Seminiferous Tubules

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cadmium (Cd) is a widely spread environmental pollutant, listed among the unsafe metals due to known toxic effects on multiple organs, including the testes. In this study, we aim to evaluate the potential protectivity of garlic and ginger extracts on Cd-induced damage of the testis in rats.
    UNASSIGNED: Fifty-six adult male albino rats were alienated into seven groups; control group, garlic-treated group, and ginger-treated group were given garlic and ginger extracts at doses of 250 mg and 120 mg/kg b.wt/day, Cd-treated group received 8.8 mg/Kg b.wt/day of Cd chloride, and the protected groups were given Cd and co-treated with garlic, ginger, or both extracts. The testes were subjected to different procedures to assess the oxidative status and histopathological changes.
    UNASSIGNED: Cd-treated rats showed a significant reduction in the testis weight and morphometric measurements of the seminiferous tubules compared to the control group. Cd administration resulted in a marked drop in the testosterone level and activities of antioxidative enzymes. Moreover, Cd induced histopathological changes in the seminiferous tubules. Co-administration of garlic and ginger extracts with the Cd showed partial improvement in the investigated parameters toward the control figures and improvement in the morphological changes. Co-treating both extracts together and the Cd resulted in complete normalization of these adverse effects of Cd.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings indicated that garlic and ginger extracts could ameliorate the harmful effects of Cd on the testis. This effect was more prominent when garlic and ginger extracts were co-administered together with Cd.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The way of testicular tissue fixation directly affects the correlation and structural integrity between connective tissue and seminiferous tubules, which is essential for the study of male reproductive development. This study aimed to find the optimal fixative and fixation time to produce high-quality testicular histopathological sections, and provided a suitable foundation for in-depth study of male reproductive development with digital pathology technology.
    METHODS: Testes were removed from both sides of 25 male C57BL/6 mice. Samples were fixed in three different fixatives, 10% neutral buffered formalin (10% NBF), modified Davidson\'s fluid (mDF), and Bouin\'s Fluid (BF), for 8, 12, and 24 h, respectively. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, periodic acid Schiff-hematoxylin (PAS-h) staining, and immunohistochemistry (IHC) were used to evaluate the testicle morphology, staging of mouse seminiferous tubules, and protein preservation. Aperio ScanScope CS2 panoramic scanning was used to perform quantitative analyses.
    RESULTS: H&E staining showed 10% NBF resulted in an approximately 15-17% reduction in the thickness of seminiferous epithelium. BF and mDF provided excellent results when staining acrosomes with PAS-h. IHC staining of synaptonemal complexes 3 (Sycp3) was superior in mDF compared to BF-fixed samples. Fixation in mDF and BF improved testis tissue morphology compared to 10% NBF.
    CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative analysis showed that BF exhibited a very low IHC staining efficiency and revealed that mouse testes fixed for 12 h with mDF, exhibited morphological details, excellent efficiency of PAS-h staining for seminiferous tubule staging, and IHC results. In addition, the morphological damage of testis was prolonged with the duration of fixation time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infertility is an important personal and society disease, of which the male factor represents half of all causes. One of the aspects less studied in male infertility is the immunological testicular microenvironment. Mast cells (MCs), having high potential for regulating spermatogenesis due to fine-tuning the state of the integrative buffer metabolic environment, are one of the most crucial cellular subpopulations of the testicular interstitium. One important component of the MC secretome is proteases that can act as proinflammatory agents and in extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. In the testis, MCs are an important cell component of the testicular interstitial tissue (TIT). However, there are still no studies addressing the analysis of a specific MC protease-carboxypeptidase A3 (CPA3)-in cases with altered spermatogenesis. The cytological and histotopographic features of testicular CPA3+ MCs were examined in a study involving 34 men with azoospermia. As revealed, in cases with non-obstructive azoospermia, a higher content of CPA3+ MCs in the TIT and migration to the microvasculature and peritubular tissue of seminiferous tubules were observed when compared with cases with obstructive azoospermia. Additionally, a high frequency of CPA3+ MCs colocalization with fibroblasts, Leydig cells, and elastic fibers was detected in cases with NOA. Thus, CPA3 seems to be of crucial pathogenetic significance in the formation of a profibrogenic background of the tissue microenvironment, which may have direct and indirect effects on spermatogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the morphological and stereological parameters of the testicles in mice exposed to bisphenol S and/or high-fat diet-induced obesity.
