Substitution rates

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Independent origins of carnivory in multiple angiosperm families are fabulous examples of convergent evolution using a diverse array of life forms and habitats. Previous studies have indicated that carnivorous plants have distinct evolutionary trajectories of plastid genome (plastome) compared to their non-carnivorous relatives, yet the extent and general characteristics remain elusive.
    RESULTS: We compared plastomes from 9 out of 13 carnivorous families and their non-carnivorous relatives to assess carnivory-associated evolutionary patterns. We identified inversions in all sampled Droseraceae species and four species of Utricularia, Pinguicula, Darlingtonia and Triphyophyllum. A few carnivores showed distinct shifts in inverted repeat boundaries and the overall repeat contents. Many ndh genes, along with some other genes, were independently lost in several carnivorous lineages. We detected significant substitution rate variations in most sampled carnivorous lineages. A significant overall substitution rate acceleration characterizes the two largest carnivorous lineages of Droseraceae and Lentibulariaceae. We also observe moderate substitution rates acceleration in many genes of Cephalotus follicularis, Roridula gorgonias, and Drosophyllum lusitanicum. However, only a few genes exhibit significant relaxed selection.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the carnivory of plants have different effects on plastome evolution across carnivorous lineages. The complex mechanism under carnivorous habitats may have resulted in distinctive plastome evolution with conserved plastome in the Brocchinia hechtioides to strongly reconfigured plastomes structures in Droseraceae. Organic carbon obtained from prey and the efficiency of utilizing prey-derived nutrients might constitute possible explanation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Plastomes of heterotrophic plants have been greatly altered in structure and gene content, owing to the relaxation of selection on photosynthesis-related genes. The orchid tribe Gastrodieae is the largest and probably the oldest mycoheterotrophic clade of the extant family Orchidaceae. To characterize plastome evolution across members of this key important mycoheterotrophic lineage, we sequenced and analyzed the plastomes of eleven Gastrodieae members, including representative species of two genera, as well as members of the sister group Nervilieae.
    RESULTS: The plastomes of Gastrodieae members contain 20 protein-coding, four rRNA and five tRNA genes. Evolutionary analysis indicated that all rrn genes were transferred laterally and together, forming an rrn block in the plastomes of Gastrodieae. The plastome GC content of Gastrodia species ranged from 23.10% (G. flexistyla) to 25.79% (G. javanica). The plastome of Didymoplexis pallens contains two copies each of ycf1 and ycf2. The synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates were very high in the plastomes of Gastrodieae among mycoheterotrophic species in Orchidaceae and varied between genes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The plastomes of Gastrodieae are greatly reduced and characterized by low GC content, rrn block formation, lineage-specific reconfiguration and gene content, which might be positively selected. Overall, the plastomes of Gastrodieae not only serve as an excellent model for illustrating the evolution of plastomes but also provide new insights into plastome evolution in parasitic plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considering the phylogenetic differences in the taxonomic framework of the Chaetophorales as determined by the use of nuclear molecular markers or chloroplast genes, the current study was the first to use phylotranscriptomic analyses comparing the transcriptomes of 12 Chaetophorales algal species. The results showed that a total of 240,133 gene families and 143 single-copy orthogroups were identified. Based on the single-copy orthogroups, supergene analysis and the coalescent-based approach were adopted to perform phylotranscriptomic analysis of the Chaetophorales. The phylogenetic relationships of most species were consistent with those of phylogenetic analyses based on the chloroplast genome data rather than nuclear molecular markers. The Schizomeriaceae and the Aphanochaetaceae clustered into a well-resolved basal clade in the Chaetophorales by either strategy. Evolutionary analyses of divergence time and substitution rate also revealed that the closest relationships existed between the Schizomeriaceae and Aphanochaetaceae. All species in the Chaetophorales exhibited a large number of expanded and contracted gene families, in particular the common ancestor of the Schizomeriaceae and Aphanochaetaceae. The only terrestrial alga, Fritschiella tuberosa, had the greatest number of expanded gene families, which were associated with increased fatty acid biosynthesis. Phylotranscriptomic and evolutionary analyses all robustly identified the unique taxonomic relationship of Chaetophorales consistent with chloroplast genome data, proving the advantages of high-throughput data in phylogeny.