
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A wearable potentiometric device is reported based on an innovative butterfly-like paper-based microfluidic system, allowing for continuous monitoring of pH and Na+ levels in sweat during physical activity. Specifically, the use of the butterfly-like configuration avoids evaporation phenomena and memory effects, enabling precise and timely biomarker determination in sweat. Two ad hoc modified screen-printed electrodes were embedded in the butterfly-like paper-based microfluidics, and the sensing device was further integrated with a portable and miniaturized potentiostat, leveraging Bluetooth technology for efficient data transmission. First, the paper-based microfluidic configuration was tested for optimal fluidic management to obtain optimized performance of the device. Subsequently, the two electrodes were individually tested to detect the two biomarkers, namely pH and Na+. The results demonstrated highly promising near-Nernstian (0.056 ± 0.002 V/dec) and super-Nernstian (- 0.080 ± 0.003 V/pH) responses, for Na+ and pH detection, respectively. Additionally, several important parameters such as storage stability, interferents, and memory effect by hysteresis study were also investigated. Finally, the butterfly-like paper-based microfluidic wearable device was tested for Na+ and pH monitoring during the physical activity of three volunteers engaged in different exercises, obtaining a good correlation between Na+ increase and dehydration phenomena. Furthermore, one volunteer was tested through a cardiopulmonary test, demonstrating a correlation between sodium Na+ increase and the energetic effort by the volunteer. Our wearable device highlights the high potential to enable early evaluation of dehydration and open up new opportunities in sports activity monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study established a novel infield sensing approach based on detection of the volatile compound markers in skin secretions. This was based on analysis of volatile compounds in axillary sweat samples collected from RT-PCR-proven Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) positive and negative populations using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The analysis proposed the possible markers of the monoaromatic compounds and ethyl hexyl acrylate. A portable photo ionization detector (PID) incorporated with the selective material towards the marker compounds was then developed with the pressurized injection approach. This provided the accuracy of 100% in the research phase (n = 125). The developed approach was then applied for screening of 2207 COVID-19 related cases covering the periods of the Alpha, Beta, Delta and Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Bangkok, Thailand. This offered the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy ranges of 92-99, 93-98 and 95-97%, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrodermal activity (EDA) is a widely used psychophysiological measurement in laboratory-based studies. In recent times, these measurements have seen a transfer from the laboratory to wearable devices due to the simplicity of EDA measurement as well as modern electronics. However, proper conditions for EDA measurement are recommended once wearable devices are used, and the ambient conditions may influence such measurements. It is not completely known how different types of ambient noise impact EDA measurement and how this translates to wearable EDA measurement. Therefore, this study explored the effects of various noise disturbances on the generation of EDA responses using a system for the simultaneous recording of all measures of EDA, i.e., skin conductance responses (SCRs), skin susceptance responses (SSRs), and skin potential responses (SPRs), at the same skin site. The SCRs, SSRs, and SPRs due to five types of noise stimuli at different sound pressure levels (70, 75, 80, 85, and 90 dB) were measured from 40 participants. The obtained results showed that EDA responses were generated at all levels and that the EDA response magnitudes were significantly (p < 0.001) influenced by the increasing noise levels. Different types of environmental noise may elicit EDA responses and influence wearable recordings outside the laboratory, where such noises are more likely than in standardized laboratory tests. Depending on the application, it is recommended to prevent these types of unwanted variation, presenting a challenge for the quality of wearable EDA measurement in real-world conditions. Future developments to shorten the quality gap between standardized laboratory-based and wearable EDA measurements may include adding microphone sensors and algorithms to detect, classify, and process the noise-related EDA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The urgent need for real-time and noninvasive monitoring of health-associated biochemical parameters has motivated the development of wearable sweat sensors. Existing electrochemical sensors show promise in real-time analysis of various chemical biomarkers. These sensors often rely on labels and redox probes to generate and amplify the signals for the detection and quantification of analytes with limited sensitivity. In this study, we introduce a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)-based biochemical sensor to quantify a molecular biomarker in sweat using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, which eliminates the need for labels or redox probes. The molecularly imprinted biosensor can achieve sensitive and specific detection of cortisol at concentrations as low as 1 pM, 1000-fold lower than previously reported MIP cortisol sensors. We integrated multimodal electrochemical sensors with an iontophoresis sweat extraction module and paper microfluidics for real-time sweat analysis. Several parameters can be simultaneously quantified, including sweat volume, secretion rate, sodium ion, and cortisol concentration. Paper microfluidic modules not only quantify sweat volume and secretion rate but also facilitate continuous sweat analysis without user intervention. While we focus on cortisol sensing as a proof-of-concept, the molecularly imprinted wearable sensors can be extended to real-time detection of other biochemicals, such as protein biomarkers and therapeutic drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A simple method for determining the anaerobic threshold in patients with heart failure (HF) is needed. This prospective clinical trial (LacS-001) aimed to investigate the safety of a sweat lactate-monitoring sensor and the correlation between lactate threshold in sweat (sLT) and ventilatory threshold (VT). To this end, we recruited 50 patients with HF and New York Heart Association functional classification I-II (mean age: 63.5 years, interquartile range: 58.0-72.0). Incremental exercise tests were conducted while monitoring sweat lactate levels using our sensor. sLT was defined as the first steep increase in lactate levels from baseline. Primary outcome measures were a correlation coefficient of ≥ 0.6 between sLT and VT, similarities as assessed by the Bland-Altman analysis, and standard deviation of the difference within 15 W. A correlation coefficient of 0.651 (95% confidence interval, 0.391-0.815) was achieved in 32/50 cases. The difference between sLT and VT was -4.9 ± 15.0 W. No comparative error was noted in the Bland-Altman plot. No