    METHODS: Forty adult male C57BL/6 mice were fed a standard diet (SC) or high-fat diet (HF) for a total of 12 weeks. The sample was randomly divided into 4 experimental groups with 10 mices as follows: a) SC - animals fed a standard diet; b) SC-B - animals fed a standard diet and administration of BPS (25 μg/kg of body mass/day) in drinking water; c) HF: animals fed a high-fat diet; d) HF-B - animals fed a high-fat diet and administration of BPS (25 μg/Kg of body mass/day) in drinking water. BPS administration lasted 12 weeks, following exposure to the SC and HF diets. BPS was diluted in absolute ethanol (0.1%) and added to drinking water (concentration of 25 μg/kg body weight/day). The animals were euthanized, and the testes were processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for morphometric and stereological parameters, including density of seminiferous tubules per area, length density and total length of seminiferous tubules, height of the tunica albuginea and the diameter of the seminiferous tubules. The images were captured with an Olympus BX51 microscope and Olympus DP70 camera. The stereological analysis was done with the Image Pro and Image J programs. Means were statistically compared using ANOVA and the Holm-Sidak post-test (p<0.05).
    RESULTS: The seminiferous tubule density per area reduced in all groups when compared with SC samples (p<0.001): HF (40%), SC-B 3(2%), and HF-B (36%). Length density was reduced significantly (p<0.001) in all groups when compared with SC group: HF (40%), SC-B (32%), and HF-B (36%). The seminiferous tubule total length was reduced (p<0.001) when compared to f HF (28%) and SC-B (26%) groups. The tubule diameter increased significantly (p<0.001) only when we compared the SC group with SC (54%) an SC-B (25%) groups and the tunica thickness increased significantly only in HF group (117%) when compared with SC-B (20%) and HF-B 31%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Animals exposed to bisphenol S and/or high-fat diet-induced obesity presented important structural alterations in testicular morphology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gonadotoxic agents could impair spermatogenesis and may lead to male infertility. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of IL-1β on the development of spermatogenesis from cells isolated from seminiferous tubules (STs) of normal and busulfan-treated immature mice in vitro. Cells were cultured in a 3D in vitro culture system for 5 weeks. We examined the development of cells from the different stages of spermatogenesis by immunofluorescence staining or qPCR analyses. Factors of Sertoli and Leydig cells were examined by qPCR analysis. We showed that busulfan (BU) treatment significantly reduced the expression of testicular IL-1β in the treated mice compared to the control group (CT). Cultures of cells from normal and busulfan-treated immature mice induced the development of pre-meiotic (Vasa), meiotic (Boule), and post-meiotic (acrosin) cells. However, the percentage of developed Boule and acrosin cells was significantly lower in cultures of busulfan-treated mice compared to normal mice. Adding IL-1β to both cultures significantly increased the percentages of Vasa, Boule, and acrosin cells compared to their controls. However, the percentage of Boule and acrosin cells was significantly lower from cultures of busulfan-treated mice that were treated with IL-1β compared to cultures treated with IL-1β from normal mice. Furthermore, addition of IL-1β to cultures from normal mice significantly increased only the expression of androgen receptor and transferrin but no other factors of Sertoli cells compared to their CT. However, the addition of IL-1β to cultures from busulfan-treated mice significantly increased only the expression of androgen-binding protein and the FSH receptor compared to their CT. Adding IL-1β to cultures of normal mice did not affect the expression of 3βHSD compared to the CT, but it significantly reduced its expression in cultures from busulfan-treated mice compared to the CT. Our findings demonstrate the development of different stages of spermatogenesis in vitro from busulfan-treated mice and that IL-1β could potentiate this development in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate differences in testicular tissue morphology, gene expression, and marker genes between sexually immature (1-year-old) and sexually mature (10-year-old) Mongolian horses. The purposes of our research were to provide insights into the reproductive physiology of male Mongolian horses and to identify potential markers for sexual maturity. The methods we applied included the transcriptomic profiling of testicular cells using single-cell sequencing techniques. Our results revealed significant differences in tissue morphology and gene expression patterns between the two age groups. Specifically, 25 cell clusters and 10 cell types were identified, including spermatogonial and somatic cells. Differential gene expression analysis highlighted distinct patterns related to cellular infrastructure in sexually immature horses and spermatogenesis in sexually mature horses. Marker genes specific to each stage were also identified, including APOA1, AMH, TAC3, INHA, SPARC, and SOX9 for the sexually immature stage, and PRM1, PRM2, LOC100051500, PRSS37, HMGB4, and H1-9 for the sexually mature stage. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of testicular development and spermatogenesis in Mongolian horses and have potential applications in equine reproductive biology and breeding programs. