Stability analysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and it is caused mostly by high-risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and continues to spread at an alarming rate. While HPV impacts have been investigated before, there are currently only a scanty number of mathematical models that account for HPV\'s dynamic role in cervical cancer. The objectives were to develop an in-host density-dependent deterministic model for the dynamics implications of basal cells, virions, and lymphocytes incorporating immunity and functional responses. Analyze the model using techniques of epidemiological models such as basic reproduction number and simulate the model using Matlab ODE solver. Six compartments are considered in the model that is; Susceptible cells (S), Infected cells (I), Precancerous cells (P), Cancerous cells (C), Virions (V), and Lymphocytes (L). Next generation matrix (NGM), survival function, and characteristic polynomial method were used to determine the basic reproduction number denoted as R 0 . R 0 was obtained using three methods because NGM has some weaknesses hence the need for the other two methods. The findings from this research indicated that Disease-Free Equilibrium point is locally asymptotically stable whenever R 0 * < 1 and globally asymptotically stable if R 0 * ≤ 1 and the Endemic Equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable if R 0 * > 1 . The results obtained shows that the progression rate of precancerous cells to cancerous cells ( θ ) has the most direct impact on the model. The model was able to estimate the longevity of a patient as 10 days when ( θ ) increases by 0.08 . The findings of this research will help healthcare providers, public health authorities, and non-governmental health groups in creating effective prevention strategies to slow the development of cervical cancer. More research should be done to determine the exact number of cancerous cells that can lead to the death of a cervical cancer patient since this paper estimated a proportion of 75 % .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the current study, we employ the novel fractal-fractional operator in the Atangana-Baleanu sense to investigate the dynamics of an interacting phytoplankton species model. Initially, we utilize the Picard-Lindelöf theorem to validate the uniqueness and existence of solutions for the model. We then explore equilibrium points within the phytoplankton model and conduct Hyers-Ulam stability analysis. Additionally, we present a numerical scheme utilizing the Newton polynomial to validate our analytical findings. Numerical simulations illustrate the dynamical behavior of the model across various fractal and fractional parameter values, visualized through graphical representations. Our simulations reveal that the stability of equilibrium points is not significantly impacted with the long-term memory effect, which is characterized by fractal-fractional order values. However, an increase in fractal-fractional parameters accelerates the convergence of solutions to their intended equilibrium states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic came with many setbacks, be it to a country\'s economy or the global missions of organizations like WHO, UNICEF or GTFCC. One of the setbacks is the rise in cholera cases in developing countries due to the lack of cholera vaccination. This model suggested a solution by introducing another public intervention, such as adding Chlorine to water bodies and vaccination. A novel delay differential model of fractional order was recommended, with two different delays, one representing the latent period of the disease and the other being the delay in adding a disinfectant to the aquatic environment. This model also takes into account the population that will receive a vaccination. This study utilized sensitivity analysis of reproduction number to analytically prove the effectiveness of control measures in preventing the spread of the disease. This analysis provided the mathematical evidence for adding disinfectants in water bodies and inoculating susceptible individuals. The stability of the equilibrium points has been discussed. The existence of stability switching curves is determined. Numerical simulation showed the effect of delay, resulting in fluctuations in some compartments. It also depicted the impact of the order of derivative on the oscillations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The motivation for constructing a thin-shell wormhole from a (2+1)-dimensional rotating black hole arises from the desire to study the effects of a nonminimally coupled scalar field in this particular spacetime. By investigating the behavior of such a field in the presence of rotation, we can gain insights into the interplay between gravity and scalar fields in lower-dimensional systems. Additionally, this construction allows us to explore potential connections between black hole physics and exotic phenomena like traversable wormholes. The radial perturbation around the equilibrium throat radius is considered to explore the stable configuration for specific values of physical parameters. Then, the equations of state, specifically the phantom-like and generalized Chaplygin gas model for exotic matter is used to conduct an extensive investigation into the stability of the counter-rotating thin-shell wormholes. Our results show that the presence of a scalar field enhances the stability of the counter-rotating thin-shell wormholes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study introduces a fractional order model to investigate the dynamics of polio disease spread, focusing on its significance, unique results, and conclusions. We emphasize the importance of understanding polio transmission dynamics and propose a novel approach using a fractional order model with an exponential decay kernel. Through rigorous analysis, including existence and stability assessment applying the Caputo Fabrizio fractional operator, we derive key insights into the disease dynamics. Our findings reveal distinct disease-free equilibrium (DFE) and endemic equilibrium (EE) points, shedding light on the disease\'s stability. Furthermore, graphical representations and numerical simulations demonstrate the behavior of the disease under various parameter values, enhancing our understanding of polio transmission dynamics. In conclusion, this study offers valuable insights into the spread of polio and contributes to the broader understanding of infectious disease dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper demonstrates, a numerical method to solve the one and two dimensional Burgers\' equation involving time fractional Atangana-Baleanu Caputo ( ABC ) derivative with a non-singular kernel. The numerical stratagem consists of a quadrature rule for time fractional ( ABC ) derivative along with Haar wavelet (HW) approximations of one and two dimensional problems. The key feature of the scheme is to reduce fractional problems to the set of linear equations via collocation procedure. Solving the