provide an important reference for physicians and may assist with the decision to employ chaperones in clinical practice.
    Introduction: Les associations médiales et les institutions médico-légales encouragent fortement le recours à un chaperon lors d’examen physique intime par des médecins en pratique clinique (dans le cas, par exemple, d’examen pelvien ou mammaire). Cependant, le recours généralisé à un chaperon est limité par des facteurs tels que la disponibilité du personnel et des considérations financières. On ne dispose actuellement que de peu d’information sur le coût de l’embauche d’un chaperon dédié. Cette étude porte sur le coût d’un tel recrutement et sur ses implications financières pour la pratique clinique d’un médecin. Matériels et Méthodes: Utilisant des données d’un site Web du gouvernement du Canada, nous avons analysé l’éventail des salaires du personnel d’une clinique pouvant servir de chaperon au Canada. Le coût du recrutement d’un chaperon a été évalué comme se situant entre celui d’une embauche au salaire minimum et celui d’une infirmière (l’emploi le mieux payé parmi le personnel médical d’une clinique). Les cliniques communautaires urbaines d’obstétrique et de gynécologie, ainsi que les cliniques de chirurgie plastique ont été consultées pour ce qui concerne les coûts de fonctionnement des cliniques. Résultats: Le revenu annuel moyen approximatif d’un travailleur au salaire minimum au Canada est de 29 250 dollars canadiens. Les infirmières autorisées gagnent en moyenne 72 783,75 dollars canadiens par an. Le coût de fonctionnement d’une clinique privée ne comptant qu’un(e) employé(e) au Canada est en moyenne de 102 500 dollars canadiens par an. Par conséquent, l’embauche d’un chaperon à temps plein augmenterait les dépenses de la clinique d’environ 49 % par an, soit un total approximatif de 153 517 dollars canadiens par an. Dans le cas d’une embauche à temps partiel, le coût annuel d’un chaperon serait d’environ 10 203 dollars canadiens pour chaque jour/semaine d’emploi. Conclusion: En termes de considérations financières, l’embauche d’un chaperon peut multiplier les dépenses de la clinique par 1,5. Les constatations de cette étude fournissent une référence importante aux médecins et peut les aider dans leur décision d’embaucher des chaperons en pratique clinique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    INTS11 and CPSF73 are metal-dependent endonucleases for Integrator and pre-mRNA 3\'-end processing, respectively. Here, we show that the INTS11 binding partner BRAT1/CG7044, a factor important for neuronal fitness, stabilizes INTS11 in the cytoplasm and is required for Integrator function in the nucleus. Loss of BRAT1 in neural organoids leads to transcriptomic disruption and precocious expression of neurogenesis-driving transcription factors. The structures of the human INTS9-INTS11-BRAT1 and Drosophila dIntS11-CG7044 complexes reveal that the conserved C terminus of BRAT1/CG7044 is captured in the active site of INTS11, with a cysteine residue directly coordinating the metal ions. Inspired by these observations, we find that UBE3D is a binding partner for CPSF73, and UBE3D likely also uses a conserved cysteine residue to directly coordinate the active site metal ions. Our studies have revealed binding partners for INTS11 and CPSF73 that behave like cytoplasmic chaperones with a conserved impact on the nuclear functions of these enzymes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Hsp70 system is essential for maintaining protein homeostasis and comprises a central Hsp70 and two accessory proteins that belong to the J-domain protein (JDP) and nucleotide exchange factor families. Posttranslational modifications offer a means to tune the activity of the system. We explore how phosphorylation of specific residues of the J-domain of DNAJA2, a class A JDP, regulates Hsc70 activity using biochemical and structural approaches. Among these residues, we find that pseudophosphorylation of Y10 and S51 enhances the holding/folding balance of the Hsp70 system, reducing cochaperone collaboration with Hsc70 while maintaining the holding capacity. Truly phosphorylated J domains corroborate phosphomimetic variant effects. Notably, distinct mechanisms underlie functional impacts of these DNAJA2 variants. Pseudophosphorylation of Y10 induces partial disordering of the J domain, whereas the S51E substitution weakens essential DNAJA2-Hsc70 interactions without a large structural reorganization of the protein. S51 phosphorylation might be class-specific, as all cytosolic class A human JDPs harbor a phosphorylatable residue at this position.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The β-cell workload increases in the setting of insulin resistance and reduced β-cell mass, which occurs in type 2 and type 1 diabetes, respectively. The prolonged elevation of insulin production and secretion during the pathogenesis of diabetes results in β-cell ER stress. The depletion of β-cell Ca2+ER during ER stress activates the unfolded protein response, leading to β-cell dysfunction. Ca2+ER is involved in many pathways that are critical to β-cell function, such as protein processing, tuning organelle and cytosolic Ca2+ handling, and modulating lipid homeostasis. Mutations that promote β-cell ER stress and deplete Ca2+ER stores are associated with or cause diabetes (e.g., mutations in ryanodine receptors and insulin). Thus, improving β-cell Ca2+ER handling and reducing ER stress under diabetogenic conditions could preserve β-cell function and delay or prevent the onset of diabetes. This review focuses on how mechanisms that control β-cell Ca2+ER are perturbed during the pathogenesis of diabetes and contribute to β-cell failure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of cell-type-specific dendritic arbors is integral to the proper functioning of neurons within their circuit networks. In this study, we examine the regulatory relationship between the cytosolic chaperonin CCT, key insulin pathway genes, and an E3 ubiquitin ligase (Cullin1) in dendritic development. CCT loss of function (LOF) results in dendritic hypotrophy in Drosophila Class IV (CIV) multi-dendritic larval sensory neurons, and CCT has recently been shown to fold components of the TOR (Target of Rapamycin) complex 1 (TORC1) in vitro. Through targeted genetic manipulations, we confirm that an LOF of CCT and the TORC1 pathway reduces dendritic complexity, while overexpression of key TORC1 pathway genes increases the dendritic complexity in CIV neurons. Furthermore, both CCT and TORC1 LOF significantly reduce microtubule (MT) stability. CCT has been previously implicated in regulating proteinopathic aggregation, thus, we examine CIV dendritic development in disease conditions as well. The expression of mutant Huntingtin leads to dendritic hypotrophy in a repeat-length-dependent manner, which can be rescued by Cullin1 LOF. Together, our data suggest that Cullin1 and CCT influence dendritic arborization through the regulation of TORC1 in both health and disease.