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying sexual maturity in Mongolian horses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Sertoli cells (SeCs) of the seminiferous tubules secrete a multitude of immunoregulatory and trophic factors to provide immune protection and assist in the orderly development of germ cells. Grafts of naked or encapsulated SeCs have been proved to represent an interesting therapeutic option in a plethora of experimental models of diseases. However, whether SeCs have immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory effects, which is imperative for their clinical translatability, has not been demonstrated. We directly assessed the immunopotential of intraperitoneally grafted microencapsulated porcine SeCs (MC-SeCs) in murine models of fungal infection (Aspergillus fumigatus or Candida albicans) or cancer (Lewis lung carcinoma/LLC or B16 melanoma cells). We found that MC-SeCs (i) provide antifungal resistance with minimum inflammatory pathology through the activation of the tolerogenic aryl hydrocarbon receptor/indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase pathway; (ii) do not affect tumor growth in vivo; and (iii) reduce the LLC cell metastatic cancer spread associated with restricted Vegfr2 expression in primary tumors. Our results point to the fine immunoregulation of SeCs in the relative absence of overt immunosuppression in both infection and cancer conditions, providing additional support for the potential therapeutic use of SeC grafts in human patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the prognostic importance of noninvasive factors in predicting sperm retrieval failure in idiopathic nonobstructive azoospermia (iNOA). We studied 193 patients with nonobstructive azoospermia who underwent microsurgical testicular sperm extraction. The Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U tests for clinical parameters and seminiferous tubule distribution were used for between-group comparisons. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify predictors of retrieval failure. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for each variable was evaluated, and the net clinical benefit was calculated using a clinical decision curve. Patients with iNOA had a lower sperm retrieval rate than those with known causes. Moreover, testicular volume was an independent factor affecting sperm extraction outcomes (odds ratio = 0.79, P < 0.05). The testicular volume cut-off value was 6.5 ml (area under the curve: 0.694). The patients with iNOA were categorized into two groups on the basis of the distribution of seminiferous tubules observed. The sperm retrieval rate and testicular volume were significantly different between the groups with a uniform or heterogeneous tubule distribution. There was also a significant association between a uniform tubule distribution and testicular volume. In conclusion, a testicular volume of more than 6.5 ml effectively predicts microsurgical testicular sperm extraction failure due to a uniform tubule distribution in patients with iNOA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Presently, demyelinating diseases have been reported to affect the reproductive life of patients who suffer from them, but the progression of the alterations is unknown, especially in men. To better understand these effects, it is necessary to perform studies in animal models, such as the male taiep rat, which exhibits progressive demyelination of the central nervous system, altered kisspeptin expression at the hypothalamic level, and decreased luteinizing hormone, which could alter sperm quality and testicular diameter. Thus, the objective of the present study was to analyze the diameter of the seminiferous tubules, the sperm motility, and the testosterone levels of 90-day-old male taiep rats. The obtained results indicate that male taiep rats show an increase in testicular size accompanied by an increase in the diameter of the seminiferous tubules of the left testicle. There was also a decrease in progressive motility in sperm samples from the left epididymis of male taiep rats compared to the control group, with no changes in serum testosterone concentration. Therefore, we conclude that male taiep rats with central demyelination show altered testicular diameter and decreased motility in sperm from the left side. This type of studies serves as a basis for proposing possible reproductive strategies to improve the fertility and testicular function of men with demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to investigate whether treatment with Tribulus terrestris (Tt) has any impact on the testicular morphology and function in a rodent model. Twenty male rats were divided into a control group and a group receiving 100 mg kg -1 body weight of Tt supplementation. After 40 days of experiment, the animals were submitted to euthanasia; epididymal tail spermatozoa were collected; and spermatozoa concentration, motility, and viability were analyzed. In addition, testicles were collected and processed for histomorphometrical analyses. Data were compared using the Student\'s t -test and considered significant when P < 0.05. Spermatozoa concentration, motility, and viability showed no difference between the groups. Further, testicular weight and volume, seminiferous tubule diameter, tunica propria surface density, seminiferous epithelium surface density, and intertubular compartment surface density were statistically similar between the groups. However, seminiferous epithelium height and tubular lumen surface density were augmented in animals treated with Tt. Treatment with Tt does not cause a major impact on testicular morphology, promoting only subtle modifications. No difference on spermatozoa parameters was observed.





