Rift Valley fever virus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic pathogen. Its RNA genome consists of two negative-sense segments (L and M) with one gene each, and one ambisense segment (S) with two opposing genes separated by the noncoding \"intergenic region\" (IGR). These vRNAs and the complementary cRNAs are encapsidated by nucleoprotein (N). Using iCLIP2 (individual-nucleotide resolution UV crosslinking and immunoprecipitation) to map all N-vRNA and N-cRNA interactions, we detect N coverage along the L and M segments. However, the S segment vRNA and cRNA each contain approximately 100 non-encapsidated nucleotides stretching from the IGR into the 5\'-adjacent reading frame. These exposed regions are RNase-sensitive and predicted to form stem-loop structures with the mRNA transcription termination motif positioned near the top. Moreover, optimal S segment transcription and replication requires the entire exposed region rather than only the IGR. Thus, the RVFV S segment contains a central, non-encapsidated RNA region with a functional role.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infection of Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV), a highly pathogenic mosquito-borne zoonotic virus, triggers severe inflammatory pathogenesis but the underlying mechanism of inflammation activation is currently unclear. Here, we report that the non-structural protein NSs of RVFV triggers mitochondrial damage to activate the NLRP3 inflammasome leading to viral pathogenesis in vivo. It is found that the host transcription inhibition effect of NSs causes rapid down-regulation of myeloid cell leukemia-1(MCL-1), a pro-survival member of the Bcl-2 (B-cell lymphoma protein 2) protein family. MCL-1 down-regulation led to BAK activation in the mitochondria, which triggered mtROS production and release of oxidized mitochondrial DNA (ox-mtDNA) into the cytosol. Cytosolic ox-mtDNA binds and activates the NLRP3 inflammasome triggering NLRP3-GSDMD pyroptosis in RVFV infected cells. A NSs mutant virus (RVFV-NSsRM) that is compromised in inducing transcription inhibition did not trigger MCL-1 down-regulation nor NLRP3-GSDMD pyroptosis. RVFV infection of the Nlrp3-/- mouse model demonstrated that the RVFV-triggered NLRP3 pyroptosis contributed to RVFV inflammatory pathogenesis and fatal infection in vivo. Infection with the RVFV-NSsRM mutant virus similarly showed alleviated inflammatory pathogenesis and reduced fatality rate. Taken together, these results revealed a mechanism by which a virulence factor activates the mitochondrial MCL-1-BAK axis through inducing host transcription inhibition to trigger NLRP3-dependent inflammatory pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a neglected vector-borne disease which is endemic in many countries across Africa and has seen recent geographical expansions into the Arabian Peninsula. RVF can cause severe infections in both animals and humans. RVF infections in livestock can lead to mass fatalities. In humans, the symptoms are nonspecific and can often lead to misdiagnosis. However, a small proportion progresses to haemorrhagic infection with a significantly higher mortality rate. The culmination of this can cause severe socioeconomic impacts. This review aims to identify the main socioeconomic impacts caused by RVF outbreaks as well as existing knowledge gaps. Ninety-three academic and grey papers were selected, covering 19 countries and 10 methodological approaches. A variety of socioeconomic impacts were found across all levels of society: Livestock trade disruptions consequently impacted local food security, local and national economies. Most livestock farmers in endemic countries are subsistence farmers and so rely on their livestock for sustenance and income. RVF outbreaks resulted in a variety of socioeconomic impacts, e.g., the inability to pay for school fees. Main barriers to vaccine uptake in communities were lack of access, funds, interest along with other social aspects. The occupational risks for women (and pregnant women) are largely unknown. To our knowledge, this is the first review on RVF to highlight the clear knowledge gap surrounding the potential gender differences on risks of RVF exposure, as well as differences on occupational health risk in pastoral communities. Further work is required to fill the gaps identified in this review and inform control policies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a mosquito-borne RNA virus of the Phlebovirus genus in the phenuviridae family. Its genome is trisegmented with small (S), medium (M) and large (L) fragments. In nature, the virus exists as a single serotype that is responsible for outbreaks of Rift Valley fever (RVF), a zoonotic disease that often occurs in Africa and the Middle East. RVFV genomes are thought to undergo both recombination and reassortment and investigations of these events is important for monitoring the emergence of virulent strains and understanding the evolutionary characteristics of this virus. The aim of this study was to characterize the genomes of RVFV isolates from cattle, sheep, and goats collected during an interepidemic period in Kenya between June 2016 and November 2021. A total of 691 serum samples from cattle (n = 144), goats (n = 185) and sheep (n = 362) were analysed at the Central Veterinary Laboratories. The competitive IgM-capture ELISA, was used to screen the samples; 205 samples (29.67%) tested positive for RVFV. Of the 205 positive samples, 42 (20.5%) were from cattle, 57 (27.8%) from goats, and 106 (51.7%) from sheep. All the IgM-positive samples were further analyzed by qPCR, and 24 (11.71%) tested positive with Ct values ranging from 14.788 to 38.286. Two samples, 201808HABDVS from sheep and 201810CML3DVS from cattle, had Ct values of less than 20.0 and yielded whole genome sequences with 96.8 and 96.4 coverage, respectively. There was no statistically significant evidence of recombination in any of the three segments and also phylogenetic analysis showed no evidence of reassortment in the two isolated RVFV segments when compared with other isolates of different lineages from previous outbreaks whose genomes are deposited in the GenBank. No evidence of reassortment leaves room for other factors to be the most probable contributors of change in virulence, pathogenicity and emergence of highly virulent strains of the RVFV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever, and Rift Valley fever virus are two under-researched zoonotic pathogens in Ethiopia. Potential outbreaks of these diseases, in light of the high dependency of nomadic pastoralists on their livestock, poses a risk to both human and animal health in addition to risking the pastoralists livelihoods. Our study aimed to determine the seroprevalence and associated risk factors for Q fever and Rift Valley fever in pastoral communities in the Afar region of north-eastern Ethiopia.
