Seminiferous Tubules

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Men with Klinefelter Syndrome develop some degree of seminiferous tubule degeneration, hyalinization, and fibrosis by adulthood. However, the pathophysiology surrounding testicular fibrosis in Klinefelter Syndrome patients remains incompletely understood.
    To perform a systematic review of literature studying the mechanisms of fibrosis initiation or propagation in Klinefelter Syndrome testes.
    PubMed was searched systematically for articles specific to Klinefelter Syndrome and the process of fibrosis. Articles that did not contain original data or specifically addressed the target material were excluded. Additional references were extracted when pertinent from the reference lists of included studies.
    Primary search yielded 139 articles for abstract review, which was narrowed to 16 for full-text review. Following full-text review, eight contained original data and met topic criteria, with one paper added from reference review for a total of nine papers.
    The date range for included papers was 1992-2022. The proposed mechanisms of fibrosis mainly were centered around the impact of altered Sertoli cells on germ cells, the hormonal impact on Leydig cells, the inflammation mediated by mast cells, or the fibrous extracellular matrix deposition by peritubular myoid cells. Additionally, discussions of the role of the altered microvasculature and the specific proteins involved in the blood-testis barrier or the seminiferous tubule architecture are reviewed. Recent papers have incorporated advanced sequencing and offer future directions for targeted gene expression analysis. Still, much of the published data consists solely of immunohistological assessment by age range, creating difficulties in extrapolating causality.
    The specific initiating factors of fibrosis of the seminiferous tubules and the propagation mechanisms unique to Klinefelter Syndrome remain incompletely understood with a relative paucity of data. Nonetheless, academic interest is increasing in this field as it may further elucidate the pathophysiology behind Klinefelter syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Exosomes are extracellular vesicles (EVs) released from cells upon fusion of an intermediate endocytic compartment with the plasma membrane. They refer to the intraluminal vesicles released from the fusion of multivesicular bodies with the plasma membrane. The contents and number of exosomes are related to diseases such as metabolic diseases, cancer and inflammatory diseases. Exosomes have been used in neurological research as a drug delivery tool and also as biomarkers for diseases. Recently, exosomes were observed in the seminal plasma of the one who is asthenozoospermia, which can affect sperm motility and capacitation.
    OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this review is to deeply discuss the role of exosomes in spermatozoa after leaving the seminiferous tubule.
    METHODS: We conducted an extensive search of the literature available on relationships between exosomes and exosomes in spermatozoa on the bibliographic database.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review thoroughly discussed the role that exosomes play in the exchange of spermatozoa after leaving the seminiferous tubule and its potential as a drug delivery tool and biomarkers for diseases as well.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the prognosis of childhood cancer survivors has increased dramatically during recent years, chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer and other conditions may lead to permanent infertility in prepubertal boys. Recent developments have shown that spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) transplantation may be a hope for restoring fertility in adult survivors of childhood cancers. For this reason, several centres around the world are collecting and cryopreserving testicular tissue or cells anticipating that, in the near future, some patients will return for SSC transplantation. This review summarizes the current knowledge and utility of SSC transplantation techniques.
    The aim of this narrative review is to provide an overview of the currently used experimental injection techniques for SSC transplantation in animal and human testes. This is crucial in understanding and determining the role of the different techniques necessary for successful transplantation.
    A comprehensive review of peer-reviewed publications on this topic was performed using the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. The search was limited to English language work and studies between 1994 (from the first study on SSC transplantation) and April 2019. Key search terms included mouse, rat, boar, ram, dog, sheep, goat, cattle, monkey, human, cadaver, testes, SSC transplantation, injection and technique.
    This review provides an extensive clinical overview of the current research in the field of human SSC transplantation. Rete testis injection with ultrasonography guidance currently seems the most promising injection technique thus far; however, the ability to draw clear conclusions is limited due to long ischemia time of cadaver testis, the relatively decreased volume of the testis, the diminishing size of seminiferous tubules, a lack of intratesticular pressure and leakage into the interstitium during the injection on human cadaver testis. Current evidence does not support improved outcomes from multiple infusions through the rete testes. Overall, further optimization is required to increase the efficiency and safety of the infusion method.
