Trigeminal Nerve

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: This case report describes the Marcus Gunn phenomenon (MGP), an infrequent type of congenital unwanted contractions of facial muscles that occurs in 4%-6% of patients with congenital ptosis. The defining characteristic of MGP is the affected eyelid lifting in a manner similar to the opening of the mouth.
    UNASSIGNED: It addresses a 45-year-old man who was examined in the dental clinic with a severely decayed tooth. He exhibited evidence of normal vision and synchronous movement of his lips and eyelid.
    UNASSIGNED: The conditions matched those of the autosomal dominant disorder with incomplete penetration, the MGP. The carious tooth was restored without the necessity for any surgical intervention.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient was given appropriate dental treatment without any surgical intervention for Marcus Gunn Syndrome.
    UNASSIGNED: After receiving routine fillings to treat dental caries, the patient stopped complaining of pain.
    UNASSIGNED: This case report reveals insight into a situation that has been speculated to be an example of neural redirection syndrome, in which impulses from the trigeminal nerve\'s motor unit are naturally redirected into the levator palpebrae superioris muscles of the upper eyelid and the superior pterygoid muscle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently developed optogenetic technology, which allows high-fidelity control of neuronal activity, has been applied to investigate the neural circuits underlying sensory processing and behavior. The nasal cavity is innervated by the olfactory nerve and trigeminal nerve, which are closely related to common symptoms of rhinitis, such as impairment of smell, itching, and sneezing. The olfactory system has an amazing ability to distinguish thousands of odorant molecules at trace levels. However, there are many issues in olfactory sensing mechanisms that need to be addressed. Optogenetics offers a novel technical approach to solve this dilemma. Therefore, we review the recent advances in olfactory optogenetics to clarify the mechanisms of chemical sensing, which may help identify the mechanism of dysfunction and suggest possible treatments for impaired smell. Additionally, in rhinitis patients, alterations in the other nerve (trigeminal nerve) that innervates the nasal cavity can lead to hyperresponsiveness to various nociceptive stimuli and central sensitization, causing frequent and persistent itching and sneezing. In the last several years, the application of optogenetics in regulating nociceptive receptors, which are distributed in sensory nerve endings, and amino acid receptors, which are distributed in vital brain regions, to alleviate overreaction to nociceptive stimuli, has gained significant attention. Therefore, we focus on the progress in optogenetics and its application in neuromodulation of nociceptive stimuli and discuss the potential clinical translation for treating rhinitis in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The olfactory and trigeminal system are closely interlinked. Existing literature has primarily focused on characterizing trigeminal stimulation through mechanical and chemical stimulation, neglecting thermal stimulation thus far. The present study aimed to characterize the intranasal sensitivity to heat and the expression of trigeminal receptors (transient receptor potential channels, TRP).
    METHODS: A total of 20 healthy participants (aged 21-27 years, 11 women) were screened for olfactory function and trigeminal sensitivity using several tests. Under endoscopic control, a thermal stimulator was placed in 7 intranasal locations: anterior septum, lateral vestibulum, interior nose tip, lower turbinate, middle septum, middle turbinate, and olfactory cleft to determine the thermal threshold. Nasal swabs were obtained in 3 different locations (anterior septum, middle turbinate, olfactory cleft) to analyze the expression of trigeminal receptors TRP: TRPV1, TRPV3, TRPA1, TRPM8.