    RESULTS: This cross-sectional study screened pastoralists (n = 323) and their livestock (n = 1377) for IgG antibodies to Coxiella burnetii and Rift Valley fever virus. A seroprevalence for Q fever of 25.0% (95%CI 18.6-32.6) was found in pastoralists and 34.3% (95%CI 27.9-41.3) in livestock overall; with 51.9% in goats (95%CI 44.9-58.8), 39.9% in sheep (95%CI 24.6-51.2), 16.3% in camels (95%CI 10.4-24.6) and 8.8% in cattle (95%CI 5.0-15.0). For Rift Valley fever the seroprevalence in pastoralists was 6.1% (95%CI 3.3-11.0) and 3.9% (95%CI 2.6-5.7) in livestock overall; cattle had the highest seroprevalence (8.3%, 95%CI 3.3-19.2), followed by goats (2.7%; 95%CI 1.4-5.1), sheep (2.5%; 95%CI 1.0-5.9) and camels (1.8%; 95%CI 0.4-6.9). Human Q fever seropositivity was found to be associated with goat abortions (OR = 2.11, 95%CI 1.18-3.78, p = 0.011), while Rift Valley fever seropositivity in livestock was found to be associated with cattle abortions (OR = 2.52, 95%CI 1.05-6.08, p = 0.039).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence for a notable exposure to both Q fever and Rift Valley fever in pastoralists and livestock in Afar. The outbreak potential of these pathogens warrants ongoing integrated human and animal surveillance requiring close collaboration of the human and animal health sectors with community representatives following a One Health approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an important zoonotic viral disease affecting several species of domestic and wild ruminants, causing major economic losses and dozens of human deaths in various geographical areas of Africa, where it is endemic. Although it is not present in Europe, there is a risk of its introduction and spread linked to globalisation and climate change. At present, the only measure that could help to prevent the disease is vaccination of flocks in areas at risk of RVF. Available live attenuated vaccines are an effective means of controlling the disease, but their use is often questioned due to residual virulence, particularly in susceptible hosts such as pregnant sheep. On the other hand, no vaccine is currently licensed for use in humans. The development of safe and effective vaccines is therefore a major area of research. In previous studies, we selected under selective mutagenic pressure a highly attenuated RVFV 56/74 virus variant called 40Fp8. This virus showed an extremely attenuated phenotype in both wild-type and immunodeficient A129 (IFNARKO) mice, yet was still able to induce protective immunity after a single inoculation, thus supporting its use as a safe, live attenuated vaccine. To further investigate its safety, in this work we have analysed the attenuation level of 40Fp8 in immunosuppressed mice (A129) when administered by the intranasal route, and compared it with other attenuated RVF viruses that are the basis of vaccines in use or in development. Our results show that 40Fp8 has a much higher attenuated level than these other viruses and confirm its potential as a candidate for safe RVF vaccine development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a zoonotic mosquito-borne virus with serious implications for livestock health, human health, and the economy in Africa, and is suspected to be endemic in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa. The vectors of RVFV in this area are poorly known, although several species, such as Aedes (Neomelaniconion) mcintoshi, Aedes (Neomelaniconion) circumluteolus, Aedes (Aedimorphus) durbanensis, and Culex (Lasioconops) poicilipes may be involved. The aim of the study was to determine the vertebrate blood meal sources of potential RVFV mosquito vectors in north-eastern KZN and to characterize the host-biting network.
    METHODS: Blood-fed mosquitoes were collected monthly from November 2019 to February 2023 using a backpack aspirator, CO2-baited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) miniature light traps and tent traps, in the vicinity of water bodies and livestock farming households. The mosquitoes were morphologically identified. DNA was extracted from individual mosquitoes and used as templates to amplify the vertebrate cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and cytochrome b (cytb) genes using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Amplicons were sequenced and queried in GenBank and the Barcode of Life Data systems to identify the vertebrate blood meal sources and confirm mosquito identifications. All mosquitoes were screened for RVFV using real time reverse transcription (RT)-PCR.
