Self-determination theory

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    By anchoring on the self-determination theory in an Ethiopian context, this study tried to establish the basic need satisfaction sport scales (BNSSS) reliability and validity. Despite the scale\'s usefulness in measuring athletes\' psychological need fulfillment during a sporting event, no study has proven the scale\'s validity in a setting of Ethiopian sports. To validate the BNSSS scale, confirmatory factor analysis was used in the study. The 20 items of the BNSSS questionnaire\'s English translation are divided into five categories: relatedness, competence, autonomy-perceived locus of internal causality, autonomy-choice, and volition. Senior language experts translated the BNSSS questionnaire into Amharic. The Amharic version of the instrument was used to gather data from 321 athletes, 174 men, and 147 women, with a mean age of 23.34 22.59 and a standard deviation of 5.08 and mean age 5.32; a standard deviation of 2.33 year of experience in their sports from four baseball games. With a Cronbach\'s alpha value ranging from 0.848 to 0.882 (IPLOC to Volition respectively) across the five subscales and, the results confirm the reliability of the BNSSS for evaluating satisfaction with basic needs and motivation among Ethiopian athletes.\" The result demonstrated an acceptable fit with the data (CFI, = 0.958, GFI, = 0.933, RMR, = 0.76, RMSEA, = 0.39) as well as internal consistency. All of the components\' Cronbach\'s alpha values met expectations. The instrument\'s Amharic translation was thus valid and reliable for determining the extent to which Ethiopian athletes\' basic needs were met.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In most self-determination theory (SDT) research, improving (de)motivating teaching styles provides numerous benefits for students and teachers, although there is less evidence of the latter. Although the recent circumplex model provides a fine-grained picture of the different (de)motivating teaching styles (i.e., autonomy support, structure, control, and chaos) that physical education (PE) teachers can use in their lessons, no previous motivational training programs have been based on this model. Moreover, all SDT-training programs have been implemented through different group sessions, but individual sessions have not been delivered. This study outlines the protocol of a motivational training program, derived from the circumplex model, designed to enhance motivating teaching styles (and prevent or decrease demotivating teaching styles) among PE teachers. Consequently, this program seeks to improve motivational variables and influence (mal)adaptive outcomes in both teachers and students. A randomised controlled trial design with a mixed-method approach. At least 16 secondary PE teachers will be assigned to either an experimental group or a control group, together with some of their students. The training program comprises four face-to-face group sessions and two follow-up sessions (one individual and one group session). PE teachers will learn how to support autonomy and provide structure, as well as to be less controlling and chaotic towards students. Over approximately five months, teachers will implement these motivational strategies during their PE classes. Different (de)motivating teaching styles, motivational variables, and (mal)adaptive outcomes will be assessed in both PE teachers and their students at three distinct points: before the training program (T1), during the intervention (T2), and at the end of the intervention (T3). Additionally, two discussion groups involving all experimental PE teachers will be held (one following the training program and another at the end of the intervention). The results from this study could be useful for developing motivational training programs for in-service PE teachers. Clinical trial registration:, identifier [NTC06479369].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) assume a vital role in promoting teacher growth and development, while the presence of intrinsic motivation (IM) in the work environment profoundly impacts teacher performance. Unveiling the interconnections between teachers\' engagement in PLCs and their intrinsic motivation holds the potential to enhance the overall well-being of both teachers and students. This study used a mixed-methods approach to investigate the relationship between PLCs and IM of Chinese Teachers of Foreign Languages (CTFL) in higher education. The questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were conducted among 198 teachers in 19 provinces of China. The quantitative data were analyzed by means of descriptive analysis and regression analyses with SPSS 22.0 and the qualitative data were processed by following thematic analysis. Results demonstrated that the participants\' perceptions on their PLCs and IM were at a moderately high level, with mean scores at 3.56 and 3.86 on a 5-point Likert scale, respectively. Regression analyses revealed a significant positive correlation between PLCs and IM. Specifically, Shared Vision (SV), Supportive Environment (SE) and Collaborative Learning (CL) in PLCs were positively correlated with Willingness to Take on Challenges (WTC) and Love for Work (LW) in IM. The qualitative findings highlighted the significance of supportive environment and teacher\'s work engagement in affecting teacher\'s perceptions on PLCs. Job Characteristic of foreign language teacher, along with significant others might also influenced teachers\' intrinsic motivation. Implications for PLCs leadership and foreign language teachers are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to understand how psychological factors affect regular exercise in older adults, hypothesising that trait self-control mediates the relationship between motivation types (intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation) and exercise time. In this cross-sectional study, 430 older adults (mean age = 68.8 ± 6.72) completed questionnaires regarding their perceived trait self-control, motivation towards leisure activities, and level of physical activity. A Bayesian mediation analysis was performed, controlling for demographics. We documented positive direct (c\' = 0.021, 95%CI [0.001, 0.043]) and indirect (ab = 0.028, 95%CI [0.014, 0.043]) effects of intrinsic motivation on exercise, a fully mediated indirect effect of extrinsic motivation on exercise (ab = 0.027, 95%CI [0.011, 0.046]), and negative direct (c\' = -0.281, 95%CI [-0.368, -0.194]) and indirect (ab = -0.161, 95%CI [-0.221, -0.105]) effects of amotivation on exercise. There was no direct association between extrinsic motivation and exercise (c\' = 0.013, 95% CI [-0.013, 0.037]). In conclusion, trait self-control mediates motivation to influence exercise behaviour in older adults. Intrinsically motivated individuals resist sedentary living and show higher self-control, while extrinsically motivated ones rely on self-control and are more susceptible to non-adherence during mental fatigue. High amotivation is linked to less exercise and reduced self-control, suggesting potential non-compliance with structured exercise interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unintentional injuries pose a significant risk to children in early years globally. In particular, toddlers and preschoolers are vulnerable to injuries that occur at home. Despite the availability of preventive measures that can greatly reduce the risks of domestic injuries, some caregivers (e.g., parents) of children in early childhood may not fully implement these safety measures due to poor behavioral adherence or low awareness of the risk of domestic injury. