
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Formation of the gluten network depends on glutenin crosslinking via disulfide bonds, and wheat protein disulfide isomerase (wPDI) plays an important role in this process. Here, we identify a substrate gluten protein of wPDI and the mechanism underlying wPDI-promoted glutenin crosslinking. Farinographic, rheologic, and alveographic analysis unambiguously proves that wPDI improves gluten network formation, which is directly observed by 3D reconstruction of the gluten network. Protein analysis and LC-MS/MS reveal that glutenin subunit 1Dx5 is primarily recruited by wPDI to participate in gluten network formation, and its cysteine-containing N-terminal domain (1Dx5-NTD), which harbors three cysteine residues for crosslinking, is purified. 1Dx5-NTD interacts with wPDI in both redox states, possibly folded by reduced wPDI and then catalyzed by oxidized wPDI, as further evidenced by wPDI-promoted self-crosslinking. Consistent with macroscopic observations, our results suggest that wPDI folds 1Dx5-NTD into β-strand structure that favors disulfide bond formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human DDX3X, an important member of the DEAD-box family RNA helicases, plays a crucial role in RNA metabolism and is involved in cancer development, viral infection, and neurodegenerative disease. Although there have been many studies on the physiological functions of human DDX3X, issues regarding its exact targets and mechanisms of action remain unclear. In this study, we systematically characterized the biochemical activities and substrate specificity of DDX3X. The results demonstrate that DDX3X is a bidirectional RNA helicase to unwind RNA duplex and RNA-DNA hybrid driven by ATP. DDX3X also has nucleic acid annealing activity, especially for DNA. More importantly, it can function as a typical nucleic acid chaperone which destabilizes highly structured DNA and RNA in an ATP-independent manner and promotes their annealing to form a more stable structure. Further truncation mutations confirmed that the highly disordered N-tail and C-tail are critical for the biochemical activities of DDX3X. They are functionally complementary, with the N-tail being crucial. These results will shed new light on our understanding of the molecular mechanism of DDX3X in RNA metabolism and DNA repair, and have potential significance for the development of antiviral/anticancer drugs targeting DDX3X.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic sialyltransferases play key roles in many physiological and pathological events. The expression of active human recombinant sialyltransferases in bacteria is still challenging. In the current study, the genes encoding human N-acetylgalactosaminide α2,6-sialyltransferase V (hST6GalNAc V) and N-acetylgalactosaminide α2,6-sialyltransferase VI (hST6GalNAc VI) lacking the N-terminal transmembrane domains were cloned into the expression vectors, pET-32a and pET-22b, respectively. Soluble and active forms of recombinant hST6GalNAc V and hST6GalNAc VI when coexpressed with the chaperone plasmid pGro7 were successfully achieved in Escherichia coli. Further, lactose (Lac), Lacto-N-triose II (LNT II), lacto-N-tetraose (LNT), and sialyllacto-N-tetraose a (LSTa) were used as acceptor substrates to investigate their activities and substrate specificities. Unexpectedly, both can transfer sialic acid onto all those substrates. Compared with hST6GalNAc V expressed in the mammalian cells, the recombinant two α2,6-sialyltransferases in bacteria displayed flexible substrate specificities and lower enzymatic efficiency. In addition, an important human milk oligosaccharide disialyllacto-N-tetraose (DSLNT) can be synthesized by both human α2,6-sialyltransferases expressed in E. coli using LSTa as an acceptor substrate. To the best of our knowledge, these two active human α2,6-sialyltransferases enzymes were expressed in bacteria for the first time. They showed a high potential to be applied in biotechnology and investigating the molecular mechanisms of biological and pathological interactions related to sialylated glycoconjugates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prefoldins (PFDs) are ubiquitous co-chaperone proteins that originated in archaea during evolution and are present in all eukaryotes, including yeast, mammals, and plants. Typically, prefoldin subunits form hexameric PFD complex (PFDc) that, together with class II chaperonins, mediate the folding of nascent proteins, such as actin and tubulin. In addition to functioning as a co-chaperone in cytoplasm, prefoldin subunits are also localized in the nucleus, which is essential for transcription and post-transcription regulation. However, the specific and critical roles of prefoldins in plants have not been well summarized. In this review, we present an overview of plant prefoldin and its related proteins, summarize the structure of prefoldin/prefoldin-like complex (PFD/PFDLc), and analyze the versatile landscape by prefoldin subunits, from cytoplasm to nucleus regulation. We also focus the specific role of prefoldin-mediated phytohormone response and global plant development. Finally, we overview the emerging prefoldin-like (PFDL) subunits in plants and the novel roles in related processes, and discuss the next direction in further studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The type VI secretion system (T6SS) of many gram-negative bacteria injects toxic effectors into adjacent cells to manipulate host cells during pathogenesis or to kill competing bacteria. However, the identification and function of the T6SS effectors remains only partly known. Pantoea ananatis, a gram-negative bacterium, is commonly found in various plants and natural environments, including water and soil. In the current study, genomic analysis of P. ananatis DZ-12 causing brown stalk rot on maize demonstrated that it carries three T6SS gene clusters, namely, T6SS-1, T6SS-2, and T6SS-3. Interestingly, only