
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This research explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychotherapists\' practices and their ability to maintain a framework despite a shared reality with their patients. The specific focus in this article is on the Lebanese context, which is characterized by a series of crises including economic collapse, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beirut blast. The objective of this study was to examine how the destabilization of the meta-frame due to crises necessitates adaptations in theoretical knowledge, practice, and setting.
    METHODS: We conducted a qualitative study among a population consisting of mental health professionals, which were recruited in Lebanon through associations and societies of psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychoanalysts. Data was collected using semi-structured individual interviews. The interviews were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), which allowed for a dynamic exploration of the participants\' experiences.
    RESULTS: Our study revealed four superordinate themes: (1) The strained frontiers; (2) The cumulative traumatic reality and its impact; (3) A challenged professional identity; (4) The creativity stemming from collective trauma.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the insecurity caused by external reality infiltrating the therapeutic setting. Online therapy allowed for continued work, but uncertainty about the online environment\'s impact on therapeutic relationships was observed. The study underscores the importance of adaptability, containment, and support for therapists navigating crises, particularly in the online setting.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Treatment of (chronic) mental disorders must focus on both reducing symptoms and improving social and work participation by social medicine treatments and counselling. The objective of this study was to compare psychotherapy patients who are fit or unfit for work to describe similarities and differences regarding patient status and interventions.
    METHODS: Interviews were performed with 73 cognitive behavior therapists and 58 psychodynamic psychotherapists about 188 and 134 recent cases they had seen, respectively. The case reports referred to patients who were on average 42 years old (65% females).
    RESULTS: There were no differences between patients with no or short-term sick leave (up to 6 weeks, n = 156) and patients with longer sick leave (7 weeks or more, n = 140) with respect to basic characteristics of treatment (side effects, therapeutic alliance). Patients with a longer sick leave duration had more severe capacity and participation impairments and received more specific work participation-oriented treatments, whereas general saluto-therapeutic activities (sports-club, counselling, family-support) were similarly undertaken in patients with shorter or longer sick leave.
    CONCLUSIONS: Therapists chose intervention options according to indication: in patients with work participation problems, more work-related treatments are undertaken, whereas interventions for general mental health improvement are distributed independent of specific work participation problems.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Die Behandlung (chronischer) psychischer Erkrankungen zielt sowohl auf die Symptomreduktion als auch auf die Verbesserung der sozialen und beruflichen Teilhabe durch sozialmedizinische Behandlungen und Beratungen ab. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, arbeitsfähige und arbeitsunfähige Psychotherapiepatienten im Hinblick auf Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede des Patientenstatus und der Behandlungssituation zu vergleichen.
    METHODS: 73 kognitive Verhaltenstherapeuten und 58 psychodynamische Psychotherapeuten wurden zu 188 bzw. 134 aktuellen Patientenbehandlungen befragt. Die Fallberichte bezogen sich auf Patienten, die im Durchschnitt 42 Jahre alt waren (65 % Frauen).
    UNASSIGNED: Es gab keine Unterschiede zwischen Patienten ohne oder mit kurzer Krankschreibung (bis zu 6 Wochen, n = 156) und Patienten mit längerer Krankschreibung (7 Wochen oder mehr, n = 140) in Bezug auf grundlegende Merkmale der Behandlung (Nebenwirkungen, therapeutische Allianz). Patienten mit längerer Krankheitsdauer hatten schwerere Beeinträchtigungen der Leistungsfähigkeit und Teilhabe. Sie erhielten spezifischere, auf die Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben ausgerichtete Behandlungen, während allgemeine salutotherapeutische Aktivitäten (Sportverein, Beratung, Familienunterstützung) bei Patienten mit kürzerer oder längerer Krankheitsdauer in gleicher Weise durchgeführt wurden.
    CONCLUSIONS: Die Therapeuten wählten die Behandlungsoptionen indikationsbezogen aus: Bei Patienten mit Problemen der Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben wurden mehr arbeitsbezogene Behandlungen durchgeführt, während Behandlungen zur Verbesserung der allgemeinen psychischen Gesundheit unabhängig von spezifischen Problemen der Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben eingesetzt wurden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current demographic change means that young psychotherapists and older patients will increasingly come into contact. Unique for this constellation is the intergenerational therapeutic relationship, which forms the basis of psychotherapy, but has not yet been the focus of empirical research. This qualitative study provides preliminary insights into how older patients (aged over 65) experience and perceive the therapeutic relationship with young psychotherapists (aged in their mid-20s to mid-30s). We conducted semi-structured interviews with twelve older patients (8 women, 4 men) and analysed their data using the grounded theory approach. We found a connection between the type of transference a participant demonstrated and their biographical as well as social experiences, desires, and fantasies. Overall, a tendency to seek harmony was observed among the participants, which was reflected in their behaviour towards young psychotherapists: (a) conflict avoidance, (b) (fantasised) therapy discontinuation, (c) adaption/subordination, and (d) solidarity, support, and protection. Our findings demonstrated that various intergenerational transference phenomena, including the roles in which young therapists are perceived, are associated with certain particularities and challenges, such as the topic of sexuality. It can be valuable for young psychotherapists to become aware of a potential role reversal that may result in older patients trying to support them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: While adverse impacts of climate change on physical health are well-known, research on its effects on mental health is still scarce. Thus, it is unclear whether potential impacts have already reached treatment practice. Our study aimed to quantify psychotherapists\' experiences with patients reporting climate change-related concerns and their views on dealing with this topic in psychotherapy.
