Semicircular canals

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives: Even though BPPV is one of the most common causes of vertigo, it is often underdiagnosed and omitted in the diagnosis of patients reporting vertigo. The aim of the study was to establish a diagnostic pattern useful in patients admitted due to vertigo, based on the most common clinical characteristics of patients suffered from posterior canal BPPV (PC-BPPV), horizontal canal BPPV with geotropic (HCG-BPPV) and apogeotropic nystagmus (HCA-BPPV). Methods: The analysis covered the results obtained in 105 patients with a positive result of the Dix-Hallpike maneuver or the supine roll test. The patients were divided into 3 groups based on the BPPV type: gr.1:PC-BPPV (60%); gr.2: HCG-BPPV (27%); gr.3: HCA-BPPV (13%). Patients before the diagnostic maneuvers filled the questionnaire concerning their symptoms and previous diseases. Results: Almost all patients had vertigo during turning over in bed and the character of the symptoms was paroxysmal. The answers to questions about the type of head movement evoked vertigo and how long vertigo lasted were differentiating. The percentages of correct diagnosis speculated by the combined answers were 69.6% in PC-BPPV, 61.8% in HCG-BPPV, and 80% in HCA-BPPV. Conclusions: Basing on those observations there is presented the diagnostic schedule which could be useful in dizziness examination. The above results indicate that a properly collected interview with the patient allows for a high percentage of accurate diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Oscillopsia and unsteadiness are common and highly debilitating symptoms in individuals with bilateral vestibulopathy. A lack of adequate treatment options encouraged the investigation of vestibular implants, which aim to restore vestibular function with motion-modulated electrical stimulation. This review aims to outline the ocular and postural responses that can be evoked with electrical prosthetic stimulation of the semicircular canals and discuss potential approaches to further optimize evoked responses. Particular focus is given to the stimulation paradigm.
    RESULTS: Feasibility studies in animals paved the way for vestibular implantation in human patients with bilateral vestibulopathy. Recent human trials demonstrated prosthetic electrical stimulation to partially restore vestibular reflexes, enhance dynamic visual acuity, and generate controlled postural responses. To further optimize prosthetic performance, studies predominantly targeted eye responses elicited by the vestibulo-ocular reflex, aiming to minimize misalignments and asymmetries while maximizing the response. Changes of stimulation parameters are shown to hold promise to increase prosthetic efficacy, together with surgical refinements and neuroplastic effects.
    CONCLUSIONS: Optimization of the stimulation paradigm, in combination with a more precise electrode placement, holds great potential to enhance the clinical benefit of vestibular implants.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common vestibulopathy and involves failed dissolution and dislocation of calcium carbonate crystals into the semicircular canal. This causes short-lasting vertigo during changes in head position. Oftentimes, BPPV can be resolved within a single clinic visit, but secondary to many known risk factors, BPPV can recur. This case report follows a patient with extremely frequent recurrences despite a lack of known risk factors. A 55-year-old female experienced BPPV in December 2022, with successful canalith repositioning treatment from otolaryngology. On having a recurrence in March 2023, the patient underwent videonystagmography including caloric testing, and MRI, all of which showed normal findings besides left posterior-canal BPPV. From December 2022 to February 2024, the patient had 13 recurrences, each treated to resolution, confirmed by repeating positional tests and per subjective report for at least 2 weeks following. The incidence of BPPV recurrence is reported higher in females, however, this could not be interpreted as a causative factor. Though many other risk factors are documented in literature, this patient\'s history, demographics, imaging, and blood tests were all negative. This case report highlights a gap in knowledge of vestibular pathophysiology, as this patient\'s high rate of recurrence remains unexplained.