T6SS-1 secretion systems are involved in pathogenicity and bacterial competition. The study also investigated the T6SS-1 system in detail and identified an unknown T6SS-1-secreted effector TseG by using the upstream T6SS effector chaperone TecG containing a conserved domain of DUF2169. TseG can directly interact with the chaperone TecG for delivery and with a downstream immunity protein TsiG for protection from its toxicity. TseG, highly conserved in the Pantoea genus, is involved in virulence in maize, potato, and onion. Additionally, P. ananatis uses TseG to target Escherichia coli, gaining a competitive advantage. This study provides the first report on the T6SS-1-secreted effector from P. ananatis, thereby enriching our understanding of the various types and functions of type VI effector proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dehydrins proteins accumulate and play important protective roles in most plants during abiotic stresses. The objective of this study was to characterize a YSK2-type dehydrin gene, WDHN2, isolated from Triticum aestivum previously. In this work, wheat dehydrin WDHN2 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography, which exhibited as a single band by sodium dodecyl sulfonate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and western blotting. We show that WDHN2 is capable of alleviating lactate dehydrogenase inactivation from heat and desiccation in vitro enzyme activity protection assay. In vivo assay of Escherichia coli viability demonstrates the enhancement of cell survival by the overexpression of WDHN2. The protein aggregation prevention assay explores that WDHN2 has a broad protective effect on the cellular proteome. The results show that WDHN2 is mainly accumulated in the nucleus and cytosol, suggesting that this dehydrin may exert its function in both cellular compartments. Our data suggest that WDHN2 acts as a chaperone molecular in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study was designed to probe the effect of chaperone-assisted selective autophagy (CASA) on the maintenance of proteostasis during exhaustive exercise and uncover the alteration of CASA in muscle fibers with pre-high-intensity interval training (HIIT) intervention-induced muscle adaptation in response to exhaustive exercise. Rats were randomly divided into a control group; an exhaustive exercise group; and an HIIT + exhaustive exercise group. Results show myofibril damage and BiP levels were increased after exhaustive exercise, and the levels of the HSP70, BAG3, ubiquitin, autophagy-related proteins, and their interactions were increased. HIIT intervention before exhaustive exercise could decrease myofibril injury and BiP levels, accompanied by down-regulation of HSP70/BAG3 complex and selective autophagy. In conclusion, exhaustive exercise promotes CASA to clear protein aggregation for keeping proteostasis in muscle fibers; pre-HIIT intervention improves myofibril injury and unfold protein response caused by exhaustive exercise, which might contribute to inhibit the augmentation of CASA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hexadecameric form I Rubisco, which consisting consists of eight large (RbcL) and eight small (RbcS) subunits, is the most abundant enzyme on earth. Extensive efforts to engineer an improved Rubisco to speed up its catalytic efficiency and ultimately increase agricultural productivity. However, difficulties with correct folding and assembly in foreign hosts or in vitro have hampered the genetic manipulation of hexadecameric Rubisco. In this study, we reconstituted Synechococcus sp. PCC6301 Rubisco in vitro using the chaperonin system and assembly factors from cyanobacteria and Arabidopsis thaliana (At). Rubisco holoenzyme was produced in the presence of cyanobacterial Rubisco accumulation factor 1 (Raf1) alone or both AtRaf1 and bundle-sheath defective-2 (AtBsd2) from Arabidopsis. RbcL released from GroEL is assembly capable in the presence of ATP, and AtBsd2 functions downstream of AtRaf1. Cryo-EM structures of RbcL8-AtRaf18, RbcL8-AtRaf14-AtBsd28, and RbcL8 revealed that the interactions between RbcL and AtRaf1 are looser than those between prokaryotic RbcL and Raf1, with AtRaf1 tilting 7° farther away from RbcL. AtBsd2 stabilizes the flexible regions of RbcL, including the N and C termini, the 60s loop, and loop 6. Using these data, combined with previous findings, we propose the possible biogenesis pathways of prokaryotic and eukaryotic Rubisco.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the influence of DnaK on intracellular proteins in Cronobacter sakazakii, a Gram-negative bacterium known for causing infections, particularly in neonates. Proteomic and post-translational modification analyses were performed, revealing a potential link between DnaK and protein deamidation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As plants are sessile organisms, they are inevitably exposed to a variety of environmental stimuli that trigger rapid changes in the generation and disposal of reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). A major H2O2 scavenging system in plant cells is the ascorbate-glutathione cycle, in which ascorbate peroxidase (APX) catalyzes the conversion of H2O2 into water employing ascorbate as specific electron donor. In higher plants, distinct APX isoforms can occur in multiple subcellular compartments, including chloroplasts, mitochondria, and peroxisomes and the cytosol, to modulate organellar and cellular levels of H2O2. It is well established that APX plays crucial roles in protecting plant cells against diverse environmental stresses, as well as in plant growth and development. Apart from ascorbate, recently, APXs have been found to have a broader substrate specificity and possess chaperone activity, hence participating various biological processes. In this review, we describe the antioxidant properties of APXs and highlight their novel roles beyond \'ascorbate peroxidases\'.