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how caregivers in different cultural contexts approach injury prevention in the home environment. In this multi-cultural study, we investigated the motivational and belief processes underlying childhood domestic injury prevention among a total of 2059 primary caregivers (parents/guardians) of infant and toddlers (aged 2 to 6 years) across four societies, Australia (AU; N = 500), the United States (US; N = 500), Singapore (SG; N = 507), and Hong Kong (HK; N = 552), by applying the integrated model of self-determination theory (SDT) and theory of planned behavior (TPB). Our results support the key tenets of the integrated model and demonstrated cultural invariance model pathways across the four societies studied. In particular, the positive relationships among psychological need support, autonomous motivation, socio-cognitive beliefs, intention, and behavior adherence remained constant across societies. With a multi-cultural sample, this study provides valuable insights into the similarities and differences in motivation and beliefs surrounding childhood domestic injury prevention across these four societies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Externalizing behavior problems (EBPs) are common in children, with significant long-term impact on the child and family members. Parents, particularly mothers, of children with EBPs often experience heightened emotional distress. One crucial factor affecting parents\' ability to manage this distress is their level of differentiation-of-self (DOS). Differentiated parents are more likely to engage in practices that meet their child\'s psychological needs, thus supporting the self-determination theory principles vital for a child\'s well-being. This study examined the impact of parental DOS on parenting practices and subsequently on the child\'s EBPs, exploring possible differences between mothers and fathers.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirty-two mother-father dyads with children aged 6-14, diagnosed with EBPs participated. Parents completed the Differentiation of Self Inventory-Short Form, the Revised Parents as a Social Context Questionnaire, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire to assess parental DOS, practices, and child\'s EBPs, respectively. Adjusted parallel mediation models examined the mediating role of parental practices in the relationship between parental DOS and a child\'s EBPs.
    UNASSIGNED: While no direct link between parental DOS and child\'s symptoms was found, a complete mediation model indicated need-frustrating practices mediating between parental DOS and a child\'s EBPs, for both mothers and fathers. Additionally, fathers\' need-supportive practices, but not mothers\', were negatively associated with the child\'s symptoms.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings highlight the interaction between parental traits, need-frustrating practices, and a child\'s psychopathology. Notably, fathers\' supportive behaviors emerged as potential protective factors against child\'s EBPs, suggesting promising directions for future research and interventions targeting fathers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Grounded in self-determination theory, the present study aimed to investigate whether daily changes in employee motivation depend on whether employees receive appreciation from various sources at work, using a 7-day diary design. Beyond general knowledge about the effects of appreciation as an important source of motivation, there is still a lack of knowledge about the intrapersonal effect of appreciation on different types of regulation/motivation in terms of self-determination theory over time.
    METHODS: The sample consisted of 104 employees in full-time employment. More than half were women (72%) and the mean age was 43.25 years (SD = 10.53). They completed trait-level measures and then daily records, in which they reported their motivation and whether they received appreciation. Sources of appreciation were leaders, followers, and clients.
    RESULTS: Multilevel random coefficient modeling showed that employees reported higher levels of motivation on days when they received appreciation from different sources, independent of gender, trait-level motivation, and the Big Five. Furthermore, introjected regulation moderated the positive association between daily motivation and daily appreciation by the client, and appreciation did not have a lagged effect for subsequent days.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current study has both practical and theoretical implications. The results show that employee motivation can be supported through simple but effective steps through appreciation regardless of the source, although appreciation may be more important for employees with introjected regulation than for others.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on self-determination theory, this study examined the extent to which the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and social relatedness in instrumental lessons explain the quality and quantity of motivation, which are responsible for persistence and dropout in music schools. This study also investigated whether parental involvement contributes to dropout. A total of 140 music students from Austria (37.16% male, 62.1% female, 0.8% diverse) were surveyed using a quantitative questionnaire. The central variables are the tendency to dropout (dependent variable) and, as predictors, the motivational regulation styles, the satisfaction of basic psychological needs in the classroom and parental involvement. The results of a structural equation model indicated that satisfaction of basic needs in class and parental involvement, mediated by motivation, predicted dropout tendencies. Autonomous motivation in lessons is negatively associated and controlled motivation is positively associated with the tendency to drop out of music schools. Satisfaction of basic psychological needs during lessons and parental involvement predicts autonomous motivation. However, basic psychological needs cannot predict controlled motivation but parental involvement can predict controlled motivation to a limited extent. Finally, this study emphasizes the practical importance of need satisfaction and parental involvement in motivation and continuing to play a musical instrument.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: While previous work highlights the links between nature and various positive well-being-related outcomes, the experiences of autistic people in nature have received limited empirical research. Our study aimed at gathering autistic adults\' perspectives on the relationship between nature and well-being in both childhood and adulthood.