    RESULTS: The thermal threshold differed between locations (p = 0.018), with a trend for a higher threshold at the anterior septum (p = 0.092). There were no differences in quantitative receptor expression (p = 0.46) at the different sites. The highest overall receptor RNA expression was detected for TRPV1 over all sites (p<0.001). The expression of TRPV3 was highest at the anterior septum compared to the middle turbinate or the olfactory cleft. The thermal sensitivity correlated with olfactory sensitivity and results from tests were related to trigeminal function like intensity ratings of ammonium, a questionnaire regarding trigeminal function, nasal patency, and CO2 thresholds. However, no correlation was found between receptor expression and psychophysical measures of trigeminal function.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provided the first insights about intranasal thermal sensitivity and suggested the presence of topographical differences in thermal thresholds. There was no correlation between thermal sensitivity and trigeminal mRNA receptor expression. However, thermal sensitivity was found to be associated with psychophysical measures of trigeminal and olfactory function.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Port-wine stains (PWSs), also called port-wine birthmarks or nevus flammeus, are hamartomatous vascular capillary malformations that clinically appear as erythematous areas on the buccal mucosa, vermilion border of the lip, gingiva, or pink to port-wine-colored patches on skin since birth and persist throughout life. On the face, they occur in the area supplied by the trigeminal nerve. PWSs have structural abnormalities of the intradermal capillaries. PWSs on the skin and oral mucosa contain ectatic capillaries in the dermis and submucosa, respectively. PWSs occur anywhere, and the oral mucosa is no exception. PWSs on the facial skin lead to cosmetic disfigurement and create social stigma. Clinically, PWSs start as flat, pink, or red patches and may darken, thicken, and develop nodules over time. The diagnosis of PWSs is primarily clinical. PWSs are complex vascular malformations with significant clinical, psychosocial, and therapeutic challenges. This article enlightens a series of cases of PWSs on the facial skin and capillary hemangioma on the gingiva, buccal mucosa, and lip diagnosed by a diascopy test, etiopathogenesis, differential diagnosis, and management of PWSs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) is an autosomal dominant tumor predisposition syndrome caused by mutations in the VHL gene. Patients with VHL are predisposed to developing numerous neoplasms, including central nervous system hemangioblastomas that typically arise within the cerebellum, brainstem, or spinal cord. The authors present the unusual case of a 69-year-old patient with a hemangioblastoma of the trigeminal nerve as his initial presentation of VHL.
    METHODS: A 69-year-old male presented with progressive right-sided V3 paresthesias, gait disturbance, and diplopia. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated an enhancing 0.5-cm nodule within the right trigeminal nerve and an associated peritumoral cyst exerting mass effect on the cerebral peduncle. Neural axis imaging demonstrated pia-based enhancing lesions concerning for multiple spinal hemangioblastomas. The patient underwent an uncomplicated retrosigmoid craniotomy for trigeminal nerve hemangioblastoma resection. The patient had postoperative improvement in his gait, diplopia, and facial paresthesias. Genetic testing revealed that the patient was heterozygous for a pathological mutation in the VHL gene.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hemangioblastomas in adults over 50 years of age should prompt a workup for VHL. Recognizing that cranial nerves are a possible site of hemangioblastoma occurrence is important for neurosurgeons and radiologists alike. Resection of cranial nerve hemangioblastomas is technically challenging but can lead to symptom improvement for patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We present a case of a 29-year-old male patient without immunodeficiency who suffered from rapid osteonecrosis and tooth exfoliation resulting from herpes zoster (HZ) infection in the left maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve. Various complications associated with shingles infections have been reported, cases of osteonecrosis and tooth exfoliation due to HZ infection among young people without immunodeficiency are rare. In this case, we focus on the particular manifestation of HZ infection.
    METHODS: The patient presented with clusters of erythema and papules, along with non-hemorrhagic blisters on the left face and the loss of the left upper incisor. All lesions were localized to the left side of the face without exceeding the midline. After receiving antibacterial and antiviral treatment, successful control over the infection was achieved; however, he experienced the loss of all upper teeth on the left side except for the first and second upper left molars.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case highlights that rapid osteonecrosis and tooth exfoliation may occur among young individuals without immunodeficiency after HZ infection. HZ infection of the face should be taken very seriously to obtain prompt treatment to prevent the rare complications of bone necrosis and tooth loss as much as possible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, we investigated the blink reflex (BR) after simultaneous and asynchronous stimulation of two trigeminal nerve branches. The objective was to characterize the physiology of trigeminal and facial circuits.
    UNASSIGNED: We performed three sets of experiments: recording BR response i. after supraorbital nerve stimulation (SON), after mental nerve stimulation (MN), and after simultaneous SON and MN stimulation (SON+MN) in 18 healthy individuals; ii. after MN (at an intensity eliciting BR response) preceding SON at various interstimulus intervals (ISIs) in seven healthy subjects; iii after MN (at sensory threshold) preceding SON at various ISIs. We compared the magnitudes of early and late responses.
    UNASSIGNED: The R1 amplitude after simultaneous SON+MN stimulation was greater than responses after single stimulation of the same branches. After simultaneous stimulations, the R2 and R2c areas under the curve (AUC) were smaller than the arithmetic sums of R2 and R2c AUC obtained after single stimulations. The second experiment provided a recovery excitability curve. In the third step, we obtained facilitation of R1 and inhibition of late responses.
