Respiratory-Gated Imaging Techniques

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Respiratory movement has an important impact on the radiotherapy for lung tumor. Respiratory gating technology is helpful to improve the accuracy of target delineation. This study investigated the value of prospective and retrospective respiratory gating simulations in target delineation and radiotherapy plan design for solitary pulmonary tumors (SPTs) in radiotherapy.
    METHODS: The enrolled patients underwent CT simulation with three-dimensional (3D) CT non gating, prospective respiratory gating, and retrospective respiratory gating simulation. The target volumes were delineated on three sets of CT images, and radiotherapy plans were prepared accordingly. Tumor displacements and movement information obtained using the two respiratory gating approaches, as well as the target volumes and dosimetry parameters in the radiotherapy plan were compared.
    RESULTS: No significant difference was observed in tumor displacement measured using the two gating methods (p > 0.05). However, the internal gross tumor volumes (IGTVs), internal target volumes (ITVs), and planning target volumes (PTVs) based on the retrospective respiratory gating simulation were larger than those obtained using prospective gating (group A: pIGTV = 0.041, pITV = 0.003, pPTV = 0.008; group B: pIGTV = 0.025, pITV = 0.039, pPTV = 0.004). The two-gating PTVs were both smaller than those delineated on 3D non gating images (p < 0.001). V5Gy, V10Gy, V20Gy, V30Gy, and mean lung dose in the two gated radiotherapy plans were lower than those in the 3D non gating plan (p < 0.001); however, no significant difference was observed between the two gating plans (p > 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The application of respiratory gating could reduce the target volume and the radiation dose that the normal lung tissue received. Compared to prospective respiratory gating, the retrospective gating provides more information about tumor movement in PTV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To propose a straightforward and time-efficient quality assurance (QA) approach of beam time delay for respiratory-gated radiotherapy and validate the proposed method on typical respiratory gating systems, Catalyst™ and AlignRT™.
    METHODS: The QA apparatus was composed of a motion platform and a Winston-Lutz cube phantom (WL3) embedded with metal balls. The apparatus was first scanned in CT-Sim and two types of QA plans specific for beam on and beam off time delay, respectively, were designed. Static reference images and motion testing images of the WL3 cube were acquired with EPID. By comparing the position differences of the embedded metal balls in the motion and reference images, beam time delays were determined. The proposed approach was validated on three linacs with either Catalyst™ or AlignRT™ respiratory gating systems. To investigate the impact of energy and dose rate on beam time delay, a range of QA plans with Eclipse (V15.7) were devised with varying energy and dose rates.
    RESULTS: For all energies, the beam on time delays in AlignRT™ V6.3.226, AlignRT™ V7.1.1, and Catalyst™ were 92.13 ± $ \\pm $ 5.79 ms, 123.11 ± $ \\pm $ 6.44 ms, and 303.44 ± $ \\pm $ 4.28 ms, respectively. The beam off time delays in AlignRT™ V6.3.226, AlignRT™ V7.1.1, and Catalyst™ were 121.87 ± $ \\pm $ 1.34 ms, 119.33 ± $ \\pm $ 0.75 ms, and 97.69 ± $ \\pm $ 2.02 ms, respectively. Furthermore, the beam on delays decreased slightly as dose rates increased for all gating systems, whereas the beam off delays remained unaffected.
    CONCLUSIONS: The validation results demonstrate the proposed QA approach of beam time delay for respiratory-gated radiotherapy was both reproducible and time-efficient to practice for institutions to customize accordingly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Beam delivery latency in respiratory-gated particle therapy systems is a crucial issue to dose delivery accuracy. The aim of this study is to develop a multi-channel signal acquisition platform for investigating gating latencies occurring within RPM respiratory gating system (Varian, USA) and ProBeam proton treatment system (Varian, USA) individually.
    METHODS: The multi-channel signal acquisition platform consisted of several electronic components, including a string position sensor for target motion detection, a photodiode for proton beam sensing, an interfacing board for accessing the trigger signal between the respiratory gating system and the proton treatment system, a signal acquisition device for sampling and synchronizing signals from the aforementioned components, and a laptop for controlling the signal acquisition device and data storage. RPM system latencies were determined by comparing the expected gating phases extracted from the motion signal with the trigger signal\'s state turning points. ProBeam system latencies were assessed by comparing the state turning points of the trigger signal with the beam signal. The total beam delivery latencies were calculated as the sum of delays in the respiratory gating system and the cyclotron proton treatment system. During latency measurements, simulated sinusoidal motion were applied at different amplitudes and periods for complete beam delivery latency evaluation under different breathing patterns. Each breathing pattern was repeated 30 times for statistical analysis.
