Semicircular canals

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Isolated otolith dysfunction(iOD) involves a group of unexplained vestibular syndromes that manifest clinically as a sense of translation, tilting or floating, and blurred vision with head movement, with normal semicircular canal function but abnormal otolith function on laboratory vestibular testing. As vestibular medicine has gained widespread popularity in recent years, increasing attention has also been paid to iOD and case reports, clinical studies and diagnostic criteria have been published. However, there is no consensus document to guide the diagnosis of this disease in China. In this context, the Special Committee on Vertigo of China Medical Education Association organized a group of domestic experts in vestibular medicine and formulated this diagnostic consensus after thorough discussion based on the latest evidence in China and abroad, in order to promote the best clinical practice for iOD.
    摘要: 孤立性耳石器功能障碍(isolated otolith dysfunction,iOD)是一组原因不明的前庭综合征,临床表现为平移、倾斜或漂浮感以及头部活动时的视敏度下降,前庭功能检查显示半规管功能正常但耳石器功能异常。随着前庭医学临床实践的广泛开展,对iOD的关注逐渐增加,国际上相关的病例报道、临床研究和诊断标准亦见诸报道。且在临床实践中,国内尚无共识文件指导该疾病的临床工作。在此背景下,中国医药教育协会眩晕专委会组织国内多名前庭医学专家,经过多次讨论,在参考借鉴国内外最新研究成果的基础上制定本诊断共识,以期规范开展iOD的临床诊疗工作。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in patients with superior vestibular neuritis (SVN) versus the general French population, and to examine the possibility of vascular etiology in acute superior vestibular deficit.
    METHODS: A single-center retrospective study compared the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, cardiovascular disease and atrial fibrillation between patients with SVN and the French general population. Inclusion criteria comprised: rotatory vertigo lasting several days, without hearing impairment or neurological signs, with anterior and lateral semicircular canal involvement on video-Head-Impulse-Test (vHIT). A senior radiologist analyzed superior vestibular nerve and inner ear structure enhancement on cerebellopontine MRI.
    RESULTS: One hundred and eighteen cases of SVN were included from May 2016 to February 2020. Statistical analyses concerned 106 cases. The SVN population had significantly less hypercholesterolemia (RR=0.40) than the general French population. There was no significant difference concerning other CVRFs. Superior vestibular nerve enhancement was observed on 84% of MRIs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of CVRF was not higher in patients with SVN than in the general population. The present study highlighted involvement of the superior vestibular nerve more than of the anterior vestibular artery in SVN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper describes the diagnostic criteria for superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS) as put forth by the classification committee of the Bárány Society. In addition to the presence of a dehiscence of the superior semicircular canal on high resolution imaging, patients diagnosed with SCDS must also have symptoms and physiological tests that are both consistent with the pathophysiology of a \'third mobile window\' syndrome and not better accounted for by another vestibular disease or disorder. The diagnosis of SCDS therefore requires a combination of A) at least one symptom consistent with SCDS and attributable to \'third mobile window\' pathophysiology including 1) hyperacusis to bone conducted sound, 2) sound-induced vertigo and/or oscillopsia time-locked to the stimulus, 3) pressure-induced vertigo and/or oscillopsia time-locked to the stimulus, or 4) pulsatile tinnitus; B) at least 1 physiologic test or sign indicating that a \'third mobile window\' is transmitting pressure including 1) eye movements in the plane of the affected superior semicircular canal when sound or pressure is applied to the affected ear, 2) low-frequency negative bone conduction thresholds on pure tone audiometry, or 3) enhanced vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) responses (low cervical VEMP thresholds or elevated ocular VEMP amplitudes); and C) high resolution computed tomography (CT) scan with multiplanar reconstruction in the plane of the superior semicircular canal consistent with a dehiscence. Thus, patients who meet at least one criterion in each of the three major diagnostic categories (symptoms, physiologic tests, and imaging) are considered to have SCDS.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    This article presents operational diagnostic criteria for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), formulated by the Committee for Classification of Vestibular Disorders of the Bárány Society. The classification reflects current knowledge of clinical aspects and pathomechanisms of BPPV and includes both established and emerging syndromes of BPPV. It is anticipated that growing understanding of the disease will lead to further development of this classification.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    While some aspects of neuroanatomical organization are related to packing and access rather than to function, other aspects of anatomical/physiological organization are directly related to function. The mathematics of symmetry groups can be used to determine logical structure in projections and to relate it to function. This paper reviews two studies of the symmetry groups of vestibular projections that are related to the spatial functions of the vestibular complex, including gaze, posture, and movement. These logical structures have been determined by finding symmetry groups of two vestibular projections directly from physiological and anatomical data. Logical structures in vestibular projections are distinct from mapping properties such as the ability to maintain two- and three-dimensional coordinate systems; rather, they provide anatomical/physiological foundations for these mapping properties. The symmetry group of the direct projection from the semicircular canal primary afferents to neck motor neurons is that of the cube (O, the octahedral group), which can serve as a discrete skeleton for coordinate systems in three-dimensional space. The symmetry group of the canal projection from the secondary vestibular afferents to the inferior olive and thence to the cerebellar uvula-nodulus is that of the square (D8), which can support coordinates for the horizontal plane. While the mathematical relationship between these symmetry groups and functions of the vestibular complex are clear, these studies open a larger question: what is the causal logic by which neural centers and their intrinsic organization affect each other and behavior? The relationship of vestibular projection symmetry groups to spatial function make them ideal projections for investigating this causal logic. The symmetry group results are discussed in relationship to possible ways they communicate spatial structure to other neural centers and format spatial functions such as body movements. These two projection symmetry groups suggest that all vestibular projections may have symmetry groups significantly related to function, perhaps all to spatial function.





