
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The regulation of emotions is a crucial facet of well-being and social adaptability, with explicit strategies receiving primary attention in prior research. Recent studies, however, emphasize the role of implicit emotion regulation, particularly implicating the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) in association with its implementation. This study delves into the nuanced role of the VMPFC through focality-optimized multichannel transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), shedding light on its causal involvement in implicit reappraisal. The primary goal was to evaluate the effectiveness of VMFPC-targeted tDCS and elucidate its role in individuals with high trait anxiety. Participants engaged in implicit and explicit emotion regulation tasks during multichannel tDCS targeting the VMPFC. The outcome measures encompassed negative emotion ratings, pupillary diameter, and saccade count, providing a comprehensive evaluation of emotion regulation efficiency. The intervention exhibited a notable impact, resulting in significant reductions in negative emotion ratings and pupillary reactions during implicit reappraisal, highlighting the indispensable role of the VMPFC in modulating emotional responses. Notably, these effects demonstrated sustained efficacy up to 1 day postintervention. This study underscores the potency of VMPFC-targeted multichannel tDCS in augmenting implicit emotion regulation. This not only contributes insights into the neural mechanisms of emotion regulation but also suggests innovative therapeutic avenues for anxiety disorders. The findings present a promising trajectory for future mood disorder interventions, bridging the gap between implicit emotion regulation and neural stimulation techniques.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This cross-sectional study examined eye movement performance in patients aged 4 to 16 years. Measurements of eye movements were obtained before and after performing therapy for inhibition of four primitive reflexes, asymmetric tonic neck reflex, symmetric tonic neck reflex, labyrinthine tonic reflex and Moro reflex. Subsequently the scores of the four primitive reflexes were compared with the results of five variables: fixation maintenance, % mean saccade size, motility excursions, fixations during excursions and mean duration of fixations. The comparisons showed a significant reduction in evidence of fixation maintenance as well as mean saccade size due to the inhibition of the four primitive reflexes. There was also a significant increase in ocular motility while fixations per saccade and average duration of fixations also decreased significantly. Visual balance between values of both eyes improved in all tests. A device called VisagraphTM III, which measures eye movements, was used for data collection. These results suggest that the oculomotor improvements reflect the involvement of other maturational processes such as the emergence and inhibition of primitive reflexes, the whole reorganization being key to future reading and attentional processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The subjective feeling of being the author of one\'s actions and the subsequent consequences is referred to as a sense of agency. Such a feeling is crucial for usability in human-computer interactions, where eye movement has been adopted, yet this area has been scarcely investigated. We examined how the temporal action-feedback discrepancy affects the sense of agency concerning eye movement. Participants conducted a visual search for an array of nine Chinese characters within a temporally-delayed gaze-contingent display, blurring the peripheral view. The relative delay between each eye movement and the subsequent window movement varied from 0 to 4,000 ms. In the control condition, the window played a recorded gaze behavior. The mean authorship rating and the proportion of \"self\" responses in the categorical authorship report (\"self,\" \"delayed self,\" and \"other\") gradually decreased as the temporal discrepancy increased, with \"other\" being rarely reported, except in the control condition. These results generally mirror those of prior studies on hand actions, suggesting that sense of agency extends beyond the effector body parts to other modalities, and two different types of sense of agency that have different temporal characteristics are simultaneously operating. The mode of fixation duration shifted as the delay increased under 200-ms delays and was divided into two modes at 200-500 ms delays. The frequency of 0-1.5° saccades exhibited an increasing trend as the delay increased. These results demonstrate the influence of perceived action-effect discrepancy on action refinement and task strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    State-of-the-art eye trackers provide valuable information for diagnosing reading problems by measuring and interpreting people\'s gaze paths as they read through text. Abnormal conditions such as visual field defects, however, can seriously confound most of today\'s existing methods for interpreting reading gaze patterns. Our objective was to research how visual field defects impact reading gaze path patterns, so the effects of such neurological pathologies can be explicitly incorporated into more comprehensive reading diagnosis methodologies. A cross-sectional, non-randomized, pilot clinical study including 45 patients with various neurologic disorders and 30 normal controls was designed. Participants underwent ophthalmologic/neuropsychologic and eye-tracker examinations using two reading tests of words and numbers. The results showed that the use of the eye tracker showed that patients with brain damage and an altered visual field require more time to complete a reading-text test by fixating a greater number of times (p < 0.001); with longer fixations (p = 0.03); and a greater number of saccades in these patients (p = 0.04). Our study showed objective differences in eye movement characteristics in patients with neurological diseases and an altered visual field who complained of reading difficulties. These findings should be considered as a bias factor and deserve further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presaccadic preview of a peripheral target enhances the efficiency of its postsaccadic processing, termed the extrafoveal preview effect. Peripheral visual performance-and thus the quality of the preview-varies around the visual field, even at isoeccentric locations: It is better along the horizontal than vertical meridian and along the lower than upper vertical meridian. To investigate whether these polar angle asymmetries influence the preview effect, we asked human participants to preview four tilted gratings at the cardinals, until a central cue indicated which one to saccade to. During the saccade, the target orientation either remained or slightly changed (valid/invalid preview). After saccade landing, participants discriminated the orientation of the (briefly presented) second grating. Stimulus contrast was titrated with adaptive staircases to assess visual performance. Expectedly, valid previews increased participants\' postsaccadic contrast sensitivity. This preview benefit, however, was inversely related to polar angle perceptual asymmetries; largest at the upper, and smallest at the horizontal meridian. This finding reveals that the visual system compensates for peripheral asymmetries when integrating information across saccades, by selectively assigning higher weights to the less-well perceived preview information. Our study supports the recent line of evidence showing that perceptual dynamics around saccades vary with eye movement direction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Compare the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain, compensatory saccades and head and eye coordination during head impulses between patients with dizziness but normal VOR gain and healthy controls.