device-related adverse events were reported among the registered patients. Our sweat lactate sensor is safe and accurate for detecting VT in patients with HF in clinical settings, thereby offering valuable additional information for treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since assessing aerobic capacity is key to enhancing swimming performance, a simple and widely applicable technology should be developed. Therefore, we aimed to noninvasively visualize real-time changes in sweat lactate (sLA) levels during swimming and investigate the relationship between lactate thresholds in sweat (sLT) and blood (bLT). This prospective study included 24 university swimmers (age: 20.7 s ± 1.8 years, 58% male) who underwent exercise tests at incremental speeds with or without breaks in a swimming flume to measure heart rate (HR), bLT, and sLT based on sLA levels using a waterproof wearable lactate sensor attached to the dorsal upper arm on two different days. The correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman methods were used to verify the similarities of the sLT with bLT and personal performance. In all tests, dynamic changes in sLA levels were continuously measured and projected onto the wearable device without delay, artifacts, or contamination. Following an initial minimal current response, with increasing speed the sLA levels increased substantially, coinciding with a continuous rise in HR. The speed at sLT strongly correlated with that at bLT (p < 0.01 and r = 0.824). The Bland-Altman plot showed a strong agreement (mean difference: 0.08 ± 0.1 m/s). This prospective study achieved real-time sLA monitoring during swimming, even with vigorous movement. The sLT closely approximated bLT; both were subsequently validated for their relevance to performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-invasive continuous health monitoring has become feasible with the advancement of biosensors. While monitoring certain biomarkers such as heart rate or skin temperature are now at a certain maturity, monitoring molecular biomarkers is still challenging. Progress has been shown in sampling, measurement, and interpretation of data toward non-invasive molecular sensors that can be integrated into daily wearable items. Toward this goal, this paper explores the potential of embroidered interdigitated transducer (IDT)-based sensors for non-invasive, continuous monitoring of human biomarkers, particularly glucose levels, in human sweat. The study employs innovative embroidery techniques to create flexible fabric-based sensors with gold-coated IDTs. In controlled experiments, we have shown the variation of glucose concentration in water can be wirelessly detected by tracking the resonant frequency of the embroidered sensors. The current sensors operate at 1.8 GHz to 2 GHz and respond to the change in glucose concentration with a sensitivity of 0.17 MHz/(mg/dL). The embroidered IDT-based sensors with wireless sensing will be a new measurement modality for molecular wearable sensors. The establishment of a wireless sensing mechanism for embroidered IDT-based sensors will be followed by an investigation of sweat for molecular detection. This will require adding functionalities for sampling and interpretation of acquired data. We envisage the embroidered IDT-based sensors offer a unique approach for seamless integration into clothing, paving the way for personalised, continuous health data capture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Allergy and its manifestations were first appreciated in the 1870 s. Today, the mechanism by which specific substances elicit allergic reactions remains poorly understood. This is problematic from a healthcare perspective because the prevalence of allergic disease and its societal costs are substantial. Regarding mechanistic understanding of allergy, a new proposal, The Acari Hypothesis, has been forwarded. The Hypothesis, borne from consideration of alpha-gal syndrome, postulates that acarians, i.e., mites and ticks, are operative agents of allergy. By way of their pathogenic payloads and salivary pattern recognition receptor(s), acarians potentiate in human hosts the generation of IgE against acarian dietary elements. Those elements account for most, if not all, known human allergens. Inasmuch as acarian-human interactions occur on human epithelial surfaces, it is to be expected factors that influence the presence and/or operation of acarians on those surfaces influence the expression of allergic diseases. In this report, it is proposed that two adaptations of catarrhine primates, i.e., Old World monkeys, apes and humans, evolved to deter acarian species: firstly, the expansion of eccrine glands across the entirety of body surface area, and, secondly, the secretion of sweat by those glands. Contemporary hygienic practices that reduce and/or disrupt the operation of eccrine glands are likely responsible for the increase in allergic disease seen today.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rich biological information in sweat provides great potential for health monitoring and management. However, due to the complexity of sweat, the development of environmentally friendly green electronic products is of great significance to the construction of ecological civilization. This study utilized a simple combination of polystyrene sulfonate sodium (PSS) and filter paper (FP) to prepare cellulose materials coated with conductive polymers, developing an electrochemical sensor based on the modified materials. The mechanical and electrochemical properties of the fabricated PSS/FP membrane were optimized by adjusting the feeding dosage of PSS. The realized PSS/FP composite containing 7% PSS displayed good conductivity (9.1 × 10-2 S/m), reducing electric resistance by 99.2% compared with the original FP membrane (6.7 × 10-4 S/m). The stable current of the membrane in simulated sweat under different pH environments is highly correlated with the pH values. Additionally, when the membrane is exposed to simulated sweat with varying ion concentrations, the current signal changes in real time with the concentration variations. The response time averages around 0.3 s.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A microfluidic sweat monitoring patch that collects human sweat for a long time is designed to achieve the effect of detecting the rise and fall of human sweat glucose over a long period of time by increasing the use time of a single patch. Five collection pools, four serpentine channels, and two different valves are provided. Among them, the three-dimensional valve has a large burst pressure as a balance between the internal and external air pressures of the patch. The bursting pressure of the two-dimensional diverter valve is smaller than that of the three-dimensional gas valve, and its role is to control the flow direction of the liquid. Through plasma hydrophilic treatment of different durations, the optimal hydrophilic duration is obtained. The embedded chromogenic disc detects the sweat glucose value at two adjacent time intervals and compares the information of the human body to increase or reduce glucose. The patch has good flexibility and can fit well with human skin, and because polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) has good light transmission, it reduces the measurement error caused by the color-taking process and makes the detection results more accurate.