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a lack of comparative studies examining changes in vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain with head velocity in the video head impulse test (vHIT) of patients with vestibular neuritis (VN). Thus, the purpose of present study was to identify the effect of head impulse velocity on the gain of the VOR during the vHIT in patients with VN. Head impulse velocities ranging from 100%-200°/s [158.08 ± 23.00°/s in the horizontal canal (HC), 124.88 ± 14.80°/s in the anterior canal (AC), and 122.92 ± 14.26°/s in the posterior canal (PC) were used during vHIT trials of 32 patients with VN. Differences in VOR gain on the ipsilesional and contralesional sides according to head velocity were analyzed. The mean VOR gains in ipsilesional side were decreased to 0.47 in the HC and 0.56 in the AC, leading to marked asymmetry compared to the contralesional side; PC gain was relatively preserved at 0.82 in the ipsilesional side. The mean head impulse velocity applied during vHIT trials in each semicircular canal plane did not differ bilaterally. On the contralesional side, VOR gain was negatively correlated with head impulse velocity (R2=0.25, P=.004 in HC; R2=0.17, P=.021 in AC; R2=0.24, P=.005 in PC), while VOR gain on the ipsilesional sides of the HC and AC was not. Head impulse velocity may have a differential impact on VOR gain, depending on the degree of deficit. Increasing head velocity in vHIT may be considered to identify subtle deficits on the contralesional side of patients with VN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Meniere\'s disease (MD) is an ear-related vestibular disorder accompanied by vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus. The anatomical structure and spatial position of the semicircular canals are important for understanding vestibular function and disease; however, research on MD and the effect of anatomical changes in the semicircular canals is limited. This study explored the relationship between the spatial location of the semicircular canals and MD using ultra-high-resolution computed tomography (U-HRCT) and intelligent segmentation.
    UNASSIGNED: Isotropic U-HRCT images obtained from patients with MD and healthy controls (HCs) were retrospectively analyzed. We extracted the semicircular canal structures and extracted their skeleton. The plane of the skeleton of each semicircular canal was fitted separately. The mutual angles between the semicircular canals, and the angles between each semicircular canal and each plane of the coordinate system were measured.
    UNASSIGNED: Among 45 MD-affected ears (MDAEs), 33 MD-healthy ears (MDHEs), and 45 HC ears, the angle between the superior and lateral semicircular canals (LSCs) and the angle between the superior and posterior semicircular canals (PSCs) were larger in the MDAE and MDHE groups than the HC group (P<0.01), while the angle between the posterior and LSCs was smaller in the MDAE group than the HC group (P<0.001). The angles between the superior and PSCs and coronal plane (CP) of the coordinate system were significantly smaller in the MDAE and MDHE groups than the HC group (P<0.01); however, the angles between the LSC and axial plane and CP were significantly larger in the MDAE and MDHE groups than the HC group (P<0.001).
    UNASSIGNED: Spatial position changes in the semicircular canals may be the anatomical basis of MD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines a case of lateral canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) where the sequence of diagnostic positional maneuvers may have influenced the release of some canaliths into the utricle. Partial treatment during BPPV diagnostic maneuvers may complicate side identification during supine roll test, especially in canalolithiasis cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND:  There may be confusion about which canal is involved in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), especially with those that have subtle findings. The study aimed to determine if video head impulse testing may be used in such patients as a diagnostic tool. Symptom scoring and treatment efficiency in BPPV are essential parts of the process. Therefore, inventories like \"Dizziness Handicap Inventory\" may be useful in this regard.
    METHODS:  Patients with posterior and lateral canal BPPV were included. Video head impulse testing was performed prior to treatment and 1 week after treatment. Vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) gains were noted and compared to the opposite side. The presence of correction saccades was noted as well. Also, pretreatment and posttreatment Dizziness Handicap Inventory scores were compared.
    RESULTS:  Fifty-seven patients were diagnosed with posterior canal BPPV, and sixteen were with horizontal canal BPPV. In patients with posterior canal BPPV, there was no difference between the involved canal VOR gains and the other canals on the same side (P=.639). The involved horizontal canal did not differ from the opposite horizontal canal. Patients with lateral canal BPPV show more significant improvement after treatment compared to patients with posterior canal BPPV.