    UNASSIGNED: The SON+MN stimulation caused an increased R1 circuit excitability compared to the arithmetic sum of the single stimulations; however, magnitudes of late responses did not potentiate. Thus, we have provided evidence for R1 circuit enhancement by simultaneous stimulation in humans, whereas modulation of late responses exhibited a recovery curve similar to that shown for paired SON stimulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The trigeminocardiac reflex (TCR) has traditionally been characterized by a sudden decrease in heart rate, asystole, or hypotension during the manipulation of the trigeminal nerve (MTN) or its branches. While this classical TCR is well-documented, there is limited literature on alternative forms of TCR, such as the development of intraoperative hypertension (HTN) or tachycardia, and the underlying pathogenesis. Furthermore, a gap exists in understanding the correlation between intraoperative blood pressure readings and postoperative outcomes, particularly regarding pain relief in patients with trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Our study aims to examine intraoperative blood pressure trends during microvascular decompression (MVD) for TN and assess their impact on postoperative outcomes.
    METHODS: We selected 90 patients who underwent MVD for TN treatment. Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded both preoperatively and during the procedure, specifically during the MTN period, using an arterial line. The Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI) Pain Scale was calculated for all patients both pre- and post-operatively to evaluate pain relief after surgery.
    RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 61.0 ± 12.35 years, with 64.4% being females. Classical TCR (hypotension) was observed in only 2.2% of patients, whereas 80% of patients developed hypertension (≥ 140/90) during MTN. The mean preoperative systolic blood pressure was 128 ± 22.25, and the mean intraoperative systolic blood pressure during MTN was 153.1 ± 20.2. An analysis of covariance, utilizing either preoperative BNI or duration of symptoms as covariate variables, revealed a statistically significant association between intraoperative HTN and postoperative BNI. A linear regression model demonstrated that intraoperative HTN following MTN significantly predicted a lower postoperative BNI score (p = 0.006).
    CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative HTN during MTN, an observed yet underexplored phenomenon, demonstrated a correlation with improved postoperative outcomes. Furthermore, it is recommended to conduct additional investigations into potential neurovascular conflicts in patients not manifesting intraoperative HTN following MTN. A comprehensive understanding of TCR, encompassing its various forms, is vital for optimizing surgical management. This study underscores the imperative for further research to unravel the mechanisms linking intraoperative HTN to surgical outcomes in TN patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The varicella-zoster virus reactivates to cause the \"herpes zoster\" (HZ). \'\'Varicella-zoster virus\'\' (VZV) termed as \'\'HHV-3\'\' or \'\'human herpesvirus-3\'\' infection causes herpes zoster. Varicella, the primary form of the virus, is chickenpox, and the secondary form of the virus is herpes zoster also called shingles. During prior chicken pox episodes, this virus enters the body through cutaneous nerve endings and becomes dormant in the dorsal root ganglia. It sometimes affects the orofacial region and appears as unilaterally distributed burning pain, multiple, painful vesicular lesions, and ulcerations. Immunocompromised people are more likely to have disseminated zoster, which is defined as the involvement of three or more dermatomes. These are most likely to occur in elderly, immunocompromised patients, patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy, patients on immunosuppressants, and patients suffering from AIDS. This is a study of a male geriatric patient, aged 74 years, who reported unilateral pain, swelling, as well as multiple ulcerations on the left side of his face, extraorally as well as intraorally. The case was diagnosed as a herpes zoster infection involving V1 and V2 dermatome of the trigeminal nerve.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This is a case of a 63-year-old female with post-COVID-19 unilateral upper lip pain and numbness. Neurologic examination did not reveal any deficits other than deficits on pinprick in the maxillary division (V2) of the left trigeminal nerve. Brain neuroimaging showed signs of acute inflammation of the left maxillary sinus. Neuropraxia of the infraorbital nerve, a branch of the trigeminal nerve, was the diagnosis considered. Reports on trigeminal neurosensory changes following acute sinusitis are few, and isolated trigeminal neuropathy is rare except in cases of dental disorders. Up to this writing, there have been no reports on post-COVID-19 unilateral upper lip numbness and pain. This study will also serve as a concise review on the correlative neuroanatomy of the trigeminal nerve.





