central Italy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of wildlife, including birds, in antimicrobial resistance is nowadays a speculative topic for the scientific community as they could be spreaders/sources of antimicrobial resistance genes. In this respect, we aimed to investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility of 100 commensal Escherichia coli strains, isolated from wild birds from an Umbrian rescue centre and admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Perugia (Central Italy) mainly for traumatic injuries. The possible presence of Salmonella spp. and ESBL-producing E. coli was also estimated. The highest prevalence of resistance was observed for ampicillin (85%) and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (47%), probably due to their extensive use in human and veterinary medicine. Seventeen out of the one hundred E. coli isolates (17%) displayed a multidrug-resistance profile, including the beta-lactam category, with the most common resistance patterns to three or four classes of antibiotics. Resistance to ciprofloxacin, cefotaxime and ceftazidime exhibited values of 18%, 17% and 15%, respectively. Eight out of the hundred E. coli isolates (8%) were ESBL and seven showed multidrug resistance profiles. Salmonella spp. was not isolated. Resistance to third-generation cephalosporins, also detected in long-distance migratory birds, suggests the need for monitoring studies to define the role of wild birds in antimicrobial resistance circuits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Helminth infection was analysed at necropsy and coprology in a total of 54 roe deer from the province of Grosseto (central Italy) between 2018 - 2020. Age and sex data were recorded for each deer for a total of 31 adults (23 females, 8 males) and 23 juveniles (11 females, 12 males). The results on the small intestine (51 samples) highlighted that nematodes belonging to the species Trichostrongylus colubriformis were the most prevalent parasite (41.2 %), followed by the cestode Moniezia expansa (7.8 %). The large intestine results (52 samples) showed Trichuris spp. (53.8 %), Oesophagostomum venulosum (50 %) and Chabertia ovina (26.9 %). In the abomasum, only Ostertagia ostertagi (17.9 %) was found. Of the 34 samples analysed by bronchopulmonary, only the lung of an adult female was positive for Dictyocaulus spp. In two livers out of 33 samples analysed, nematodes of the species Setaria tundra were found on the surface. Copropositivity was observed in 45 of the 52 faecal samples analysed. The results of the present study indicate that the roe deer is host to several species of parasites, which are also common in other cervids and domestic ruminants. Statistical testing highlighted a significant difference between mean intensities in males and females.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to the IUCN guidelines, wildlife reintroduction should consider any impacts on humans within feasibility assessments. Eurasian beavers Castor fiber are recovering across their native range, due to protection laws and reintroductions. In Central Italy, a self-sustaining, naturalised population of Eurasian beavers has been identified in the last five years. A questionnaire to measure whether and how citizens in the local area perceive the presence of the beaver was administered to 1114 respondents. We observed a comprehensive awareness of the presence of the beaver in Italy and a high ability to distinguish it from non-native coypus Myocastor coypus (92.3%). We also recorded a general high knowledge of issues related to the presence of the beaver (i.e., potential effects on indigenous biodiversity). The majority (65.5%) of the surveyed population was in favour of reintroducing the beaver in Central Italy, and only 1.2% was firmly against it. The majority of interviewed people was against the removal of beavers from Central Italy (65.8%), whereas only 3.7% was in favor, citing fears of perceived impacts on the river, crops, and fish populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The first wave of COVID-19 arrived in Italy in February 2020 severely hitting the northern regions and delineating sharp differences across the country, from North to South. The Marche Region (central Italy) is a good example of such uneven distribution of contagion and casualties. This paper discusses the spatial diffusion of COVID-19 during the spring of 2020 in the five provinces of Marche and discusses it by means of descriptive and quantitative analysis of local socio-economic variables. Results show that the high impact of COVID-19 in Pesaro and Urbino, the northernmost province of Marche, might be reasonably attributable to higher mobility of local residents, especially northbound. Similarly, the larger contagion among the elderly in the center and norther provinces, is possibly due to a high number of hospices and seniors\' residential facilities. Finally, the North-to-South diffusion of the virus can be explained by the Region\'s transportation infrastructures and urban layout along the coastal area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    General Practitioners (GPs) have good knowledge of health status and sociocultural backgrounds of their patients, thus could be decisive in early detection of cases of asbestos-related diseases (ARDs). In this cross-sectional pilot study, we investigated perception and knowledge on asbestos risk amongst a sample of GPs practicing in Molise region, central Italy, who have anonymously completed a 29-items questionnaire specifically developed for this research. Based on GPs\' answers, we obtained scores and classified awareness and knowledge into four percentage quartile classes including inadequate (0-24%), poor (25-49%), moderate (50-74%) and high (75-100%), and scarce (0-24%), sufficient (25-49%), good (50-74%) and optimal (75-100%), respectively. Twenty-eight GPs (median age 63 years; 82% male) participated. Perception and knowledge among participants varied from 62 to 84% and from 18 to 42%, respectively, with 65 and 42% showing an adequate level, respectively. Our survey revealed a satisfactory perception and knowledge of general features about this topic, while a poor awareness of detailed aspects, underlining the need of continuing medical education in the field of occupational medicine. The study remarks that criteria for ARDs diagnosis should be better specified, introducing a detailed list to harmonize medical protocols for symptoms identification and patients\' examination. Hence, increasing awareness of asbestos risk and ARDs among GPs represents a crucial opportunity, because of their prominent position to promptly take care of patients and provide targeted information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2008 the Italian government classified the Bussi sul Tirino area (Central Italy) as Site of National Interest destined to remediation which, unfortunately, has not yet begun. The decision followed >20 years of illegal dumping of industrial