
  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1042379.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In the present study, we introduce human lacrimal gland imaging using an ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) with a soft cover and show their findings.
    METHODS: The representative UBM findings of palpebral lobes in seven subjects (four with non-Sjögren dry eye syndrome, one with Sjögren syndrome, and two healthy subjects) were described in this study. To prolapse the palpebral lobe, the examiner pulled the temporal part of the upper eyelid in the superotemporal direction and directed the subject to look in the inferonasal direction. We scanned the palpebral lobes longitudinally and transversely using UBM. We used an Aviso UBM with a 50 MHz linear probe and ClearScan.
    RESULTS: In UBM of two healthy subjects, the echogenicity of the lacrimal gland was lower than that of the sclera and homogeneous. But the parenchyma of a patient with Sjögren dry eye syndrome was quite inhomogeneous compared to the healthy subjects. In two patients with dry eye syndrome, we were able to observe some lobules in the parenchyma. We could find excretory ducts running parallel at the surface of the longitudinal section in some subjects. In the longitudinal UBM scan of a subject, we observed a tubular structure at a depth of 1,500 μm that was considered a blood vessel. It ran from the superonasal to the inferotemporal direction. In a subject, we observed a large cyst beneath the conjunctiva.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lacrimal gland imaging using UBM has both advantages of optical coherence tomography and sonography, and could be useful for evaluating dry eye syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Parieto-occipital encephalomalacia is a macroscopic appearance of the brain with loss of cerebral parenchyma associated with gliosis in the brain\'s anatomical structures. It occurs because of the liquefaction of brain parenchymal necrosis after cerebral ischemia, infection, and haemorrhages. It is often surrounded by glial cell proliferation in response to damage. Rehabilitation after the manifestation of neurological function must be tailored, and well-coordinated intervention must be formulated. We present a case study of a 77-year-old male with parieto-occipital encephalomalacia associated with genu varum deformity with a complaint of generalized weakness, vertigo, giddiness, and fall with one episode of a seizure attack. Further, bilateral genu varum deformity was noted on the knees. Encephalomalcia is associated with vitamin D deficiency. The physiotherapy rehabilitation consisted of resolving the symptoms of the patient, along with working on strengthening weak muscles of the genu varum deformity of the patient. The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) method is a popular rehabilitation strategy for regaining motor function. Numerous outcome measures were used to monitor the patient\'s progress. Outcome measures such as the tone grading scale (TGS), motor assessment scale (MAS), dynamic gait index (DGI), Barthel index (BI), and world health-related quality-of-life (WHORQOL) scales were used. The rehabilitation lasted for six weeks. Tele-rehabilitation also plays a crucial impact in the recovery of patients. By the end of our rehabilitation, the patient significantly improved in performing activities of daily living and improved his quality of life. Tele-rehabilitation helped us stay connected with the patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, heat, and cold stress prevailing in natural habitats affect plant growth and development. Different species modify their structural and functional traits to combat these abiotic stresses while growing in stressful environments. Cenchrus species, i.e., Cenchrus pennisetiformis, C. setiger, and C. prieurii are widely distributed grasses found growing all over the world. Samples from natural populations were collected from different ecological regions in the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa that were exposed to aridity, salinity, and cold, while one site was designated as normal control. In the present study, structural and functional modifications of three Cenchrus species under abiotic stresses were evaluated. It was expected that each Cenchrus species may evolve different strategies to cope with multiple abiotic stresses. All Cenchrus species responded differently whether growing in normal environment or stressful conditions. The most remarkable feature for survival in C. pennisetiformis under cold stress was increased inflorescence and increased stem and root lignification. C. prieurii showed better tolerance to saline and cold environments. C. setiger showed better development of leaf sheath anatomical traits. The structural and functional modifications in Cenchrus species such as development of mechanical tissues provided structural support, while dermal and parenchymatous tissues increased water storage capacity and minimized water loss. An increase in the concentration of organic osmolytes and ionic content aids turgor pressure maintenance and ionic content crucial for plant growth and development. It was concluded that structural and functional alterations in all Cenchrus species were very specific and critical for survival under different environmental stresses. The ecological fitness of these species relied on maintenance of growth and biomass production, and the development of mechanical, vascular, dermal and parenchyma tissues under stressful environmental conditions. Moreover, accumulation of beneficial ions (K+ and Ca2+) and organic osmolytes were critical in turgor maintenance, hence survival of Cenchrus spp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The automatic segmentation of brain parenchyma and cerebrospinal fluid-filled spaces such as the ventricular system is the first step for quantitative and qualitative analysis of brain CT data. For clinical practice and especially for diagnostics, it is crucial that such a method is robust to anatomical variability and pathological changes such as (hemorrhagic or neoplastic) lesions and chronic defects. This study investigates the increase in overall robustness of a deep learning algorithm that is gained by adding hemorrhage training data to an otherwise normal training cohort.