    UNASSIGNED: We used an online survey to capture the views of 127 autistic adults across the United Kingdom. Using reflexive thematic analysis, we analyzed responses to three questions focused on nature experiences in childhood and adulthood and how the participants felt that nature was (or was not) related to well-being. Guided by self-determination theory, we used both inductive and deductive analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: We developed three main themes to reflect the nature experiences of autistic adults: choosing to escape into nature, supporting relatedness through connecting in (and to) nature, and nature doesn\'t judge, but other people do. Compared with many other contexts, nature provides a non-judgmental space through which (in both childhood and adulthood) many, but not all, autistic individuals can meet individual needs and experience autonomy, relatedness, and competence.
    UNASSIGNED: This analysis of how autistic adults in the United Kingdom utilize nature to support well-being has implications for how nature can be used in social prescribing as well as in ensuring that existing outdoor spaces, organizations, and activities are supportive of autistic people.
    Why is this an important issue? Autistic adults often experience poorer mental health and overall well-being than neurotypical adults. Since some autistic adults are very interested in nature and often report that they feel better after spending time in nature, natural spaces and activities taking place outside could be one way of improving well-being for autistic adults. What was the purpose of this study? There is very little research on how autistic adults experience nature, although some autistic people have written about their experiences. The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of how autistic people experience nature and how nature might benefit their well-being. What did the researchers do? We created a survey that asked 26 questions about how autistic adults experience nature. This survey included questions about how often they visited nature, if they had a focused interest in nature, whether and how nature was related to their well-being, and childhood experiences of nature. Focusing on three of the questions, we used reflexive thematic analysis (a way of identifying patterns in data) to develop three themes. What were the results of the study? The three themes we developed were: choosing to escape into nature, supporting relatedness through connecting in (and to) nature, and nature doesn\'t judge, but other people do. These themes illustrate the different ways that autistic adults experienced nature. For some, nature was a way of relating to others and relating more deeply with themselves. Nature was also a way of escaping from people who were unkind, from situations that were uncomfortable, and from other stresses in life. Many autistic participants reported that nature was helpful to their well-being, because they experienced less judgment from natural spaces and creatures—though other people were sometimes judgmental, which made nature experiences worse. What do these findings add to what was already known? These findings confirm previous research showing that many autistic people have focused interests in nature. The findings not only add to the numerous existing anecdotal accounts about how autistic people feel in nature but also demonstrate a diverse range of perspectives. Not all autistic participants in this study felt that nature was beneficial to their well-being. What are the potential weaknesses of the study? Unfortunately, surveys are only accessible to people who have Wi-Fi/internet access, can use a computer or phone, and have the time to complete the survey. The survey might also have drawn in participants who were specifically interested in this topic, which might influence the findings. How will these findings help autistic adults now or in the future? These findings will help autistic adults, practitioners, and carers to identify a potential source of support for well-being. As autistic adults in this study used nature to meet different needs related to their well-being, natural space and nature-based activities may help improve well-being in autistic adults who enjoy nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The lack of physical exercise is a global health concern, particularly affecting women. However, there is limited research on factors influencing women\'s sports participation. Recent studies on increasing women\'s physical activity levels differ in methodologies and conclusions. Motivation, as the cornerstone of most human behaviors, has important effects on female motor participation. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is an important method to study human behavioral motivation and supported by empirical evidence. In the field of women\'s sports, the SDT is also widely used. This review explores the impact of SDT-related factors on women\'s sports participation, considering age variations. It aims to guide future empirical research and promote PA across demographics.
    UNASSIGNED: This review, by searching the existing empirical literature in Web of Science, Google Scholar, Elsevier ScienceDirect, CNKI, obtained 32 independent studies, conducted a meta-analysis after coding them, considering 11 influencing factors from the integration of SDT and Basic Psychological Needs Theory.
    UNASSIGNED: The study found a significant positive correlation between autonomous motivation and women\'s sports participation, with identified regulation having the strongest influence. Controlled motivation showed no significant impact on women\'s exercise, while amotivation had an inhibitory effect. Enhancing women\'s perception of autonomy, competence, and relatedness significantly promotes sports participation. Age differences were observed in the relationship between autonomous motivation, basic psychological needs, and sports participation, with the strongest effects on women aged 25-40, while the impact was relatively weaker in older women. The correlation between basic psychological needs and female sports participation also has a significant age difference. Thus, different measures should be taken to improve exercise participation in women of different age groups.