    RESULTS: The measured gating ON/OFF latencies in the RPM system were found to be 104.20 ± 13.64 ms and 113.60 ± 14.98 ms, respectively. The measured gating ON/OFF delays in the ProBeam system were 108.29 ± 0.85 ms and 1.20 ± 0.04 ms, respectively. The total beam ON/OFF latencies were determined to be 212.50 ± 13.64 ms and 114.80 ± 14.98 ms.
    CONCLUSIONS: With the developed multi-channel signal acquisition platform, it was able to investigate the gating lags happened in both the respiratory gating system and the proton treatment system. The resolution of the platform is enough to distinguish the delays at the millisecond time level. Both the respiratory gating system and the proton treatment system made contributions to gating latency. Both systems contributed nearly equally to the total beam ON latency, with approximately 100 ms. In contrast, the respiratory gating system was the dominant contributor to the total beam OFF latency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Free-running cardiac and respiratory motion-resolved whole-heart five-dimensional (5D) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) can reduce scan planning and provide a means of evaluating respiratory-driven changes in clinical parameters of interest. However, respiratory-resolved imaging can be limited by user-defined parameters which create trade-offs between residual artifact and motion blur. In this work, we develop and validate strategies for both correction of intra-bin and compensation of inter-bin respiratory motion to improve the quality of 5D CMR.
    METHODS: Each component of the reconstruction framework was systematically validated and compared to the previously established 5D approach using simulated free-running data (N = 50) and a cohort of 32 patients with congenital heart disease. The impact of intra-bin respiratory motion correction was evaluated in terms of image sharpness while inter-bin respiratory motion compensation was evaluated in terms of reconstruction error, compression of respiratory motion, and image sharpness. The full reconstruction framework (intra-acquisition correction and inter-acquisition compensation of respiratory motion [IIMC] 5D) was evaluated in terms of image sharpness and scoring of image quality by expert reviewers.
    RESULTS: Intra-bin motion correction provides significantly (p < 0.001) sharper images for both simulated and patient data. Inter-bin motion compensation results in significant (p < 0.001) lower reconstruction error, lower motion compression, and higher sharpness in both simulated (10/11) and patient (9/11) data. The combined framework resulted in significantly (p < 0.001) sharper IIMC 5D reconstructions (End-expiration (End-Exp): 0.45 ± 0.09, End-inspiration (End-Ins): 0.46 ± 0.10) relative to the previously established 5D implementation (End-Exp: 0.43 ± 0.08, End-Ins: 0.39 ± 0.09). Similarly, image scoring by three expert reviewers was significantly (p < 0.001) higher using IIMC 5D (End-Exp: 3.39 ± 0.44, End-Ins: 3.32 ± 0.45) relative to 5D images (End-Exp: 3.02 ± 0.54, End-Ins: 2.45 ± 0.52).
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed IIMC reconstruction significantly improves the quality of 5D whole-heart MRI. This may be exploited for higher resolution or abbreviated scanning. Further investigation of the diagnostic impact of this framework and comparison to gold standards is needed to understand its full clinical utility, including exploration of respiratory-driven changes in physiological measurements of interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the intra- and inter-fractional variation of tumors with fiducial markers (FMs), relative to the tumor-FM distance, to establish how close an FM should be inserted for respiratory-gated stereotactic body radiation therapy (RG-SBRT).
    METHODS: Forty-five lung tumors treated with RG-SBRT were enrolled. End-expiratory computed tomography (CT) (CTplan) and four-dimensional-CT (4D-CT) scans were obtained for planning. End-expiratory CT (CTfr) scanning was performed before each fraction. The FMs were divided into two groups based on the median tumor-FM distance in the CTplan (Dp). For the intra-fractional variation, the correlations between the corresponding tumor and FM intra-fractional motions, defined as the centroid coordinates of those in each 0-90% phase, with the 50% phase of 4D-CT as the origin, were calculated in the left-right, anterior-posterior, and superior-inferior directions. Furthermore, the maximum difference in the tumor-FM distance in each phase of 4D-CT scan, based on those in the 50% phase of 4D-CT scan (Dmax), was obtained. Inter-fractional variation was defined as the maximum distance between the tumors in CTplan and CTfr, when the CT scans were fused based on each FM or vertebra.