    Identifying a favourable injection method for SSC transplantation will provide insight into the mechanisms of successful assisted human reproduction. Future research could focus on reducing leakage and establishing the optimal infusion cell concentrations and pressure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spermatogenesis is a finely regulated process of germ cell multiplication and differentiation leading to the production of spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules. Spermatogenesis can be divided into three parts: spermatocytogenesis, meiosis and spermiogenesis. During spermatocytogenesis, germ cells engage in a cycle of several mitotic divisions that increases the yield of spermatogenesis and to renew stem cells and produce spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes. Meiosis involves duplication and exchange of genetic material and two cell divisions that reduce the chromosome number and yield four haploid round spermatids. Spermiogenesis involves the differentiation of round spermatids into fully mature spermatozoa released into the lumin of seminiferous tubules. The seminiferous epithelium is composed of several generations of germ cells due to the fact that new generations of sperm cells engage in the spermatogenic process without waiting for the preceding generations to have completed their evolution and to have disappeared as spermatozoa into the lumen of the tubules. In bulls, the duration of the seminiferous epithelium cycle is 13.5 days. The total duration of spermatogenesis is 61 days, that is 4.5 times the duration of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. The spermatogenetic wave is used to describe the spatial arrangement of cell associations along the tubules. Several theories have been described to explain the renewal of spermatogonia. Depending on the model, there are five or six spermatogonial mitoses explaining the renewal of stem cells and the proliferation of spermatogonia. Daily sperm production and germ cell degeneration can be quantified from numbers of germ cells in various steps of development throughout spermatogenesis. Bulls have a lower efficiency of spermatogenesis than most species examined, but higher than that of humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is no consensus in the literature about the necessity for excision of testicular remnants in the context of surgery for an impalpable testis and testicular regression syndrome (TRS). The incidence of germ cells (GCs) within these nubbins varies between 0 and 16% in previously published series. There is a hypothetical potential future malignancy risk, although there has been only one previously described isolated report of intratubular germ-cell neoplasia. Our aim was to ascertain an accurate incidence of GCs and seminiferous tubules (SNTs) within excised nubbins and hence guide evidence-based practice. The systematic review protocol was designed according to the PRISMA guidelines, and subsequently published by the PROSPERO database after review (CRD42013006034). The primary outcome measure was the incidence of GCs and the secondary outcome was the incidence of SNTs. The comprehensive systematic review included articles published between 1980 and 2016 in all the relevant databases using specific search parameters and terms. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were ultilised to identify articles relevant to the review questions. Twenty-nine paediatric studies with a total of 1455 specimens were included in the systematic review. The mean age of the patients undergoing nubbin resection was 33 months and the TRS specimen was more commonly excised from the left (68%). The incidence of SNTs was 10.7% (156/1455) and the incidence of GCs, 5.3% (77/1455). Histological analysis excluding the presence of either SNTs or GCs was consistent with TRS, fibrosis, calcification or haemosiderin deposits. There is limited evidence on subset analysis that GCs and SNTs may persist with increasing patient age. This systematic review has identified that 1 in 20 of resected testicular remnants has viable GCs and 1 in 10 has SNTs present. There is insufficiently strong evidence for the persistence of GCs and SNTs with time or future malignant potential. Intra-abdominal TRS specimens may contain more elements and, therefore, require excision, although this is based on limited evidence. However, there is no available strong evidence to determine that a TRS specimen requires routine excision in an inguinal or scrotal position.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Making sperm cells outside the original testicular environment in a culture dish has been considered for a long time as impossible due to the very complicated process of spermatogenesis and sperm maturation, which altogether, encompasses a 2-month period. However, new approaches in complex three-dimensional co-cell cultures, micro-perfusion and micro-fluidics technologies, new knowledge in the functioning, culturing and differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSC) and their precursor cells have revolutionized this field. Furthermore, the use of better molecular markers as well as stimulatory factors has led to successful in vitro culture of stem cells either derived from germ line stem cells, from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) or from embryonic stem cells (ESC). These stem cells when placed into small seminiferous tubule fragments are able to become SSC. The SSC beyond self-renewal can also be induced into haploid sperm-like cells under in vitro conditions. In mouse, this in vitro produced sperm can be injected into a mature oocyte and allow post-fertilization development into an early embryo in vitro. After transferring such obtained embryos into the uterus of a recipient mouse, they can further develop into healthy offspring. Recently, a similar approach has been performed with combining selected cells from testicular cell suspensions followed by a complete in vitro culture of seminiferous cords producing sperm-like cells. However, most of the techniques developed are laborious, time-consuming and have low efficiency, placing questionable that it will become useful used