    METHODS: In a nationwide online survey, responses were collected from 573 psychotherapists from Germany. Therapists reported on the presence of such patients, their socio-demographic characteristics, and climate change-related reactions. Psychotherapists\' views on dealing with this topic in psychotherapy were also assessed. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the responses.
    RESULTS: About 72% (410/573) of psychotherapists indicated having had patients expressing concerns about climate change during treatment. Out of these therapists, 41% (166/410) stated that at least one patient sought treatment deliberately because of such concerns. Patients were mainly young adults with higher education. Most frequent primary diagnoses were depression, adjustment disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. Psychotherapists having encountered such patients differed from those without such encounters in their views on potential functional impairment and the necessity to target the concerns in treatment. Although 79% (326/415) of all respondents felt adequately prepared by their current therapeutic skills, 50% (209/414) reported a lack of information on how to deal with such concerns in therapy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate that psychotherapists are frequently confronted with climate change-related concerns and regard the mental health impact of climate change on their patients as meaningful to psychotherapeutic care. Regular care could be improved by a continuous refinement of the conceptualization and knowledge of the mental health influences of climate change. This would allow providing tailored methods of assessing and addressing climate change-related concerns in practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on patient-reported outcomes data analyzed at the provider level, there is evidence that psychotherapists can possess effectiveness strengths and weaknesses when treating patients with different presenting concerns. These within-therapist differences hold promise for personalizing care by prospectively matching patients to therapists\' historical effectiveness strengths. In a double-masked randomized controlled trial (RCT; NCT02990000), such matching outperformed pragmatically determined usual case assignment-which leaves personalized, measurement-based matching to chance-in naturalistic outpatient psychotherapy (Constantino et al., JAMA Psychiatry 78:960-969, 2021). Demonstrating that personalization can be even more precise, some research has demonstrated that the strength of this positive match effect was moderated by certain patient characteristics. Notably, though, it could also be that matching is especially important for some therapists to achieve more effective outcomes. Examining this novel question, the present study drew on the Constantino et al. (JAMA Psychiatry 78:960-969, 2021) trial data to explore three therapist-level moderators of matching: (a) effectiveness \"spread\" (i.e., greater performance variability across patients\' presenting problem domains), (b) overestimation of their measurement-based and problem-specific effectiveness, and (c) the frequency with which they use patient-reported routine outcomes monitoring in their practice. Patients were 206 adults, randomized to the match or control condition, treated by 40 therapists who were crossed over conditions. The therapist variables were assessed at the trial\'s baseline and patients\' symptomatic/functional impairment and global distress were assessed regularly up to 16 weeks of treatment. Hierarchical linear models revealed that only therapist effectiveness spread significantly moderated the match effect for the global distress outcome; for therapists with more spread, the match effect was more pronounced, whereas the match effect was minimal for therapists with less effectiveness spread. Notably, two therapist-level covariates unexpectedly emerged as significant moderators for the symptomatic/functional impairment outcome; for clinicians who consistently treated patients with higher versus lower average severity levels and who relatedly treated a higher proportion of patients with primary presenting problems of substance misuse or violence, the beneficial match effect was even stronger. Thus, measurement-based matching may be especially potent for therapists with more variable effectiveness across problem domains, and who consistently treat patients with more severe presenting concerns or with particular primary problems, which provides further precision in conceptualizing personalized care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have shown that therapists\' performance varies, known as therapist effects, and have indicated that therapists who excel in one treatment outcome may not necessarily be effective in other outcomes. This observational naturalistic study aimed to enhance our understanding of therapist effects and the assessment of therapists\' performance in different areas. The study included 68 therapists and 5,582 clients from a large mental health facility. Information about their learning activities was available for a subsample of 49 therapists. Separate multilevel analyses were conducted for treatment outcomes, including case mix-corrected OQ-45 change scores, dropout rates, referrals to other facilities, treatment duration, and client satisfaction ratings. A hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to identify groups of therapists based on their performance across various treatment outcomes. Additionally, differences in therapist characteristics among the clusters identified were examined. Therapist effects varied across different outcomes, ranging from small (2.6% for OQ-45 change) to moderate (6.5% for number of sessions). The cluster analysis revealed four distinct clusters of therapists with specific profiles. They had performance differences in certain areas but not in others. This exploratory study supports the notion that therapists exhibit diverse profiles regarding treatment outcomes. These findings are significant for future investigations of therapist effects that aim to identify the characteristics of effective therapists and in the context of personalizing treatment for clients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sense of control is an integral part of well-being. Studies have reported on the connection between loss of control and psychological symptoms. However, loss of sense of control has not yet been studied from the perspective of psychotherapists.