    RESULTS: The median Dp was 26.1 mm. While FM intra-fractional motions were significantly and strongly correlated with the tumor intra-fractional motions in only anterior-posterior and superior-inferior directions for the Dp > 26 mm group, they were significantly and strongly correlated in all directions for the Dp ≤ 26 mm group. In all directions, Dmax values of the Dp ≤ 26 mm group were lower than those of the Dp > 26 mm group. The inter-fractional variations based on the Dp ≤ 26 mm were smaller than those on the Dp > 26 mm and on the vertebra in all directions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Regarding intra- and inter-fractional variation, FMs for Dp ≤ 26 mm can increase the accuracy for RG-SBRT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The measurement of aortic dimensions and their evolution are key in the management of patients with aortic diseases. Manual assessment, the current guideline-recommended method and clinical standard, is subjective, poorly reproducible, and time-consuming, limiting the capacity to track aortic growth in everyday practice. Aortic geometry mapping (AGM) via image registration of serial computed tomography angiograms outperforms manual assessment, providing accurate and reproducible 3D maps of aortic diameter and growth rate. This observational study aimed to evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of AGM on non-gated contrast-enhanced (CE-) and cardiac- and respiratory-gated (GN-) magnetic resonance angiographies (MRA).
    METHODS: Patients with thoracic aortic disease followed with serial CE-MRA (n = 30) or GN-MRA (n = 15) acquired at least 1 year apart were retrospectively and consecutively identified. Two independent observers measured aortic diameters and growth rates (GR) manually at several thoracic aorta reference levels and with AGM. Agreement between manual and AGM measurements and their inter-observer reproducibility were compared. Reproducibility for aortic diameter and GR maps assessed with AGM was obtained.
    RESULTS: Mean follow-up was 3.8 ± 2.3 years for CE- and 2.7 ± 1.6 years for GN-MRA. AGM was feasible in the 93% of CE-MRA pairs and in the 100% of GN-MRA pairs. Manual and AGM diameters showed excellent agreement and inter-observer reproducibility (ICC>0.9) at all anatomical levels. Agreement between manual and AGM GR was more limited, both in the aortic root by GN-MRA (ICC=0.47) and in the thoracic aorta, where higher accuracy was obtained with GN- than with CE-MRA (ICC=0.55 vs 0.43). The inter-observer reproducibility of GR by AGM was superior compared to manual assessment, both with CE- (thoracic: ICC= 0.91 vs 0.51) and GN-MRA (root: ICC=0.84 vs 0.52; thoracic: ICC=0.93 vs 0.60). AGM-based 3D aortic size and growth maps were highly reproducible (median ICC >0.9 for diameters and >0.80 for GR).
    CONCLUSIONS: Mapping aortic diameter and growth on MRA via 3D image registration is feasible, accurate and outperforms the current manual clinical standard. This technique could broaden the possibilities of clinical and research evaluation of patients with aortic thoracic diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Individuals with drug-resistant epilepsy may benefit from epilepsy surgery. In nonlesional cases, where no epileptogenic lesion can be detected on structural magnetic resonance imaging, multimodal neuroimaging studies are required. Breath-hold-triggered BOLD fMRI (bh-fMRI) was developed to measure cerebrovascular reactivity in stroke or angiopathy and highlights regional network dysfunction by visualizing focal impaired flow increase after vasodilatory stimulus. This regional dysfunction may correlate with the epileptogenic zone. In this prospective single-center single-blind pilot study, we aimed to establish the feasibility and safety of bh-fMRI in individuals with drug-resistant non-lesional focal epilepsy undergoing presurgical evaluation.
    METHODS: In this prospective study, 10 consecutive individuals undergoing presurgical evaluation for drug-resistant focal epilepsy were recruited after case review at a multidisciplinary patient management conference. Electroclinical findings and results of other neuroimaging were used to establish the epileptogenic zone hypothesis. To calculate significant differences in cerebrovascular reactivity in comparison to the normal population, bh-fMRIs of 16 healthy volunteers were analyzed. The relative flow change of each volume of interest (VOI) of the atlas was then calculated compared to the flow change of the whole brain resulting in an atlas of normal cerebral reactivity. Consequently, the mean flow change of every VOI of each patient was tested against the healthy volunteers group. Areas with significant impairment of cerebrovascular reactivity had decreased flow change and were compared to the epileptogenic zone localization hypothesis in a single-blind design.
    RESULTS: Acquisition of bh-fMRI was feasible in 9/10 cases, with one patient excluded due to noncompliance with breathing maneuvers. No adverse events were observed, and breath-hold for intermittent hypercapnia was well tolerated. On blinded review, we observed full or partial concordance of the local network dysfunction seen on bh-fMRI with the electroclinical hypothesis in 6/9 cases, including cases with extratemporal lobe epilepsy and those with nonlocalizing 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET).
    CONCLUSIONS: This represents the first report of bh-fMRI in individuals with epilepsy undergoing presurgical evaluation. We found bh-fMRI to be feasible and safe, with a promising agreement to electroclinical findings. Thus, bh-fMRI may represent a potential modality in the presurgical evaluation of epilepsy. Further studies are needed to establish clinical utility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To develop a novel deep learning approach for 4D-MRI reconstruction, named Movienet, which exploits space-time-coil correlations and motion preservation instead of k-space data consistency, to accelerate the acquisition of golden-angle radial data and enable subsecond reconstruction times in dynamic MRI.