system gives the approximate solution of the given problem. To verify the effectiveness of the developed method five numerical examples are considered. Besides this, the obtained simulations are compared with some published work and identified that proposed technique is better. Moreover, computationally the convergence rate in spatiotemporal directions is presented which shows order two convergence. The stability of the proposed scheme is also described via Lax-Richtmyer criterion. From simulations it is obvious that the scheme is quite useful for the time fractional problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gliding motility proceeds with little changes in cell shape and often results from actively driven surface flows of adhesins binding to the extracellular environment. It allows for fast movement over surfaces or through tissue, especially for the eukaryotic parasites from the phylum apicomplexa, which includes the causative agents of the widespread diseases malaria and toxoplasmosis. We have developed a fully three-dimensional active particle theory which connects the self-organized, actively driven surface flow over a fixed cell shape to the resulting global motility patterns. Our analytical solutions and numerical simulations show that straight motion without rotation is unstable for simple shapes and that straight cell shapes tend to lead to pure rotations. This suggests that the curved shapes of Plasmodium sporozoites and Toxoplasma tachyzoites are evolutionary adaptations to avoid rotations without translation. Gliding motility is also used by certain myxo- or flavobacteria, which predominantly move on flat external surfaces and with higher control of cell surface flow through internal tracks. We extend our theory for these cases. We again find a competition between rotation and translation and predict the effect of internal track geometry on overall forward speed. While specific mechanisms might vary across species, in general, our geometrical theory predicts and explains the rotational, circular, and helical trajectories which are commonly observed for microgliders. Our theory could also be used to design synthetic microgliders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to comprehend the dynamics of disease propagation within a society, mathematical formulations are essential. The purpose of this work is to investigate the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer in persons with weakened immune systems by introducing cytokines ( I L 2 & I L 12 ) and anti-PD-L1 inhibitors. To find the stable position of a recently built system TCD I L 2 I L 12 Z, a qualitative and quantitative analysis are taken under sensitive parameters. Reliable bounded findings are ensured by examining the generated system\'s boundedness, positivity, uniqueness, and local stability analysis, which are the crucial characteristics of epidemic models. The positive solutions with linear growth are shown to be verified by the global derivative, and the rate of impact across every sub-compartment is determined using Lipschitz criteria. Using Lyapunov functions with first derivative, the system\'s global stability is examined in order to evaluate the combined effects of cytokines and anti-PD-L1 inhibitors on people with weakened immune systems. Reliability is achieved by employing the Mittag-Leffler kernel in conjunction with a fractal-fractional operator because FFO provide continuous monitoring of lung cancer in multidimensional way. The symptomatic and asymptomatic effects of lung cancer sickness are investigated using simulations in order to validate the relationship between anti-PD-L1 inhibitors, cytokines, and the immune system. Also, identify the actual state of lung cancer control with early diagnosis and therapy by introducing cytokines and anti-PD-L1 inhibitors, which aid in the patients\' production of anti-cancer cells. Investigating the transmission of illness and creating control methods based on our validated results will both benefit from this kind of research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malaria is an infectious and communicable disease, caused by one or more species of Plasmodium parasites. There are five species of parasites responsible for malaria in humans, of which two, Plasmodium Falciparum and Plasmodium Vivax, are the most dangerous. In Djibouti, the two species of Plasmodium are present in different proportions in the infected population: 77% of P. Falciparum and 33% of P. Vivax. In this study we present a new mathematical model describing the temporal dynamics of Plasmodium Falciparum and Plasmodium Vivax co-infection. We focus briefly on the well posedness of this model and on the calculation of the basic reproductive numbers for the infections with each Plasmodium species that help us understand the long-term dynamics of this model (i.e., existence and stability of various eqiuilibria). Then we use computational approaches to: (a) identify model parameters using real data on malaria infections in Djibouti; (b) illustrate the influence of different estimated parameters on the basic reproduction numbers; (c) perform global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for the impact of various model parameters on the transient dynamics of infectious mosquitoes and infected humans, for infections with each of the Plasmodium species. The originality of this research stems from employing the FAST method and the LHS method to identify the key factors influencing the progression of the disease within the population of Djibouti. In addition, sensitivity analysis identified the most influential parameter for Falciparium and Vivax reproduction rates. Finally, the uncertainty analysis enabled us to understand the variability of certain parameters on the infected compartments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to prepare mackerel peptides (MPs) with calcium-binding capacity through an enzyme method and to investigate the potential role they play in improving the bioavailability of calcium in vitro. The calcium-binding capacity, degree of hydrolysis (DH), molecular weight (MW), and charge distribution changes with the enzymolysis time of MPs were measured. The structural characterization of mackerel peptide-calcium (MP-calcium) complexes was performed using spectroscopy and morphology analysis. The results showed that the maximum calcium-binding capacity of the obtained MPs was 120.95 mg/g when alcalase was used for 3 h, with a DH of 15.45%. Moreover, with an increase in hydrolysis time, the MW of the MPs decreased, and the negative charge increased. The carboxyl and amino groups in aspartic (Asp) and glutamate (Glu) of the MPs may act as calcium-binding sites, which are further assembled into compact nanoscale spherical complexes with calcium ions through intermolecular interactions. Furthermore, even under the influence of oxalic acid, MP-calcium complexes maintained a certain solubility. This study provides a basis for developing new calcium supplements and efficiently utilizing the mackerel protein resource.