    This study had three research objectives: to find out how psychotherapists define loss of sense of control, whether they consider loss of sense of control to play a role in the start of psychological symptoms, and, if so, in what cases. Lebanese psychotherapists were interviewed and the data were then analyzed using frame analysis.
    The analysis revealed two definitions for loss of sense of control and conflicting views on whether it plays a role in the onset of disorders. Problems within relationships and stress were the most mentioned examples of loss of sense of control.
    The findings shed light on psychotherapists\' diverse opinions and explanations regarding the role of loss of sense of control in the development of psychological symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research focused on the intricacies of mental health within the psychotherapist community, a domain currently understudied. A recent study suggests a better overall mental health profile for Austrian psychotherapists compared to the general population. However, a substantial proportion of psychotherapists still exhibited scores beyond the cut-off for clinically significant mental disorders, potentially undermining the efficacy of patient outcomes. A cross-sectional study was conducted between April to June 2023, enrolling a cohort of 502 Austrian psychotherapists (79.7% female; mean age: 53.4 ± 9.26 years). The analysis leveraged indicators for symptoms of depression (PHQ-2), anxiety (GAD-2), insomnia (ISI-2), stress (PSS-4), and overall well-being (WHO-5). Key correlations were revealed using multivariable logistic regressions incorporating sociodemographic, work-related, and health behavior variables. Mental health symptoms in psychotherapists were associated with lower income, lesser physical activity, employment in outpatient facilities, less experience in the field, and a smaller patient load. Notably, physical activity emerged as a significant protective component, underscoring regular exercise as a vital self-care routine for psychotherapists. Adequate income also presented as a crucial contributor to mental health stability. These findings augment our understanding of the complex dynamics influencing psychotherapists\' mental health, potentially enhancing their well-being and optimizing professional output.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The support of professional interpreters is an essential component of adequate mental health care for migrants with limited language proficiency. Nevertheless, for varied reasons, only a small proportion of outpatient psychotherapists provide interpreter-mediated psychotherapy for migrants. This study explored the perspectives of psychotherapists who have not worked with professional interpreters in outpatient mental health care to identify factors that may prevent the use of interpreters in outpatient care and explore possible incentives to provide interpreter-mediated psychotherapy for migrants with limited language proficiency. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 outpatient psychotherapists in Northern Germany who had not yet worked with professional interpreters in outpatient care. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and analysed using a structured content analysis approach. The psychotherapists named structural as well as subjective barriers and concerns. Findings suggest that improving structural factors, such as secure funding, minimal additional work, better preparation and training could facilitate the integration of professional interpreters into everyday treatment. Psychotherapists also mentioned concerns about their own confidence (e.g., insecurities regarding the triadic situation), the patient (e.g., reduced openness), the interpreter (e.g., doubts about suitability, motivation and empathy), as well as the therapeutic process (e.g., unclear allocation of roles). However, positive aspects and opportunities of interpreter-mediated psychotherapy were also described. These could be enhanced by the presence of conducive factors, such as existing trust between all parties and professional cooperation between interpreter and psychotherapist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to recognize and work with patients\' emotions is considered an important part of most psychotherapy approaches. Surprisingly, there is little systematic research on psychotherapists\' ability to recognize other people\'s emotional expressions. In this study, we compared trainee psychotherapists\' nonverbal emotion recognition accuracy to a control group of undergraduate students at two time points: at the beginning and at the end of one and a half years of theoretical and practical psychotherapy training. Emotion recognition accuracy (ERA) was assessed using two standardized computer tasks, one for recognition of dynamic multimodal (facial, bodily, vocal) expressions and one for recognition of facial micro expressions. Initially, 154 participants enrolled in the study, 72 also took part in the follow-up. The trainee psychotherapists were moderately better at recognizing multimodal expressions, and slightly better at recognizing facial micro expressions, than the control group at the first test occasion. However, mixed multilevel modeling indicated that the ERA change trajectories for the two groups differed significantly. While the control group improved in their ability to recognize multimodal emotional expressions from pretest to follow-up, the trainee psychotherapists did not. Both groups improved their micro expression recognition accuracy, but the slope for the control group was significantly steeper than the trainee psychotherapists\'. These results suggest that psychotherapy education and clinical training do not always contribute to improved emotion recognition accuracy beyond what could be expected due to time or other factors. Possible reasons for that finding as well as implications for the psychotherapy education are discussed.