    METHODS: Video head impulses test (vHIT; ICS impulse, Otometrics, Denmark) was reviewed in 40 participants (20 patients with dizziness; 20 controls). VOR gain, saccades characteristics (frequency of occurrence, amplitude, latency) and time difference between head and eye velocity was compared.
    RESULTS: No significant difference between groups was observed for VOR gain. However, saccade frequency was greater and time difference between head and eye was prolonged in patients with dizziness. No significant difference was observed for saccade amplitude, nor for saccade latency between groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study highlights that saccades observed in patients with normal VOR gain could reflect a clinical marker for dizziness in patients with normal VOR gain. We propose that theses saccades are caused by a prolonged time delay between head and eye velocity leading to a gaze position error.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results support previous findings suggesting additional value of saccades and time delay when interpreting vHIT results. This study goes further by proposing time delay as a possible mechanism to explain increased saccade frequency in dizzy patients with normal VOR gain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans explore visual scenes by alternating short fixations with saccades directing the fovea to points of interest. During fixation, the visual system not only examines the foveal stimulus at high resolution, but it also processes the extrafoveal input to plan the next saccade. Although foveal analysis and peripheral selection occur in parallel, little is known about the temporal dynamics of foveal and peripheral processing upon saccade landing, during fixation. Here we investigate whether the ability to localize changes across the visual field differs depending on when the change occurs during fixation, and on whether the change localization involves foveal, extrafoveal processing, or both. Our findings reveal that the ability to localize changes in peripheral areas of the visual field improves as a function of time after fixation onset, whereas localization accuracy for foveal stimuli remains approximately constant. Importantly, this pattern holds regardless of whether individuals monitor only foveal or peripheral stimuli, or both simultaneously. Altogether, these results show that the visual system is more attuned to the foveal input early on during fixation, whereas change localization for peripheral stimuli progressively improves throughout fixation, possibly as a consequence of an increased readiness to plan the next saccade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our aim in this study was to understand how we perform visuospatial comparison tasks by analyzing ocular behavior and to examine how restrictions in macular or peripheral vision disturb ocular behavior and task performance. Two groups of 18 healthy participants with normal or corrected visual acuity performed visuospatial comparison tasks (computerized version of the elementary visuospatial perception [EVSP] test) (Pisella et al., 2013) with a gaze-contingent mask simulating either tubular vision (first group) or macular scotoma (second group). After these simulations of pathological conditions, all participants also performed the EVSP test in full view, enabling direct comparison of their oculomotor behavior and performance. In terms of oculomotor behavior, compared with the full view condition, alternation saccades between the two objects to compare were less numerous in the absence of peripheral vision, whereas the number of within-object exploration saccades decreased in the absence of macular vision. The absence of peripheral vision did not affect accuracy except for midline judgments, but the absence of central vision impaired accuracy across all visuospatial subtests. Besides confirming the crucial role of the macula for visuospatial comparison tasks, these experiments provided important insights into how sensory disorder modifies oculomotor behavior with or without consequences on performance accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a renewed interest on eye movements analysis and retinal alterations in Parkinson\'s disease. This may identify markers for at-risk subpopulation, early diagnosis and evolutive profiles for research or personalized medicine.