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With some 7300 species of small nonvascular spore-producing plants, liverworts represent one of the major lineages of land plants. Although multi-locus molecular phylogenetic studies have elucidated relationships of liverworts at different taxonomic categories, the backbone phylogeny of liverworts is still to be fully resolved, especially for the placement of Ptilidiales and the relationships within Jungermanniales and Marchantiales. Here, we provided phylogenomic inferences of liverworts based on 42 newly sequenced and 24 published liverwort plastid genomes representing all but two orders of liverworts, and characterized the evolution of the plastome in liverworts. The structure of the plastid genome is overall conserved across the phylogeny of liverworts, with only two structural variants detected from simple thalloids, besides 18 out of 43 liverwort genera showing intron variations in their plastomes. Complex thalloid liverworts maintain the most plastid genes, and seem to undergo fewer gene deletions and pseudogenization events than other liverworts. Plastid phylogenetic inferences yielded mostly robustly supported relationships, and consistently resolved Ptilidiales as the sister to Porellales. The relative ratio of silent substitutions across the three genetic compartments (i.e., 1:15:10, for mitochondrial:plastid:nuclear) suggests that liverwort plastid genes have the potential to evolve faster than their nuclear counterparts, unlike in any other major land plant lineages where the mutation rate of nuclear genes overwhelm those of their plastid and mitochondrial counterparts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We sequenced the mitochondrial genome of six colonial volvocine algae, namely: Pandorina morum, Pandorina colemaniae, Volvulina compacta, Colemanosphaera angeleri, Colemanosphaera charkowiensi, and Yamagishiella unicocca. Previous studies have typically reconstructed the phylogenetic relationship between colonial volvocine algae based on chloroplast or nuclear genes. Here, we explore the validity of phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial protein-coding genes. We found phylogenetic incongruence of the genera Yamagishiella and Colemanosphaera. In Yamagishiella, the stochastic error and linkage group formed by the mitochondrial protein-coding genes prevent phylogenetic analyses from reflecting the true relationship. In Colemanosphaera, a different reconstruction approach revealed a different phylogenetic relationship. This incongruence may be because of the influence of biological factors, such as incomplete lineage sorting or horizontal gene transfer. We also analyzed the substitution rates in the mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes between colonial volvocine algae. Our results showed that all volvocine species showed significantly higher substitution rates for the mitochondrial genome compared with the chloroplast genome. The nonsynonymous substitution (dN)/synonymous substitution (dS) ratio is similar in the genomes of both organelles in most volvocine species, suggesting that the two counterparts are under a similar selection pressure. We also identified a few chloroplast protein-coding genes that showed high dN/dS ratios in some species, resulting in a significant dN/dS ratio difference between the mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mitochondrion is a pivotal organelle for energy production, and includes components encoded by both the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Functional and evolutionary interactions are expected between the nuclear- and mitochondrial-encoded components. The topic is of broad interest in biology, with implications to genetics, evolution, and medicine. Here, we compare the evolutionary rates of mitochondrial proteins and ribosomal RNAs to rates of mitochondria-associated nuclear-encoded proteins, across the major orders of holometabolous insects. There are significant evolutionary rate correlations (ERCs) between mitochondrial-encoded and mitochondria-associated nuclear-encoded proteins, which are likely driven by different rates of mitochondrial sequence evolution and correlated changes in the interacting nuclear-encoded proteins. The pattern holds after correction for phylogenetic relationships and considering protein conservation levels. Correlations are stronger for both nuclear-encoded OXPHOS proteins that are in contact with mitochondrial OXPHOS proteins and for nuclear-encoded mitochondrial ribosomal amino acids directly contacting the mitochondrial rRNAs. We find that ERC between mitochondrial- and nuclear-encoded proteins is a strong predictor of nuclear-encoded proteins known to interact with mitochondria, and ERC shows promise for identifying new