
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This cross-sectional study examined eye movement performance in patients aged 4 to 16 years. Measurements of eye movements were obtained before and after performing therapy for inhibition of four primitive reflexes, asymmetric tonic neck reflex, symmetric tonic neck reflex, labyrinthine tonic reflex and Moro reflex. Subsequently the scores of the four primitive reflexes were compared with the results of five variables: fixation maintenance, % mean saccade size, motility excursions, fixations during excursions and mean duration of fixations. The comparisons showed a significant reduction in evidence of fixation maintenance as well as mean saccade size due to the inhibition of the four primitive reflexes. There was also a significant increase in ocular motility while fixations per saccade and average duration of fixations also decreased significantly. Visual balance between values of both eyes improved in all tests. A device called VisagraphTM III, which measures eye movements, was used for data collection. These results suggest that the oculomotor improvements reflect the involvement of other maturational processes such as the emergence and inhibition of primitive reflexes, the whole reorganization being key to future reading and attentional processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    State-of-the-art eye trackers provide valuable information for diagnosing reading problems by measuring and interpreting people\'s gaze paths as they read through text. Abnormal conditions such as visual field defects, however, can seriously confound most of today\'s existing methods for interpreting reading gaze patterns. Our objective was to research how visual field defects impact reading gaze path patterns, so the effects of such neurological pathologies can be explicitly incorporated into more comprehensive reading diagnosis methodologies. A cross-sectional, non-randomized, pilot clinical study including 45 patients with various neurologic disorders and 30 normal controls was designed. Participants underwent ophthalmologic/neuropsychologic and eye-tracker examinations using two reading tests of words and numbers. The results showed that the use of the eye tracker showed that patients with brain damage and an altered visual field require more time to complete a reading-text test by fixating a greater number of times (p < 0.001); with longer fixations (p = 0.03); and a greater number of saccades in these patients (p = 0.04). Our study showed objective differences in eye movement characteristics in patients with neurological diseases and an altered visual field who complained of reading difficulties. These findings should be considered as a bias factor and deserve further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our aim in this study was to understand how we perform visuospatial comparison tasks by analyzing ocular behavior and to examine how restrictions in macular or peripheral vision disturb ocular behavior and task performance. Two groups of 18 healthy participants with normal or corrected visual acuity performed visuospatial comparison tasks (computerized version of the elementary visuospatial perception [EVSP] test) (Pisella et al., 2013) with a gaze-contingent mask simulating either tubular vision (first group) or macular scotoma (second group). After these simulations of pathological conditions, all participants also performed the EVSP test in full view, enabling direct comparison of their oculomotor behavior and performance. In terms of oculomotor behavior, compared with the full view condition, alternation saccades between the two objects to compare were less numerous in the absence of peripheral vision, whereas the number of within-object exploration saccades decreased in the absence of macular vision. The absence of peripheral vision did not affect accuracy except for midline judgments, but the absence of central vision impaired accuracy across all visuospatial subtests. Besides confirming the crucial role of the macula for visuospatial comparison tasks, these experiments provided important insights into how sensory disorder modifies oculomotor behavior with or without consequences on performance accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many studies have attempted to identify the root cause of dyslexia. Different theories of dyslexia have proposed either a phonological, attentional, or visual deficit. While research has used eye-tracking to study dyslexia, only two previous studies have used the moving-window paradigm to explore the perceptual span in dyslexic reading, and none have done so in visual search. The present study analysed the perceptual span using both reading and visual search tasks to identify language-independent attentional impairments in dyslexics. We found equivocal evidence that the perceptual span was impaired in dyslexic reading and no evidence of impairment in visual search. However, dyslexic participants did show deficits in the visual search task, with lower search accuracy and shorter saccades compared with controls. These results lend support for a visual, rather than attentional or phonological, account of dyslexia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND:  There may be confusion about which canal is involved in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), especially with those that have subtle findings. The study aimed to determine if video head impulse testing may be used in such patients as a diagnostic tool. Symptom scoring and treatment efficiency in BPPV are essential parts of the process. Therefore, inventories like \"Dizziness Handicap Inventory\" may be useful in this regard.
    METHODS:  Patients with posterior and lateral canal BPPV were included. Video head impulse testing was performed prior to treatment and 1 week after treatment. Vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) gains were noted and compared to the opposite side. The presence of correction saccades was noted as well. Also, pretreatment and posttreatment Dizziness Handicap Inventory scores were compared.
    RESULTS:  Fifty-seven patients were diagnosed with posterior canal BPPV, and sixteen were with horizontal canal BPPV. In patients with posterior canal BPPV, there was no difference between the involved canal VOR gains and the other canals on the same side (P=.639). The involved horizontal canal did not differ from the opposite horizontal canal. Patients with lateral canal BPPV show more significant improvement after treatment compared to patients with posterior canal BPPV.
