
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated three dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) MRI methods for sensitively monitoring glucose uptake and clearance in both brain parenchyma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at clinical field strength (3 T). By comparing three sequences, namely, Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG), on-resonance variable delay multipulse (onVDMP), and on-resonance spin-lock (onSL), a high-sensitivity DGE MRI scheme with truncated multilinear singular value decomposition (MLSVD) denoising was proposed. The CPMG method showed the highest sensitivity in detecting the parenchymal DGE signal among the three methods, while both onVDMP and onSL were more robust for CSF DGE imaging. Here, onVDMP was applied for CSF imaging, as it displayed the best stability of the DGE results in this study. The truncated MLSVD denoising method was incorporated to further improve the sensitivity. The proposed DGE MRI scheme was examined in mouse brain with 50%/25%/12.5% w/w D-glucose injections. The results showed that this combination could detect DGE signal changes from the brain parenchyma and CSF with as low as a 12.5% w/w D-glucose injection. The proposed DGE MRI schemes could sensitively detect the glucose signal change from brain parenchyma and CSF after D-glucose injection at a clinically relevant concentration, demonstrating high potential for clinical translation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xylem traits are critical plant functional traits associated with water transport, mechanical support, and carbohydrate and water storage. Studies on the xylem hydraulic efficiency-safety tradeoff are numerous; however, the storage function of xylem parenchyma is rarely considered. The effects of a substantial number of xylem traits on water transport, embolism resistance, mechanical support, storage capacity and nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) content were investigated in 19 temperate broadleaf species planted in an arid limestone habitat in northern China. There was no xylem hydraulic efficiency-safety tradeoff in the 19 broadleaf species. The total parenchyma fraction was negatively correlated with the fiber fraction. Embolism resistance was positively correlated with indicators of xylem mechanical strength such as vessel wall reinforcement, vessel wall thickness and fiber wall thickness, and was negatively related to the axial parenchyma fraction, especially the paratracheal parenchyma fraction. The paratracheal parenchyma fraction was positively correlated with the ratio of the paratracheal parenchyma fraction to the vessel fraction. In addition, the xylem NSC concentration was positively related to the total parenchyma fraction and axial parenchyma fraction. There was a storage capacity-embolism resistance tradeoff in the xylem of 19 broadleaf species in arid limestone habitats. We speculate that the temperate broadleaf species may show a spectrum of xylem hydraulic strategies, from the embolism resistance strategy related to a more negative P50 (the water potential corresponding to 50% loss of xylem conductivity) to the embolization repair strategy based on more paratracheal parenchyma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigating space allocation patterns of plant secondary xylem along a latitudinal gradient is useful to evaluate structure-function tradeoffs in woody angiosperm xylem. An anatomical dataset including 700 woody angiosperm species across China was compiled together with latitudinal and climate data for each species. The relative tissue fractions of vessels, fibers, and parenchyma (including ray and axial parenchyma) in xylem were analyzed to determine the effect of latitudinal differences and phylogeny on anatomical variation. The analyses revealed a trade-off between vessel and non-vessel fraction across latitude, with tissue fraction trade-offs mainly occurring between vessels and fibers, and between fibers and total parenchyma. Among 13 climate variables, thermal indices generally had greater explanatory power than moisture indices in bi-variate models for all cell types, while mean annual temperature, mean temperature of the coldest month, and annual actual evapotranspiration were included in the top multi-variate models explaining variance of different tissue fractions. Phylogeny and climate together explained 57-73% of the total variation in xylem space occupancy, with phylogeny alone accounting for over 50% of the variation. These results contribute to our knowledge of wood structure-function and are relevant to better understand forest response to climate change.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Non-Hodgkin\'s lymphomas (NHL) with intracranial origin are very rare and constitutes about 1-2% of primary central nervous system lymphomas (PCNSL). Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common subtype of NHL and mostly seen in immunocompromised patients. Therefore, the occurrence of giant solitary DLBCL in an immunocompetent patient is puzzling. We present a case of 68-year-old man who was admitted at our facility with a history of \"hypomnesia of two (2) months\" duration. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a space occupying lesion in the bilateral frontal lobe and corpus callosum measuring about 5.4cm * 4.6cm * 3.8cm with mixed signal intensities and vasogenic edema around the mass. Radiological, this mass was mistaken for meningioma until histopathological studies revealed DLBCL. Giant solitary primary intracranial lymphomas are very rare and can be mistake for meningioma even with very experience radiologist or neurosurgeon since the radiological features of PCNSL can be very unspecific. We achieved to total resection because of the giant and solitary nature of our case. The prognosis of PCNSL is general very poor when the patient is immunocompromised. In immunocompetent patients, who are well managed with surgery and chemotherapy, the overall survival and quality of life can very encouraging.