    RESULTS: We identified the mammalian (88.8%) and avian (11.3%) blood meal sources from 409 blood-fed mosquitoes. Aedes circumluteolus (n = 128) made up the largest proportion of collected mosquitoes. Cattle (n = 195) and nyala (n = 61) were the most frequent domestic and wild hosts, respectively. Bipartite network analysis showed that the rural network consisted of more host-biting interactions than the reserve network. All mosquitoes tested negative for RVFV.
    CONCLUSIONS: Several mosquito species, including Ae. circumluteolus, and vertebrate host species, including cattle and nyala, could play a central role in RVFV transmission. Future research in this region should focus on these species to better understand RVFV amplification.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is an arbovirus disease responsible of regular epizootics and epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa and Arabian Peninsula. In 2016, Niger experienced its first outbreak of RVF in Tahoua region, which resulted in high consequences in animal and human health. The aim of this study was to investigate on the RVFV circulation among potential vectors of the disease.
    This was a cross-sectional survey carried out in Tahoua and Agadez regions in August 2021. Adult mosquitoes were collected by using the morning spray in human dwellings and the CDC light trap methods. After morphological identification, viral RNA was extracted. The RNA was extracted by using QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen). The RVFV detection was performed by using the qRT-PCR method.
    A total of 2487 insects (1978 mosquitoes, 509 sandflies and 251 biting midges) were identified and divided into three families (Culicidae, Psychodidae and Ceratopogonidae). The Culicidae family composed of the Culex genus being the most abundant with a predominance of Cx.pipiens (31.88%; n = 793) followed by Mansonia sp (21.51%; n = 535), Anophelesgambiae s.l. (8.44%; n = 210), An. pharoensis (0.72%; n = 18), An. rufipes (0.48%; n = 12), Cx. quinquefasciatus (6.39%; n = 159), the Psychodidae with sandflies (20.46%; n = 509), and the Ceratopogonidae with Culicoides genus (10.09%; n = 251). The qRT-PCR carried out on a sample of mosquitoes (N = 96) highlighted that one individual of Cx.pipiens was found positive to RVFV. This specimen was from Tassara locality (Tahoua) and collected by CDC Light Trap method.
    This study reveals for the first time the circulation of RVFV among Cx.pipiens in Niger and highlights the possible vectorial role of this vector in the disease transmission. Further investigations should be carried out to identify the biological and ecological determinants that support the maintenance of the virus in this area in order to guide control interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenuiviruses are a class of segmented negative-sense single-stranded RNA viruses, typically consisting of three RNA segments that encode four distinct proteins. The emergence of pathogenic phenuivirus strains, such as Rift Valley fever phlebovirus (RVFV) in sub-Saharan Africa, Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus (SFTSV) in East and Southeast Asia, and Heartland Virus (HRTV) in the United States has presented considerable challenges to global public health in recent years. The innate immune system plays a crucial role as the initial defense mechanism of the host against invading pathogens. In addition to continued research aimed at elucidating the epidemiological characteristics of phenuivirus, significant advancements have been made in investigating its viral virulence factors (glycoprotein, non-structural protein, and nucleoprotein) and potential host-pathogen interactions. Specifically, efforts have focused on understanding mechanisms of viral immune evasion, viral assembly and egress, and host immune networks involving immune cells, programmed cell death, inflammation, nucleic acid receptors, etc. Furthermore, a plethora of technological advancements, including metagenomics, metabolomics, single-cell transcriptomics, proteomics, gene editing, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines, have been utilized to further our understanding of phenuivirus pathogenesis and host immune responses. Hence, this review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of the mechanisms of host recognition, viral immune evasion, and potential therapeutic approaches during human pathogenic phenuivirus infections focusing particularly on RVFV and SFTSV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever (RVF), a mosquito-borne transboundary zoonosis, was first confirmed in Rwanda\'s livestock in 2012 and since then sporadic cases have been reported almost every year. In 2018, the country experienced its first large outbreak, which was followed by a second one in 2022. To determine the circulating virus lineages and their ancestral origin, two genome sequences from the 2018 outbreak, and thirty-six, forty-one, and thirty-eight sequences of small (S), medium (M), and large (L) genome segments, respectively, from the 2022 outbreak were generated. All of the samples from the 2022 outbreak were collected from slaughterhouses. Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian-based phylogenetic analyses were performed. The findings showed that RVF viruses belonging to a single lineage, C, were circulating during the two outbreaks, and shared a recent common ancestor with RVF viruses isolated in Uganda between 2016 and 2019, and were also linked to the 2006/2007 largest East Africa RVF outbreak reported in Kenya, Tanzania, and Somalia. Alongside the wild-type viruses, genetic evidence of the RVFV Clone 13 vaccine strain was found in slaughterhouse animals, demonstrating a possible occupational risk of exposure with unknown outcome for people working in meat-related industry. These results provide additional evidence of the ongoing wide spread of RVFV lineage C in Africa and emphasize the need for an effective national and international One Health-based collaborative approach in responding to RVF emergencies.





