Substitution rates

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Independent origins of carnivory in multiple angiosperm families are fabulous examples of convergent evolution using a diverse array of life forms and habitats. Previous studies have indicated that carnivorous plants have distinct evolutionary trajectories of plastid genome (plastome) compared to their non-carnivorous relatives, yet the extent and general characteristics remain elusive.
    RESULTS: We compared plastomes from 9 out of 13 carnivorous families and their non-carnivorous relatives to assess carnivory-associated evolutionary patterns. We identified inversions in all sampled Droseraceae species and four species of Utricularia, Pinguicula, Darlingtonia and Triphyophyllum. A few carnivores showed distinct shifts in inverted repeat boundaries and the overall repeat contents. Many ndh genes, along with some other genes, were independently lost in several carnivorous lineages. We detected significant substitution rate variations in most sampled carnivorous lineages. A significant overall substitution rate acceleration characterizes the two largest carnivorous lineages of Droseraceae and Lentibulariaceae. We also observe moderate substitution rates acceleration in many genes of Cephalotus follicularis, Roridula gorgonias, and Drosophyllum lusitanicum. However, only a few genes exhibit significant relaxed selection.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the carnivory of plants have different effects on plastome evolution across carnivorous lineages. The complex mechanism under carnivorous habitats may have resulted in distinctive plastome evolution with conserved plastome in the Brocchinia hechtioides to strongly reconfigured plastomes structures in Droseraceae. Organic carbon obtained from prey and the efficiency of utilizing prey-derived nutrients might constitute possible explanation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coding sequence evolution is influenced by both natural selection and neutral evolutionary forces. In many species, the effects of mutation bias, codon usage, and GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC) on gene sequence evolution have not been detailed. Quantification of how these forces shape substitution patterns is therefore necessary to understand the strength and direction of natural selection. Here, we used comparative genomics to investigate the association between base composition and codon usage bias on gene sequence evolution in butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), including an in-depth analysis of underlying patterns and processes in one species, Leptidea sinapis. The data revealed significant G/C to A/T substitution bias at third codon position with some variation in the strength among different butterfly lineages. However, the substitution bias was lower than expected from previously estimated mutation rate ratios, partly due to the influence of gBGC. We found that A/T-ending codons were overrepresented in most species, but there was a positive association between the magnitude of codon usage bias and GC-content in third codon positions. In addition, the tRNA-gene population in L. sinapis showed higher GC-content at third codon positions compared to coding sequences in general and less overrepresentation of A/T-ending codons. There was an inverse relationship between synonymous substitutions and codon usage bias indicating selection on synonymous sites. We conclude that the evolutionary rate in Lepidoptera is affected by a complex interaction between underlying G/C -> A/T mutation bias and partly counteracting fixation biases, predominantly conferred by overall purifying selection, gBGC, and selection on codon usage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mitochondrial genomes of Bilateria are relatively conserved in their protein-coding, rRNA, and tRNA gene complement, but the order of these genes can range from very conserved to very variable depending on the taxon. The supposedly conserved gene order of Annelida has been used to support the placement of some taxa within Annelida. Recently, authors have cast doubts on the conserved nature of the annelid gene order. Various factors may influence gene order variability including, among others, increased substitution rates, base composition differences, structure of noncoding regions, parasitism, living in extreme habitats, short generation times, and biomineralization. However, these analyses were neither done systematically nor based on well-established reference trees. Several focused on only a few of these factors and biological factors were usually explored ad-hoc without rigorous testing or correlation analyses. Herein, we investigated the variability and evolution of the annelid gene order and the factors that potentially influenced its evolution, using a comprehensive and systematic approach. The analyses were based on 170 genomes, including 33 previously unrepresented species. Our analyses included 706 different molecular properties, 20 life-history and ecological traits, and a reference tree corresponding to recent improvements concerning the annelid tree. The results showed that the gene order with and without tRNAs is generally conserved. However, individual taxa exhibit higher degrees of variability. None of the analyzed life-history and ecological traits explained the observed variability across mitochondrial gene orders. In contrast, the combination and interaction of the best-predicting factors for substitution rate and base composition explained up to 30% of the observed variability. Accordingly, correlation analyses of different molecular properties of the mitochondrial genomes showed an intricate network of direct and indirect correlations between the different molecular factors. Hence, gene order evolution seems to be driven by molecular evolutionary aspects rather than by life history or ecology. On the other hand, variability of the gene order does not predict if a taxon is difficult to place in molecular phylogenetic reconstructions using sequence data or not. We also discuss the molecular properties of annelid mitochondrial genomes considering canonical views on gene evolution and potential reasons why the canonical views do not always fit to the observed patterns without making some adjustments. [Annelida; compositional biases; ecology; gene order; life history; macroevolution; mitochondrial genomes; substitution rates.