    UNASSIGNED: A 2D U-Net is trained on subjects with normal appearing brain anatomy. In a second experiment the training data includes additional subjects with brain hemorrhage on image data of the RSNA Brain CT Hemorrhage Challenge with custom reference segmentations. The resulting networks are evaluated on normal and hemorrhage test casesseparately, and on an independent test set of patients with brain tumors of the publicly available GLIS-RT dataset.
    UNASSIGNED: Adding data with hemorrhage to the training set significantly improves the segmentation performance over an algorithm trained exclusively on normally appearing data, not only in the hemorrhage test set but also in the tumor test set. The performance on normally appearing data is stable. Overall, the improved algorithm achieves median Dice scores of 0.98 (parenchyma), 0.91 (left ventricle), 0.90 (right ventricle), 0.81 (third ventricle), and 0.80 (fourth ventricle) on the hemorrhage test set. On the tumor test set, the median Dice scores are 0.96 (parenchyma), 0.90 (left ventricle), 0.90 (right ventricle), 0.75 (third ventricle), and 0.73 (fourth ventricle).
    UNASSIGNED: Training on an extended data set that includes pathologies is crucial and significantly increases the overall robustness of a segmentation algorithm for brain parenchyma and ventricular system in CT data, also for anomalies completely unseen during training. Extension of the training set to include other diseases may further improve the generalizability of the algorithm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling has been associated with chronic lung diseases. However, information about specific age-associated differences in lung ECM is currently limited. In this study, we aimed to identify and localize age-associated ECM differences in human lungs using comprehensive transcriptomic, proteomic, and immunohistochemical analyses. Our previously identified age-associated gene expression signature of the lung was re-analyzed limiting it to an aging signature based on 270 control patients (37-80 years) and focused on the Matrisome core geneset using geneset enrichment analysis. To validate the age-associated transcriptomic differences on protein level, we compared the age-associated ECM genes (false discovery rate, FDR < 0.05) with a profile of age-associated proteins identified from a lung tissue proteomics dataset from nine control patients (49-76 years) (FDR < 0.05). Extensive immunohistochemical analysis was used to localize and semi-quantify the age-associated ECM differences in lung tissues from 62 control patients (18-82 years). Comparative analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic data identified seven ECM proteins with higher expression with age at both gene and protein levels: COL1A1, COL6A1, COL6A2, COL14A1, FBLN2, LTBP4, and LUM. With immunohistochemistry, we demonstrated higher protein levels with age for COL6A2 in whole tissue, parenchyma, airway wall, and blood vessel, for COL14A1 and LUM in bronchial epithelium, and COL1A1 in lung parenchyma. Our study revealed that higher age is associated with lung ECM remodeling, with specific differences occurring in defined regions within the lung. These differences may affect lung structure and physiology with aging and as such may increase susceptibility to developing chronic lung diseases.NEW & NOTEWORTHY We identified seven age-associated extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, i.e., COL1A1, COL6A1, COL6A2 COL14A1, FBLN2, LTBP4, and LUM with higher transcript and protein levels in human lung tissue with age. Extensive immunohistochemical analysis revealed significant age-associated differences for COL6A2 in whole tissue, parenchyma, airway wall, and vessel, for COL14A1 and LUM in bronchial epithelium, and COL1A1 in parenchyma. Our findings lay a new foundation for the investigation of ECM differences in age-associated chronic lung diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is an urgent need to stimulate agricultural output in many tropical and subtropical countries of the world to combat hunger and malnutrition. The starchy crop cassava (Manihot esculenta), growing even under sub-optimal conditions, is a key staple food in these regions, providing millions of people with food. Cassava biotechnology is an important technique benefiting agricultural progress, but successful implementation of many biotechnological concepts depends on the availability of the right spatiotemporal expression tools. Yet, well-characterized cassava promoters are scarce in the public domain. In this study, we investigate the promoter activity and tissue specificity of 24 different promoter elements in stably transformed cassava plants. We show that many of the investigated promoters, especially from other species, have surprisingly low activity and/or tissue specificity, but feature several promoter sequences that can drive tissue-specific expression in either autotrophic-, transport- or storage tissues. We especially highlight pAtCAB1, pMePsbR, and pSlRBCS2 as strong and specific source promoters, pAtSUC2, pMeSWEET1-like, and pMeSUS1 as valuable tools for phloem and phloem parenchyma expression, and pStB33, pMeGPT, pStGBSS1, as well as pStPatatin Class I, as strong and specific promoters for heterotrophic storage tissues. We hope that the provided information and sequences prove valuable to the cassava community by contributing to the successful implementation of biotechnological concepts aimed at the improvement of cassava nutritional value and productivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The advent of high-throughput sequencing and population genomics has enabled researchers to investigate selection pressure at hypervariable genomic loci encoding pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) molecules like lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Xanthomonas is a model and a major group of phytopathogenic bacteria that infect hosts in tissue-specific manner. Our in-depth population-based genomic investigation