candidate proteins with mitochondrial function. Twenty-three additional candidate nuclear-encoded proteins warrant further study for mitochondrial function based on this approach, including proteins in the minichromosome maintenance helicase complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The plastid accD gene encodes a subunit of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) enzyme. The length of accD gene has been supposed to expand in Cryptomeria japonica, Taiwania cryptomerioides, Cephalotaxus, Taxus chinensis, and Podocarpus lambertii, and the main reason for this phenomenon was the existence of tandemly repeated sequences. However, it is still unknown whether the accD gene length in other cupressophytes has expanded. Here, in order to investigate how widespread this phenomenon was, 18 accD sequences and its surrounding regions of cupressophyte were sequenced and analyzed. Together with 39 GenBank sequence data, our taxon sampling covered all the extant gymnosperm orders. The repetitive elements and substitution rates of accD among 57 gymnosperm species were analyzed, the results show: (1) Reading frame length of accD gene in 18 cupressophytes species has also expanded. (2) Many repetitive elements were identified in accD gene of cupressophyte lineages. (3) The synonymous and non-synonymous substitution rates of accD were accelerated in cupressophytes. (4) accD was located in rearrangement endpoints. These results suggested that repetitive elements may mediate the chloroplast genome rearrangement and accelerated the substitution rates.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Apostasioideae, consists of only two genera, Apostasia and Neuwiedia, which are mainly distributed in Southeast Asia and northern Australia. The floral structure, taxonomy, biogeography, and genome variation of Apostasioideae have been intensively studied. However, detailed analyses of plastome composition and structure and comparisons with those of other orchid subfamilies have not yet been conducted. Here, the complete plastome sequences of Apostasia wallichii and Neuwiedia singapureana were sequenced and compared with 43 previously published photosynthetic orchid plastomes to characterize the plastome structure and evolution in the orchids. Unlike many orchid plastomes (e.g., Paphiopedilum and Vanilla), the plastomes of Apostasioideae contain a full set of 11 functional NADH dehydrogenase (ndh) genes. The distribution of repeat sequences and simple sequence repeat elements enhanced the view that the mutation rate of non-coding regions was higher than that of coding regions. The 10 loci-ndhA intron, matK-5\'trnK, clpP-psbB, rps8-rpl14, trnT-trnL, 3\'trnK-matK, clpP intron, psbK-trnK, trnS-psbC, and ndhF-rpl32-that had the highest degrees of sequence variability were identified as mutational hotspots for the Apostasia plastome. Furthermore, our results revealed that plastid genes exhibited a variable evolution rate within and among different orchid genus. Considering the diversified evolution of both coding and non-coding regions, we suggested that the plastome-wide evolution of orchid species was disproportional. Additionally, the sequences flanking the inverted repeat/small single copy (IR/SSC) junctions of photosynthetic orchid plastomes were categorized into three types according to the presence/absence of ndh genes. Different evolutionary dynamics for each of the three IR/SSC types of photosynthetic orchid plastomes were also proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hepatitis A virus (HAV), transmitted mainly through the fecal-oral route, is one of the major causes of acute viral hepatitis worldwide. HAV is endemic in China. This study performed genetic and evolutionary analysis of HAV isolates circulated in the country.
    METHODS: Clinical samples were collected and HAV nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences were analyzed. 70 representative sequences of HAV VP3-VP1-2A regions sampled from 1988 to 2014 were compared and characterized using the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach (BEAST software, Version1.7.5).
    RESULTS: All isolates from China in this study belonged to genotype I, with most of the samples clustering in subgenotype IA, while several unique amino acid variants were observed. The estimated mean substitution rate was 5.56×10(-4) substitutions / site / year, the time to the most recent common ancestor of genotype I isolates in China was calculated to be around 180 years ago. Skyline plots showed the incidence of HAV went down gradually from the mid-1990s.
    CONCLUSIONS: The evolution estimations were consistent with the laboratory and epidemiological results. Several isolates from China showed amino acid changes close to the immunodominant sites, which needs to be further analyzed. The study results have indicated the effectiveness of improving economic and sanitation levels together with HAV vaccination to control HAV-related infections in China.