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With some 7300 species of small nonvascular spore-producing plants, liverworts represent one of the major lineages of land plants. Although multi-locus molecular phylogenetic studies have elucidated relationships of liverworts at different taxonomic categories, the backbone phylogeny of liverworts is still to be fully resolved, especially for the placement of Ptilidiales and the relationships within Jungermanniales and Marchantiales. Here, we provided phylogenomic inferences of liverworts based on 42 newly sequenced and 24 published liverwort plastid genomes representing all but two orders of liverworts, and characterized the evolution of the plastome in liverworts. The structure of the plastid genome is overall conserved across the phylogeny of liverworts, with only two structural variants detected from simple thalloids, besides 18 out of 43 liverwort genera showing intron variations in their plastomes. Complex thalloid liverworts maintain the most plastid genes, and seem to undergo fewer gene deletions and pseudogenization events than other liverworts. Plastid phylogenetic inferences yielded mostly robustly supported relationships, and consistently resolved Ptilidiales as the sister to Porellales. The relative ratio of silent substitutions across the three genetic compartments (i.e., 1:15:10, for mitochondrial:plastid:nuclear) suggests that liverwort plastid genes have the potential to evolve faster than their nuclear counterparts, unlike in any other major land plant lineages where the mutation rate of nuclear genes overwhelm those of their plastid and mitochondrial counterparts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We assembled the plastome of the temperate, Southern Hemisphere liana Muehlenbeckia australis from high throughput sequencing data (paired-end Illumina reads) generated from total genomic DNA sequencing libraries. M. australis\' chloroplast genome sequence (GenBank: MG604297) is 163,484 bp in length and composed of long single copy (LSC; 88,166 bp) and short single copy (SSC; 13,486 bp) regions flanked by inverted repeats (IR; 30,916 bp each) typical for angiosperms. The plastome includes 131 genes comprising 83 protein-coding genes, 37 transfer RNA genes, eight ribosomal RNA genes, two possible pseudogenes, psbL and rpl23 with internal stop codons, and truncated repeats of ndhF and rps19 at IR boundaries.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyanophora is the glaucophyte model taxon. Following the sequencing of the nuclear genome of C. paradoxa, studies based on single organelle and nuclear molecular markers revealed previously unrecognized species diversity within this glaucophyte genus. Here, we present the complete plastid (ptDNA) and mitochondrial (mtDNA) genomes of C. kugrensii, C. sudae, and C. biloba. The respective sizes and coding capacities of both ptDNAs and mtDNAs are conserved among Cyanophora species with only minor differences due to specific gene duplications. Organelle phylogenomic analyses consistently recover the species C. kugrensii and C. paradoxa as a clade and C. sudae and C. biloba as a separate group. The phylogenetic affiliations of the four Cyanophora species are consistent with architectural similarities shared at the organelle genomic level. Genetic distance estimations from both organelle sequences are also consistent with phylogenetic and architecture evidence. Comparative analyses confirm that the Cyanophora mitochondrial genes accumulate substitutions at 3-fold higher rates than plastid counterparts, suggesting that mtDNA markers are more appropriate to investigate glaucophyte diversity and evolutionary events that occur at a population level. The study of complete organelle genomes is becoming the standard for species delimitation and is particularly relevant to study cryptic diversity in microbial groups.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Do interactions between residues in a protein (i.e., epistasis) significantly alter evolutionary dynamics? If so, what consequences might they have on inference from traditional codon substitution models which assume site-independence for the sake of computational tractability? To investigate the effects of epistasis on substitution rates, we employed a mechanistic mutation-selection model in conjunction with a fitness framework derived from protein stability. We refer to this as the stability-informed site-dependent (S-SD) model and developed a new stability-informed site-independent (S-SI) model that captures the average effect of stability constraints on individual sites of a protein. Comparison of S-SI and S-SD offers a novel and direct method for investigating the consequences of stability-induced epistasis on protein evolution. We developed S-SI and S-SD models for three natural proteins and showed that they generate sequences consistent with real alignments. Our analyses revealed that epistasis tends to increase substitution rates compared with the rates under site-independent evolution. We then assessed the epistatic sensitivity of individual site and discovered