revealed the emergence of major lineages in two Xanthomonas pathogens that infect xylem of rice and sugarcane is associated with the acquisition and later large-scale replacement by distinct type of LPS cassettes. In the population of the rice xylem pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) and sugarcane pathogens Xanthomonas sacchari (Xsac) and Xanthomonas vasicola (Xvv), the BXO8 type of LPS cassette is replaced by a BXO1 type of cassette in Xoo and by Xvv type LPS cassette in Xsac and Xvv. These findings suggest a wave of parallel evolution at an LPS locus mediated by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events during its adaptation and emergence. Aside from xylem pathogens, two closely related lineages of Xoo that infect parenchyma of rice and Leersia hexandra grass have acquired an LPS cassette from Xanthomonas pathogens that infect parenchyma of citrus, walnut, and strawberries, indicating yet another instance of parallel evolution mediated by HGT at an LPS locus. Our targeted and megapopulation-based genome dynamic studies revealed the acquisition and dominance of specific types of LPS cassettes in adaptation and success of a major group of phytopathogenic bacteria. IMPORTANCE Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major microbe associated molecular pattern and hence a major immunomodulator. As a major and outer member component, it is expected that LPS is a frontline defense mechanism to deal with different host responses. Limited studies have indicated that LPS loci are also highly variable at strain and species level in plant-pathogenic bacteria, suggesting strong selection pressure from plants and associated niches. The advent of high-throughput genomics has led to the availability of a large set of genomic resources at taxonomic and population levels. This provides an exciting and important opportunity to carryout megascale targeted and population-based comparative genomic/association studies at important loci like those encoding LPS biosynthesis to understand their role in the evolution of the host, tissue specificity, and also predominant lineages. Such studies will also fill major gap in understanding host and tissue specificity in pathogenic bacteria. Our pioneering study uses the Xanthomonas group of phytopathogens that are known for their characteristic host and tissue specificity. The present deep phylogenomics of diverse Xanthomonas species and its members revealed lineage association and dominance of distinct types of LPS in accordance with their origin, host, tissue specificity, and evolutionary success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xylem is a crucial tissue for plant survival, performing the functions of water transport, mechanical support and storage. Functional trade-offs are a result of the different assemblages of xylem cell types within a certain wood volume. We assessed how the volume allocated to different xylem cell types can be associated with wood functional trade-offs (hydraulics, mechanical and storage) in species from the Cerrado, the Brazilian savanna. We also assessed the xylem anatomical characters linked to wood density across species.
    We analysed cross-sections of branches collected from 75 woody species belonging to 42 angiosperm families from the Cerrado. We estimated the wood volume fraction allocated to different cell types and performed measurements of vessel diameter and wood density.
    The largest volume of wood is allocated to fibres (0.47), followed by parenchyma (0.33) and vessels (0.20). Wood density is positively correlated to cell wall (fibre and vessel wall), and negatively to the fractions of fibre lumen and gelatinous fibres. We observed a trade-off between hydraulics (vessel diameter) and mechanics (cell wall fraction), and between mechanics and storage (parenchyma fraction). The expected positive functional relationships between hydraulics (vessel diameter) and water and carbohydrate storage (parenchyma and fibre lumen fractions) were not detected, though larger vessels are linked to a larger wood volume allocated to gelatinous fibres.
    Woody species from the Cerrado show evidence of functional trade-offs between water transport, mechanical support and storage. Gelatinous fibres might be potentially linked to water storage and release by their positive relationship to increased vessel diameter, thus replacing the functional role of parenchyma and fibre lumen cells. Species can profit from the increased mechanical strength under tension provided by the presence of gelatinous fibres, avoiding expensive investments in high wood density.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding pulmonary diseases requires robust culture models that are reproducible, sustainable in long-term culture, physiologically relevant, and suitable for assessment of therapeutic interventions. Primary human lung cells are physiologically relevant but cannot be cultured in vitro long term and, although engineered organoids are an attractive choice, they do not phenotypically recapitulate the lung parenchyma; overall, these models do not allow for the generation of reliable disease models. Recently, we described a new cell culture platform based on H441 cells that are grown at the air-liquid interface to produce the SALI culture model, for studying and correcting the rare interstitial lung disease surfactant protein B (SPB) deficiency. Here, we report the characterization of the effects of SALI culture conditions on the transcriptional profile of the constituent H441 cells. We further analyze the transcriptomics of the model in the context of surfactant metabolism and the disease phenotype through SFTPB knockout SALI cultures. By comparing the gene expression profile of SALI cultures with that of human lung parenchyma obtained via single-cell RNA sequencing, we found that SALI cultures are remarkably similar to human alveolar type II cells, implying clinical relevance of the SALI culture platform as a non-diseased human lung alveolar cell model.