wastes, lasting from 1984 to 2005, that generated the biggest illegal toxic waste disposal site in Europe. The contamination profile of the site was mainly characterized by PCDD/Fs, PCBs, PAHs, chlorinated solvents, Hg, and Pb. Due to the health concern of the population and local authorities, an extensive monitoring and biomonitoring campaign was carried out in 2017-2018, checking the site-specific pollutants in local food (free-range hens\' eggs, milk from grazing sheep and goats, wild edible mushrooms, and drinking water), environmental (air and freshwaters) and biological (human urine) matrices. A total of 314 samples were processed, obtaining 3217 analytical data that were compared with regulatory limits, when available, and values reported by international literature. The sum PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs ranged from 0.24 to 3.6 pg TEQ g-1 fat, and from 0.46 to 8.3 pg TEQ g-1 fat, respectively in milk in eggs, in line with the maximum levels established by CE Regulations except for an egg sample. As regards PAHs, all our results were lower than the literature data, as well as for Hg and Pb. Outdoor air showed levels of chlorinated solvents ranging from






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intestinal strongyles are common helminths of donkeys, in which they may be responsible for disease and poor performance. This study aimed to identify intestinal strongyle genera in 55 naturally infected donkeys from three different farm typologies in Tuscany, central Italy, using morphological and metrical analysis of third stage larvae (L3) obtained from faecal cultures. Larvae were identified using two previous reported morphological identification keys. Moreover, eggs per gram (EPG) data were also evaluated to assess differences, if any, according to the farm typology, sex, and age of the examined donkeys. The results showed that small strongyles were prevalent in all donkey farms. In all examined farms, most (92-100%) of L3 were identified as cyathostomin species of the genera Cylicocyclus spp. and Cylicostephanus spp. Large strongyles of the genera Strongylus spp. and Triodontophorus spp., were identified at low percentage (8%), only in the single organic farm included in the study. A high agreement was observed between the two different morphometric keys used. No significant differences were found for EPG according to farm typology, and sex and age from the examined donkeys. This is the first report about genera identification of intestinal strongyles infecting donkeys in Tuscany, Italy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blood transfusion reactions and neonatal isoerythrolysis are common events in the feline population due to the presence of natural alloantibodies in the AB blood group system. It is known that the frequency of feline blood types varies according to the geographic region and breed. Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of AB blood groups in non-pedigree domestic cats in Central Italy and estimate the risk of a life-threatening transfusion reaction and neonatal isoerythrolysis, caused by mismatched transfusion or incompatible random mating, respectively. The AB blood group was determined on non-pedigree domestic feline patients and potential blood donors submitted at the Veterinary Teaching Hospitals of the Universities of Teramo (Abruzzo Region, Teramo, Italy) and Perugia (Umbria Region, Teramo, Italy), and visited at veterinary practitioners in Rome (Lazio Region, Teramo, Italy) using commercial immunochromatographic cartridges and commercial agglutination cards. There were four hundred and eighty-three cats included in the study. The frequencies of the blood types were: 89.9% type A, 7.0% type B, and 3.1% type AB. The probability of an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction or a neonatal isoerythrolysis was 6.5%. Although the frequency of type B in non-pedigree domestic cats living in Central Italy was relatively low, to reduce the risk of fatal transfusion reactions, blood group typing is recommended before each transfusion.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The emergence of novel resistant markers hampers the efficacy of beta-lactam antibiotics to treat infections caused by micro-organisms carrying such resistances. This study investigated the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern, the carpapenem-associated determinants and the molecular epidemiology of Klebsiella pneumoniae showing a New Delhi (NDM) metallo-β-lactamase phenotype, isolated from a patient admitted to intensive care unit of the main hospital for acute care of Molise region, central Italy. Antimicrobial susceptibility was assessed for nineteen antibiotics by disc diffusion and agar dilution methods. Carbapenem-associated resistance determinants were detected through gene-specific amplifications, targeting blaNDM-1 , blaSHV and blaTEM , blaCTX-M , blaKPC , blaVIM , blaIMP , blaGES and blaOXA-48-lixe . Molecular characterization was carried out through multilocus sequence typing. The strain showed a multidrug resistant profile, and PCR and sequencing confirmed the presence of blaNDM-1 gene. Among the multiple resistance-associated determinants tested, the isolate, which was assigned to the sequence type ST11, only harboured blaSHV and blaTEM genes. This is the first report of NDM-1 variant in the regional healthcare setting for acute patients, raising significant concerns about the increase in the antimicrobials resistance spread through a different mechanism from the endemic KPC carbapenemase, and underlining the circulation of a virulent clone never identified before in this area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Free-ranging corvids-678 magpies (Pica pica) and 120 hooded crows (Corvus cornix) from nine protected areas of the Pisa province (central Italy)-were examined for Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella pseudospiralis. The intracardiac blood clots from 651 magpies and 120 hooded crows were serologically examined for T. gondii. The DNA extracted from the hearts of seropositive birds was then used to perform a nested PCR for the amplification of the T. gondii B1 gene and for genotyping for SAG genetic markers. Breast muscle samples from 678 magpies and 91 hooded crows were tested by an artificial digestion method for Trichinella. Data were statistically analyzed. Forty-five (5.8%-41 magpies and four hooded crows) out of the 771 examined animals scored seropositive for T. gondii, with titers ranging from 1:25 to 1:100. T. gondii DNA was detected in 15 of the 45 positive birds and T. gondii genotypes II and III were identified. No positivity for T. pseudospiralis was found. No significant differences between the two species of corvids and among the different areas of origin were observed for seropositivity to T. gondii. This is the first extensive study on both T. gondii and T. pseudospiralis in magpies and hooded crows, as well as the first detection of T. gondii SAG genotypes in magpies.