a counterintuitive effect: Highly connected sites were less influenced by epistasis relative to exposed sites. Lastly, we show that, despite the unrealistic assumptions, traditional models perform comparably well in the presence and absence of epistasis and provide reasonable summaries of average selection intensities. We conclude that epistatic models are critical to understanding protein evolutionary dynamics, but epistasis might not be required for reasonable inference of selection pressure when averaging over time and sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We sequenced the mitochondrial genome of six colonial volvocine algae, namely: Pandorina morum, Pandorina colemaniae, Volvulina compacta, Colemanosphaera angeleri, Colemanosphaera charkowiensi, and Yamagishiella unicocca. Previous studies have typically reconstructed the phylogenetic relationship between colonial volvocine algae based on chloroplast or nuclear genes. Here, we explore the validity of phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial protein-coding genes. We found phylogenetic incongruence of the genera Yamagishiella and Colemanosphaera. In Yamagishiella, the stochastic error and linkage group formed by the mitochondrial protein-coding genes prevent phylogenetic analyses from reflecting the true relationship. In Colemanosphaera, a different reconstruction approach revealed a different phylogenetic relationship. This incongruence may be because of the influence of biological factors, such as incomplete lineage sorting or horizontal gene transfer. We also analyzed the substitution rates in the mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes between colonial volvocine algae. Our results showed that all volvocine species showed significantly higher substitution rates for the mitochondrial genome compared with the chloroplast genome. The nonsynonymous substitution (dN)/synonymous substitution (dS) ratio is similar in the genomes of both organelles in most volvocine species, suggesting that the two counterparts are under a similar selection pressure. We also identified a few chloroplast protein-coding genes that showed high dN/dS ratios in some species, resulting in a significant dN/dS ratio difference between the mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How insects combat RNA virus infection is a subject of intensive research owing to its importance in insect health, virus evolution, and disease transmission. In recent years, a pair of potentially linked phenomena have come to light as a result of this work-first, the pervasive production of viral DNA from exogenous nonretroviral RNA in infected individuals, and second, the widespread distribution of nonretroviral integrated RNA virus sequences (NIRVs) in the genomes of diverse eukaryotes. The evolutionary consequences of NIRVs for viruses are unclear and the field would benefit from studies of natural virus infections co-occurring with recent integrations, an exceedingly rare circumstance in the literature. Here, we provide evidence that a novel insect-infecting phasmavirus (Order Bunyavirales) has been persisting in a phantom midge host, Chaoborus americanus, for millions of years. Interestingly, the infection persists despite the host\'s acquisition (during the Pliocene), fixation, and expression of the viral nucleoprotein gene. We show that virus prevalence and geographic distribution are high and broad, comparable to the host-specific infections reported in other phantom midges. Short-read mapping analyses identified a lower abundance of the nucleoprotein-encoding genome segment in this virus relative to related viruses. Finally, the novel virus has facilitated the first substitution rate estimation for insect-infecting phasmaviruses. Over a period of approximately 16 million years, we find rates of (0.6 - 1.6) × 10-7 substitutions per site per year in protein coding genes, extraordinarily low for negative-sense RNA viruses, but consistent with the few estimates produced over comparable evolutionary timescales.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the post-genomic era, much of phylogenetic analyses still relies on mitochondrial DNA, either alone or in combination with few nuclear genes. Although this approach often makes it possible to construct well-supported trees, it is limited because mtDNA describes the history of a single locus, and nuclear phylogenies based on a few loci may be biased, leading to inaccurate tree topologies and biased estimations of species divergence time. In this study, we perform a phylogenomic analysis of the Daphniidae family (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) including some of the most frequently studied model organisms (Daphnia magna and D. pulex) whose phylogenetic relationships have been based primarily on an assessment of a few mtDNA genes. Using high-throughput sequencing, we were able to assemble 38 whole mitochondrial genomes and draft nuclear genomes for 18 species, including at least one species for each known genus of the family Daphniidae. Here we present phylogenies based on 636 nuclear single-copy genes shared among all sampled taxa and based on whole mtDNA genomes. The phylogenies we obtained were highly supported and showed some discrepancies between nuclear and mtDNA based trees at deeper nodes. We also identified a new candidate sister lineage of Daphnia magna. Our time-calibrated genomic trees, which we constructed using both fossil records and substitution rates, yielded very different estimates of branching event times compared to those based on mtDNA. By providing multi-locus, fossil-calibrated trees of the Daphniidae, our study contributes to an improved phylogenetic framework for ecological and evolutionary studies that use water fleas as a model system.