    CONCLUSIONS:  Video head impulse testing may not be used to estimate the involved canal in BPPV; however, it may be used to evaluate the efficiency of the treatment, especially in the lateral canal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated whether distractor inhibition occurs relative to the target or fixation in a perceptual decision-making task using a purely saccadic response. Previous research has shown that during the process of discriminating a target from distractor, saccades made to a target deviate towards the distractor. Once discriminated, the distractor is inhibited, and trajectories deviate away from the distractor. Saccade deviation magnitudes provide a sensitive measure of target-distractor competition dependent on the distance between them. While saccades are planned in an egocentric reference frame (locations represented relative to fixation), object-based inhibition has been shown to occur in an allocentric reference frame (objects represented relative to each other independent of fixation). By varying the egocentric and allocentric distances of the target and distractor, we found that only egocentric distances contributed to saccade trajectories shifts towards the distractor during active decision-making. When the perceptual decision-making process was complete, and the distractor was inhibited, both ego- and allocentric distances independently contributed to saccade trajectory shifts away from the distractor. This is consistent with independent spatial and object-based inhibitory mechanisms. Therefore, we suggest that distractor inhibition is maintained in cortical visual areas with allocentric maps which then feeds into oculomotor areas for saccade planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Expectation of a future stimulus increases the preparedness to act once it actually appears and results in reduced latency of the appropriate motor response. Real world events are uncertain both spatially and/or temporally but this uncertainty could itself be expected. In the presence of both expected spatial and temporal uncertainty, which one should be prioritized by the motor system could depend on the context. Therefore, we investigated the relative weight of expected spatial and temporal uncertainty during the preparation of a saccadic eye movement. A reaction time task was used with a variable foreperiod between a warning and an imperative visual stimuli. Expected temporal and/or spatial uncertainty associated with the stimulus was cued. We found that before imperative stimulus onset, pupil dilation increased with expected temporal uncertainty but was unaltered by spatial uncertainty. After imperative stimulus onset, both types of expected uncertainty affected saccade latency. Maximum eye velocity was modulated by expected spatial uncertainty only. In conclusion, expected temporal and spatial uncertainty do not have the same impact on preparation and execution of a motor response. There could be a prioritization of the relevant information as a function of the evolving expected uncertainty context during the task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When interacting with the visual world using saccadic eye movements (saccades), the perceived location of visual stimuli becomes biased, a phenomenon called perisaccadic mislocalization. However, the neural mechanism underlying this altered visuospatial perception and its potential link to other perisaccadic perceptual phenomena have not been established. Using the electrophysiological recording of extrastriate areas in four male macaque monkeys, combined with a computational model, we were able to quantify spatial bias around the saccade target (ST) based on the perisaccadic dynamics of extrastriate spatiotemporal sensitivity captured by a statistical model. This approach could predict the perisaccadic spatial bias around the ST, consistent with behavioral data, and revealed the precise neuronal response components underlying representational bias. These findings also establish the crucial role of increased sensitivity near the ST for neurons with receptive fields far from the ST in driving the ST spatial bias. Moreover, we showed that, by allocating more resources for visual target representation, visual areas enhance their representation of the ST location, even at the expense of transient distortions in spatial representation. This potential neural basis for perisaccadic ST representation also supports a general role for extrastriate neurons in creating the perception of stimulus location.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the relationship between eye-tracking metrics and emotional experiences in the context of cultural landscapes and tourism-related visual stimuli. Fifty-three participants were involved in two experiments: forty-three in the data collection phase and ten in the model validation phase. Eye movements were recorded and the data were analyzed to identify correlations between four eye-tracking metrics-average number of saccades (ANS), total dwell fixation (TDF), fixation count (FC), and average pupil dilation (APD)-and 19 distinct emotional experiences, which were subsequently grouped into three categories: positive, neutral, and negative. The study examined the variations in eye-tracking metrics across architectural, historic, economic, and life landscapes, as well as the three primary phases of a tour: entry, core, and departure. Findings revealed that architectural and historic landscapes demanded higher levels of visual and cognitive engagement, especially during the core phase. Stepwise regression analysis identified four key eye-tracking predictors for emotional experiences, enabling the development of a prediction model. This research underscores the effectiveness of eye-tracking technology in capturing and predicting emotional responses to different landscape types, offering valuable insights for optimizing rural tourism environments and enhancing visitors\' emotional experiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single-unit (SU) activity-action potentials isolated from one neuron-has traditionally been employed to relate neuronal activity to behavior. However, recent investigations have shown that multiunit (MU) activity-ensemble neural activity recorded within the vicinity of one microelectrode-may also contain accurate estimations of task-related neural population dynamics. Here, using an established model-fitting approach, we compared the spatial codes of SU response fields with corresponding MU response fields recorded from the frontal eye fields (FEFs) in head-unrestrained monkeys (Macaca mulatta) during a memory-guided saccade task. Overall, both SU and MU populations showed a simple visuomotor transformation: the visual response coded target-in-eye coordinates, transitioning progressively during the delay toward a future gaze-in-eye code in the saccade motor response. However, the SU population showed additional secondary codes, including a predictive gaze code in the visual response and retention of a target code in the motor response. Further, when SUs were separated into regular/fast spiking neurons, these cell types showed different spatial code progressions during the late delay period, only converging toward gaze coding during the final saccade motor response. Finally, reconstructing MU populations (by summing SU data within the same sites) failed to replicate either the SU or MU pattern. These results confirm the theoretical and practical potential of MU activity recordings as a biomarker for fundamental sensorimotor transformations (e.g., target-to-gaze coding in the oculomotor system), while also highlighting the importance of SU activity for coding more subtle (e.g., predictive/memory) aspects of sensorimotor behavior.