for setting up an efficient in vitro sperm production system for the boar. The benefits and drawbacks as well as the likeliness of in vitro pig sperm production to become applied in assisted technologies for swine reproduction are critically discussed. In this contribution, also the process of sperm production in the testis and sperm maturation is reviewed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germ cell tumors of the testis may be divided into 3 broad categories according to age at presentation. The tumors in the pediatric age group include teratoma and yolk sac tumor. These tumors are generally not associated with convincing intratubular neoplasia. The second group consists of tumors presenting in third and fourth decade of life and include seminoma, embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, and teratoma as well as mixed germ cell tumors. The precursor cell for these tumors is an abnormal gonocyte that fails to differentiate completely into spermatogonia. These abnormal cells stay dormant in the gonad during intrauterine life as well as infancy and childhood, but undergo proliferation during puberty and can be identified as intratubular germ cell neoplasia unclassified (IGCNU). These tumor cells continue to manifest protein expression pattern that resembles primitive germ cells (PLAP, c-KIT, OCT3/4). After a variable interval following puberty, IGCNU cells may acquire ability to penetrate the seminiferous tubules and present as an overt germ cell tumor. Acquisition of isochrome 12 and other genetic abnormalities are usually associated with this transition. The level of DNA methylation generally determines the phenotype of the germ cell tumor. The third type of germ cell tumors is spermatocytic seminoma, which is a rare tumor encountered later in life usually in fifth and sixth decade. The cell of origin of this tumor is probably postpubertal mature spermatogonia which acquire abnormal proliferative capability probably due to gain of chromosome 9 resulting in activation and amplification of genes such as DMRT1. The tumor cells manifest many of the proteins normally expressed by mature sperms such as VASA, SSX2, and occasionally OCT2. Although spermatocytic seminoma may also have an intratubular growth phase, it completely lacks features of IGCNU.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Testicular morphology and immunohistochemical studies have never been reported in genetically documented adult patients with 5 alpha-reductase type 2 deficiency (5α-R2 deficiency).
    METHODS: We describe the testicular histopathology of a 17-year-old XY subject with 5α-R2 deficiency caused by the recurrent homozygous Gly115Asp loss of function mutation of the SRD5A2 gene.We also performed an immunohistochemical analysis in order to further study the relationship between seminiferous tubules structure, Sertoli cell differentiation and androgenic signaling impairment in this case. We thus evaluated the testicular expression of the anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), androgen receptor (AR) and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3βHSD). Histological analysis revealed a heterogeneous aspect with a majority (92%) of seminiferous tubules (ST) presenting a mature aspect but containing only Sertoli cells and devoid of germ cells and spermatogenesis. Focal areas of immature ST (8%) were also found. Testicular AR and 3βHSD expression were detected in adult male control, 5α-R2 deficiency and CAIS subjects. However, AMH expression was heterogeneous (detectable only in few AR negative prepubertal ST, but otherwise repressed) in the 5α-R2 deficiency, conversely to normal adult testis in which AMH was uniformly repressed and to an adult CAIS testis in which AMH was uniformly and strongly expressed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intratesticular testosterone can repress AMH by itself, independently of its metabolism into dihydrotestosterone. We also compare our results to the few post pubertal cases of 5α-R2 deficiency with available histological testicular description, reported in the literature. We will discuss these histological findings, in the more general context of evaluating the fertility potential of these patients if they were raised as males and were azoospermic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Culture of spermatogonial stem cells has been performed under a variety of conditions. Most featured two-dimensional systems, with different types of sera, conditioned media, feeder layers, and growth factors. Some have used three-dimensional (3D) matrices produced from gelatin, collagen, or other material. In spite of their increasingly sophisticated composition, however, complete spermatogenesis in vitro has not yet been achieved. In the seminiferous tubules, spermatogenesis occurs in an environment where cells are embedded in a 3D structure with specific niches regulating each stage of germ cell maturation mediated by hormones and paracrine/autocrine factors. We have recently reported achievement of complete in vitro spermatogenesis of mouse testicular germ cells in a 3D culture system featuring a soft agar matrix. This review discusses the advantages of the 3D culture system for studying the spermatogenic process in its entirety. Also discussed are the steps necessary to expand the applicability of the 3D culture system to human germ cell development and determine the functionality of culture-produced spermatozoa for generating offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All approaches for quantifying treatment effects on sperm production require one or more technical assumptions. Their validity can impact the integrity of the resulting data, but most had not been subjected to thorough, critical examination. This review was undertaken to 1) identify the assumptions required with each of several popular histometric methods for quantifying treatment effects on sperm production, 2) cite examples in which each assumption had failed, 3) assess potential consequences of the failure of each technical assumption, and 4) consider safeguards by which one might avoid misleading outcomes in the event that a specific assumption did not hold.