    METHODS: Movienet uses a U-net architecture with modified residual learning blocks that operate entirely in the image domain to remove aliasing artifacts and reconstruct an unaliased motion-resolved 4D image. Motion preservation is enforced by sorting the input image and reference for training in a linear motion order from expiration to inspiration. The input image was collected with a lower scan time than the reference XD-GRASP image used for training. Movienet is demonstrated for motion-resolved 4D MRI and motion-resistant 3D MRI of abdominal tumors on a therapeutic 1.5T MR-Linac (1.5-fold acquisition acceleration) and diagnostic 3T MRI scanners (2-fold and 2.25-fold acquisition acceleration for 4D and 3D, respectively). Image quality was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively by expert clinical readers.
    RESULTS: The reconstruction time of Movienet was 0.69 s (4 motion states) and 0.75 s (10 motion states), which is substantially lower than iterative XD-GRASP and unrolled reconstruction networks. Movienet enables faster acquisition than XD-GRASP with similar overall image quality and improved suppression of streaking artifacts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Movienet accelerates data acquisition with respect to compressed sensing and reconstructs 4D images in less than 1 s, which would enable an efficient implementation of 4D MRI in a clinical setting for fast motion-resistant 3D anatomical imaging or motion-resolved 4D imaging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Rising cancer incidences, complex treatment techniques, and workflows have all impacted the radiotherapy scheduling process. Intelligent appointment scheduling is needed to help radiotherapy users adapt to new practices.
    UNASSIGNED: We utilized van Herk\'s safety margin formula to determine the radiotherapy department\'s treatment scheduling window (TSW). In addition, we examined the influence of in-room imaging on linac occupancy time (LOT). Varian Aria™ software version 15.1 was used to collect retrospective data on LOT, treatment site, intent, techniques, special protocol, and in-room imaging.
    UNASSIGNED: Treatment scheduling windows varied across treatment sites. The mean TSW using van Herk\'s formalism was 31.5 min, significantly longer than the current TSW of 15 min (P = 0.036), with the pelvic site having the longest (43.8 min) and the brain site having the shortest (12 min). 28% of patients exceeded the in-practice TSW of 15 min. 46.2% of patients had multiple images per fraction, with the proportion being highest in pelvic patients (33%). Patients treated with palliative intent, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, special protocols (bladder protocol and gating), and multiple in-room images per fraction had significantly higher LOT. High treatment time uncertainty was observed in the pelvic and thorax sites, indicating the impact of in-room imaging frequency and on-couch treatment decisions on overall treatment time and indicating that current treatment practices should be reviewed and modified if necessary.
    UNASSIGNED: The time margin recipe can customize the treatment scheduling window and improve treatment practices. This formalism can help manage the radiotherapy department\'s workload and reduce patient wait times.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the performance of respiratory-gating imaging with reduced acquisition time using the total-body positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanner.
    METHODS: Imaging data of 71 patients with suspect malignancies who underwent total-body 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose PET/CT for 15 min with respiration recorded were analyzed. For each examination, four reconstructions were performed: Ungated-15, using all coincidences; Ungated-5, using data of the first 5 min; Gated-15 using all coincidences but with respiratory gating; and Gated-6 using data of the first 6 min with respiratory gating. Lesions were quantified and image quality was evaluated; both were compared between the four image sets.
    RESULTS: A total of 390 lesions were found in the thorax and upper abdomen. Lesion detectability was significantly higher in gated-15 (97.2%) than in ungated-15 (93.6%, p = 0.001) and ungated-5 (92.3%, p = 0.001), but comparable to Gated-6 (95.9%, p = 0.993). A total of 131 lesions were selected for quantitative analyses. Lesions in Gated-15 presented significantly larger standardized uptake values, tumor-to-liver ratio, and tumor-to-blood ratio, but smaller metabolic tumor volume, compared to those in Ungated-15 and Ungated-5 (all p < 0.001). These differences were more obvious in small lesions and in lesions from sites other than mediastinum/retroperitoneum. However, these indices were not significantly different between Gated-15 and Gated-6. Higher, but acceptable, image noise was identified in gated images than in ungated images.
    CONCLUSIONS: Respiratory-gating imaging with reduced scanning time using the total-body PET/CT scanner is superior to ungated imaging and can be used in the clinic.
    CONCLUSIONS: • In PET imaging, respiratory gating can improve lesion presentation and detectability but requires longer imaging time. • This single-center study showed that the total-body PET scanner allows respiratory-gated imaging with reduced and clinically acceptable scanning time.





