Self-determination theory

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social distancing (SD) was an effective way of reducing virus transmission during the deadly and highly infectious COVID-19 pandemic. Using a prospective longitudinal design, the present study explored how the Big 5 traits relate to variations in SD in a sample of university students (n = 285), and replicated these findings using informant reports. Self-determination theory\'s concepts of autonomous motivation and intrinsic community values were explored as potential mechanisms linking traits to SD. Individuals who were higher on trait agreeableness and conscientiousness engaged in more SD because they more effectively internalized the importance and value of the guidelines as a function of their concerns about the welfare of their communities. Informant reports confirmed trait agreeableness and conscientiousness to be associated with more SD. These results enhance our understanding of individual differences associated with better internalization and adherence to public health guidelines and can inform future interventions in similar crises.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Active Living Lifestyles for manual wheelchair users (ALLWheel) uses a digital peer-led approach to incorporate two behavior change theories to address a critical need for leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) programs for individuals with spinal cord injury (iSCI).
    The objective of this study was to obtain expert opinion and consensus for the ALLWheel program.
    Mixed-methods (qualitative and quantitative) were used to gather expert opinion and consensus for the ALLWheel program using an action research approach.
    Rehabilitation center.
    Experts in SCI and LTPA included iSCI who used manual wheelchairs, healthcare professionals, and community collaborators.
    Two, 90-minute focus groups were conducted and transcribed verbatim, analyzed thematically, and the results were used to create a Delphi survey. Delphi surveys were completed online using consecutive rounds until ≥70% consensus per item was attained. Cumulative percent concordances were calculated to determine consensus.
    Twelve experts in SCI and LTPA participated in focus groups. Four themes were generated: Need for LTPA programs; Important considerations; Perceptions about peer-coaches; and Feelings about smartphones, which were used to generate the Delphi survey. Consensus on the ALLWheel program was attained in two rounds.
    Experts established a need for fun and personalized community-based LTPA programs. Ensuring that healthcare professionals would be involved in the ALLWheel program alleviated safety concerns, and experts agreed there were benefits of peers delivering the program. Experts agreed that the ALLWheel program targeted important psychological factors (i.e. autonomy, relatedness, self-efficacy, and motivation) and affirmed the potential for a potentially large geographic reach.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    The World Health Organization (WHO) released the 2020 global guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. The new guidelines contain a significant change from the 2010 guidelines on physical activity for adults and older adults that has important implications for next-generation physical activity messaging: The removal of the need for aerobic activity to occur in bouts of at least 10 min duration. This change in the guidelines provides an opportunity to communicate in new ways that align with behavioural science, permitting physical activity communicators and promoters to better support people\'s psychological needs, motivation, and ability to fit healthy levels of physical activity into their lives. The frames and messages we use to communicate about the guidelines matter because they influence whether activity is perceived as relevant, meaningful, and feasible - or not. When developing new physical activity communications there are some overarching principles, based on behavioural science, to keep in mind. Using established theory, this commentary aims to support the creation of more strategic frames and messages for increasing the value and integration of physical activity into daily living. Country-specific physical activity campaigns using these ideas will be discussed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Depression is highly prevalent in nursing homes residents and affects their quality of life. Both prevalence and impact of depression may decrease when effective guidelines or depression care programs are used, but this appears to be a challenging task. The Self Determination Theory postulates that the realization of complex tasks is being facilitated by meeting three basic human psychosocial needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness to others. This cross-sectional study investigates the relationship between the experienced autonomy, competence and relatedness and the extent to which depression care is given according to guidelines in 46 doctors, 49 psychologists and 53 nurses from 71 Dutch nursing homes. Although autonomy and competence were significantly related to depression care according to guidelines, hierarchical multiple regression analyses with all three basic needs showed a statistically significant result for competence only. The associations don\'t allow conclusions about causal relationships, longitudinal research will shed light on the direction of the association for competence.
    Depressie komt bij bewoners van verpleeghuizen vaak voor en tast de kwaliteit van hun leven aan. Als professionals de richtlijnen voor depressiezorg of een op richtlijnen gebaseerd zorgprogramma opvolgen, verminderen zowel ernst als prevalentie van depressie. Deze complexe taak blijkt in de praktijk echter lastig uitvoerbaar. De Zelf Determinatie Theorie stelt dat de uitvoering van complexe taken bevorderd wordt door tegemoet te komen aan drie psychosociale basisbehoeften van mensen. In dit dwarsdoorsnede-onderzoek is de relatie onderzocht tussen deze drie basisbehoeften, namelijk ervaren autonomie, competentie en verbondenheid met collega’s en de mate waarin 46 artsen, 49 psychologen en 53 zorgmedewerkers uit 71 verpleeghuisorganisaties in Nederland depressiezorg volgens richtlijnen vormgaven. Hoewel autonomie en competentie bleken te correleren met de mate waarin depressiezorg volgens richtlijnen vorm kreeg, liet hiërarchische multipele regressieanalyse met alle drie basisbehoeften alleen een statistisch significant resultaat zien voor competentie. Longitudinaal onderzoek kan inzicht geven in de richting van het gevonden verband voor de basisbehoefte competentie.