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nonfunctional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NF-pNETs) in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), which results from a mutation in the MEN1 gene, are commonly small, multiple tumors located in the pancreatic head and inside the pancreatic parenchyma. We herein describe a 35-year-old woman with bone pain and a 7-year history of a prolactinoma. She was clinically diagnosed with MEN1 based on the presence of the prolactinoma and parathyroid hyperplasia. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a 5-cm mass close to the splenic hilum. This soft tissue tumor, which was located outside the pancreatic parenchyma and the tissue origin of which could not be identified preoperatively, was found to be connected to the pancreatic tail. After resection, histological examination revealed a well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor of pancreatic origin. Genetic testing revealed a heterozygous transition mutation of guanine to adenine at the coding nucleotide 133 in exon 2 (c.133G>A), resulting in an amino acid substitution of glutamic acid with lysine (E45K) in the MEN1 gene. This patient with MEN1 presented with a clinical condition involving a single non-metastatic NF-pNET located outside the pancreatic parenchyma with a missense mutation in the MEN1 gene, which could easily have been misdiagnosed as an accessory spleen.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Primary diffuse leptomeningeal gliomatosis (PDLG) is a rare and fatal disease with no special clinical manifestations. Here, we report the dynamic brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) changes in a 30-year-old female PDLG patient over a 10-month period. MRI showed aggressive dilation of the subarachnoid space and the ventricular system, numerous encapsulated cysts in the subarachnoid space and the dilated cerebral sulci, diffuse reticulated or focal nodular enhancement in the subarachnoid space, as well as overall enhancement in the cystic walls. In addition to the aforementioned PDLG pathological findings, MRI also revealed non-contrasted solid lesions and a contrasted cyst-like lesion in the paraventricular areas. The dynamic and multiform neuroradiological changes help us to understand the pathological process of PDLG. Of particular interest is the discovery that parenchymal infiltration can occur in PDLG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parenchyma represents a critically important living tissue in the sapwood of the secondary xylem of woody angiosperms. Considering various interactions between parenchyma and water transporting vessels, we hypothesize a structure-function relationship between both cell types. Through a generalized additive mixed model approach based on 2,332 woody angiosperm species derived from the literature, we explored the relationship between the proportion and spatial distribution of ray and axial parenchyma and vessel size, while controlling for maximum plant height and a range of climatic factors. When factoring in maximum plant height, we found that with increasing mean annual temperatures, mean vessel diameter showed a positive correlation with axial parenchyma proportion and arrangement, but not for ray parenchyma. Species with a high axial parenchyma tissue fraction tend to have wide vessels, with most of the parenchyma packed around vessels, whereas species with small diameter vessels show a reduced amount of axial parenchyma that is not directly connected to vessels. This finding provides evidence for independent functions of axial parenchyma and ray parenchyma in large vesselled species and further supports a strong role for axial parenchyma in long-distance xylem water transport.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this case report is to discuss the clinicopathological features of a patient with a primary renal carcinoid tumor.
    METHODS: We report on the clinical and pathological information of one case of a patient with a primary renal carcinoid tumor as well as review relative literature.
    RESULTS: The patient was diagnosed with a renal tumor when she received physical examination, and exhibited no positive symptoms. The diameter of tumor was 5 cm, the cross surface of the tumor was light yellow and firm, and the central part was soft with hemorrhage and necrosis. Immunohistochemical staining revealed strong and diffuse staining with synaptophysin, chromogranin A, and neuron-specific enolase.
    CONCLUSIONS: A primary renal carcinoid tumor is extremely rare. Surgical resection is a preferred therapeutic method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In recent years considerable effort has focused on linking wood anatomy and key ecological traits. Studies analysing large databases have described how these ecological traits vary as a function of wood anatomical traits related to conduction and support, but have not considered how these functions interact with cells involved in storage of water and carbohydrates (i.e. parenchyma cells).
    METHODS: We analyzed, in a phylogenetic context, the functional relationship between cell types performing each of the three xylem functions (conduction, support and storage) and wood density and theoretical conductivity using a sample of approx. 800 tree species from China.
    RESULTS: Axial parenchyma and rays had distinct evolutionary correlation patterns. An evolutionary link was found between high conduction capacity and larger amounts of axial parenchyma that is probably related to water storage capacity and embolism repair, while larger amounts of ray tissue have evolved with increased mechanical support and reduced hydraulic capacity. In a phylogenetic principal component analysis this association of axial parenchyma with increased conduction capacity and rays with wood density represented orthogonal axes of variation. In multivariate space, however, the proportion of rays might be positively associated with conductance and negatively with wood density, indicating flexibility in these axes in species with wide rays.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that parenchyma types may differ in function. The functional axes represented by different cell types were conserved across lineages, suggesting a significant role in the ecological strategies of the angiosperms.