    CONCLUSIONS:  Video head impulse testing may not be used to estimate the involved canal in BPPV; however, it may be used to evaluate the efficiency of the treatment, especially in the lateral canal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: During an initial diagnostic assessment of an ear with normal otoscopic exam, it can be difficult to determine the specific pathology if there is a mechanical lesion. The audiogram can inform of a conductive hearing loss but not the underlying cause. For example, audiograms can be similar between the inner-ear condition superior canal dehiscence (SCD) and the middle-ear lesion stapes fixation (SF), despite differences in pathologies and sites of lesion. To gain mechanical information, wideband tympanometry (WBT) can be easily performed noninvasively. Absorbance , the most common WBT metric, is related to the absorbed sound energy and can provide information about specific mechanical pathologies. However, absorbance measurements are challenging to analyze and interpret. This study develops a prototype classification method to automate diagnostic estimates. Three predictive models are considered: one to identify ears with SCD versus SF, another to identify SCD versus normal, and finally, a three-way classification model to differentiate among SCD, SF, and normal ears.
    METHODS: Absorbance was measured in ears with SCD and SF as well as normal ears at both tympanometric peak pressure (TPP) and 0 daPa. Characteristic impedance was estimated by two methods: the conventional method (based on a constant ear-canal area) and the surge method, which estimates ear-canal area acoustically.Classification models using multivariate logistic regression predicted the probability of each condition. To quantify expected performance, the condition with the highest probability was selected as the likely diagnosis. Model features included: absorbance-only, air-bone gap (ABG)-only, and absorbance+ABG. Absorbance was transformed into principal components of absorbance to reduce the dimensionality of the data and avoid collinearity. To minimize overfitting, regularization, controlled by a parameter lambda, was introduced into the regression. Average ABG across multiple frequencies was a single feature.Model performance was optimized by adjusting the number of principal components, the magnitude of lambda, and the frequencies included in the ABG average. Finally, model performances using absorbance at TPP versus 0 daPa, and using the surge method versus constant ear-canal area were compared. To estimate model performance on a population unknown by the model, the regression model was repeatedly trained on 70% of the data and validated on the remaining 30%. Cross-validation with randomized training/validation splits was repeated 1000 times.
    RESULTS: The model differentiating between SCD and SF based on absorbance-only feature resulted in sensitivities of 77% for SCD and 82% for SF. Combining absorbance+ABG improved sensitivities to 96% and 97%. Differentiating between SCD and normal using absorbance-only provided SCD sensitivity of 40%, which improved to 89% by absorbance+ABG. A three-way model using absorbance-only correctly classified 31% of SCD, 20% of SF and 81% of normal ears. Absorbance+ABG improved sensitivities to 82% for SCD, 97% for SF and 98% for normal. In general, classification performance was better using absorbance at TPP than at 0 daPa.
    CONCLUSIONS: The combination of wideband absorbance and ABG as features for a multivariate logistic regression model can provide good diagnostic estimates for mechanical ear pathologies at initial assessment. Such diagnostic automation can enable faster workup and increase efficiency of resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD) is a dehiscence of the otic capsule which normally lies over the superior semicircular canal. This database constitutes the largest series of SSCD patients to date.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine what preoperative factors, if any, contribute to postoperative outcomes and evaluate symptom resolution in a large SSCD patient cohort.
    METHODS: A single-institution, retrospective chart review collected patient demographics, intraoperative findings, and pre-and postoperative symptoms. Fisher\'s exact t-test was performed for unpaired categorical variables, with a significance level of p < 0.05.
    RESULTS: 350 SSCD repairs were performed. The median age was 52 years (range: 17-86 years, ± 6.4 years), and the median follow-up duration was 4.6 months (range: 0.03-59.5 months, ± 6.8 months). Preoperative hearing loss was significantly associated with female sex (p = 0.0028). The most reported preoperative symptoms were tinnitus (77.4%), dizziness (74.0%), autophony (66.3%), amplification (63.7%), and disequilibrium (62.6%). Between patients who received unilateral versus bilateral SSCD repair, the greatest postoperative symptomatic resolution was seen in autophony (74.9%, p < 0.001), amplification (77.3%, p = 0.00027), hyperacusis (77.4%, p = 0.023), hearing (62.9%, p = 0.0063), and dizziness (54.6%, p < 0.001) for patients with unilateral SSCD repair.
    CONCLUSIONS: Surgical repair via the middle cranial fossa approach can significantly resolve auditory, vestibular, and neurological symptoms of patients with SSCD. Although this is one of the largest single-institution SSCD studies to date, future multi-institutional, prospective studies would be beneficial to validate these results.





